Enter World of Warcraft with Dark Skills

Chapter 241 Beautiful Friend

Chapter 241 Beautiful Friend
Cock-a-doodle-doo! The mechanical rooster of Ratchet City crowed on time, waking the city from its deep sleep.

This was originally a prosperous commercial city where you could buy most of the world's goods. But a lot of changes have taken place here in the past few months. First, the goblin refugees from Kezan poured in, and then a large number of Azelena Crusaders entered here.

The city was transformed from a commercial center into a large military camp.

John endured the pain in his body and struggled to get up from the bed next to the window. He sat up carefully and pulled his coat over his shoulders. But the old low bed still made a creaking sound. This made his wife, Jones, who was sleeping in the other bed, frown.

She had always missed her big house in Lordaeron. There, her bedroom was spacious and tidy. No matter how her husband messed around, it would not affect her.

Just wait until seven in the morning and wake up naturally. Her husband's bedroom was always clean and tidy. Every time she passed by his bedroom, she saw a neatly folded quilt and a neat uniform with the emblem of the Kingdom of Lordaeron shining in the morning sun.

But then the plague spread by the damn Kel'Thuzad destroyed everything.

On the day the prince returned, she attended the welcoming ceremony. But a horrifying scene occurred. The prince's troops drew their sharp weapons and began a massacre.

John abandoned his duties and fled back home. He changed into civilian clothes and escaped with his wife and son. Originally, they had no chance of survival. But fortunately, he met Lillian Voss who came to rescue Calia Menethil.

That girl was really amazing. The moment she emerged from the shadows, a grinning necromancer covered her throat. A large amount of blood spurted out of the wound. And the girl disappeared again. What followed was a bloody massacre.

An entire squad of undead was wiped out by this girl and her four subordinates in just a few minutes. Even the prince's terrifying guards could not withstand their attack.

They were rescued, and Lillian Voss brought them to Southshore.

At the dock of Southshore, she once again saw Grand Marshal Taelan Fordring of the Alliance. He was still so tall and handsome. With a wave of his hand, he let the demon lord's spell shoot at himself. He saved everyone again.

There she also saw his lover, Lady Jaina Proudmoore. She was her idol, and she, along with Jandice Barov and Harvenfar, were representatives of independent women in Lordaeron. They had all achieved great success in their own fields.

Jones had always admired their achievements and their lives since he was a child, especially Lady Jaina Proudmoore, the lover of the demigod. She was a great wizard.

They met John's best friend Tom on the ship, and together they crossed the Endless Sea and came to the Barren Land.

Soon, Grand Marshal Taelan Fordring defeated the demon lord Archimonde at Mount Hyjal and won the Battle of Ragnarok.

A new alliance was formed, and order was soon restored. Jones was reinstated as an inspector, as was John's best friend Tom. John was the only exception, and he did not return to his old post.

He always felt like a deserter. He joined the Adventurer's Guild and earned money by performing dangerous missions. Fortunately, Hunter helped him and assigned him to the Alliance's disciplinary force, but now everyone calls it the police station.

In this way, their lives gradually improved. A year later, this year, their children also joined the army and became a member of the Ezelena Crusaders.

But the happy days didn't last for a few days. In the blink of an eye, the army of the evil god N'Zoth began to invade. First, Deathwing, and then the Naga Siren began to attack Ratchet. Due to lack of manpower, the three of them were sent here.

John saw that Jones did not get up, but turned over and continued to sleep. He sighed softly, put on his coat, opened the door gently, closed it carefully, and walked out.

When John arrived at the first floor of the hotel, he saw the innkeeper, Verrey, at first sight. He was a goblin, sweeping the floor with a broom while directing a big waiter to work. He was always restless, holding the broom all the time, as if he was afraid of losing it.

Goblins are greedy, their motto is: "Time is money, my friend." Then they will try every means to earn every penny from you. But he knew that Weirle was a good man, he was a friend of Master Gazlowe, he only earned the money he deserved.

John greeted Violet. They were considered a special unit, so they could stay in the hotel in the city. The soldiers could only live in the barracks. The law of the Alliance stipulated that soldiers could not take anything from the people. They were strictly disciplined, so their fighting power was very strong. In John's opinion, their fighting power was several times that of the Royal Guard of Lordaeron back then.

