Enter World of Warcraft with Dark Skills

Chapter 236: Lovers’ thoughts are always there

Chapter 236: Lovers’ thoughts are always there

The cold winds of Northrend never stop, just like the rage of the undead, they ruthlessly destroy this ancient land.

There is a mountain in the distance, towering into the clouds. It is like a throne, standing tall and unshakable, as if it has existed forever. It is really a throne, a frozen throne. On the throne sits a cowardly and cruel soul.

The Lich King, Ner'zhul.

The former chieftain of the Shadowmoon clan, yes, he was an orc. It was the orcs who brought disaster to thousands of people in Lordaeron.

Today is a great day for it, because it finally met its death knight:
Arthas Menethil.

A powerful Death Knight, a powerful soul, a strong body, a young man with endless ambitions, a corpse.

The young prince walked step by step to the throne. His steps were firm and heavy, and every step seemed to be measured with a ruler. He was well trained, thanks to Uther the Lightbringer.

In this respect, Uther far surpassed Harth Stonewine and the elder Cairne Bloodhoof. They taught Tyran Fordring how to win. As for the rules, there was only the honor of a warrior: protect your comrades and fight to the end.

As for the rest, there is only winning and losing in a fight. It doesn't matter whether you win by kicking the belly, throwing up sand, rolling on the ground, or charging at the critters and sneaking up on the back.

The sharp Frostmourne brought a bone-chilling cold. The prince used all his strength to swing the sword horizontally, shattering the ice that had not melted for thousands of years.

A strange helmet slid on the smooth ground along with the broken ice.

The prince reached out his hand with the gauntlet made of Saronite and picked it up. He looked at the enchanted helmet carefully. It was made of a strange substance, with some strange symbols on it that he had never seen before. It was not a demonic craft, but it was a bit like Frostmourne.

Arthas Menethil walked steadily to the frozen throne and sat on it. A sense of dissatisfaction came from the helmet. However, it did not care.

It sat upright, just as it had done in the throne room.

Taelan Fordring would never kneel, not even to his king.

He was a Paladin, a Grand Knight, the future Archbishop of the Church of Holy Light, the successor of Alonsus Faol, his favorite student, and he could read his manuscripts at will.

No matter who he faced, he only needed to show respect. Even when discussing the future of the world with the legendary Dragon King, he sat in the main seat. This was something that even Emperor Thoradin had never done.

He ascended to the pinnacle of demigod by stepping on the corpses of Nekros, Anetheron, Khaz'roga, Brutallus, Kazzak, Prince Malchezaar, Archimonde, and Deathwing.

Today I will win the most important battle in my life here.

He cut off the last trace of humanity and weakness in its heart. He was no longer himself, it would become a king. The king of thousands of dead.

It raised its hand and put the helmet on its head. In an instant, countless noisy consciousness and rage poured into the prince's body. At the same time, there came endless death force. This was a force that even the Burning Legion could not control.

Arthas Menethil had a splitting headache. But he had thrown away his heart, and he no longer had to hear its annoying beating. This made him calm down a lot.

At this moment, he seemed to be looking down at the entire Ice Throne in his soul. Infinite space, endless cold.

At this moment, the army of tens of thousands of undead beneath the snow-capped peaks became one with it.

It endures the quarrels and anger in those souls.

Not everyone can become a god. It has nothing to do with power. One must possess this quality to be considered a god. Arthas realized that only Ner'zhul, himself, and Taelan Fordring possessed this quality. They could all bear this power with their souls.

But Archimonde, the eredar warlock who was more powerful than them, couldn't do it. That's why he lost to Taelan Fordring. He was hit by too many elf souls and his soul fire. Taelan Fordring endured this noise and he didn't get lost. It's just that his performance was a little too relaxed later.

Maybe becoming a god requires more than just this quality, there are other things as well.

Arthas Menethil threw these aside. It began to draw power from the Helm of Domination.

Ner'zhul looked at the body with satisfaction. It could withstand the impact of the sea of ​​souls. It is so perfect. It is so ignorant. I accept this gift. Let's begin!

The gears of fate began to turn. Everything was completely different, and no one knew where it would go.

"We are one!"

