Chapter 211 New Teldrassil

The war was over, and Silithus had returned to its long-lost peace. It was still covered with yellow sand, with only some lizards and poisonous spiders active in this world.

But this place is completely different now. You will no longer see ugly and dangerous alien scorpions, nor will there be twilight predators wandering in the wind stone forest. Of course, more importantly, there are no more whispers of the ancient gods here.

Cairne Bloodhoof stood on the tallest building of Cenarion Hold, and he finally took off his armor. This was the first day of the month when he was not fully armed. He felt that he had finally returned to the life of a normal tauren.

He no longer had to think about how to coordinate the relationship between the night elves and the high elves, let alone how to deal with the cooperation between humans and tauren. Most importantly, he didn't have to face the terrifying twin emperors of the insect people.

As a legend, facing two demigods, he seemed to be at ease, but in fact, only he knew how it was like walking on thin ice. One accident would turn him into a corpse, and then several lives would be lost. It was definitely not a pleasant feeling to walk on a tightrope with everyone's lives on your shoulders.

Now he has finally put down his burden and can enjoy a normal life.

In the morning, he would sleep until he woke up naturally, then go get a breakfast, which might be Darnassus cheese or a flatbread, and drink a cup of tea. A beautiful day had just begun. Next, he would chat with some young people, and at noon he might travel to the south where the elemental tides were strong. In the evening, the overlord might have a barbecue, and he would also have a drink with him.

However, such a peaceful life could not last long. Not long after the coalition forces returned to the Barrens, Hunter, a subordinate of Lillian Voss, sent the latest intelligence from the East Continent.

A fierce battle broke out in Blackrock Mountain. Nefarios, the son of the black dragon, and Ragnaros, the lord of the fire element who lived in the lower level of Blackrock Mountain, fought for the dominance of the entire Burning Plains.

At first, it was just a local battle between the Blackrock Orcs and the Dark Iron Dwarves, but later it gradually evolved into a war between the Dragonmen and the Fire Elementals.

Then, Ragnaros, the fire elemental lord who had been sleeping underground, broke through the boundary between Azeroth and the elemental world with the help of the Dark Iron Dwarves' summons, and his body descended into the world of Azeroth. The endless flames finally defeated Nefarios's black dragon army.

Hunter is a native of Lordaeron, an excellent agent with the code name 700. He had just been married to his beloved Dolly for half a year when he had to travel across the ocean to the East Continent to monitor those unstable factors.

This time he sent the information back in time. Ragnaros ruled the Burning Steppes and the Searing Gorge. The homeland of the dwarves, Dun Morogh, was in danger.

The alliance has held a meeting to study the response, and they have reached a conclusion.

The Alliance had just gained a foothold in Kalimdor when it had already experienced two wars, and the entire Alliance was exhausted. Especially the night elves, who suffered heavy losses in the first war. Not only was the World Tree blown up, losing eternal life, but they also lost a large number of people in the war.

In this Silithus War, Fandral Staghelm personally led all the active night elves to respond to the Alliance's call again. They had fought two wars in a very short period of time and were already seriously injured. The Kaldorei were no longer able to fight a new war.

Now the alliance can only recuperate and wait for the dwarves' formal request for help.

There was a reason why the dwarven messengers for help did not come directly to Kalimdor.

First, the fire elementals have not yet attacked Dun Morogh, and the dwarves are aware of the Alliance's current situation.

Secondly, there are huge differences among the dwarves. Most of them agree that they belong to the original Alliance of Lordaeron. The coronation of Queen Menethil has allowed the Alliance to inherit all the political legacy left by Lordaeron. A small number of people think that they should seek help from Stormwind City nearby. But now Stormwind City is also in chaos. So they are undecided.

Secondly, the changes in the great whirlpool made transportation between the East and West continents very inconvenient.

Finally, the council decided to postpone the march. The most important thing now is to recover. Especially the night elf druid troops and the high elf priest troops. They all need to recruit new soldiers and strengthen training.

The new alliance finally got a chance to breathe. The superior parliamentary system, the peaceful internal environment, and the clean and efficient vitality of the newly established organization brought rapid development to this new country.

