Enter World of Warcraft with Dark Skills

Chapter 21 Astrologer Solanlian

Chapter 21 Astrologer Solanlian

Tirion Fordring and Daelin drank rum, watching the children gather together to flip through the old book, and smiled at each other! When you are young, the responsibility of the country and the burden of life are on you. When you reach middle age, your only hope is the next generation. How pitiful are the parents in the world!

Because of the fusion of two souls, Tyran Fording's learning ability was very strong. He just compared what Jaina read, word by word, and soon he had memorized a lot of sentences. This made Jaina exclaim: "If you change your career to be a mage, it is likely that you will be more successful than being a paladin!"

But Tyran Fording knew that he didn't have that much time! The Battle of Grim Batol and the Third War would soon come! More dangers were waiting for him, and he was still far from ready.

Archmage Krasus must have seen his talent and wanted to train him to save his lover on his behalf, because in the original book, Ronin was able to successfully rescue the Red Dragon Queen because of his adventure and more luck. So he needed someone he could trust more to help him.

He must work hard. Every day the Red Dragon Queen is controlled, Deathwing will be stronger. The world of Azeroth cannot do without the guardian dragons.

Alexstrasza is the most determined warrior against the Burning Legion! Even when she was hurt by the orcs and no one came to save her, she did not complain, but silently took on the responsibility of guarding the dragon.

She fought harder for the world than the black dragons who had fallen into darkness and the blue dragons who had gone crazy! But Ysera, who was gentle and peaceful, could hardly lead the dragon army to face the outside world. He had to become stronger quickly! Share this responsibility! She had been carrying it alone for too long!

With Jaina's help, he had a deeper understanding of the magic system of this world. Jaina suggested that he go buy some books in the High Elven language tomorrow as his future teaching materials. After all, it is best not to let a wizard who has not established trust see this Dragon Code. Taelan Fording admired Jaina in his heart for being such a smart child. He also knew that letting other wizards see this book would be like using salted fish as a pillow for a cat.

The next day, Tirion Fordring took his son to visit the famous tragic prince! He was of noble status, but he suffered many disasters, his country was destroyed and his family was ruined. His love ended before it even began! The only thing left was probably the wishing coin and the ridicule of his rival!
Later, he led the people to fight against the undead, but was deceived by the "IQ master" Garithos. After switching to Illidan, he was deceived again and eventually fell into the abyss, died in the Outland, and could not return to his hometown.

The prince talked cordially with Tirion Fordring. After hearing that Tirion Fordring was going to open Hearthglen and allow his private guild to open a magic supplies store to sell high elf magic items and specialties, he gratefully saluted Tirion. After hearing that Tirion Fordring wanted his son to learn the high elven language, he immediately appointed his follower, the great astrologer Solanlian, as a special envoy to accompany Tirion Fordring to Hearthglen. While acting as a tutor to teach Tyran Fordring to learn the high elven language and high elf combat skills, he was also responsible for the business of the Kael'thas Trading Company's branch in Hearthglen.

High elves have a long lifespan! Most of them are multi-talented! As an astrologer, Solanlian also knows a lot about the training methods of melee professionals.

This decision was beneficial to both parties. Prince Kael'thas could obtain a large amount of food and gold through this transaction, while Hearthglen could not only obtain magical items from Quel'Thalas, but also obtain generous tax revenue. After the banquet, the father and son had just walked out of Kael'thas's luxurious wizard tower when they were invited to the Violet Castle by Antonidas' apprentice.

When he entered Antonidas' study, Tyran saw three people sitting inside. One was Antonidas, the other was his mentor, Crassus. There was also a great mage wearing a slightly dirty mage robe. His face looked a little pale, and he exuded a strong mana fluctuation. It could be seen that he should be a legendary mage.

Could it be that cat lover?

Taelan Fordring politely greeted Antonidas and his mentor. Then Antonidas introduced: "This is the archmage of Dalaran, his name is Kel'Thuzad."

It was indeed him. But he probably hadn't heard the Lich King's whispers yet. So he just didn't like to go out and hadn't started studying necromancy.

Taelan Fording greeted politely: "Hello, Archmage Kel'Thuzad!"

Kel'Thuzad simply nodded. "I know you! The little goblin told me about you."

At this time, Antonidas took out an exquisite box from the desk, and then cast a spell. A purple light flashed and the box was opened. Antonidas took out an ornament that looked like a purple eye from it, and then handed it to Taelan Fording.

"Ding! You got the Violet Eye Pendant!" Violet Eye Pendant

Quality: Epic

+40 intelligence
Mom doesn’t have to worry about my lack of brain power anymore!
System, did you write these jokes to mock me?

"Ding, no!"

Looking at this equipment that was so superb back then, it really makes people sigh. It is a precious drop from the boss of Karazhan, Nyelas Elan! It not only provides up to 40 points of intelligence bonus, but even without mentioning the spell crit brought by intelligence, it can also increase your mana bar by a large margin. The effect it provides is the king of endurance. When you reach level 12 and learn Zeal, as long as you activate the special effect, you will have almost endless mana. And the Fist of Heaven, which consumes a lot of mana, can also be used more times.

When Tyran Fording held the Violet Eye, a cool feeling entered his mind, and he felt that the headache that had been bothering him recently had disappeared. He no longer needed to consume soul power to support the skill tree. He no longer had to worry about running out of mana.

Tirion Fordring saw his son's frown relax, and immediately stood up to thank Antonidas! He knew that although this was only a replica of the Violet Eye, it was also an extremely precious treasure. He said, "I really don't know how to thank you, great wizards! I wonder if there is anything I can do to help you?"

Antonidas smiled and said, "Tirion, don't mind. This is what Master Krasus exchanged with the Council using his own collection. You can thank him!"

Tirion Fordring immediately paid tribute to Krasus and Antonidas and promised: "Thank you both for your efforts for my son. If Dalaran needs me in the future, please let me know!"

Crassus smiled and said, "This is my apprenticeship gift to Tailan! We will spend a lot of time together in the future! Tailan, use it well! You will definitely have certain responsibilities in the future, so grow up quickly!

I have heard that Solanlian has been hired as your tutor. She is an enthusiastic legendary spellcaster. You should learn a lot about the mystical knowledge of the high elves from her! "

Taelan Fording bowed and said, "Teacher, I will!"

Everyone chatted for a while, and Krasus's profound knowledge impressed Tirion Fording and his son. Only Kel'Thuzad remained silent. He just looked at Tyran Fording with envy for a while, then looked away.

After Krasus led them to separate from Master Antonidas and his apprentice, Krasus said to Tirion Fording: "Archmage Kel'Thuzad envied Taelan's physique. Because the mages in this world can only use the power of the elemental world after communicating with them. But he can directly absorb the energy from nature and then transform it into holy light in his body. In other words, your holy light belongs completely to you. You can use it as you wish!"

Then he added: "You are still young, don't be obsessed with strength. Lay a solid foundation and have a strong heart, then you can be truly strong!"

 Post first, revise later. Let's change the update time to the afternoon. People usually don't have time to read novels in the morning!

  Also! Please give me some votes for recommendation! Thank you everyone!

(End of this chapter)

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