Enter World of Warcraft with Dark Skills

Chapter 242: The Eternal Throne of N'Zoth

Chapter 242: The Eternal Throne of N'Zoth
Time is the enemy of all things. It can heal the most serious wounds and can also collapse the strongest fortresses. Even creatures that can briefly control the flow of time are very terrifying.

As an ancient god, N'Zoth has witnessed the horror of time.

A giant bronze dragon, with the help of the world's will, briefly took control of the time of Ny'alotha, the Waking City.

N'Zoth's huge octopus-like body stood quietly in a semi-illusory city, with countless tentacles waving in the sea. There were a small number of humans, ogres, dragons, trolls, and more indescribable terrifying beings in this city. In particular, there was a 100-meter-tall Qiraji, who was the prophet Skeram.

After several months of evolution, it has changed a lot. Its tall body has become stronger. And it has grown a lot of tentacles. This makes it look even more terrifying.

However, all the creatures in this world, the creations of the ancient gods, and the indescribable horrors were briefly frozen in time.

They have had their time stolen from them, which is equivalent to being exiled from the current time stream.

N'Zoth has awakened from his slumber. He knows that the most powerful and determined enemy he has ever encountered on this planet has arrived. He comes with the will of the world.

Davy and Paris led two teams of elite paladins to the end of the huge square. They called on the power of holy light at the same time and pushed towards a heavy door.

Creak! A creaking sound was heard. Bang! The door that had never been opened before finally opened.

Davy and Paris quickly raised their weapons and began to stand guard on the left and right. The ancient evil god who had not seen the sun for tens of thousands of years finally appeared in front of the mortal race.

In fact, to be precise, Yogg-Saron, N'Zoth and the Titans created the mortal races together.

In order to safely eliminate the ancient gods, the Titans created Titan creatures, which have strong bodies and endless lifespans. They are the products of rocks and soil being given life.

After a long war, these Titan creations finally defeated the Ancient Gods under the leadership of the Titan Guardians. Then they were given the mission of guarding the seal of the Ancient Gods.

Seeing that Azeroth had calmed down, the Titans of the Pantheon left here and continued their journey in the vast universe.

The Old Gods always wanted to break free from their cage, so N'Zoth, the weakest but most insidious and cunning, once again came up with a new solution, which was a curse. A plague that was difficult to remove. This powerful curse could make those tools with eternal life become weak and lose their endless lifespan.

It believed that it would not be long before all the Titan creations on Azeroth would become flesh and blood like the servants of the Old Gods, and it would have the opportunity to control them.

Yogg-Saron and N'Zoth began to implement this plan. They combined the organic matter in their bodies with the power of the void, and thus a spell called: Curse of Flesh was created.

They spread among the Titan creations, and the curse even spread to Pandaria, the homeland of the Pandaren.

Thus, a new race of mortals emerged. Humans were transformed from Iron Vrykul. The familiar dwarves were transformed from Earthen.

N'Zoth's plan was successfully executed and the goal was achieved. However, they overlooked one thing, that is, free will.

These Titan creations lost the powerful bodies and endless lifespans given by the Titans, but gained the most precious thing in the entire multiverse.

Free will!

The emergence of this free will allowed these mortal races to learn to think freely and invent. Today, the highest-level creation of the Curse of Flesh and Blood finally came before the throne of N'Zoth.

A handsome and strong man walked over from a distance, followed by two giant dragons, one of which was the Red Dragon Queen Alexstrasza, and the other was the Dream Dragon Ysera. The Blue Dragon King Malygos did not show up.

His bad luck was clearly not over yet.

Behind them was a force composed entirely of powerful heroic creatures. The most conspicuous one among them was a tall minotaur. He carried a huge totem pole on his back, held an exquisitely frosted war hammer in his hand, and held a well-forged Qiraji source shield in his hand.

These people came to the gate of the palace, and a great wizard holding the Soul Searcher's Staff immediately led the wizard group to call upon a strange sealing spell and set up a seal in front of the gate to isolate the sea water and N'Zoth's endless army of insects outside.

Just as no one saw the leader of the naga, Queen Azshara, the Alliance soldiers also did not see the two Zerg emperors who fled to N'Zoth's army. They disappeared. Only the Prophet Skeram was left to lead a large number of Silithids and Qiraji.

Just as they were getting ready, the flow of time outside returned to normal, and the huge time dragon disappeared. Then a dwarf little girl appeared in front of the Eternal Throne.

Chromie, the time traveler, wears a beautiful robe and holds an exquisite staff. She has not changed much, except for a beautiful Azerite gem inlaid between her brows. She has mastered new power. This power no longer involves the timeline, but focuses on controlling the flow of time.

Ny'alotha, the Waking City, came alive. N'Zoth's terrible minions roared in anger. Led by the Prophet Skitra and the Seer Skeram, they launched a frenzied attack on the Alliance lines.

The 100-meter-tall Scram was the most angry among them. Their god C'Thun was killed by the decapitation of this shameless human. They were all deceived by that little bug.

They were supposed to be hunters, and if they could capture this demigod, they could help their master escape from the cage. But the hunters died at the hands of the prey that fell into the trap. Their god met with a catastrophe before he could recover his strength.

The abominable traitor Xal'atath devoured the power of his master. It broke through the defense of the god's body.

This forced them to flee the home they had lived in for tens of thousands of years. I just don't know why the emperor still believed in that bug.

Now that they have just received the blessing of a new god, the prey has come again. Obviously, he has gained great benefits from the death of C'Thun. The trembling axe behind him is evidence of this.

He is the hunter, he appears as a prey, and step by step he takes all the ancient gods into his pocket, and the mastermind must be Xal'atath!

She was seeking revenge for the betrayal of the past, so she controlled this human being and wanted to devour her former enemies one by one.

Skeram didn't know it yet, but he had guessed part of his new god's mind. N'Zoth was the most cunning of all the Old Gods. At first, he thought there was one great being controlling everything. That little bug was in league with Taelan Fordring. They were seeking the power of the Void.

But later it discovered that it was Xalatas who gained the most benefits every time. And there was already a guy with a taste of the void beside that human.

Xal'atath's power is getting stronger and stronger. Now it has recovered its strength before her death. She may break free from the control of that human at any time. But it has always been honest and presented itself as a sacred blade.

Today he was not here to kill it, but to seek revenge for Xal'atath. Although this result was inconsistent with what he knew and some of the prophecies he had received, it was impossible to be wrong that whoever benefited from such precious power was the mastermind. It was impossible for that young human to know so many secrets.

But everyone present didn't know that N'Zoth had completely broken free from the Titan's seal. A true evil god was waiting for them at the Eternal Throne.

(End of this chapter)

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