Chapter 169 Jindi Fireworks
After listening to everyone's speeches, Falstad said frankly, "I don't know the night elves, but from Alena, I see the possibility of peaceful coexistence. They may be arrogant and closed, but at least they are not our enemies at the moment."

Alena had really helped a lot these days, she had improved the wheat seeds of the Alliance in more than a month, and had planted many trees in the hills near the crossroads. Moreover, she was a Kaldorei who listened to advice, and she accepted Taelan Fording's suggestion of hybrid planting of multiple species of trees.

Jaina has begun to adapt to her identity. She said: "I personally think we should speed up our contact with the night elves and learn more about them. After all, the crisis of demons is imminent."

Archmage Rommath and Cairne Bloodhoof are both leaders of the older generation. They have experienced much more than these young people.

Finally, Cairne Bloodhoof suggested that everyone wait a while, integrate their own strength, and run in their mixed forces. After all, this was the first time the Alliance had the support of druids and shamans. They had to find a way to cooperate with each other as soon as possible.

The addition of Tauren Shaman and Soul Walker makes the Alliance's melee forces even more powerful.

Tauren warriors are the ultimate killers on the front battlefield. Their skill Totem Crush can quickly clear out a large number of low-level troops, especially against cannon fodder like ghouls.

The combination of Tauren and Priest is an ace combination on the front battlefield.

The durability aura that Cairne Bloodhoof possesses is also a powerful weapon for large-scale combat. He can perfectly cooperate with the purification aura of Tyran Fordring.

In the end, it was the oldest Romance who explained: “Now we are strong enough for us to wait.

It is natural for the weak to ask for help from the strong, and the strong should help the weak upon request. Otherwise, they will be seen as having ulterior motives. "

"Strength is the capital we are waiting for."

"We should integrate the troops of various races as soon as possible. Retire those troops that have no advantages, such as high elf warriors, tauren pathfinders and the like."

"There is another important event, and that is the Mage Council."

The Grand Mage said solemnly: "It is time to rebuild the Mage Council. The Alliance does not need to rebuild a Dalaran, but it should rebuild a mage organization. Future wars will be fought by large troop groups or special operations by teams of extraordinary people."

Finally, everyone reached a consensus and formed the Alliance Spellcaster Council, with humans occupying three seats, high elves occupying two seats, and the other races occupying one seat each.

Finally, the conference elected members of the Spellcaster Council. The human members included Archmage Rhonin, Jaina, and Archmage Angela Dusatus. The competition among the High Elves was more intense, and in the end, King Kael'thas himself and Archbishop of the Holy Light, Solanlian, were elected.

The dwarf will temporarily be served by Falstad, who was nominated by Has Stonewine.

The representative of the dwarves, the little goblin was naturally elected.

At this meeting, Tyran Fording first met the apprentice who had just started learning magic, Jindi Sparks, who was chosen by Jaina as her first magic apprentice. Her father recently went on a reconnaissance mission, and she would stay at Tyran's house from today.

Looking at the child's pink hair, a few freckles around his nose and a chubby chin, Taelan Fording almost couldn't hold back his tears. This special pink hair reminded him of the lamplighter in Dalaran at night!

I really hope there are more lights in the world waiting for family members who come home late, and fewer people lighting lights; I really hope that this world allows everyone to have a home to return to.

These few days were the last peaceful days for the Alliance, and everyone was seizing the time to deal with various problems. And Tyran Fording began to adjust his state. He knew that a war of unprecedented scale was about to begin.

He has already dispatched Sylvanas Windrunner to lead an Alliance scout force into Ashenvale.

The cauldron has been opened there. Sylvanas informed Tyran Fordring through a special magical message last night. Grommash Hellscream, the leader of the Warsong Clan who has fallen into the evil orcs, was captured by Thrall. The one who helped him was the prophet.

Another top-secret letter recorded a secret. The damned Prince Arthas had arrived. He had killed several night elf sentinel captains, and of course orcs, and even led a general of the Burning Legion to his death. Tyran Fordring immediately understood the prince's operation. He was afraid that not enough people would die on both sides, and the hatred would not be great enough. His goal was to balance the power of the Burning Legion and the Alliance. He wanted them to fight to the death as much as possible. The more people died on both sides, the more souls Frostmourne controlled, and the stronger its power would be.

This made Tyran Fording think of a crisis. That is, the prince might not guide Illidan to defeat Tichondrius. If Tichondrius continued to summon demons, the outcome of this war would be unpredictable.

It's time to meet the legendary demon hunter.

Felwood, Shadow Hold.

A strong night elf who had lost his eyes walked out of the cell and moved his neck.

Then he stood there in a daze, and in front of him stood a slender woman, wearing the robes of a high-ranking priest of the Sisterhood of Elune, and a layer of light armor on the outside.

Something must have happened, he sensed it carefully. The power of the fel energy! The evil was constantly expanding in the originally peaceful Felwood Forest, devouring the forest, and he even heard the painful cries of his compatriots.

He raised his long eyebrows: "Tyrande, it's been ten thousand years. You finally came to see me."

Tyrande responded beautifully: "Illidan, the Burning Legion has come to our world again. This time they are not only more powerful, but also brought with them the terrible Scourge. Our people are suffering."

"Illidan, we need your strength!"

Illidan Stormrage felt a pain in his heart: So that's it. She didn't ask about him, didn't care about how he spent the past ten thousand years. She cared about her own strength.

"Okay! Tyrande, I will help you."

He watched Tyrande leave with her little follower Shandris Feathermoon, and she didn't even look at the watcher lying on the ground. She was shot in the abdomen, and if she lay on the ground like this, the bleeding would kill her.

Illidan frowned. The life of a superior for ten thousand years had made her indifferent.

She has changed, isn't it the same for me?

Illidan grabbed the sentinel by the collar and pulled the arrow out of her abdomen. The watcher looked at the blood gushing out of her abdomen. She knew she was dying.

Illidan found a dry spot and let her sit against the wall. Then he stretched out his right hand, and bang!
A powerful force of fire erupted from his hand, which was firmly pressed on the abdomen of the watcher.

A scream!
A strange fragrance wafted out.

Illidan turned and walked out without looking back.

He would always remember the time when he was discovered for creating the new Well of Eternity.

He sat on the edge of the cliff, waiting for the verdict of fate. A little girl he saved in the war put a small yellow flower on his hand that had turned into a devil's claw.

"You are a good man!"

"Good people will always be rewarded! There will always be someone who understands you!"

(End of this chapter)

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