A powerful magical aura lit up Arthas' eyes. It was so lonely and so powerful.

A blood-red flower bloomed in his consciousness, it was the Tears of Arthas.

In his mind, a head of golden hair was caressed by the spring breeze. It was Lady Jaina Proudmoore.

A crown inlaid with jewels rolled down from the high platform, it was the burden of the father.

A huge beast appeared in his consciousness, that was the consciousness of the Lich King Ner'zhul.

A little boy holds a bouquet of daisies. It is young Arthas Menethil.

Opposite him was a sturdy and handsome boy, who was carrying a blonde girl on his back. The girl carefully helped the boy tuck a strand of blonde hair behind her ear.

A prim voice rang out: "Arthas, the training has begun!

Don't compare yourself to him, he already has the Heart of Holy Light."

"I can't compare myself to him, or Varian, so who can I compare myself to?

One of them has Tiffin, the other has Jaina. What do I have?"

"A throne!"

"What a cool throne."

Crack, crack, crack. The thick ice buried Arthas Menethil on the top of the Frozen Throne. He waited to wake up again. At that time, he would be the Lich King!

At the foot of the mountain, a short figure walked into the ice-forged mountain.

This is it, the Lich King has fallen into a deep sleep. It's time to put this underground.

It opened a portal and walked in. Under the Frozen Throne, there was an empty space, a masterpiece of the spider demon. It held up a strange staff in its hand. A huge magic circle enveloped the place. An unknown thing descended here.

All that is left is to wait. Wait for the end to come. It will change everything. It will rewrite the history of the entire multiverse.

A dull-looking skeleton followed a team of undead fear guards into the peculiar aerial fortress of Naxxramas.

This fortress has obvious signs of transformation. It looks more like a creation of Titan. But now it presents the style of spiders and undead, with terrifying skulls and bones everywhere.

When violent magical fluctuations occurred on the Frozen Throne, the undead forces of Naxxramas weakened and their perception dropped to the lowest level.

The so-called lowest level is visible to the naked eye. Their spiritual connection has also weakened. Some powerful individuals have even reawakened their self-awareness. However, they were soon controlled by a powerful being.

Naxxramas begins to move towards Dragonblight. Some undead mages begin to steal dragon bones again. They want to build an army of frost dragons.

Boneyard! The place where Sindragosa died, it is very close to Dragon's Rest. A group of necromancers walked to some magic nodes and began to build new magic circles.

There used to be a small hill here, and crossing the hill would lead you to Dragon's Rest. Now there is a huge pit in front of the hill. Sindragosa was resurrected from here by Arthas using the power of Frostmourne. It broke the ice and exposed this wasteland.

There were countless corpses of the proto-dragons and a few dragon skeletons below. The undead mages began to cast spells around the giant pit. The powerful aerial fortress Naxxramas floated above the giant pit.

At this time, a voice that was difficult to distinguish between male and female sounded:

“I was driven from Dalaran by my own people. I was forced into exile in the frozen wastes. But I was not alone. The voice in my head, my only companion, guided me to my destination.”

Having said this, it seemed to shudder.

"Nightmare creatures awaited me at the entrance. My blood ran as cold as Icecrown. My soul seemed frozen.

There, I witnessed countless horrifying sights and incredible power, and that was exactly what I had been searching for. Powerful power that could help me defeat that great man. "

The sound paused again.

"I was terrified by the evil in the fortress and tried to escape, but I could not get far. In a moment, I was forced to make a choice. When I finally realized the price I had to pay to gain such power, it was too late.

Now, the world will pay a more painful price. Because, I am back. I am Kel'Thuzad. And you, your curiosity will lead you to death. "

It seemed to shiver again.
"Taelan Fording, I will soon defeat you as I master the power of death!

Damn Fist of Heaven, damn Amplify Spells. What idiot allowed a Paladin who should be all about brawn to have so many spellcasting talents?

This is not fair! "

"My cat! Give me back Mr. Bigglesworth!"

The stupid skeleton began to mourn for the dead here. All this is Taelan Fording's fault!
He used Heaven's Fist to shock it three times in a row. Each time it flashed, it was struck by Holy Lightning again. Its hands began to shake unconsciously, and it lost one of its beautiful demon horns. Its robes were burned by Holy Light. The Soul Seeker that it had just finished charging lost all its energy. It paid such a price to survive.

