Chapter 23 Parting
Tomorrow Talan will say goodbye to Dalaran, and he is very happy!
After all, I haven't enjoyed my mother's nagging for many days! But Jaina didn't think so! She had been pouting since she got up in the morning! Seeing his daughter's expression, Daelin knew that she didn't want Taelan to leave, after all, she didn't have many friends to play with! If only she could get along with Finna!
Daelin knew that now was not the right time, Jaina was still too young. Once she let the secret slip, it would be a big trouble.

He had no choice but to change his schedule for today and stay with his daughter all day.

Let's go and send that old guy Fording off first! The little guy who can say "one's hero is my enemy" is much cuter than him! If he were my son...

The four of them quickly met up and had breakfast together. Tirion Fordring took his son to say goodbye to Antonidas and Archmage Krasus one after another! Tirion also invited the latter to visit Hearthglen when he had time!

Jaina held Tyran's hand, and the two walked on the streets of Dalaran. Jaina pouted and said, "Tyran! When you return to Hearthglen, remember to write to me!

Taelan Fording said: "I will! You should take care of yourself too. In a year or two, I will come to Dalaran for further study."

Jaina said, "Dad said Uncle Tirion Fordring invited him to vacation in Caer Darrow this summer. Will you go?"

"Will do!"

After all, that famous oil painting hasn’t been completed yet!
When they reached the main gate of Dalaran, a tall high elf woman was waiting there. This person was Prince Kael'thas's special envoy, the astrologer Solanlian!

Taelan Fordring's deepest impression of her was the mage profession orange card in Hearthstone.

Everyone calls her "wife". 3 mana 3/2, + spell damage, Deathrattle: Shuffle Ultimate Solanlian into your deck. By that time, she had already lost her beautiful face and fell into the void.

After the two sides met, Solanlian first greeted Tirion Fordring on behalf of Prince Kael'thas. Then she greeted Tyran Fordring. Then she stood beside Tyran Fordring, not saying anything, waiting for everyone to say goodbye.

Jaina and Taelan agreed to write to each other regularly, while Daelin talked to Tirion about the recent events in the orc internment camp.

King Terenas raised taxes to cover the expenses of the orc internment camps. There was a lot of opposition from the kingdoms. As Tyran Fordring said, King Genn Greymane of Gilneas was the first to speak out.

Terenas is a sophisticated politician. He built the orc internment camp not for the orcs, but to bring down other countries and achieve the unification of Lordaeron!

As a result, he succeeded in dismembering Alterac and breaking up Stormgarde! The Barov family became the biggest victims! After all, Pinored deserved it!

Terenas was about to succeed, but he forgot that everything has its price! The cost of the orc shelter is getting higher and higher, and there is an orc clan that has been resisting. They attack Lordaeron from time to time. This puts Terenas in a dilemma! It's okay to bury Trollbane and Barov in the pit he dug himself. But now it's Menethil that needs to be buried!
Taelan left anyway! Jaina was left alone. Standing at the gate of Dalaran, she looked at the pedestrians on the road, and then looked at the beautiful spires that could be seen everywhere in Dalaran. Suddenly, she felt that this place was not so beautiful!

It turns out that there is no such thing as beautiful scenery. Only the right person is your beautiful scenery!
"Dad! I want to go back to Kul Tiras! Right now!"


The way back was much easier, after all, the sheriffs were severely punished because of Tirion Fordring's "little report". The Lordaeron wolves, giant bears, and forest trolls all suffered.

These days, Kalandra has been living like a year! Her lovely son left her, and she couldn't even sleep well! She felt empty all day, and she didn't know whether Tailan's amnesia had been cured. When she saw her son and husband finally returned, she finally let go of the worry she had been carrying!
She hugged her son and asked about his well-being, completely ignoring the old Fording and the great astrologer Solanlian standing beside them. It was not until she heard her son mention the tutor that she greeted Solanlian. Everyone returned home and enjoyed a sumptuous dinner. After the family sat in the living room and chatted, they went to bed early. At this time, Kalandra had already arranged Solanlian's residence. She lived next door to Tailan. It was convenient for her to teach Tailan to learn the High Elven language.

The next day, Tyran Fording got up early, exercised, and then started studying! Only then did he know that the high elves had their own language textbooks! He just had to follow the course step by step! At the same time, at his request, he learned the mysticism he had always dreamed of! The so-called mysticism is not those mysterious things. It is actually the name of the understanding of energy and the laws of energy use. Its main body is similar to the advanced physics that Tyran learned on Blue Star! Of course, it also has advanced mathematics as its foundation!
Sure enough, you can’t escape the torture of mathematics wherever you go, even if you change the world!
I heard from Solanlian that when he gets in touch with those spell models, he will have to deal with solid geometry, and advanced magic will involve energy level calculations. Well! Taelan Fording can only say that my advanced mathematics is quite good, and the Nephalem are natural spellcasters! (I have a system, I am proud!)
"Ding! Shameless!"


Time flies, and a month has passed in the blink of an eye. Taelan Fording has a new understanding of the High Elven language! (The system has completed the analysis of the Sarath language.)
Ding! You learned Sarassi!

You have mastered intermediate occult science!
You have mastered advanced mathematics! (I remember you said you were good at mathematics)
Mysticism (Intermediate): You have mastered your own energy and can barely perceive the changes in the various energies around you! (Dragon Codex is upgraded by 1 level.)
The Dragon Codex is simply a magical artifact! Thank you, my mentor! You will definitely live another thousand years!
Congratulations on reaching level 10! Gained 2 skill points. Current skill points: 7.

You have reached level 10 and become a hero. Check out the new character interface.

A powerful force emerged from Tyran Fording's body. He felt that the whole world was different! He began to feel the flow of energy around him. This was the power emitted by the Star Soul of Azeroth. It entered Tyran's body, changing his body all the time, making him stronger and stronger!

He felt several powerful energy clusters appear in his senses, and he knew that they represented several powerful people. The most powerful one was his father.

Similar to him is the great astrologer who lives next door. This legendary spellcaster is actually a very gentle person! She cares about the people around her. She is just a little sensitive and not good at expressing herself! She always cares about her friends silently.

Over the past month, she and Tailan have gradually gone from being strangers to being familiar with each other. She marvels at the talent of this human cub, but feels sorry that he could easily become a mage, but he is obsessed with the way of holy light.

After meeting her, Taelan Fordring knew that she didn't like luxurious life like other high elves. She was a leatherworking master and a part-time tailor! No wonder she shouted loudly after falling into the void: "I will crush your ostentatious fantasies!" It was unknown whether this was said to the prince she was loyal to all her life, or a resistance and vent against the unfair fate of the blood elves!

The remaining few are scattered throughout Maddenholde Castle. Those should be the paladins and priests of the Knights of the Silver Hand!
Tyran Fording let out a long sigh. Now he was finally a hero. The hero template greatly enhanced the character, and he quickly opened his character column.

There have been earth-shaking changes here!

 Big Year!
  The calendar has turned again!
  One less day of vacation!
  Penglai is updated on time!

  Thank you for your collection and reading. Welcome to discuss and raise questions. Typos and so on. Penglai is good to modify!

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  Thank you!

  In addition, thank you to those who voted! I wish you good fortune and good health!

(End of this chapter)

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