Enter World of Warcraft with Dark Skills

Chapter 217 Ancient Stone Leaf

Chapter 217 Ancient Stone Leaf
Holding the half skull, Taelan Fording stood there.

The surrounding fire elements were not angry at all because their lord was killed, and the entire battlefield was quiet.

Half of the skull of Wind Prince Sunderland has appeared, but where is the other half?

He turned to look at Gal.

The powerful elemental lord was not just casting out his anger blindly. He also knew that the short creature in front of him was a demigod. And a demigod recognized by the world. He was surrounded by the special power of the Azeroth Titan.

The power of these elements all comes from the Titans on the planet. They are just bewitched and enslaved by the ancient gods. But they still fear the power of the world, especially the power of the Titans who have awakened their self-awareness.

Neptulon became powerful because of his return to the arms of the Titans.

Garl halted his attack and ordered his minions to charge at Taelan Fordring, while the elementals he commanded began to retreat.

Taelan Fording said, "King Magni, Janna, lead our people back."

Any later and the Gal Pulse will make you extremely uncomfortable.

The eight stone elements rushed over. As expected, Garr emitted a strange pulse. Everyone seemed to be slowed down. They began to retreat at a snail's pace.

Taelan Fording was unmoved. This kind of magic could not affect a demigod. Unconsciously, Taelan felt like he had become a boss. And a very difficult boss.

A milky white light flashed beneath Tyran's feet. Cross-shaped stars burst out from all the stone elementals, and they retreated involuntarily. When they recovered and prepared to surround Tyran Fording, he suddenly disappeared.

The most panicked person on the battlefield was not Gar, Gar was a warrior, and his idea was simple. He was not afraid of death, and at most he would survive a long period of time and rely on the power of the Fire King to be resurrected in the Land of Fire.

The most panicked one was Execustus, who had instigated the Fire Lord himself to descend upon Azeroth.

This matter begins with the history of the Land of Fire.

The creatures in the Land of Fire are composed of fire elementals and fire demons, and the rest are their derivative races. Ragnaros, the Lord of Fire Demons, is of course the ruler here, and the one below him is the fire elemental Baron Geddon.

Everyone knows that Ragnaros' life is a life of going from one failure to another.

The elements were the first creatures to appear in the world of Azeroth. They fought each other and fought endlessly. Then the Old Gods came. They fought with the Old Gods. As a result, they all became slaves of the Old Gods.

Later, the Titans came. The Old Gods were defeated. The elements, who were the lackeys of the Old Gods, also went to war with the Titans' creations. As a result, Baron Geddon, who was in charge of leading the fire elemental army, was also defeated.

The angry Ragnaros demoted Baron Gardon, and Executus, who was born a fire demon, became the spokesperson of the Fire Lord and the manager of the Land of Fire.

The demoted Baron Geddon would certainly not obey the weak and impure Exotus, so he had been trying to regain his position.

Deathwing shattered the World Pillar, giving the Fire Elementals the opportunity to come to the material plane of Azeroth.

Executus naturally became the commander, but its own combat power was very low. So it instigated the Fire Lord to descend to the material plane of Azeroth, so that Baron Gardon would not dare to disobey its orders.

But it never imagined that the material world had become so terrifying.

In today's battlefield, even the elemental leader can fall at any time. Baron Geddon, who was considered to be very powerful in the Land of Fire, was killed in his first direct battle.

Now Gar has begun to command the elemental army to retreat. It is better for me to hide.

I hope this stone can protect me. Its explosion may kill some people who don't know the truth.

But now it is frozen! Who can tell it why the flame can also freeze?

Gar was retreating very quickly. But the man actually flashed into the elemental army. Wasn't he afraid of being surrounded? Now it seemed that the only way to destroy this human was to summon the Fire King in advance.

He began to retreat towards the summoning circle with his eight carefully selected guards.

It looked back and saw that the man resisted the pulse of Gall, and then he flashed behind Gall again. The axe with evil twisted aura hit Gall, and then Exotus was stunned. With one axe, all of Gall's minions exploded!
The huge explosion caused dust to fly around. With another blow of the axe, Garr went berserk and attacked the short human crazily.

It slammed its right hand into the ground. The little man appeared behind it. He punched back. The human disappeared again!
How did he manage to flash four times in a row? And wasn't his flashing too fast?

The process of this battle was unusually smooth. Charge, attack, flash, attack, and flash again. Moreover, his attack power was amazing, and each strike of the giant axe was a multiple attack.

