Chapter 20 Six Forces
In the magic eyes of the Archmage Krasus, Taelan Fording constantly absorbed the energy around him and transformed it into holy light in his body. He exuded an aura that made people unconsciously approach him. No wonder Antonidas called him the Son of Light! His soul was also very powerful, even reaching the standard of learning magic. Once he mastered enough knowledge of mysticism, he could manipulate the power of holy light at will like a mage manipulating arcane energy.

As long as he is well trained for a few years, this boy will be able to complete the task of saving the queen. So the great wizard raised his hand, and a very thick book flew out from the bookshelf. It had a thick cover, and the corners of the book were wrapped with a special metal. On the cover were written a row of Elvish and a text that Tailan did not recognize.

Krasus said: "This is my treasured magic book. It is written in the language of the High Elf. When you go back, start learning the High Elf language and then read the book slowly. You can ask your father for advice on weapons and combat techniques."

He then continued, "You are still too young, and there is still plenty of time. Don't rush for success. All great achievements come from the accumulation of little by little. I will go to Master Antonidas to discuss the matter of the Violet Eye later!"

Then Krasus asked Tirion to wait outside in the living room. He had something to say to his apprentice alone.

In Azeroth, there are two types of apprentices.

The first type is the relationship between most instructors and magic apprentices in Dalaran. Their mentor-apprentice relationship is the same as that of universities on Blue Star. Apprentices pay tuition fees, and instructors receive commissions. Then they teach the entire class through public courses, and the content of the teaching is limited to introductory knowledge and the items specified in the teaching plan formulated by the school.

The second type is apprentices who are accepted for the purpose of inheriting the knowledge system, which is the most stable master-apprentice relationship.

Nobles inherit by blood, scholars inherit by knowledge. Apprentices are the bearers of the mentor's thoughts and power system.

Only this teacher would ask his apprentices every question and explain the truth of this world.

Even though Tirion Fordring and Taelan are father and son, once he found out that his son was born a transcendent, he did not mention the power system and source to Taelan. Because this is the responsibility of his true mentor! And due to their own knowledge, everyone has a different division of the world's power system.

Crassus said:

Our world is called Azeroth. It is a very small world in an infinite universe.

But it is different from other worlds, and no one knows how it was created. But its essence is extremely high.

I have heard about your knowledge of the orcs. You should know that their world is called Draenor. Compared with Draenor, Azeroth is countless times more powerful than it. That is because the world of Azeroth can generate all six forces by itself.

The following conversation involves ancient secrets, so you must not tell anyone. That is, Azeroth can accommodate true gods. Draenor can only accommodate demigods at most. "

"The real power in our universe is called the Force. And in the vast universe, there are six major forces."

“They are divided into two opposing factions, Life and Void. In ancient legends, they created six Eternals to protect their power.

These six forces are

Life - Death,
Holy Light - Void,
Arcane - Fel

They are opposite to each other, mutually reinforcing and mutually restraining! "

Then Krasus conjured up a light screen. It recorded all six forces, their masters, and the characteristics of these forces. They were:

Arcane - Typhon - Order

Holy Light - Naaru - Assimilation

Life - Isis - Evolution

Fel Energy - Satan - Chaos

Void - Void - Nothingness

Death - Unknown - Eternal Silence

Tyran Fording was so shocked that he didn't know what to say. Because in his memory, there was no division of power between the two true gods at the beginning of creation, only the six original forces were mentioned. And the idea of ​​the Eternals corresponding to the six original forces had never appeared.

In Taelan Fording's memory, magic does represent order. Its master is called a Titan. Not Typhon. And Typhon is not a good guy either, but in Greek mythology, Typhon is indeed a Titan! He is the son of Gaia, the mother of the earth.

According to legend, Typhon was born in a cave in Cilicia. He has a dragon head, a pitch-black tongue, fire-breathing eyes, a body taller than the sky, and is covered with feathers and has a pair of wings.

