Enter World of Warcraft with Dark Skills

Chapter 216: Skull of the Wind Chaser

Chapter 216: Skull of the Wind Chaser

By the time Magni Bronzebeard recovered from the shock of having discovered the conspiracy of the Elemental Lords, his troops had already penetrated deep into the army of the Fire Elementals.

At this time, Exotus and his eight powerful guards had arrived in front of Magni.

The two wings of the dwarf army were attacked by fire elementals. The powerful fire elementals Baron Geddon and Gal, with two armies composed of Molten Giants and Ancient Molten Hounds, cut off Magni's retreat.

Now Magni is no longer afraid, nor will he regret it. He feels that he should be thankful that he and the great craftsman Mekkatorque have divided the work, and they take turns to command the army to fight against the invasion of the elements and the Dark Iron Dwarves.

If he died here, at least the High Tinker could lead the dwarves and gnomes to continue defending Ironforge, waiting for the rescue of Grand Marshal Taelan Fordring. At least Moira could still survive!
Ah, my little angel, I have not seen you marry and bear children. The royal bloodline of the Bronzebeard family has not yet been continued.

Apparently, he was disappointed with the marriage of his third brother, Brian Bronzebeard. He had no intention of getting married at all, and his mind was full of archaeology and digging graves! And he always caused big trouble.

It is said that he has just accomplished a great feat: digging through the seals of dragons and Titans, allowing a demigod to sneak into the Great Temple from the ruins of Ahn'Qiraj.

This reckless action resulted in the death of an entire race and an ancient god!
He can no longer break into any bigger business on this planet.

If Taelan Fordring were here, he would definitely say that what you said is too absolute.

Magni Bronzebeard's instincts as a warrior overcame his regret and fear.

He raised his hammer high and commanded the dwarf troops to form a new battle formation.

"Anvil, lead a team of brothers to stop the administrator."

After giving the order, he turned around and stared at Baron Geddon.

That great lord always emphasizes that it is better to cut off one finger than to hurt ten fingers. Let's kill it today! Although I can't beat the three of you, I still have a chance to kill you!

Baron Geddon was immersed in the joy of killing. He raised his hands and summoned the flames of Savras. A circle of flames spread out from his side. The two dwarf warriors around him immediately raised their shields to protect themselves. However, the violent shock wave knocked them away.

Then the second wave of impact came. This time the flames had begun to turn white, and it was obvious that the temperature of the flames was getting higher and higher.

With a loud bang, the fallen warriors lost the protection of their shields and were hit by the flames. A gust of wind blew and they turned directly into ashes, which drifted across the land of Dun Morogh.

Magni Bronzebeard smashed the head of a Core Hound with a hammer, and then rushed to Baron Geddon.

At this time, the Baron, who was releasing his anger to his heart's content, launched the third Hellfire attack.

Magni Bronzebeard gave a battle cry: "Khaz Modan!"

His body quickly grew larger and taller. His skin became as tough as granite. The Hellfire blast hit him. But he was only slightly injured.

Magni protected his compatriots behind him, but the ever-spreading ring of flames still burned several dwarves to ashes.

Once the Hill King completes his transformation, he will be immune to magic damage. However, Baron Geddon is a powerful man close to a demigod, and he is the leader of the fire element.

The appearance of Magni interrupted its interest. It raised its claws angrily and grabbed Magni with flames.

With a clang, a flower of flaming burst out from the shield.

Magni swung his hammer back without showing any weakness.

Baron Geddon took the blow head-on, then habitually summoned the essence of Savras. Once this flaming essence hits the enemy, it will ignite the creature. It's like a bomb buried in the creature's body. It will explode soon, not only killing the person involved, but also hurting those around him.

The Hill King has amazing magic resistance and is immune to living bombs.

But he was the only high-ranking legendary warrior in this army. How could the remaining soldiers be a match for those fire elemental leaders? At this time, Gar also came over.

This time Baron Geddon learned his lesson and used the living bomb on a young warrior.

Magni Bronzebeard immediately shouted: "Child, hurry up, retreat and get away from that monster."

The young warrior retreated in panic.

Baron Geddon looked at the livid-faced Dwarf King and laughed cruelly.

Magni didn't know what the consequences of that magic would be, but he knew it was definitely very dangerous.

The warrior just retreated, wanting to seek help from the priest and the mage.

