Enter World of Warcraft with Dark Skills

Chapter 233: It disappeared? She disappeared!

Chapter 233: It disappeared? She disappeared!
The strong Naga Siren suddenly stopped there. Its keen senses told it that it was being watched by a powerful being.

The muscles in its sturdy body were tense. But it didn't dare to make any movements. It just mechanically held its halberd.

The Naga and the High Elves were once the same race, and they are both the remnants of the High Elves.

These elves, who controlled the power of the Well of Eternity, considered themselves superior. They lived in the palace of Queen Azshara. They gradually distinguished themselves from the rest of their compatriots. They called themselves the Highborne.

Later, the queen established contact with the dark titan Sargeras through Xavius. This queen, known as the "Light of Light", was the most powerful wizard in the mortal world. Nothing in this world could move her. But Sargeras, who possessed supreme power, aroused her interest. So she fantasized about becoming a "god's wife". She fantasized that the titan could help her master the ultimate power.

Excessive greed and impulse finally dragged them into the abyss. Led by the newly-powered druid Malfurion, the night elves detonated the Well of Eternity, and the powerful explosion tore the earth apart. The earth-shattering disaster permanently changed the world of Azeroth.

In this process, the high elves split into two parts, one of which joined the rebellion led by Jarod Shadowsong. They later went to the eastern continent and became the high elves.

The other part followed Azshara all the time and finally sank to the bottom of the sea with their queen.

At this time, a dead fish with a breath of shadow came to Azshara with the will of a great being.

At this time, Azshara was using her magical powers to prevent the sea from flooding her palace.

Faced with the temptation of N'Zoth and the crisis of life and death. The proud Azshara succumbed to the temptation of N'Zoth.

The queen struck a deal with N'Zoth. They became allies. N'Zoth would save her and her people, while Azshara would build her people into an army.

They will help the Old Gods break free from the Titans' cage.

So these high elves accepted the gift from the old gods, and the price was that they became half-human, half-fish Naga.

Because women degenerate and mutate faster, they have four arms. They are stronger and more dangerous than their male counterparts. Some of the more degenerate individuals even have six arms.

They had been sleeping in the depths of the sea. One day, they woke up from their slumber and found that the whole world had changed.

It was not until Illidan, who had left for Outland, summoned them that the Naga Siren Vashj followed him out of the deep sea. This allowed this ancient race to reappear in the eyes of mortals.

The strong male Naga stood there motionless.

Sylvanas Windrunner raised her bow and aimed at it.

She was a highly experienced high elf, and she had received a good education since childhood. She knew the origin of this race.

"Hold still, a naga. Why have you come to Alliance territory?"

The Naga general obviously knew the famous Ranger General. Its queen had foreseen all this. However, she was much more powerful than expected.

She has mastered a terrifying power. Would she not sell her soul to some powerful being? Just like Queen Azshara did back then?

It opened its mouth and spoke in ancient Thalassian: "The powerful Sylvanas Windrunner, General of the High Elves. Leader of the Alliance.

I bring a message from our great Queen Azshara."

"Please help me deliver it to Grand Marshal Taelan Fording of the Alliance."

“She knew of a sinister plot. She ordered me to deliver this letter to Teldrassil. She meant no harm.”

Although Sylvanas Windrunner has always lived in the closed Quel'Thalas, she is very smart.

"Tell me, what does your queen need?"

The male naga obviously knew what to expect, or their queen knew what the alliance would ask.

"Sever our connection with the ancient gods! Let us return to our original form. We must return to the surface."

Sylvanas knows the history of the Highborne:

"You can go now. Leave the letter here."

The siren pulled out a letter with a seal on it.

Sylvanas Windrunner used a spell to pick up the letter. The nightmares brought by the ancient gold coins made her no longer dare to carry those strange things with her.

The naga watched as Sylvanas Windrunner carefully picked up the letter.

"The great queen disdains to use those petty tricks that are not worthy of being shown on the stage. Don't worry. There is no problem with the letter. You just need to deliver it."

"N'Zoth has woven a plot. Soon there will be war. Prepare yourselves, Windrunner."

Sylvanas Windrunner replied: "But I heard that N'Zoth sealed the Maelstrom, and it did not participate in the catastrophe caused by Deathwing."

"Foolish mortals, the Queen said. Although N'Zoth is the weakest of the Old Gods, its power is far beyond your imagination. It is brewing a huge conspiracy.

Once it succeeds, you will be completely destroyed."

After it finished saying this, it began to slowly retreat. It was very afraid of this powerful ranger general.

It is about to retreat to the seaside, and as long as it enters the sea, it will be completely safe.

Sylvanas Windrunner's detection had warned her. She was very careful to keep her detection on, as advised by Taelan Fordring. It was best to detect humanoid creatures.

The scariest thing in this world is always the human heart.

It finally entered the water, and he carefully used magic to remove any traces of his return.