This battle completely changed Kel'Thuzad. He turned from a magic genius into a pervert? He kept yelling all day long. As long as he was not in front of the Lich King, he would start to accuse the Lord of Light of being cruel and ruthless.

Enduring the noise made by Kel'Thuzad, the skeleton gradually walked to the center of Naxxramas.

This huge fortress is divided into three floors. The top floor is the power core of the entire building. The middle floor is the semi-enclosed core area. The bottom floor is where the low-level undead and acolytes are active.

The bottom layer is divided into four areas: Spider Area, Undead Area, Death Knight Area and Abomination Area.

In the Spider District lived a "loving" couple and their child Maxner. The couple was Mr. North and the Banshee Queen, Miss Farina. Of course, it was her child, but whether it was Mr. North's was not important. The weak Miss Farina was not wrong.

Anubrekan was responsible for guarding the gate. As a spider demon, it couldn't stand the lady's strange behavior, so it chose to guard the gate.

The Undead Area and the Death Knight Area are also familiar to everyone.

The former antidote genius Silge and Kel'Thuzad's new favorite Loatheb live here. Loatheb is Kel'Thuzad's weapon to deal with the great knight who has powerful magic but is short of mana due to insufficient intelligence.

The mutant can seal those magics. I just don't know if it can restrict the movement of the domain of the great lord. Otherwise, it's still one knife to kill a kid. His physical attack is more deadly, especially the crazy dark blade.

That weapon is the most powerful melee weapon. It is not only indestructible, but also extremely sharp. The special effects attached to it are even more crazy. Even Neltharion can hardly resist it.

There is a new face in the Death Knight Zone. It is Darion Mograine, the youngest son of Alexandros Mograine, who wields the Ashbringer. He betrayed his father and killed him. Now he is the fourth Horseman of the Apocalypse.

That's right! Only children who have been spoiled since childhood and like the Darkmoon Circus are suitable for this plot. As for its big brother who has always been criticized, it is said that he has escaped.

What kind of idiot would come up with a different ending? The stupid skeleton thought it was overthinking.

As for the abomination zone, they are all puppets assembled from corpses. They are all the product of a tragic soul and the cruel magic of the Lich King Ner'zhul.

The skeleton passed through Mr. North's love nest, ignoring the Apocalypse Knights and Abominations, and did not look at Sergei who was slacking off at work.

It went straight to the second floor. That special aura and magical fluctuations were on the second floor.

It went smoothly. It was unimpeded.

This place is much smaller than the one below, with only two areas. The aura came from the larger room.

The skeleton walked in through the open door.

The magnificent room was empty, with a pile of bones scattered on the ground in the center.

The skeleton pulled back the hood on his head, revealing the face of a high elf.

He tore off his cloak and walked closer to the pile of bones.

"Sindragosa! Here I come!"

"Today, I will take you home. Back to the home where we have lived for tens of thousands of years."

There was a sound of gears turning, and the door was lowered.

Malygos did not look back. He had expected this. This was a fortress, and he had no intention of returning alive. No man could tolerate the desecration of his love's body.

Although Taelan Fording's plan was the right choice, it would take too long. It could be a year, or it could be two years. This kind of mental torture and guilt would last for a whole year.

There are 24 hours in a day, 744 hours in a month, and 8,760 hours in a year.

The hatred between people who hate each other lasts every second!

Lovers miss each other all the time!
He knelt on one knee in front of the body of his beloved wife and gently touched the huge skull.

A soul force was stirring. The bones floated in the air and combined with each other. A huge frost dragon appeared in front of Malygos.

"Malygos, my old lover, you are here!"

The entire Naxxramas glowed with the power of death.

"Servants, followers, and soldiers of Dark Winter, heed Kel'Thuzad's call!"

"Necromancer, seal the Dragon's Rest. Malygos, succumb to the great will of death!"

Malygos ignored Kel'Thuzad's shouting. This time he didn't stutter.

"Yes, I'm here. I'll take you home!"

(End of this chapter)

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