Chapter 212 Catastrophe

As the giant dragon took off, an enormous figure in the deep sea sighed softly:

"What is meant to come will eventually come, and what is meant to go should not stay."

"Twilight is about to fall, and the calamity of mortals has begun!"

Eyes lit up from the dark seawater. A mountain-like figure emerged, like a giant squid, with tentacles all around it, dancing in the water like a thousand hands cheering.

As soon as the tentacles began to wave, four illusory chains stretched out from the void and locked it tightly.

"Everyone is here, and all destinies will converge."

"The one who opens the chains... is coming!"

As the eyes of the huge figure opened one by one, the place became brighter and brighter.

An extremely huge city appeared in front of it.

This underwater city covers a huge area, even as big as New Alonsos. The streets in the city are straight and straight, with clear divisions. It is divided into several areas, some of which have tall towers and altars. Groups of humanoid creatures with snake tails are active in it. They are praying and making requests.

In some areas, there are square high-rise buildings, each floor is divided into small spaces, like a beehive. If you look closely, you will find that Ahn'Qiraj insects live in them.

There is a huge square in this complex, and in the center of the square stands a pink insect man. Its size can even be compared with N'Zoth. It is the prophet Skeram!
Some areas are shrouded in a strange gray mist. There are many trees here, and they are as high as the sky. There are many elves flying around the trees, sometimes lining up to cross the sky, and sometimes flying around the giant trees. The residents here are all tall and slender elves.

The other area was a mountain with huge caves on it. The caves were tall and deep. At this time, a huge head stretched out from the cave. If Taelan Fording came, he would definitely recognize it. He was Anachronos. Wasn't it dead?
But here it was actually alive, but it was emitting gray mist and a kind of madness.

The center of the city is a market, where there are trolls, dragons, humans, high elves, and even tauren. They trade and work in this city, getting up early and returning late.

If Gazlowe came, he would scream, this is a replica of New Alonsus. They are exactly the same.

But in just a moment, all of these disappeared and were replaced by something else!
It turns out that this city exists in the endless void power of N'Zoth, and is a country woven by him using his powerful dream power.

This is the real Ny'alotha Awakened City! It belongs only to the Dark Empire of N'Zoth. And the designer of this city is none other than Taelan Fordring.

N'Zoth recently gained new powers that allow him to peek briefly into the mind of Azeroth's titan Azelena.

The poor newborn Titan had been tortured by the Old Gods since its conception. It was not until Aggramar brought the Pantheon Titans here that it survived with scars all over its body.

For tens of thousands of years, she had been enduring the thefts and whispers of several thieves, and she had never become stronger. Recently, the guardian knight she chose killed an ancient god. This made her excited. Her dreams were filled with the new city.
New Alonsos, where the only temple of Ezelena in the entire world was, she sent all the strength she had just generated into it. This made her weak for a moment.

N'Zoth, who had been spying on her, took the opportunity to see the city in her eyes. Later, he finally got the blueprint of the city through special channels.

So New Ny'alotha emerged.

"The illusion will become reality,

This city of all races will finally appear. This is my dark empire!"

The light and shadow disappeared, and everything returned to normal. At this time, a short creature walked into the hall, holding up a strange staff. Then a force with a sense of nothingness flew out from a four-leaf clover-like gem, and this smoke-like force quickly wrapped around the four chains.

As soon as they touched the chain, some runes appeared on the chain. When the runes lit up, there was a sound of energy collision on the chain, and the chain set by the Titan disappeared.

N'Zoth, who broke free from the cage, did not look happy at all.

"The end is coming,
But I don’t know who the sacrifice is!
You will suffer eternal torment from both light and darkness!"

The northern coast of Loch Modan.

The altitude here is very high, like a high platform. There are farmlands and houses everywhere. From time to time, some dwarf farmers carry pumpkins, potatoes, or other vegetables. Some dwarf children run carefree in the fields.

The wind from the plateau blows gently, bringing coolness in the summer. The terrain is high in the south and low in the north, allowing the moisture brought by the sea breeze to enter this land. It also brings abundant precipitation here. This is not a strategic location, so it has avoided the invasion of war and military calamity.

Trolls and orcs have never occupied this place, which makes this land a paradise.

Recently, there has been bad news from Blackrock Mountain and the Searing Gorge. The rift between Azeroth and the elemental plane has been opened, and Ragnaros, the Lord of Fire, has come to the world. The wind elementals are also unwilling to be lonely, and some huge wind elemental lords have also begun to enter this world.

The dwarven king of Ironforge, Magni Bronzebeard, had already ordered the dwarven guards stationed here to be transferred away. One of the dwarven sheriffs left behind, Les Stonewine, drank a sip of dwarven ale early in the morning.

"This world is really crazy. There is not a single day of peace. It seems like it was only last month that Highlord Taelan Fordring pacified Grim Batol.

Just when things had calmed down, Lordaeron in the north was set on fire again by the damn Kel'Thuzad.

Haas didn't even have time to take his new hammer. The war for Kalimdor began. I just built the tavern, and the damn big screw occupied the entire Burning Plains.

Should I also apply to join the Silver Hand?"

"Maim is almost two years old. It's a good time to start training."

Maim is a male Highland Dwarf Goat who serves as Leith's mount.

At this moment, he suddenly heard a scream: "Holy Light, look, what is that?"

Les immediately put down the bottle, picked up the hammer, and rushed out of the house. What else could it be? It must be another mountain grizzly bear rushing into the village to steal food, or a few orc raiders.

After Grim Batol was pacified, the entire Dragonmaw clan orcs were wiped out, and High Lord Tyran Fordring specifically ordered Prince Arthas and the Silver Hand Paladin to wipe out those orcs. But it was said that their chieftain was not in the fortress.

It took some orc warriors to Blackrock Mountain to plot something. Later, it was killed in the Burning Plains. The people it took did not join the Blackrock Clan in Blackrock Mountain, but fled. Some orcs came here.

He rushed out and was stunned. A tattered fleet came to the seashore. Could they be Kul Tiras ships?

Could it be that Kul Tiras was also attacked by the giant screw?
(End of this chapter)

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