Typhon and his wife Echidna gave birth to many terrible monsters, such as the hundred-headed dragon Ladon, the nine-headed serpent Hydra, the three-headed hellhound Cerberus, the two-headed dog Eutelsus, the Nemean lion, the Chimaera, the Sphinx, the sea monster Scylla, etc.

If you think about it carefully, Titan and this Typhon are really a bit similar.

What's even more strange is that the representative of the Void is not the Lord of the Void. Of course, it is also possible that everyone doesn't know this famous ultimate villain yet.

The representative of death should be the warden, but Crassus said that no one knows who the master of death is.

At this time, Tailan suddenly thought of the Titans corresponding to each profession in Hearthstone. The Titan of the Death Knight, who represents death, is the Lord of Arms! This is quite interesting.

There are still many things that Taelan Fording knows for the first time. These things need to be verified slowly. Isn't there a part about the beginning of creation in his legendary quest? When he has time in the future, he can slowly search and verify.

Krasus watched as Taelan memorized everything about the six forces. Then he said, "Now I will explain to you the level division of the world of Azeroth."

"The power levels in the world of Azeroth are divided into three levels, namely extraordinary, heroic, and legendary."

“In fact, in the real top world, there are still demigods, eternal beings, and true gods above the legends!
In our faction, we call the Eternals false gods."

Then there is the classification of mortals, which is divided into ten levels! Every ten levels is one level. In the realm of false gods, the highest level is ten, which is one hundred levels.

The level is based on your profession. The known combat professions include warrior, priest, mage, hunter, druid, and rogue. These are the basic professions. Based on the basic profession, the promotion and transfer are called advanced professions. For example, Paladin, Ranger, Monk.

Since there are combat professions, there are non-combat professions, such as farmers, engineers, blacksmiths, and tailors. They all have their own level caps! Everyone has their own main profession! Other professions can only get half the level of the main profession. Your combat profession level plus the sum of your life profession levels is your strength rank.

However, all known perception magic can only detect the main occupation level. This results in a phenomenon where a level 1 creature defeats a level 3 creature.

Also, some professions do not provide combat capabilities, such as clerks.

Take you for example, everyone thinks you are a Paladin, but I know that your initial combat class is actually a Priest. Paladin is the class you get when your bloodline awakens. In other words, you have two basic classes.

You are also a level 3 defensive warrior. An unknown level of gourmet.

You are now a first-level creature, with a strength level of 2.

Also, only the main profession can learn all the skills of that profession. Other professions can only choose a certain series of skills to learn. "

Taelan Fording felt that this really explained some strange relationships between wins and losses.

Through Crassus' explanation, Talan finally understood the power system of this world and had a direction to work towards.

After the explanation, Tirion Fordring took his son out of Krasus's Mage Tower. He comforted his son and said, "Don't worry, I will find a way. Now we have to find a teacher who can teach you High Elven."

There is no shortage of high elves in Dalaran, because Dalaran has a relaxed environment, where people can freely study and use magic, and exchange their experiences and spellcasting skills. For the younger generation of high elves, it is far more popular than the conservative Quel'Thalas.

But it was hard to find a high elf willing to leave Dalaran and go to Hearthglen to teach a human child a language. Tyran even thought about asking Jaina to teach him the Elvish language. But not only would the admiral not allow it, but even taking Jaina away would bring about changes that Tyran could not bear.

The two returned to the inn, and Tirion Fordring was going to find some of his old friends in Dalaran to find a solution. But he saw Daelin standing helplessly in the lobby of the Hero Inn. When the little loli Jaina saw Taelan Fordring coming in with Tirion, she jumped up and waved to them. Daelin said, "You are back! My daughter woke up early in the morning and asked to play with Taelan."

Tirion Fordring said, "You two should wait until lunch is over before leaving."

Daelin Proudmoore saw Tirion's face and knew that he was worried. He asked, "Tirion, what happened? Didn't Taelan go to visit his mentor? Did everything go well?"