It turned around, and after ten thousand years, it had adapted to life in the sea. It was not clear whether the queen's decision to return to land was right or wrong.

But this is not what it should think about, let the queen and his wife think about it! Yes, Naga is a matriarchal society. Women are smarter and have more spellcasters, so they manage the country.

Men are only responsible for fighting.

This mission was completed smoothly. I will be able to return to my wife soon.

Sylvanas Windrunner suddenly raised her bow, and then a special breath wrapped around the arrow.

"Swoosh!" A powerful arrow hit the Naga's back. It endured the pain and turned its head to say something.

It didn't understand why Sylvanas Windrunner wanted to kill it. But when it turned around, it saw Sylvanas Windrunner waved her hand, and a strange light burned the letter to ashes. She didn't even take a look at the contents inside.

It had to run fast. This arrow had caused great damage. I had to run back quickly. My wife might be able to save me.

But its body was suddenly entangled by something. It was thorns.

Thorn shooting?

"I have to leave something behind. This woman..."

A pair of terrifying eyes stared at it, just like its terrifying god. The power brought by the arrow exploded completely. Its vitality was completely destroyed.


Its body withered quickly until it turned into powder. Nothing was left. Only the weapon, which fell into the sea with a bang. No one would find it.

It disappeared.

Sylvanas Windrunner turned away. Perhaps what is not obtained is worse than...

This is for his own good.

Teldrassil towers into the sky, and the night wind blows. It gently blows Sylvanas Windrunner's cheek. She looks up, and the sky is full of stars. She doesn't know which one is her and which one is him.

When you work hard, time is always insufficient. But when you slack off, time seems endless.

The next day, Sylvanas Windrunner walked out of the tree house in Teldrassil. After a night, she recovered a lot, and the world tree soothed her anxiety.

I still have to go to Ratchet again today. There are a lot of goblins gathering there every day. Their screening has not been completed yet. Liadrin has already started to curse. She even complained about why Her Majesty Calia Menethil or King Kael'thas didn't order them all to be sent to Orgrimmar.

Gallywix would definitely jump for joy. Sylvanas Windrunner remembers that when your enemies are happy, that's when you should cry. And vice versa.

What Azeroth lacks most is actually labor. If it weren't for the Destroyer Deathwing who shattered the Pillars of Creation, making many areas unsuitable for survival, it would actually be a world rich in resources.

The High Elves have fallen to their current state because of the massive loss of population. They are the founding race of the Alliance, but they are not a strong race. There are too few of them. And because of their lifespan, they generally have no interest in having children.

Taelan Fording once said that every high elf is precious. They have a long life to learn more knowledge and practice more skills. And they are beautiful and very popular. Unfortunately, their men rarely marry outside the family, and women rarely marry outside the family. No one wants to spend thousands of years alone. There are too few partners like the big boss Rhonin who can accompany them for a lifetime.

It looks like I have to work overtime today to help Liadrin send the remaining goblins to where they belong.

As soon as she reached the gate of the Taurajo camp, she saw a rare person.

Master Yip’s magic hut is actually open?

Sylvanas Windrunner turned back and asked Halduron Brightwing to lead the Sentinels ahead. I have to go and divine. I don't know when I will meet the master again!

Sylvanas Windrunner stopped Halduron who also wanted to do divination.

"If you have nothing to do, you can go drink with the Grand Marshal more at night. As long as you can tolerate the dog food."

Halduron Brightwing felt as if he had taken 10,000 critical hits.

"When the Marshal drinks with us, he rarely brings his wife. He is very self-disciplined and he only drinks with some old comrades."

"Usually it's the elders, or the Archdruid Hamuil Runetotem.

Sometimes it's Dawi. Master Malfurion rarely comes. Our prince is a frequent visitor.

Of course, Lunala is indispensable."

"But she has a bad temper."

"There's also a huntress with a snowy owl named Shirley who comes here often. She's a pretty good dancer. And I, I know a little bit of everything."

Sylvanas Windrunner quickly stopped Halduron from talking. "I know you have many talents. Let's get to work!"
"Then you should drink with him more often."

After finishing speaking, she reached out and pushed open the door of the master's magic hut. I hope everything goes well.


The barren lands are still covered with green trees, but here there is always a howling cold wind and heavy snow.

A lonely figure walked alone in the ice and snow. He was wearing a suit of armor made of Saronite. Every step was heavy in the snow, but he didn't seem to feel tired. He left a row of deep footprints behind him.

He wore a strange helmet on his head. A strand of white hair stubbornly emerged from the gap. His big hand, wearing a solid gauntlet, grasped the hilt of the sword, and its guard was a terrifying goat's head.

That figure was none other than Arthas Menethil, the former prince of Lordaeron.

Don't think that if Illidan hadn't attacked the Frozen Throne, the Lich King Ner'zhul wouldn't have merged with Arthas. The Frozen Throne is both a magical item that strengthens it and its cage.

