Enter World of Warcraft with Dark Skills

Chapter 235: Naxxramas and Beneath the Frozen Throne

Chapter 235: Naxxramas and Beneath the Frozen Throne
As soon as Chromie finished speaking, Archdruid Malfurion's face changed. The night elves were well aware of N'Zoth's power. The nightmare in the Emerald Dream was the masterpiece of it and Yogg-Saron.

The druids suffered the most. Its power may not be the strongest among the ancient gods, but its harm is indeed the greatest. And combined with the intelligence and data collected by the alliance, the upper elves became what they are now under its temptation.

Tyran Fordring is the Grand Marshal of the Alliance, and the dragons follow him to fight because of his strength and his position in the Red Dragon Legion. Regardless of whether Malygos's request is reasonable or not, he must respond.

"The Alliance will never allow those undead to desecrate a soul that sacrificed itself to fight the enemies of the world. I decided to speed up the expedition. The Ezelena Crusaders will be divided into two. One part will be led by Davy, and Paris will cooperate to guard the crossroads. At the same time, we will strengthen the defense of the coastline."

"The other part is led by General Shantis Feathermoon and General Marlan. The elite troops will be assembled within three days."

The mage army is still led by King Kael'thas. This time we need a powerful magic army."

Having said this, Taelan Fording paused.

"In five days the Alliance will invade Ny'alotha. After eliminating the threat of N'Zoth in the south, the Alliance will go deep into Northrend. Destroy the Lich King and Yogg-Saron, who may have escaped from his prison."

This revised plan, in the eyes of Malfurion and others, was an aggressive plan, because the mortal races had never defeated these ancient evil gods. They were the enemies of the Titans.

They may not have known those ancient secrets before, but now they have obtained the information provided by the dragons. Their understanding of the ancient gods is no longer comparable to before.

The powerful Titans fought hard to finally seal these ancient gods in cages. Even they were not able to completely eradicate these evil creatures. The most powerful evil god, Y'Shaarj, was destroyed by Aman'thul, the father of the gods.

Even without mentioning the powerful force of the Old Gods, the Alliance's army was already exhausted after experiencing continuous and arduous battles.

After Taelan Fordring communicated with the Red Dragon Queen, everyone left the Emerald Dream with different thoughts.

Taelan Fording specifically asked Mylinthra to keep Chromie. They had more important things to discuss.

Malygos remained silent. He temporarily handed over the command of the blue dragon clan to Azuregos. It was most familiar with Tyran Fordring. It had never left Teldrassil since its last retreat from Azshara. Malygos asked it to lead all the blue dragons to assist Tyran Fordring in the battle. He himself needed to return to the Nexus first to survive the backlash of the wish.

After Taelan Fording finished talking to Chromie, Mylinthra gave him a ring called the Turbulence Needle.

"Respected Red Dragon Lord Tyran Fordring, His Majesty Malygos asked me to give this to you. He said he may need to recuperate in the Nexus for a while. During this time, he can no longer help you.

He is very grateful to you for helping him kill Deathwing. He hopes you can take good care of Stellagosa, who, along with Kalec, is the best blue dragon."

Taelan Fording asked, "What else did he do?"

"He flew straight from Wyrmrest Temple. I heard from Kalecgos that he gave the key to his vault to Senegos and ordered him to move it out of Azsuna. He only took the Focusing Iris with him."

Taelan Fording quietly left the Emerald Dream. Everyone has their own choice.

Malygos is a cheerful and funny blue dragon. He is also a good friend. I hope his luck gets better.

Taelan Fording said to Jaina: "Janna, how many days will it take for the elder to return?"

"Three days."

"Okay, follow the plan. Lillian!"

The void behind Taelan Fording seemed to crack open, and a petite figure walked out from it.

"Great Lord, I'm here!"

"When will the Darkmoon Faire come to the Barrens?" "Silas Darkmoon told me that it will have to wait until next year."

"Only half a year? Isn't it a bit early?"

"Let Hunter come back from the east. He hasn't been reunited with Dolly for a long time. We won't interfere in the affairs of Storm Kingdom. Inform Edwin and ask him to bring his daughter to the Barrens as soon as possible."

“And don’t interfere with the Master. Stay away from her if you can. But never let her out of your sight in Teldrassil.”

Jaina said dissatisfiedly: "Shouldn't we send that to Mulgore? Why put it in Teldrassil?"

"And what on earth is Varian doing? Where is he?"

Taelan Fording shook his head. He gently touched the hilt of Xal'atath's sword.

What a fine sword.

Jaina was puzzled, but she quickly turned her attention to the new teleportation magic.

Demonic Hub.

Malygos packed his things and put them in a small box. The blue dragon clan's inheritance code had been handed over to Senegos. The magic items he collected had also been distributed to his friends and clansmen. He no longer had any worries.

He has given up the power of guardian. The next guardian dragon should be between Kalecgos and Stellagosa. As for Arygos, he used to be a good kid, but under the influence of C'Thun for ten thousand years, his personality has changed drastically.

Tyran Fordring is very fond of Mylinthra and Kalethrasz. He is the only one who is not kind to Arygos. This is enough to explain the problem. This is the choice of the Guardian Knights and the choice of the world. The future blue dragon king must be one of the three dragons, Azuregos, Kalecgos and Stellagosa.

Malygos touched his blue diary for the last time. Then he cast a spell on it. After thinking about it, he realized that there was no one he could trust. It turned out that the young human was the one that suited him best.

People who don’t like each other will become the most familiar strangers even if they have lived together for tens of thousands of years. People who like each other will become the most unfamiliar acquaintances as long as they drink together once.

Hopefully that powerful turbulence pointer can help him.

Goodbye, my friends. But I am not without chance.

Icecrown Glacier.

Arthas was ready. Although he suspected Kel'Thuzad, it was not a good idea to dig up the blue dragon's grave now. If the big lizard came to kill him, it would be very troublesome.

And Arthas knew that the blue dragon was no longer crazy. He was related to Taelan Fording. There were rumors that they conspired to kill Neltharion together.

Now Neltharion is truly dead. His head is hung on the new world tree Teldrassil.

Ner'zhul looked at Arthas with fiery eyes.

"We are about to become one!"

"Kel'Thuzad, take Sindragosa with you and garrison Naxxramas, watching over Dragonblight. Don't let that big lizard disturb us."

"Yes, my master!"

The great master is omnipotent and omniscient. No one can escape from his grasp. I have completed my mission. Soon I will receive new power!
(End of this chapter)

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