Only a troop that adheres to discipline and is supported by the people can have combat effectiveness and vitality. They may not have the glamorous equipment of the former Royal Guard, but their equipment is genuine. Their training is hard. They are all soldiers led by the veteran of the Alliance, Gavinrad Doom, or the high elf ranger Halduron Brightwing.

Verre responded perfunctorily, "Hi, hello." He turned around and saw that it was John. He said quickly and enthusiastically, "The last batch of seafood arrived at the port this morning. The fish are really fresh. Do you want to order one? I'll give you the biggest discount."

It knows that Jones likes to eat fish.

He must have collected the fish that the three children picked up on the beach. There was a war coming, and I didn't know if they knew it.

"Okay, come back in the evening. Then bring me a bottle of Darnassus wine."

Verret did not move away from him, but stretched out his right hand and touched his thumb and forefinger together.

The big guy standing next to him was wiping some plates. He looked clumsy and unintelligent. Seeing the boss's actions, he also raised his right hand and said in a silly voice:

"Friendship is friendship, but the deposit cannot be less."

He wanted to say something else, but couldn't think of it for a moment, and as a result, the plate in his left hand fell to the ground and broke into several pieces with a snap.

Weir covered his forehead and said in pain: "I got up early and lost everything."

He kept muttering something: "By the Holy Light, I can't afford to sell you, I should send you away, etc." At this time, there were already many people in the restaurant on the first floor. They called for breakfast. Seeing that Weirley was greedy for money but couldn't bear to drive the big guy away, they all laughed.

For a moment, the whole hotel was filled with a happy atmosphere.

John reluctantly took out a few silver coins from his pocket and placed them in the boss's hand.

Wereley looked at the portrait of Lady Jaina on one of the silver coins, then turned the little cutie over and saw a Kul Tiras anchor carved on the back. There was also a circle of text engraved on the outer ring of the coin.

Forged in Kul Tiras eighteen years after the Dark Portal.

This is a commemorative coin issued to commemorate the engagement of the Alliance Grand Marshal, the demigod Taelan Fordring, and the Kul Tiras Princess Lady Jaina. It is only available in gold and silver. It was minted by Admiral Daelin Proudmoore himself.

This silver coin is now out of print. After all, a lady only gets engaged once in her life. She is not Jones.

Of course, the smart Weir would not say this to anyone. The distressed look on his face suddenly broke, and his expression changed as fast as the weather in the Endless Sea:
"Big man, please write down the name of the Honorable John on the registration form."

"Give him the biggest one." He knew that if the fish was too small for three people, it would not look good. It was a fair trade, and no one should suffer. The goblins could let anyone down, except the great lord and the gold coins.

John nodded and thanked his boss, then went out to buy breakfast for Jones and brought it upstairs.

He didn't wear the uniform, but the clothes that the adventurers of Ratchet usually wear. Today, he and his former best friend Tom were going to the north to investigate the venture capital company.

There are rumors that they are connected with the Naga Siren. John's investigation a few days ago has made progress. He stored the evidence he collected in the warehouse guarded by Avril, the Alliance warehouse manager. As long as this operation goes smoothly, he can catch those people in one fell swoop. As soon as he walked out of Ratchet City, he met a new friend:

"Smith, what are you in such a hurry for?"

He was a commander, or to be more precise, an artillery commander.

"The latest order has come. Enemies have also appeared in Uldum in the south. The Naga are not used to fighting in the desert. Their attack point must be Ratchet City and some nearby areas.

I have to go back and reinforce the artillery position."

"Then go get busy."

There is a newly grown forest to the north of Ratchet City, where there is a small lake, which is guarded by the Dryad Sisterhood of Lunala. Those beautiful dryads will provide some free fruits and clean water for travelers, and they will occasionally exchange some novel little things with travelers using their homemade fruit wine.

Many men in the alliance want to marry a tree spirit. Most of them are gentle, except for the deer's body, they are all beauties. Only Lunala has a more violent personality. If you anger her, you will probably be tied up by the thorns summoned by her and starve on the roadside for a day.

When John arrived at the lake, he immediately saw Tom courting a little tree elf. But the little tree elf ignored him. Tree elves are born supernatural beings, and their offspring must be supernatural beings. They are born with the ability to distinguish between good and evil, and are very sensitive to malicious thoughts.

Tom could see John's conspicuous silver hair from a distance. Both he and Jones had silver hair.

