Enter World of Warcraft with Dark Skills

Chapter 170 Illidan Stormrage

Chapter 170 Illidan Stormrage
Papapapa! The sound of footsteps echoed in the dark cave.

Although I lost my eyes, I can see more.

Ten thousand years later, the sky lost its blue color, and the surrounding green trees lost their vitality. The earth was dying. A dark energy was spreading. A bear monster rushed over with bloodshot eyes.

Illidan Stormrage put away his sword and breathed the first breath of free air in ten thousand years. He turned his head and closed his eyes. When he opened them again, the green magic aura had been ignited.

From the extraordinary world, he once again carefully looked at the place where he had lived for ten thousand years. Then he looked around, and the beautiful figure had disappeared.

"Goodbye! Just consider the old Stormrage dead! Perhaps it would be better this way, but where is that cliff, that child, that yellow flower, that person?

Let's find the source of the pollution first. I must do what I promised her. After that, I want to do something great. Only I can completely save our people.

What I need is power. Absolute power."

He hadn't taken action for so long that his reaction slowed down. Soon he passed a demon camp. He rushed over, and sure enough, even a knife would lose its edge after ten thousand years.

But he is not an ordinary knife, he is a hunter. The tricks of the devil can deceive the eyes of mortals, but they cannot deceive the vision of the devil hunter.

When he walked out of the small camp with wounds all over his body, he had regained his confidence.

The subsequent operations went smoothly. He killed many demons alone, including powerful destruction guards and demon wizards.

But he felt something was wrong. The number of demons did not decrease, but increased. The further he went, the more demons there were. He even saw many undead wizards who used shadow power. This should be the natural disaster she mentioned!
This was not going to work, he had to find their source. Soon he found a Sylvara in a larger demon camp, and he had not forgotten the spell to enslave demons.

He finally found the source that the demons used to pollute the Felwood Forest: the Skull of Gul'dan!

The head of a powerful orc warlock.

The story of this artifact is quite legendary, and its legendary story is far from over.

In pursuit of power, Gul'dan brought the Stormreaver Clan and the Twilight's Hammer Clan to the Broken Isles, but he was torn to pieces by demons that rushed out of the cemetery.

Its head was brought back to Draenor by the Stormraiders. It later changed hands several times before being acquired by Harkan Skullbreaker, the chieftain of the Bonechewers, who wore it as an ornament on his chest. That was until Grommash Hellscream of the Warsong Clan came to persuade it to join the old tribe.

The rude Harkan was killed by Grommash on the spot, and the legendary item came into the hands of his former teacher, Ner'zhul.

Later, in order to escape from the dying Draenor world that had been tortured by them, Ner'zhul searched for the Eye of Dalaran and the Book of Medivh. Their treasure hunt in the world of Azeroth was frustrated. In the end, it was the black dragon king Neltharion who helped them.

The condition was to help the black dragon king transport some dragon eggs to Draenor. In the end, the old black dragon took the skull as a reward.

The Black Dragon King brought this treasure to Blade's Edge Mountains, where it met its lifelong enemy: Archmage Khadgar. The mage of Dalaran used the unlocking spell on it during the battle between the Black Dragon King and Gruul. Its armor was torn open and magma flowed.

This forced the Black Dragon King to flee. The Skull of Gul'dan eventually fell into the hands of the Alliance. It was kept in Dalaran.

During the Third War, Dalaran was destroyed by Archimonde. The Skull of Gul'dan became ownerless. Not long ago, Tichondrius, the leader of the Nathrezim, summoned it to Felwood through a strange summoning ritual using demon blood. Now it has become the artifact of the Legion to pollute Felwood.

Illidan heard the news. A terrible thought came to his mind:

I can destroy Gul'dan's head and absorb the power inside it. In this way, I will have infinite demonic power.

At the same time, I can fulfill my promise to Tyrande. It's really killing two birds with one stone.

After all, he is a hunter, and he is a local hunter. It is easy for him to find such a big target.

So he began to look for the powerful treasure, and soon he found it near a demon camp.

Illidan rushed into the demon camp. Because all the troops had been sent to other places, there were not many demon soldiers left here.

He quickly killed several powerful demons. It approached the treasure. Just as he was about to pick up the treasure, the sky suddenly darkened. Then a strange whistling sound was heard.

Illidan, whose senses had been restored, had to give up the Skull of Gul'dan that was about to be in his hands. He jumped away swiftly.

Boom boom boom! There were continuous loud noises, and meteorites hit the ground one after another. Illidan dodged continuously. Finally, he swung his huge strange weapon: the Glaive of Azzinoth, and slashed with two crossed blades. He smashed the last falling meteorite.

The meteorites that fell to the ground pounded huge pits in the tortured ground of Felwood. The flaming stones in the pits quickly stood up. They became Hellfire Guards.

Three tall Hellfire Guards roared together and rushed towards Illidan Stormrage.

Tichondrius is clearly improving as well, reducing the number of summoned infernals while increasing the power of those summons.

In order to attack the great lord Tailan, it summoned eight hellfires at once. Unfortunately, they didn't even touch the corner of the great lord's clothes. The speed of the demigod is too fast, and the attack power is too strong. The more time-limited hellfires against ordinary soldiers, the better. But against a legend, it is of little use.

So this time, it summoned Hellfire Guards instead. These tall stone men, with flames burning on their bodies, constantly hurt everything around them and destroyed everything in front of them. They would not stop until they were killed or the energy given to them by the summoner was exhausted.

Illidan Stormrage felt the pressure, and he jumped continuously, killing the three Hellfire Guards with his agile movements and sharp blade.

"Devil, this thing can't kill me!"

While Illidan Stormrage was dealing with the Infernals, Tichondrius had not been idle, and had prepared gifts to welcome the hunter.

In fact, there are no prey and hunters in this world, there is only hunting. The identities of hunters and prey can change at any time. And high-end hunters often appear in the form of prey.

The hunter now is Tichondrius. After Anar Theron's soul was cruelly taken away by the great lord, the cunning Nathrezim have prayed to their leaders for new power.

(End of this chapter)

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