Chapter 24 Hero
Taran Fording
Grade 10
Race: Nephalem (partially awakened) / Human
Occupation: Paladin
Health: 100%
Mana: 100%
Faction: Alliance/Lordaeron

Combat power rating: Weak
……All right!
His various stats are no longer visible, health and mana are expressed as percentages, all skills are integrated into one label, and the abilities brought by talent awakening are integrated into a new label, Nephalem Power.

Now in the Dark skill tree, he has lit up five skills: Heavy Attack, Strength, Prayer, Contempt, and Holy Light Bullet. The Life Skills tab has also disappeared. Only the Hammer of Justice is left alone among the other skills.

Then Tyran Fording clicked on the newly generated tab of Nephalem Power. A huge change had taken place here, and all the text descriptions were gone. This place had become an independent space, with a giant tree in the middle that reached into the clouds. The tree displayed two values, 5/30, which were the values ​​of the world power he had obtained. It was like a ruler, indicating the height of the tree, and the ground was divided into two halves with the giant tree as the midpoint. One side was called extraordinary power, and the other side was called basic power. They were like the roots of the tree, indicating the thickness of the tree. A simple thatched hut was located next to the tree. This was the hut of the first-level Nephalem!
The human talents in other skills have been moved to the extraordinary ability, and there are two new abilities: energy perception (primary, passive ability) and mental lock. They are all branch abilities awakened based on mysticism, and the other basic abilities are divided into three categories.

The first type of knowledge contains three skills, which are just acquired:
Mysticism (Intermediate)
Advanced Mathematics (Elementary, you have a crazy desire for mushroom bombs, but unfortunately you are not a mage.)
Ysera's Dream Meditation (Elementary)
The middle item is combat skills, which are the combat abilities that you have learned and mastered, including parrying, blocking, weapon proficiency, and dodging. All of them are here.

The third one is life skills.
Language proficiency: Chinese (advanced),
Common (Advanced)
Sarassi (Intermediate, this is the system's credit! You illiterate!)
Wilderness Survival: Your Perception increases by 3 points

Fishing (beginner)
Gourmet (Grandmaster)

(Big Foodie Empire Subject! Three women take good care of you!)
Three women? Well, they were his mothers in both lives and his tutor!
"Ding, you're wrong! As expected: a rotten tree can't be carved, and a wall of dung can't be defiled! Single dog!"

...going crazy again!
The world power 5 corresponds to a skill of the giant tree, Nephalem. Click it to view the specific instructions.

Nephalem: Hero Template, Energy Resistance, Awakening Skill Tree
(You are a noble Nephalem, no one can make you surrender! You will eventually master the ultimate power of the world!)

World Power 30: Punishment, Affinity

Punishment: Every time you attack, you will inflict an additional 1/10 of the damage of this attack as true damage!
Affinity: Handsome! (Nothing much to say!)
At the top, the tree branched out into three branches, one called Mystic Mastery, another called Absolution, and the third called Pressure. However, they were all in red letters and had not yet been activated. Moreover, among the three abilities, Mystic Mastery was at the bottom, and Pressure was the highest. This obviously required different world power values ​​to unlock. As for the top, there was a cloud of fog that blocked the crown of the tree.

This integrated label is obviously simpler and clearer, much better than the original one where various abilities were piled together in a mess!

His paper doll shows several pieces of equipment he has received, including Tirion Fordring's blessing, the Violet Eye, Janis's blessing pendant, as well as infantry leggings, a gentleman's belt, a knight's short sword, and a Lordaeron standard shield. It seems that the system's funding has also arrived!

In addition, the Dragon Codex became a holy codex and was hung directly on his body. He was also a serious knight with a book! When he saw the Paladin Maraad flipping through the book and casting spells, he thought it was so cool!
It's a pity that other people's books are full of knight's creed and holy light spells, while every word in his book is filled with energy, mystery, and meditation! It has nothing to do with the holy light creed.

After sorting out his items and understanding the changes in the system. Tyran Fording spread out the Dragon Codex and began to meditate! He could already read this book! It recorded an ancient meditation method called Ysera's Dream Meditation. As for why the partner of the Red Dragon Queen Alexstrasza had Ysera's meditation method, Tyran didn't know. But it didn't prevent this meditation method from being very good. It not only greatly accelerated the recovery of mana, but also increased the upper limit of mana, and even gave Tyran a lot of experience to upgrade his level. This made Tyran feel like a cultivator!

Maybe this is the reason why Malfurion has been sleeping in the Emerald Dream for many years! Now Taelan is addicted to meditation every day. Because level 12 is not far away! He will have his first core skill: Zeal.

After learning this skill, he can apply for the test of the apprentice paladin. After passing the test, he can go to the Light's Hope Chapel to receive further instruction. Improve his combat skills and mystic level. At the same time, prepare for future orc events!

Only when the baby bird leaves the nest can it spread its wings and fly high.

Taelan Fordring meditated while his governess, Solanlian, wrote a letter. She first wrote a magical letter to Prince Kael'thas. It would be sent directly by magic.

In the letter, she detailed the progress of her business. In just one month, she had established the company. She used her teleportation spell to deliver the first batch of goods to Hearthglen and hired five employees, a low-level wizard apprentice as a salesperson, three girls as servants, responsible for cleaning and sorting goods, and a retired veteran as a doorman. Every morning, she taught Taelan in the language and writing of the high elves. In the afternoon, she worked as a part-time salesperson in the store, and in the evening, she went back to teach Taelan Fording the mysticism.

She found that she had adapted to the life in this new home in just one month. Tirion Fording was a carefree person except when he was on duty. He was loving and never interfered with her affairs. And Kalandra was a kind-hearted mother, although a little nagging. Her biggest problem might be that she was a little spoiled for her children, and the other was "domestic violence"! Old Fording was abused by Kalandra several times because he took his son hunting.

And Tyran Fording is a self-disciplined and smart child. He has a great talent as a mage. In just one month, he has mastered a language and mysticism. And Solanlian guessed that Tyran has mastered energy perception, which is a prerequisite for becoming a legendary spellcaster. Without it, no matter how many spells you learn, you cannot be promoted to a legend. In other words, this young child is already a "hero"! And one of the prince's advisors told her that this child is called "The Glory of Holy Light" in the Dalaran mage circle. He is a natural spellcaster.

His strange holy light spell can not only damage enemies and cause explosions, but also heal friendly forces. It is a very powerful unique skill.

After sending the letter to the prince using magic, she picked up her quill and prepared to write a private letter to her friend Liadrin. This letter would be sent to Quel'Thalas along with the goods through a newly appointed special courier.

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(End of this chapter)

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