He stopped being attentive. John greeted the little tree demon. The demon stuffed a handful of newly grown sea buckthorn berries from the barren land into John's pocket. Then he turned around and hopped away.

Tom watched the tree demon leave with regret. It stood by the lake and began to clear the weeds by the lake, then planted some sea buckthorn seedlings on both sides of the path. Its short tail twitched from time to time, looking very cute.

John discovered that even it was wearing light leather armor. Dryads used to not wear armor. Since joining the Alliance, many ranged soldiers have started to wear armor. The only exception is dryads, they are ranged spellcasters and only wear accessories. It was the Overlord who asked Lillian to trade for a new leather armor design from Ravengarde Manor. From then on, all ranged soldiers started to wear armor.

Apparently, the league has raised its alert level. They were also asked to wear armor.

The two quickly set off towards the north. They had to go to the crossroads first, and then head towards the Stonetalon Mountains. It was a neutral area where the Alliance had the upper hand by default. The largest force there was the Alliance, followed by the Venture Capital Company. Only a small number of trolls from the Horde had infiltrated there.

In Azeroth, eating, sleeping, and fighting trolls are routine operations.

Their target is the Windy Cliffs in the Stonetalon Mountains. Originally there were troops stationed there, but they were recently transferred away. Venture capital companies that took advantage of the situation have started cutting down trees here again. If this continues, this place will definitely become a desert, or be destroyed by mudslides and landslides.

However, when they arrived at Windy Cliffs, they did not see any goblins or kobolds cutting trees, but only a few abandoned logging machines and an oil extraction device that had stopped working.

Tom asked, "Where did they go?" He was a handsome young man with blond hair. He was good at dealing with people. He was also good at bragging. He often said that he and Lord Tyran Fording were both blond and they were destined to do great things.

John is more reserved and never speaks out about things he is unsure of.

"They might be doing something big. Let's check the surrounding mines."

However, the nearby mines were empty, not even the illegal miners were there.

Tom said, "Let's hurry back to the crossroads to report the news. Chief Lillian will make the decision."

John felt that things were not that simple. He suddenly thought of something.

"Let's go to Giant Tree Valley."

"But aren't Captain Hunter and his men in the Waterless Territory?"

"Giant Tree Valley is so close to the Waterless Ridge. There wasn't anything there when we came here?"

John said in a firm voice: "The Great Valley is so big. We came here by the Waterless Ridge. But Deathwing shattered the Pillar of the World. There might be changes there. And the Great Valley is across the mountains from Mulgore."

Tom was convinced. It was the capital of the Alliance and the main city of humans. Its status was second only to Teldrassil. It was the office location of all administrative personnel of the Alliance. The Queen of Humans, Calia Menethil, was stationed there most of the time. Apart from some security personnel, there were a lot of farmlands and pastures for humans, high elves, and tauren. Due to the war and the need to allocate supplies, there were more people there now.

The two men did not hesitate and rushed to Giant Tree Valley.

However, the scene here surprised them. Not only did the terrain change drastically, but there were also traces of a huge camp. However, there was no one in the camp and it had been cleaned up. If it weren't for the obvious footprints of some ogres, it would have been difficult for them to find this place.

Looking at the several huge underground caves in the distance, Tom refused to go any further.

"We are just ordinary agents, not elite operatives. Our mission is accomplished."

"Tom, that's our capital, and our queen lives there. They provide us with food and clothing."

"Our lives were won by the great lord with his own life."

"What were you doing while he was fighting Deathwing at Teldrassil?"

"Do you think I don't know?"

He took out a small oil painting from his arms, which was carefully wrapped in oil paper. It showed a family of three. A tall and silent man, and a beautiful woman, who leaned her head on the man's shoulder with a happy look on her face, as if she was telling how much she loved her husband. They were really a perfect match. In front was a beautiful little boy. He had blond hair and a happy smile on his face.

"You can't just think about yourself. Haven't you ever thought about them?"

“You are already thirty years old, what have you done for this alliance that has protected you for thirty years?
What were you doing when the great lord was fighting to the death? Aren't you ashamed when you think about this?"

"He has probably already broken into Ny'alotha, the Waking City. Do you want to watch the Alliance burn to ashes?"

The eastern sky was suddenly lit up, half holy light and half darkness.


(End of this chapter)

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