Enter World of Warcraft with Dark Skills

Chapter 168 Joy and sorrow are not the same

Chapter 168 Joy and sorrow are not the same

What Tyrande faced was not a group of zombies who only knew how to cut down trees, she encountered a powerful death knight.

It was leading a large army through the jungle. It was obvious that their target was the Druid Temple. As for how it knew this information, it was because there were several Death Sentinels in its team.

Tyrande knew that the sisters were dead, and they were resurrected by the death knight as undead soldiers. Fortunately, few people in the Sentinel Corps knew the secret of the archdruid's retreat. Moreover, this forest was not friendly to outsiders. It was full of thorns, dense trees, and rivers, making it impossible for them to stay in prison for the rest of their lives.

But she had to speed up, otherwise once these undead souls captured the temple and took away the Horn of Cenarius, she would not be able to wake up the sleeping druids. In that case, the Sentinels alone would not be able to fight against the Burning Legion.

A brutal war is about to begin. Tyrande looked at the sisters around her, not knowing who would survive and who would die. They have protected this world for 10,000 years, but still have to face a cruel fate. The youngest sister here is only a teenager.

Cenarius had just died, and his daughter, Lunala, the guardian of the Shadow Forest, armed herself, took her javelin, and took her companion Effie to the battlefield. She pinned a dream flower on her left arm, which was her remembrance of her father.

I hope they can be reunited when its father returns from the Emerald Dream one day!
Everyone has his own destiny to face, and no one can stay out of it. The glory and applause we enjoy are all earned with blood and sweat.

"Sisters, it has been ten thousand years. Our former enemies have returned to our world. It is a great favor from the world that we have been able to enjoy ten thousand years of peace. Now it is time for us to pick up our bows and arrows once again."

"Shandris, Lunala, let's go!"

"As you command, High Priest!"

"Hey! For nature!"


This was the name of Thrall's father, and he used it to name the orcs' new homeland.

Chieftain Thrall stood on a stone mountain near the newly built settlement. Looking at the red earth in front of him, he couldn't help but sigh. The orcs still couldn't escape their cursed fate.

Originally, the orcs thought that coming to Kalimdor from the East Continent would be a new beginning. However, as soon as they arrived, they received two pieces of troublesome news.

The first is that humans have also come. The powerful leader has come here with his allies.

He was still so difficult to deal with. As soon as he arrived in Kalimdor, he let a goblin join them. This allowed them to get help from the goblin machinery. And a few days ago he received a message that a huge totem pole appeared at the crossroads, and there were some unusually tall figures in their team. This meant that he had gained new allies.

Another thing is that Grommash Hellscream is in trouble again. He had a violent conflict with a group of natives in Ashenvale, and they have lost contact in recent days.

Last night, the Horde's shaman Drek'Thar personally led a team into the Warsong Logging Camp and captured several orcs.

Drek'Thar told it that the people of the Warsong Clan had once again succumbed to power, drank the blood of demons, and become slaves of the demons.

These two things made it very confused.

At this time, a gust of evening breeze blew, carrying the red sand unique to Durotar, and hit Thrall's strong body.

There was a rustling sound of footsteps approaching him. He knew who the owner of the voice was. He did not put on a serious expression to give his subordinates confidence. He also did not turn around to listen to his subordinates' reports.

The person who came was his true friend. Vol'jin, the leader of the Darkspear trolls. He was also its most staunch supporter. It had just recently emerged from the chaos of its migration.

"Great Chief, we are facing a desperate situation."

Sal listened quietly to his old friend's voice

"We are facing internal and external troubles. Internally, some people hope to gain benefits through war, while others hope to gain help through peaceful exchanges. The Warsong Clan has fallen into darkness again and needs us to save it.

To the outside world, we see enemies everywhere.”

Thrall knew the situation the tribe was facing, but he had no idea how to solve it. Vol'jin said softly, "We need to seek help."

"Who can we ask for help?"

Vol'jin whispered, "The Spirits told me that we should go to Stonetalon Mountains immediately, where we can find help from the Oracle."

"With the Oracle's help, we were able to resolve the Grommash problem. Next we have to face the demon invasion.

They won't have the energy to deal with us until they solve the problem of the demon invasion."

In fact, what Woking was thinking was: "Although we are not the most powerful, we are numerous. No one will kill so many people."

A grand banquet was being held, with all the leaders of the alliance gathered together.

The design of this place is very tall and solid, even a Minotaur can easily find a seat here. Some people say that this is because the great sage Demetria foresaw the coming of the Minotaur.

At eight o'clock in the evening, Tyran Fording put on the newly designed Alliance Marshal's uniform and walked into the venue on time. Jaina happily took his arm.

As he came in, everyone stood up from their seats. Taelan Fording walked to the center of the venue.

He greeted the participants calmly and announced the start of the banquet. This banquet was held to welcome the Tauren to join the Alliance of Azeroth. Of course, Cairne Bloodhoof's speech was indispensable.

This chief really fits the rhythm of the Alliance very well. He met everyone politely, and then met with the leaders of various races under the introduction of Taelan Fording.

Finally, he briefly recounted the history of the Tauren and announced that the Tauren would join the Alliance and fight for it. Taelan Fordring then introduced the night elf named Alena to everyone. She attended the meeting as an observer.

At the meeting, she told everyone the recent situation of the Sentinel Corps without any reservation.

"Our world is under the dual threat of demons, undead, and orcs."

"All peace-loving races should unite to defeat these enemies."

After the event was over, the leaders of each tribe sat down to discuss how to deal with the Burning Legion.

Taelan Fording spoke first: "The Burning Legion's goal is to destroy the world. So there is no point in talking to them. Only by defeating them can we survive."

Calia Menethil, Queen of Lordaeron, asked:

"So what should we do? Should we support the night elves?"

Kael'thas Sunstrider said: "We have not yet completely controlled Mulgore. The capital has just begun to be built. There are still some harpy invasions there."

Apparently the high elves believed that internal problems should be resolved first.

In fact, this is a big problem. The Alliance has not yet completely controlled Mulgore, and the Tauren have not completed the construction of their new home. They still chose to build a village near Stone Bull Lake. And they have just experienced a split.

Before entering the Alliance territory, Magatha's Grimtotem tribe took the initiative to leave the Alliance and chose to continue moving southward into the Thousand Needles to find new territory.

The Blackhorn family under her command left her and chose to follow Chieftain Cairne Bloodhoof to settle in Stone Ox Village. Looking at her lonely back, Hamuil Runetotem didn't know what to feel.

Sure enough, only people who share the same ideals as you will stay with you to the end.

When people with different values ​​get together, it only adds to their troubles.

(End of this chapter)

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