Enter World of Warcraft with Dark Skills

Chapter 234: Having your own way

Chapter 234: Go your own way

Taelan Fordring's tree house in Teldrassil.

Lady Jaina Proudmoore opened the wooden wine cabinet and pulled out a bottle of Booty Bay rum.

She shook the bottle gently, then stared at the swirling beer foam inside in a daze.

She clearly remembered that her brother liked this kind of liquor the most. Every time he came back from the sea, he would drink this, and he would shake the bottle just like she was doing now.

Unfortunately, he is no longer here. I have also left that home. Everyone has changed.

My father turned his attention to the sea, and if it weren't for the problems that were happening to all the families in Kul Tiras, he would have been exterminating the orcs everywhere.

The mother shifted all her attention to her children. She no longer paid attention to the admiral. She even ignored the girl her husband adopted. In the past, she would blame her husband for not bringing her daughter to her side and teaching her well. Now she no longer mentioned these things.

She came alone with a boat to attend her daughter's engagement ceremony. She also took out all her savings as a dowry for her daughter. Now she is thinking about finding a daughter-in-law for her son every day.

She focused all her attention on her little family. Now she even began to look forward to having a child soon. Her life was war, magic, her husband, and of course, Brian Bronzebeard's messy expense accounts.

He seems to have been in trouble again recently. He was supposed to dig up the Broken Crown, but he seemed to have dug up a love letter. It turned out that the person who came to hunt him was a man named Logus Jeter. He actually brought two faceless men and a robot.

If Rhonin hadn't gone to check on the work, both Brann Bronzebeard and his new companion Elise Starseeker would have been killed.

It seems that only Tandre has not changed. His life is full of joy. Every day is spent sailing, making money, drinking, and being forced to get married. The only thing left is probably eating oranges.

Fortunately, the Fording family has not changed since she came to this family at the age of eight.

Taelan Fordring once said:
"I am a selfish person. I can trade the world for my family, but I will never trade my family for the world."

So for decades, her new home has never changed. She envied Taelan Fording for having a pair of good parents. It was they who made this home full of human touch.

Taelan Fordring looked at Jaina, who was in a daze holding the bottle of wine, and just shook his head.

Grand Mage Solanlian teased, "What are you waiting for, Fording's child bride? Why don't you get to work quickly?"


"Hahaha!" The old dwarf Magni Bronzebeard laughed unkindly. Dwarves are not always particular about small matters, and they are not shy about being polite. They have the same family values ​​as humans.

Malfurion could only shake his head helplessly. It's great to be young!
Should I hold the wedding ceremony with Tyrande earlier?
Kael'thas could only envy.

Home is a harbor and the most important thing in life. When you are hurt and have nothing, home is the only place that can accept you.

Jaina opened the bottle of rum and poured wine for everyone. Of course, Taelan Fording only had half a glass. She would not allow him to drink too much. Mother Kalandra always told her not to let him drink too much.

The atmosphere of a family depends entirely on its hostess. The atmosphere of a family determines the atmosphere of the family.

Jaina is a lively person. She can chat with many people. So the atmosphere at home is always relaxed. She likes her little home and manages it with her heart. So this home is full of warmth.

This newly renovated tree house is quite spacious. It has a row of bookshelves and a large desk with documents and letters neatly arranged on the desk.

The remaining small items are placed in their appropriate places.

The party is still going on.

Taelan Fording said: "It's a pity that the elder has not returned yet. I seem to have not seen him for a long time."

Malfurion said: "He leads too many people, and the sea is not very safe."

At this moment, a messenger suddenly knocked on the door, and soon he saw their commander.

"Grand Marshal, Stellagosa of the blue dragon clan wants to see you about something important."

Jaina’s eyes made the messenger feel a little uncomfortable: I didn’t think I said anything wrong?
Taelan Fording said: "Well, let her in!"

Soon, the childish Stellagosa walked in. Her face was tense, but she was relieved when she saw Taelan Fordring.

"High Lord, my majesty Malygos requests to speak with you."

"I see, Archdruid, I think we have to ask Mylinsera for help."

Archdruid Malfurion said: "Mylinthra is the dragon of dreams. With her and Teldrassil, we can get in touch with the dragons far away in Northrend."

A happy private gathering ended. Jaina asked worriedly, "What is it that makes the blue dragon clan so anxious?"

Taelan Fordring: "Malygos has formally requested to speak with me. This must be something beyond his ability."

In fact, dragons also have different temperaments.

The Red Dragon Queen is a woman with a strong character and decisiveness. She is cheerful and good at communicating with others. She never refuses to ask for help from others. This allows her to become the mother of the five-colored dragons.