The originally desolate Barrens has changed after a year. Led by Archdruid Malfurion, the night elves chose to plant a new world tree in the Taurajo camp. They still named it Teldrassil.

The difference is that, under the advice of Tyran Fordring, this world tree asked for the blessing of the red dragon queen Alexstrasza, the green dragon queen Ysera, and the magic guardian Malygos. Although it can no longer provide endless life for the creatures around it, it is enough to resist the curse of nightmares. Now in the Taurajo camp, you can already see a lot of elves. They fly around the newly born Teldrassil, making this place beautiful.

Taelan Fording will soon be able to realize his dream of living in a tree house ahead of schedule.

The planting of Teldrassil not only changed the desolate appearance of the Barrens, but also healed the damage caused by the southern wild boars practicing undead magic. Obviously, Kael'thas and Gavinrad had already conquered Razorfen Highlands before the expedition to Silithus. Those normal wild boars were driven to Razorfen Fens, and their population was sharply reduced, and they no longer threatened the Alliance.

Another good news is that New Alonsus has been built with the joint efforts of the dwarf brothers and goblin engineers.

This city, named after Alonsus Faol, the teacher of Tyran Fording, is the capital of the Alliance, and all government agencies will be located here. It is built on a high mountain and is majestic!
It is also the main city of the Alliance humans, and a core city of the same race as Teldrassil of the night elves, Bloodhoof of the tauren, the new Silvermoon City built by the high elves at the crossroads, and Ratchet of the goblins.

Fire in July.

Today is a special day. Fandral Staghelm personally brought his granddaughter Astaria to visit Taeran Fordring.

Because Tyran Fordring personally killed General Ajax in the ruins of Ahn'Qiraj in Silithus, Fandral Staghelm developed a special affinity for this demigod.

He asked Shandris Feathermoon for the details several times. When he heard that Tyran Fordring had nailed the cruel Qiraji to the ground with one sword, his hands kept shaking. After ten thousand years, this knot in his heart was finally untied.

He came today to thank Tyran Fording for helping his son avenge his father. The complete fall of C'Thun gave him a chance to vent his hatred. It also changed his view of other races.

Times have changed, and standing still will not end well. Every race that survives must have something outstanding.

His only concern now is his granddaughter Astaria, who is the only child of the Staghelm family.

Taelan Fordring looked at Fandral Staghelm's face, which was increasingly aged by the years, and felt mixed emotions. He had aged in a way that other night elves did not. Looking at his life, it was simply a tragedy.

When he was young, he lost his beloved wife, and when he was middle-aged, he lost his son. When he finally overcame these pains, he led his compatriots to fight bloody battles and became the leader of the night elves. But he suffered the final blow!
His granddaughter, Astaria, the only child of the Staghelm family, was killed in the attack of orcs. This blow completely broke the old man. He began to go crazy and even believed the lies of the Old Gods. He became a Flame Druid and was finally killed in the Land of Fire.

Now it seemed that he would not become a fire druid. He had a lot of things to deal with now. He didn't even have time to go to the Emerald Dream. However, as soon as he opened his mouth, Taelan Fordring felt that things were not that simple.

"High Lord, with all due respect, the crisis the dwarves are facing is just a minor matter. Based on my recent understanding of the Alliance dwarves, they can rely on the fortress and at least hold out until our support arrives."

"And the crisis in the Emerald Dream will bring us disaster. I found that a dark force is constantly spreading in the Emerald Dream. They have even affected some Emerald Dragons."

"High Lord, you must be prepared to lose the help of some night elf druids and emerald dragons. This is a crisis for the entire world."

"Fortunately, most of the druids are busy helping to build their homes. Otherwise, we might be wiped out."

“May nature bless us!”

Taelan Fordring said: "Archdruid, you are right. I think we are facing not only the nightmare of the Emerald Dream, but also the Old Gods. Don't forget that it was you who was responsible for chasing the Twilight King.

They went to Silithus to open the wind stones in order to connect with the elements.

They are all in the same group. They are all minions of the ancient gods."

On the Eastern Continent, a giant dragon smashed the ground and flew towards Stormwind City with a sky full of flames:
"The sun has set on this mortal world, fools, prepare for your death, for twilight is approaching!
(End of this chapter)

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