Enter World of Warcraft with Dark Skills

Chapter 195 Today's Efforts and Future Generations' Wisdom

Chapter 195 Today's Efforts and Future Generations' Wisdom

Your brother is always your brother. In one's life, one must have a few good brothers.

That night, in addition to Cairne Bloodhoof who was going to act with Tyran Fordring, Kael'thas brought Tyran's teacher Solanlian and Has Stonewine to say goodbye to Tyran Fordring. They were going to go to Razor Highlands tomorrow.

This Razor Highlands is not a low-level small dungeon. It is very huge, and there are several legends guarding it. For example, Blackthorn and Amenna, they are very powerful legends. And they occupy the geographical advantage.

The reason why he acted so quickly was that the operation in Silithus could not be delayed. His unexpected ally had already sent back intelligence.

Cho'gall really entered the ruins of Ahn'Qiraj and sacrificed an artifact from Outland to strengthen the power of the Old God. I just don't know if he has bypassed the bronze dragon's beetle wall and seen the true body of the Old God.

Kael'thas was obviously a frequent visitor here. He poured himself a glass of red wine. Perhaps being around familiar people made him forget about the noble etiquette for a while. He buried himself in a large specially made sofa.

"We have fought more wars this year than I have in hundreds of years of my life. We are like a fire brigade, fighting from the Eastern Kingdoms all the way to Mount Hyjal.

When winter comes, we might march into Silithus again."

Obviously, the high elves, who had no shortage of magical energy, were not so radical. Even Liadrin, who loved to curse, did not have a dark face all day long.

Taelan Fording shrugged:

"Of course, we should solve the problems that we can solve. We can't leave everything to the younger generation."

"Think about it, if we do nothing now. Just sit back and let ourselves get drunk and dream, and then say: let's put the dispute aside and leave it to future generations to deal with, and trust in the wisdom of future generations."

"Do you think they will curse when faced with the mess left behind by their ancestors' inaction?"

"When problems arise, they should be solved as soon as possible. The longer you wait, the more complicated things will become. The greater the price you will pay."

"Shall we wait until C'Thun has his noose around our necks before we move?"

Kael'thas nodded and agreed with this statement. If they had taken advantage of the great victory that year to completely eliminate the trolls, would the orcs have been attracted to attack Quel'Thalas?
Terenas, if his father and those kings had sacrificed themselves and executed those orcs without any care, would they have been in this embarrassing situation today?
The orcs in Durotar have become a thorn in the side of the Alliance. The cost of destroying them is too high. War is not in the current interest.

And Taelan Fording himself could not ignore Broxigar's sacrifice. In a sense, the bronze dragon Anachronos won half the battle. He roasted Taelan Fording on the fire, and lost half of his life.

In the culture of chivalry, some people would sacrifice their lives for justice, but no one is willing to bear the infamy of being an executioner. Faced with the choice of Stratholme, not to mention Jaina, a foreign princess, even Tyran Fordring could not bear the infamy of massacring the city for Arthas. After all, even his teacher Uther could not do it.

In the end, it was Taelan Fordring’s dwarf teacher, Harth Stonewine, who summed it up: “Just do your best!”

"At least this way the kids won't blame us in the future."

Jaina did not take Taelan Fording's wine, but he had to travel far away tomorrow. This time Jaina would go with him. Her powerful teleportation was exactly what this team needed.

The next day, they had a lot of things to deal with in advance, and they also had to go to the hospital to visit Tirion Fording who had recovered. He had lost a lot of weight and had some white hair on his temples, but he was in good spirits. He held his son's hand, which was a great comfort to him.

It was already night when they returned from the hospital. Jaina and Tyran Fording walked slowly along the main road of the Crossroads Fortress. The street lights on both sides were already on.

These street lamps are a combination of dwarf technology and goblin technology and do not require lamplighters.

They walked forward hand in hand like an ordinary couple. The street lights that were already on stretched their shadows very long.

Jaina's magic tower has already begun construction. King Kael'thas's magic tower was built first, and then Rhonin. When the magic towers of the six archmages are all built, the magic zone will be complete.

Taelan Fording planned this place as a permanent fortress with military as the main purpose. It is divided into several important areas, including the Magic Council area, the Holy Light Church area, the Extraordinary and Craftsmen area, the Military area, the Residential area, and the School area.

