Enter World of Warcraft with Dark Skills

Chapter 194 Sylvanas and Whisper

Chapter 194 Sylvanas and Whisper
Sylvanas Windrunner woke up from her sleep, and a chill surrounded her. This is the Barrens, where it is hot all year round.

The small window was blown open by the night wind. This was a sentry post, and the windows were designed to be relatively small, but the cold wind still blew in.

A night alone is really hard to endure. Since her sister and the now popular big boss Luo Ning left yesterday, she can only keep watch alone.

Intelligent life forms are all social animals, even high elves are no exception. They also have social needs, and hope to have a hot meal when they return home and a hug at night.

But she didn't.

All she wanted was revenge. The current Alliance provided the high elves with a living space, and the existence of the great lords prevented them from being affected by magic addiction. Instead, those compatriots who stayed in Quel'Thalas were tortured.

Some people have already applied to come to the Barrens to participate in the research of new magic barriers. However, I heard that there were problems with shipping in the Endless Sea, which delayed the latest personnel transfer for a while.

She should have been content. She shouldn't have complained about being saved from death. Besides, she was well-known in Mount Hyjal and was now considered one of the best generals in the Alliance.

But even animals know that after they are full, they need to eat well, and so does she. There is nothing wrong with pursuing happiness. But where is her happiness?

In the nightmare that night, Liadrin's words were actually her own answer to herself. She shouldn't ask for too much. There was only one Taelan Fordring, and he belonged to Jaina. If he agreed to her, he would not be Taelan Fordring.

What you gain from giving is equal to what you lose.

But she seemed to be trapped in a vicious circle. She began to have nightmares. Every nightmare was related to Taelan Fording. It was related to eyes, tentacles, and hearts. She always felt that Taelan Fording was going to meet with misfortune.

Yesterday she had drawn the image she saw in her dream and showed it to the tight-lipped wizard Romans.

Rommath has recently served as Chief of Staff of the Alliance along with Shandris Feathermoon, and he has come into contact with many ancient documents of the night elves.

Her drawing was actually terrible, but the big eyes were so obvious. Rommath immediately told her that it was the ancient god C'Thun.

The old and wise Rommath looked at Sylvanas Windrunner's worried face and said seriously: "You are too nervous. What have you encountered recently?"

Sylvanas didn't want her secret to be revealed, so she had to lie: this was what the Farstriders heard from the goblin merchants.

The Archmage warned her seriously, asking her to adjust her mindset quickly. Rommath had heard about the High Elves going crazy in Tirisfal Glades. Coincidentally, the High Elves also lived very close to humans at that time.

Sylvanas Windrunner stood up and closed the window. She walked to the door and turned the lock. Fortunately, the door was locked.

She quickly took off her clothes, revealing her fair and attractive body. Then she wiped her body with the water and towel she had prepared in advance, and now she felt much more comfortable.

Although cleansing magic can have a similar effect, it is just like magic bread can temporarily satisfy hunger. Eating too much of that taste will make people want to commit suicide. It is just as unbearable as the antidote made by Jaina.

She lay in bed, and through the small window she could see the light of the blue boy falling on the earth. The sky was clear and full of stars, which made her feel even more lonely.

No, in a few days the Alliance army will go to clear Razorfen Downs and Razorfen Marsh, and the little lion will also set out to Silithus to raid the ruins of Ahn'Qiraj.

I had to follow him no matter what, because I always felt that something would happen to him.

I asked Master Yip to tell my fortune yesterday. It's very hard to meet her. Soon, it was dawn. Sylvanas did not go home, but attended a combat meeting.

Shandris Feathermoon distributed the pile of documents in front of her to the leaders present.

"The people living in Razor Marsh and Razor Highlands are all descendants of the demigod Agamaggan who died."

"Unfortunately, they have fallen. Yesterday an owl named Shirley from the Sentinels sent a message. She saw a lich enter Razorfen Downs."

"The high priest has decided to send high-ranking priests from the Sisterhood to participate in this cleanup operation. Some druids who have settled in Mulgore will also participate in this operation."

Apparently Malfurion accepted the advice of Taelan Fordring, and many druids were not sleeping in the Emerald Dream. They were sent to the Alliance's capital to support construction.

Tyran Fording said, "Then this time, Kael and Gavinrad will be the commanders of the Razor Highlands campaign, General Sylvanas will be the commander of the reconnaissance force, and Blackhorn Grimtotem will be the commander of the vanguard force. Our priests and spellcasting troops will be led by the high priest himself.

Teacher, you have to work hard, and you will be in charge of the mechanical troops."

He paused for a moment and said, "Brother Halduron, please hand over your work and prepare to go to Silithus with me. This expedition cannot be separated from the support of the Farstriders."

Sylvanas Windrunner immediately knocked on the table, then stood up and said, "Grand Marshal, I apply to join the expedition to Silithus."

Seeing her insistence, Halduron Brightwing had no choice but to sit down. They had worked together for a long time, so long that he had developed a habit.

Tyran Fording frowned, and it was obvious that his left foot was a little uncomfortable. He had no choice but to change his words: "Okay, then Brother Halduron, you and General Sylvanas will switch places. You will be the commander of the logistics troops and the Farstriders."

Then he added, "Chief Cain, Lady Liadrin, Lady Shandris Feathermoon, and General Sylvanas, you must be ready. We will rest for a day tomorrow and set out the day after tomorrow."

Everyone had no objection to the personnel selection. After King Kael'thas experienced the Battle of Mount Hyjal, not only did his magical power grow, but his identity as the king of the Alliance was also accepted by everyone. More importantly, he also established a sense of belonging to the Alliance.

As for Gavinrad, he is the perfect candidate to command the former Silver Hand, now the Crusaders of Azelena. He represents both humanity and Lordaeron.

The Grimtotem tribe led by Blackhorn has been accepted. He also participated in the Battle of Mount Hyjal. His bravery and loyalty to the Alliance have also been recognized by everyone.

Seeing that no one had any objections, Tyran Fording announced the adjournment of the meeting, and the remaining matters were to be handled by the responsible generals. He never interfered with the work of the generals who had already accepted the mission. Trust the people you employ!
Kael'thas, Cairne Bloodhoof, and Calia Menethil have a lot of political decisions to discuss, which is none of Taelan Fordring's business.

Some of the habits of these races can just counterbalance some of the bad habits of humans. These two kings and chiefs are people who can think about their people.

Even if it was Prince Kael'thas in the original novel, he did a pretty good job. As for his later fall, as long as you see the fel crystal on his chest, you know that it wasn't him.

He is dead! He died on the way to Outland. He failed to find a source of energy for the high elves, and he was not redeemed.

I hope he can lead his people to gain a place in this life! I hope he doesn't have to struggle to survive in the Shadow Realm with the sin monument on his back.

Even in that state, he did not forget his people, nor did he forget to atone for his sins.

(End of this chapter)

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