Chapter 218 Die, Bug!

Taelan Fording's luck seemed to have run out. In a big treasure chest, he only touched a huge leaf, a pile of gold coins, and a letter.

Jaina loved helping Taelan Fordring manage the gold coins. She always remembered her mother Kalandra's words:
"Men become bad when they have money!"

She put away the gold coins and then looked at the letter. There was a sentence written on the envelope in a special language. Jaina could only recognize a few words: "To Asher."

At this time, Magni Bronzebeard had led his men, with the help of Malfurion, Sylvanas Windrunner, and Hamuil Runetotem, to drive away the elemental creatures. Even without their leader, they were still very dangerous. For the next period of time, Ironforge would organize a team to wipe them out.

Looking at Sylvanas Windrunner's tired face, Taelan Fordring placed the leaf in her hand. She was the only hunter here, and this treasure should be left to her.

After giving up her role as Ranger-General, she had left the Windrunner Longbow to her sister. She wanted a fresh start, but she was still burdened with the past.

Most of a person's life is lived in the expectations of others, but he would rather live in his own dreams.

When we were young, our parents expected us to learn more, do more, and walk a different path from them. When we are middle-aged, we also expect our children to have a different life. But the sad reality is: we have a dream in our hearts, but we end up living the life we ​​hate.

Sylvanas Windrunner is a powerful hero. We like her because of her bizarre life experience and her unyielding character. If you just like her flamboyant and beautiful appearance, it's understandable. She is indeed the most beautiful beauty.

But no one likes her who said "the tribes are trash", and even less like her who burned down the World Tree and brutally massacred tens of thousands of people. That is no longer her, that is why some people succumb to dollars.

I hope this new Lunrudilor, the longbow of the ancient guardian, can bring it a different life!
This weapon is a milestone in a hunter's life. It is the symbol of the hunter's professional characteristics: solo king! In order to obtain it, the hunter must kill four powerful kings alone, which is something that no other profession of the same level can do.

Carrying it was like carrying a hunter's certificate of qualification. It was a hunter's confidence to his teammates.

At this time, the reinforcements sent by Ironforge have begun to help clean up the battlefield. The dwarves and gnomes systematically treated the wounded, put out the fire, and recovered the bodies.

Tyran Fording did not leave the completed magic circle. The six-pointed star magic circle was flashing with fiery red light, and powerful energy was flowing in the magic circle.

Exotus looked at the powerful demigod anxiously, not knowing what he would face.

Would he go back on his word and burn himself to ashes with the holy light, or chop himself in two with that terrible axe?
Its minions had all fled, and it had some idea of ​​why the Fire Demon King chose a not-so-powerful fire demon to be its spokesperson. Because it was weak enough to not be able to replace it. And because of its bloodline, it had few true followers.

However, the powerful young man made an unexpected request:

"King Magni, be prepared. Protect yourself."

"Exotus, summon it. Let its true form come into this world."

"Janna, Kyle, give it a hand."

He turned his head and stared at Exceltus:
"I know you can do it. Isn't this magic circle built to summon it?"

Exotus swallowed a mouthful of nonexistent saliva. If the Fire Demon King came here, he might kill him! Would this be considered a betrayal of the Fire Demon King? But I was forced to do it. I didn't want to do that.

The environment here has changed. The surroundings are filled with holy light. The background here is holy light and severe cold. It is completely different from the void and fire. The holy light of that terrible man has completely eroded this place.

But would it dare not do so? The little girl, with a look of excitement on her face, took out something with the abominable smell of water element from her arms.

The man with pointed ears performed a magic and transferred his own mana into the mana crystal of the little girl.

Jaina raised the Qiraji Ruins Staff high, and with the support of Kael'thas, a magnificent portal opened, and a huge water element walked out. The Grand Duke of Water Elemental Hydraxis, this is the real body. As soon as it appeared, the surrounding water vapor began to gather and the temperature began to drop.

After a short wait, the water element raised its hands. Two more portals opened, and on the other side of the portals was a frightening deep sea. One by one, sea elementals walked out.

Jaina immediately said: "Respected Grand Duke Hydraxis, today we are here to fulfill our original promise."

The Hydraxis responded with a strange greeting. Then it turned and looked at Executus:
"Administrator, today, the ten thousand year elemental war will come to an end. If His Majesty Neptulon had not wanted to deal with another dark enemy, he would have personally put an end to the Fire Demon King who betrayed the world."

"It's a pity that Sunderland can no longer watch his enemy pay the price, but his servant Demetion is still alive. He will definitely be happy for his master!"

Executus knew he had no choice. Even if he could return to the Land of Fire, he would be torn to pieces. He walked to a corner of the circle and activated it.

"You made me do this, don't regret it."

Jaina and Kael'thas considerately input mana into the magic circle, saving some energy for the livid Exortus.

Magni Bronzebeard looked at the magic circle with worry. Once the Firelord Ragnaros came, the whole Dun Morogh might become the second Blackrock Mountain.

Taelan Fordring nodded slightly to the worried dwarf king. He waved his hand. With a hum, a wall of holy light rose between the magic circle and Ironforge.

The wall is only a thin layer, but it is enough to block the destructive energy brought by the arrival of the Fire Demon King.

Soon, the entire magic circle was filled with the energy of the fire element. Then the center of the magic circle turned into a huge magma lake, bubbling with hot bubbles.

Then a swirling stream of lava rose from the ground. It rose higher and higher. A burning humanoid figure appeared. It held a flaming giant hammer in its hand.

That is:
Sulfuras, Hand of Ragnaros the Firelord.

The power of the Flame Demon King was unquestionable, and its body brought an overwhelming advantage.

Compared to it, Hydraxis was just an elementary school student in front of an adult. As for Taelan Fordring, his weapon was not even as tall as the Fire Lord's.

The cunning fire demon immediately ran to the side of the Fire King, but of course, it was not stupid, so it moved a little further away.

"My Lord, they forced me to summon you. They wanted to steal your power!"

"Fool, you were defeated by these worthless bugs, and now you have brought them to me. You disappoint me so much, Exotus, you disappoint me so much!"

Axotus suddenly felt that his power was about to leave him, and he shouted in fear:
"My fire, please don't take my fire away."

It had lost its fire essence, and it would soon die. Ragnaros did not bother to look at it again.

It turned its head and looked at Tyran Fording. It was an elemental creature, particularly sensitive to energy. If it weren't for the whispers of the Old Gods, it would have been very cautious. It could feel how powerful he was. The mission of a greater existence that it was carrying forced it to face him.

"Die! Bug!"

Axotus felt the darkness in front of his eyes, and he was about to die. But just as the essence of fire left his body, a new energy was injected into his body.

(End of this chapter)

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