However, the reality did not necessarily develop as expected. Because this is the residence of the demigods, it has become the safest place in the world, and it is protected by several wizard towers. It attracts people of all races to come here. There are many humans here, but it is not uncommon to see night elves or high elves here. Don't be surprised even if you see a few dryads.

Druids are also very common. They are either planting trees or on their way to plant trees. It is said that the government is preparing to introduce the Way of Nature into schools. I believe that it is not impossible for human druids to appear in the future.

Crossroads is a fortress city after all, so it promotes different races to live in different areas. This makes management easier and reduces the chance of conflicts. As for the daytime, except for special areas such as military camps and scientific research institutions, you can enter and exit freely with the identity card of dwarf technology.

Jaina asked, "You work so hard just to protect the people of the Alliance?"

Taelan Fording said: "At first, I just wanted to survive. It was my father and Master Krasus who protected me. Archbishop Faol and the Red Dragon Queen helped me without asking for anything in return.

Over the years, I have experienced a lot and have seen how helpless and vulnerable ordinary people are when faced with disasters. When they are alive, they are like a dispensable speck of dust; when they die, they are just a string of statistics.

But they are so strong, such as Sully Ballou and Kelly Dake. They have no background and no strong power, but they all live their own lives. When others need help and when the world needs them to make sacrifices, they stand up without hesitation.

I just gave them a new opportunity when disaster struck. As for the power of choice, it is in their own hands. "

"Even if Azeroth collapses, the Crossroads will be their last home."

Nothing happened that night, and the sun rose on time the next day.

Taelan Fording once again embarked on a new journey. This time they had to go deep into the ruins of Ahn'Qiraj, clear the beetle platform, and find Carrie's mother.

After returning, Taelan Fordring will have to reinforce the camp of the Cenarion Circle and clean up the troublesome Emperor's Hive.

Then, they gradually devoured the surrounding insect nests, waiting for the arrival of the alliance army.

They walked out of the fortress at the crossroads and set foot on the Golden Road in the Barrens. This road runs from north to south, through the entire Barrens. It is the lifeline of this land. Now most of it is controlled by the Alliance, except for the Razor Mountains in the south.

Today, the Sweet Water Oasis has become a large orchard. The lake has expanded a lot, and the trees around it are getting taller and taller. The sea buckthorn trees on the periphery have extended to the edge of the Golden Road. Apparently, the druid master has decided to plant and improve the new tree species here.

The greedy hyenas and cruel centaurs were gone. They were all wiped out by the Crusaders led by Paris. Some of the chocobos were captured and tried to be domesticated, while others were still wandering in the wilderness.

At this time, he saw a small group of students coming out for the trial. Those children were all familiar to him, and the one rushing in the front was Baine Bloodhoof, followed by Mero Yunge, Emily Dawnseeker, and little Pamela.

Now Bane is fighting with two Chocobos. Bane doesn't have the talent like his father, but he has a special tenacity. The experience of being captured last time also made him grow up. He is already a qualified Alliance reserve warrior.

The two chocobos attacked Baine from the front and back, but he was not afraid. He seemed to have understood well what Tyran Fording said: It is better to cut off one finger than to hurt ten fingers.

He threw his solid back to a not-so-smart Chocobo, and caught the one that looked smart and beat it up! For a moment, the beautiful bird feathers flew into the sky, and the Chocobo let out a quack.

Soon it was frightened and turned and fled. The three girls behind him treated Baine Bloodhoof, kept watch for him, and criticized his fighting skills.

Soon the remaining chocobo was also knocked down by Bane. His back was covered with bruises. Then he crawled to the ground and started to dig out the nest of the two chocobos. Soon he found two bird eggs.

He lit a bonfire and started roasting bird eggs. He then shared the roasted eggs with his companions. He gasped and endured the pain while eating them in big mouthfuls.

Tyran Fording looked at the honest Baine and the three little girls, then turned to Cairne Bloodhoof and said, "Baine will become an outstanding general of the Alliance sooner or later."

"Let's work harder and solve more problems so that our children will suffer less in the future."

Kane nodded: "Each generation has its own mission. The harder we work, the happier they will be. Let's go!"

(End of this chapter)

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