Garl would only let his minions self-destruct when their health was reduced to half. How could it have killed Garl with just one axe?

If this axe hits me, I will die immediately.

The terrifying man finally stopped flashing. He could flash four times in a row and could not be slowed down. His domain was very powerful, as powerful as the Fire Demon King.

At this time, it finally rushed to the vicinity of the summoning circle. It was a very cunning fire demon. It left a portal for itself. It thought it would be better to put everything aside and go back to send a message to the great Fire Demon King. Tell it that the arrogant Baron Geddon did not obey orders and failed again.

I risked my life to come from the dangerous Ironforge to the Land of Fire to report to the great king. Don't come to the material plane. "You guys guard this portal and don't let them get in. I will lead the army to burn this place down soon."

His idea was good, but the reality was very cruel. Just as he was about to activate the Fire Gate, he saw Taelan Fording bending down and picking up half of the skull.

Did he know the secret of the Wind Seeker's Skull?
Several flames rose from the magic circle and met in mid-air. They soon formed a portal. As long as you walk in...

Taelan Fordring looked at Exotus who was about to escape. It finally improved itself and did not bring its eight guards to try again.

Taelan Fording charged at a nearby Molten Hound, and then transformed into Holy Light twice in a row. At this time, he suddenly turned off the Aura of Fanaticism and activated Holy Freeze.

Each time you switch between different auras, their effects will be activated once.

Snap, Exotus was frozen at the portal.

The desire to survive made it quickly break free from the thin ice, and half of its body had already swam into the portal.

But it felt like it was kicked by something. Could that terrifying demigod realm actually affect people in the space-time rift?

Don't think I don't know anything!


Exotus used all his arcane power to activate Flash. It was already a foul for a fire elemental to use arcane magic. But that man was even more foul.

The codex that Taelan Fording was carrying on his back suddenly floated up. It quickly turned a page, drawing a trace of Exortus' arcane power.

Order Strike: Time slows down.

After a huge arcane explosion, Exotus felt that the portal was too far away from him. It was only a few steps away. No, it was slowed down!

This must be the Force, the original force of the world.

It moved with difficulty, but as soon as the short figure raised his hand, it flew towards him involuntarily. He raised his hand and grabbed its neck, dragging it to the ground.

At this time, one of its followers rushed up. It raised its weapon and chopped down hard. The man raised his weapon and, with the help of the time slowing effect, he struck back and hit the opponent with an axe.

At once it began to wander. The evil eye on the terrible weapon seemed to be staring at it.

Tyran Fordring swung his axe horizontally with his backhand, and the guard immediately fell limp. Its blood and strength seemed to have been sucked away by the weapon. Tyran Fordring struck again with his axe, and the fire demon's head immediately rolled to the ground.

The eye on the axe looked satisfied, as if it had eaten something delicious.

At this time, all the dwarves began to cheer. They were all conquered by the bravery of their leader. This was the real power!

The surrounding wind elements had already fled. They would not really work for the fire element. The incident with Prince Sunderland was not so easy to get over.

The fire elementals also began to flee in all directions. At this time, Magni Bronzebeard began to command the dwarves to form a new phalanx and take advantage of the situation to destroy the fleeing elementals.

The funniest thing is that the guard of Exotus also ran away. It turns out that it only had one sincere and courageous guard. Unfortunately, it died.

Exotus said with difficulty: "Don't kill me! I will give you the treasure chest of Savras!"

Well, it turns out you are still you.

Taelan Fording held his left hand, and Exotus immediately felt his whole body tense. When Taelan Fording let go of his hand, the portal that symbolized freedom exploded with a snap.

It turns out that the Force is so terrifying, and it has such terrible follow-up effects.

In fact, it is a misunderstanding. Not all force users are so powerful. Only the combined power of Ezelena and Nephalem is so powerful.

Taelan Fordring released Executus.

Axotus was a flexible fire demon. Having saved his life, he immediately summoned the treasure chest he had hidden.

In his previous life, Taelan Fording had opened this treasure chest many times, because he liked to get eyes the most from the boxes he opened. Each sacred eye represented a blessing and a priest's dream.

When he thought of blessing, he would think of Ha Wenfa. She was the one who gave the blessing task, and now she is alive and well!

"You have obtained the Ancient Stone Leaf!"

This green leaf glows with a faint green light. The surface of the leaf is very uneven, with veins and wrinkles all over it. This leaf comes from an ancient and powerful life form. Return it to its owner, and you may get an unexpected reward.

Well, it’s really dark!
(End of this chapter)

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