So Tirion told Daelin that Archmage Krasus had asked Tyran to learn the High Elven language. Unexpectedly, Daelin smiled nonchalantly and said, "Isn't this simple? I have a friend named Gina Goldensword. I will visit her soon and ask her to contact Prince Kael'thas of Quel'Thalas. Tell her that the Lord of Hearthglen can allow his private chamber of commerce to set up a company in Hearthglen to deal in High Elven magic items and Quel'Thalas specialties. But he has a small request. He needs a tutor."

Tyran Fording had to admire the admiral, who was worthy of being the king. He could use all kinds of resources for his own benefit.

The High Elves did not have many trading partners, and if they could open a store in Hearthglen, they could indirectly open up the market in Andorhal, where they could obtain necessities - food and various agricultural products.

This deal would not only bring personal prestige and money to the prince in Quel'Thalas, but also bring new industries and some tax revenue to Lordaeron. Hiring a tutor was just a trivial matter.

Tailan had wanted to turn to the system to see if she could provide language proficiency.

As a result, he was told that the system was unable to analyze due to lack of data! It seems that the system is not omnipotent, and it is not the kind of god that can control the entire world and the host. However, the admiral's words opened Tirion Fording's mind. Daelin was also able to get rid of his daughter and visit the mysterious Gina Golden Sword.

Then Tirion took the two children to the commercial street to buy gifts for Kalandra and some friends. In the evening, Daelin, who was obviously drunk, came back with good news. Prince Kael'thas invited Tirion Fording to meet him in his wizard tower tomorrow.

Tirion, who had just bowed his head in thought, immediately became energetic after hearing the news. He quickly called the waiter of the hotel to prepare a sumptuous meal and invited Daelin to drink with him.

And Taelan Fording took out the book that Crassus gave him and prepared to read it carefully.

“Ding! Magic item discovered: Dragon Codex!

This huge book is the collection of the red dragon Laxus for thousands of years! It contains a lot of mystical knowledge and some unique spells in Elvish and Dragon language! If you study it carefully, you can learn a lot of spellcasting skills and invaluable knowledge."

Dragon Codex
Codex, bound
Quality: Epic

Equipment: Increases all spell damage, healing effects and attack power by 2%
Equip: Your attacks have a 2% increased chance to be a critical hit.

Equipment: Increase your occult knowledge level by 1 level (Seal. Open book test! Too bad you can't read!)
This is the precious collection of the Red Dragon Krasus throughout his life, and he gave it to you! It seems that he spent a lot of money on it. Obviously, he shouldn't have expected too much from an illiterate person.

The system is enough for you! Other people's systems are all proficient in their own language. You want to save money...

Jaina saw Taelan Fording take out a thick book wrapped in iron and with a strap from his backpack and read it. She immediately came over and put her head close to Taelan's, and a pleasant fragrance immediately entered Taelan's nose.

She touched the elven words on it and recited a nice but completely incomprehensible sentence.

Taelan Fording...

She has indeed learned Saraswati, and I am truly illiterate!

Taelan Fording immediately asked Jaina to read the book to her. Jaina proudly took the heavy iron book. The book was not only inlaid with a metal shell, but also had several magical gems. It was also very thick. Jaina couldn't lift it, so Taelan helped her open it. Jaina read it carefully and translated it word by word to Taelan in Common Language. The book was indeed called the Dragon Codex. It first explained the magic system of this world, and then a long discussion of mysticism. The latter was meditation and many spells.

Jaina only helped Tailan translate the knowledge about the spell system in the front, and politely did not look at the magic model and meditation method in the back. Then she said seriously that she borrowed Tailan's light. This kind of book is usually a collection of the great wizard. It is impossible to give it to the apprentice who is favorite. Outsiders cannot learn the spells collected by individuals, because the most valuable wealth of the wizard is not gold and silver treasures, not precious magic gems, nor the wizard tower, but his knowledge!

A country relies on blood inheritance, a magician relies on knowledge inheritance, and knowledge is power!

 This chapter is a bit long. Thank you everyone! Please give me a recommendation vote!
  Penglai wishes everyone a happy first day of the new year!


(End of this chapter)

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