Just like Tychus Findlay's power armor. They are all people who carry their prisons with them.

The battle of Mount Hyjal was over. With the help of Kel'Thuzad, Prince Arthas hunted many souls of the night elves. He also took advantage of the battle between the Alliance and Archimonde to kill several demons. These souls became the nourishment of Frostmourne.

As Kel'Thuzad said, Frostmourne is not a creation of the devil. It has its true master. And now its master is me!
Arthas Menethil.

Through the eyes of some undead servants, he saw with his own eyes that in the holy light, the figure with six wings killed the powerful demon lords one by one. The figure with golden hair fell into his arms.

What you can’t get is the best.

There are seven kinds of suffering in life: birth, aging, sickness, death, separation from loved ones, resentment and resentment, and failure to obtain what you desire. Birth, aging, sickness and death are the laws of nature and cannot be violated. Only failure to obtain what you desire can be changed, so it is the most unbearable. It is like a thorn that pierces deeply into your heart, making you suffer every moment.

She may not be the most beautiful or the strongest, but every bit of her beauty lives up to his aesthetic standards.

All roads lead to Rome, but some people are born in Rome. The same is true in love. That stubborn person is just like me. He fell in love with that person at first sight. He has not changed for decades.

If you can't defeat him in love, then you have to defeat him in strength.

So it returned to Lordaeron, and with the new power of Frostmourne, it sent those ridiculous dreadlords back to the twisting void. Then he rushed to Northrend without stopping.

The Lich King needed to escape from his cage, he needed powerful strength, so they hit it off. But they didn't trust Kel'Thuzad who could use strange powers.

This is all thanks to Taelan Fordring, whose powerful skill, Fist of Heaven, forced out that kind of energy.

Today he will look for a powerful subordinate in Northrend, and then he will head to his own battlefield, or the end.

This is it. Dragonblight.

It bent down and reached out to touch a layer of snow. The ice surface was exposed. The mirror-like ice surface reflected a face wearing a helmet. Through the cracks in it, you can see the pale face and the desire for power in the eyes.

It drew out its long sword, and in the severe cold of Northrend, tiny bits of magical light floated out, falling on the blade like drops of water. The entire sword was lit up, and the power of death began to gather. It was colder than the cold wind of Northrend. It represented the power of eternal silence.

The prince no longer hesitated, and he thrust Frostmourne fiercely into the ice.

A huge force was injected into the ice.

A roar shook everyone's heart. An extremely huge frost dragon smashed the iceberg and stuck its head out from inside.


The huge frost dragon flew into the sky, and all the undead roared in anger.

A few days later.

After the Twilight War and the Battle of Teldrassil, the dragon army finally returned to Wyrmrest Temple. Before Tyran Fordring launched the war against N'Zoth, they could have a good rest.

The red dragon queen Alexstrasza was still very happy. After all, the burden of ten thousand years had been shared by someone, and the entire dragon clan had hope.

Malygos is the happiest. His bad luck with Wish doesn't seem to have affected him. He's been casting smoothly lately. Those random effects haven't bothered him either.

In fact, it shouldn't have gone to Teldrassil, but the hatred and heartache made it unbearable to hide alone in the Nexus.

After ten thousand years, it finally got its revenge. Although it didn't kill its enemy personally, it was still a skill to find an ally.

Her revenge was finally achieved. She could rest in peace, and it could also let go. The cold wind of Northrend hit its face. Finally, it was home.

A new life is waiting for it. In the future, it will drink tea in the Nexus, watch those little guys grow up, and then wait for that reliable ally to slowly clean up the annoying old gods and burn the Burning Legion in one fire.

It can retire.

A moment later, Reagos ran in in a panic.

"Your Majesty, this is bad! We've been robbed!"

"Tomb robbing?"

"It's tomb robbing!"

Malygos looked puzzled and asked, "Who dares to dig our graves? Don't those mammoths want to live?"

Reagos was a little scared: "Your Majesty, it's not the mammoth man. It's the Lich King."

Malygos was stunned for a moment: "Lich King? Hasn't it been hiding in the Frozen Throne? When did it become so bold?"

"It's Arthas Menethil, the first death knight under the Lich King."

"How many dragon bones did it steal?"

"Only one."

Fortunately, there was only one of them. That didn't make it so angry.

"Just wait! The wrath of magic will burn it to death! Wait until the guardian knight has dealt with N'Zoth and Yogg-Saron. It will also be over."

Rhaegos said: "Your Majesty, what was stolen was the bones of our queen Sindragosa. It resurrected it."

"It became the king of the frost dragons. It called out your name before it left. Everyone heard it."

The rage almost drove Malygos crazy: So you were waiting for me here! My luck is still as bad as ever.

"I will gather all my allies and ask Ysera to summon Stellagosa who lives in Teldrassil. I want to speak to the Guardian Knight!"

(End of this chapter)

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