But he didn't know that Baron Geddon could not only ignite his body, but also his mana. He would quickly burn the mana of everyone around him. It had no good way to deal with the King of the Hill, but it kept the spellcasting units away from it.

The warrior felt himself getting hotter and hotter, and he couldn't hold out until the mage cast a spell to dispel it. Boom.

He was blown to pieces. His helmet flew high into the air. The explosion not only killed him, but also carried two nearby dwarf guards back to the embrace of the mountains. At this time, the helmet fell down and rolled on the ground.

Magni's eyes were red with anger: So this magic is so terrifying. Not only will it kill the target, but it will also cause more serious consequences to the people around. It will simply make people leave their companions and wait for death alone. Garton's mystery level is very high, and it must be difficult for ordinary spellcasters to dispel that effect.

The proud fire element was ready to launch another hellfire shockwave. Magni clenched his right hand, and a magic hammer with the power of lightning flew towards Baron Gardon.

Bang! The Baron felt dizzy. He failed to cast Hellfire.

A group of warriors rushed forward and killed the Molten Hounds and several Fire Elementals called Sons of Flame, and then began to besiege Baron Geddon.

Magni put away his shield, holding a battle axe in one hand and a war hammer in the other, and opened fire at full force, launching a frantic attack on Baron Garton.

Baron Geddon was not feeling well either. The dwarf's hammer would occasionally stun him. That must be the powerful talent of weapon mastery.

It summoned the Essence of Flame again. This time it chose a place where warriors were gathered. Those people were busy dealing with a group of stone men who followed Garl.

Magni Bronzebeard was no longer looking at the dwarf who had been hit by the living bomb, but was intensifying his attack.

Suddenly someone shouted, "Get out of here!"

The soldier rushed forward suddenly, leaving his comrades and rushing towards Gal alone.

His eyes were filled with reluctance to leave his loved ones, and he even turned around to take a look at the gate of Ironforge.

Gar watched the bomb rush towards him. It punched the ground hard. It wanted to repel him. Let him explode among his companions, which would tear their defenses apart. And it could watch him wait for his death in despair.

The original elements were extremely violent. After being bewitched by the ancient gods, they became even crazier.

But the warrior did not explode, a tough shield protected it.

A hexagram magic circle suddenly appeared on the battlefield, flashing with purple arcane light.

When the light faded, a tall human male walked out of the magic circle, followed by a pretty girl.

Behind them there was a long-eared man with three fireballs surrounding his head. Looking at the man who was about to explode, he frowned, then raised his hand, and the fiery essence on the warrior's body was immediately dispelled.

Magni recognized it immediately.

"Brothers! Our reinforcements have arrived! The Grand Marshal of the Alliance has come to support us personally!"

In the war of the legion, morale is really important. The surrounding warriors heard the news under the loud voice of the dwarf.

The entire battlefield suddenly fell silent!
Snap! The irresistible holy ice miraculously froze all the fire elements.

Sully Baru and a group of warriors were fighting against a minion of Garr. Before his eyes were ice crystals reflecting the sunlight. A Son of Flame was wrapped in thin ice, and the flames on its body were no longer burning. It stood there like an ice sculpture.

Taelan Fordring deactivated Holy Freeze and activated Sanctuary and Zealotry. He knew that Garr was more troublesome than Baron Geddon in a large-scale battle. Its minions and itself would explode. The soldiers around him could not resist such a dangerous force at all.

He chose his target: Baron Geddon.

At this time, Baron Geddon had just broken free from the annoying ice layer. This was the power of their nemesis, the water element. It was actually slowed down by this little spell!

The wings behind Tailan began to open and spread into the void.

Soon the shelter enveloped Baron Geddon, and he immediately felt the changes in the surrounding environment. They were not creatures from the real plane, they belonged to the elemental world. Tyran Fording rushed in front of him.

He raised a huge axe with an evil and strange shape and hit it right in the chest.

Taelan Fording's luck has always been good. Baron Geddon's body immediately began to wander uncontrollably. The evil of the old god twisted his mind.

It won the prize!

Tyran Fordring jumped high and activated Zeal at the same time. The huge Crazy Dark Blade directly chopped off Baron Geddon's head, and with just one strike, it was damaged seven times. Five attacks from Zeal, and the additional damage from Ansir's Fire. Finally, the real damage from the terrifying Nephalem Punishment.

It let out a loud roar, and then turned into ashes.

Taelan Fordring picked up half of the skull from the ashes

Skull of the Wind Chaser!
(End of this chapter)

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