The Green Dragon Queen is gentle, stubborn and conservative. If you establish a friendship with her, she will be your staunch supporter. However, she sleeps in the Emerald Dream most of the time and rarely comes into contact with mortal races. Bronze dragons are rare. Little Loli Chromie is not a qualified bronze dragon. She can see the efforts of mortal races and hopes that they can make changes through hard work.

The Blue Dragon King is a tsundere, he usually handles everything by himself, and he won't ask for help from others until the last minute.

For some reason, ever since he voluntarily gave up the power of the guardian and became an ordinary dragon, it has become sober.

It's just that its luck has become very bad. And it recently used the wish spell again. I hope he is okay.

Soon they arrived at the World Tree. Taelan Fording reached out and stroked its rough trunk, feeling its growing power.

It is like a child. It absorbs the power released by the star soul and continues to grow. As it grows, it heals the earth. With it, the barren land has become a fertile land.

Now Taurajo is full of green trees, and a beautiful lake has appeared near it. Lunala built her tree house there. She decided to protect this new lake. She prayed to nature every day, hoping that her friend Effie, who had returned to the Emerald Dream, would return soon.

Effie died atop Mount Hyjal. She was killed by Brutallus's meteor strike. Brutallus was then slain by Taelan Fordring with a single blow.

The Emerald Dream is now constantly changing. It is slowly beginning to merge with Azeroth, and the medium is Teldrassil.

Ysera appears as a night elf, followed by the red dragon queen Alexstrasza, who is dressed more and more human.

Malygos appears in dragon form.

Jaina looked around like a child, while the dwarf Magni was on guard, as the alert dwarf had already noticed that something was wrong with the atmosphere.

Malygos could no longer suppress his grief and anger.

This is an unexpected figure. Bronze Dragon Kronom. This is the first time she has taken the initiative to appear in front of everyone in the form of a giant dragon. It can be seen that she is dusty. After a while of light and shadow changes, she turned into a cute dwarf girl.

Taelan Fording nodded to her. Chromie had participated in the recent wars and had helped a lot. She saw Taelan Fording and nodded as well.

See everyone is here.

Malygos is no longer reserved:

"Just a few days ago, while we were fighting the Twilight's Hammer in Twilight Highlands, Arthas Menethil invaded the edge of Dragonblight, stole the remains of my consort Sindragosa, and resurrected her as a frost dragon."

"This is a blasphemy and an insult. We are fighting the enemies of the world, and the dead are desecrating the bones of the victims.

Sindragosa fought the Burning Legion until Neltharion betrayed us. He didn't even die in the dragon's resting place.

Since then, I have been in a daze. I just wanted to move it to the dragon's resting place..."

Everyone could feel the blue dragon king's sadness. He knew Sindragosa must hate him. He had not responded to his dying call. The blue dragon clan had a rather strange concept of marriage. Most of them were monogamous. And it was the women who took the initiative to find their own mates.

Sindragosa was Malygos's first consort and close comrade-in-arms. They were inseparable while Sindragosa was alive.

In the legendary world of Azeroth, if the love between Millhouse and Milpheus is the funniest, then the love between Sindragosa and Malygos is the most unforgettable.

They loved each other, hated each other, and longed for each other for tens of thousands of years, until 10 when they finally came to mutual understanding and redemption.

“I ask for the Alliance’s help in my assault on the Frozen Throne. To recover Sindragosa. Even if it is only a body. I will bury it in its resting place.”

Ner'zhul will definitely summon Arthas to Northrend. If it wants to get out of that cage, it needs a strong body, and Arthas is the most suitable choice.

But isn't it a little too hasty to jump out at this time? Isn't it afraid that the Burning Legion will find them now? He certainly doesn't believe that all the dreadlords have been expelled from here. At least the powerful Jintesha will be fine.

Taelan Fordring could understand Malygos's feelings. The reason for his madness was the death of Sindragosa and the betrayal of Neltharion.

Taelan Fordring cherished his family, and he was about to nod in agreement, but he saw Chromie shaking his head at him.

Taelan Fording decided to listen to everyone's opinions before making a decision.

Malygos kept his eyes on Tyran Fordring, hoping that his long-time ally would support him.

But he hesitated, and for a moment his disappointment was palpable.

Chromie said at the right time: "N'Zoth's army has begun to attack Uldum, and the Naga Sirens have also begun to move."

Malygos felt better, as he saw what Chromie was doing. But he had made up his mind!
If Lady Jaina Proudmoore had been killed by the Lich King, I think the Frozen Throne would have been razed to the ground by the Holy Light by now.

But it's not his fault...

He wants to protect the whole world.

Then let the Blue Dragon Legion help him, and I can go and get her back myself...

(End of this chapter)

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