Enter World of Warcraft with Dark Skills

Chapter 248: Aixier: If we meet again, I will say those three words first

Chapter 248: Aixier: If we meet again, I will say those three words first
Azeroth is a beautiful and rich world. Many large-scale wars have taken place in order to fight for control of it.

They are the Elemental War, the War of the Old Gods, the Dragon War, the Battle of Ulduar, the War between the Trolls and the Black Empire, the War between the Humans and the Beasts, the Ragnarok War, and the most recent Battle of Teldrassil.

Our protagonist, Wind Seeker Sunderland, is a hero active in the Elemental War.

Sunderland, he is the most powerful demigod of wind element. He has the power that is not weaker than that of the wind leader Aura Kil.

In the newborn Azeroth, all you can see is the boundless land, the vast ocean and the blue sky, and the rest is a wasteland. Only the twin moons exist forever, and they have always illuminated this new world.

Later, this world welcomed its first indigenous inhabitants: elements.

They are the water element that nourishes everything, the wind element that never stops, the fire element that burns everything, and the earth element that is calm and heavy. They are called the four elements.

The newly born elements were like a blank sheet of paper, and they acted according to their own instincts. In order to fight for the ownership of this world, the first war occurred, which was the Elemental War.

Time passed quietly. On this day, the twin moons of Azeroth overlapped, and the strong gravitational force triggered the elemental tide. The violent power brewed in the sea, and a huge typhoon swept the world. A little creature was born. Because it was born at the moment of the embrace of the twin moons and was born in a typhoon, it was called "Wind Chaser". Everyone called it the Prince of Wind.

Leader Ola Kear gave it a nice name: Sunderland.

It was born from a violent typhoon, but has a passionate heart.

On the same day, a fire elemental was born in this world. It won the favor of Ragnaros, the Lord of Fire Elementals. It also had its own name: Geddon.

The elemental war is getting more intense. In order to deal with the most powerful elemental lord Neptulon, the Tidehunter, the weakest elemental lord Aura Akiel and the fire elemental lord Ragnaros have formed an alliance. One is wind and the other is fire, which strengthens each other. And they are both elements with bad tempers.

Decades passed in the blink of an eye.

In a lava land, Sunderland and a fire elemental had a fierce battle. The fire elemental was naturally Geddon. In the end, the brave and straightforward Sunderland won and defeated his friend.

Then a sweet voice called out:

"Sunderland, the leader asked you to go back."

Sunderland pulled Gadon up. Then he walked away and said, "Got it, Asher!"

Gadon's already dark face became even more distorted: "Garr, let's go."

There are no eternal allies in the world, only eternal interests.

Wind Prince Sunderland is getting stronger day by day. He even surpasses the mediocre Wind Leader and becomes the leader among the Wind Element.

Sunderland's strength gave the Leader confidence. It no longer bowed to Ragnaros in everything. Their relationship continued to deteriorate. The reason why the dispute did not arise was the powerful Sunderland, which made Ragnaros feel very difficult.

There will be a crucial battle tomorrow. A powerful foreign force has entered Azeroth. As the strongest elemental lord, Thunderlan will fight for his planet.

"Aishel, I..."

The brave Sunderland only hesitated when facing this girl.

Seeing Sunderland hesitate to speak, the kind Wind Kiss Fairy blushed. She understood what he meant. She wanted to say to her prince:

"Sunderland, I love you too. Stop fighting. You've already sacrificed enough for your people."

Sunderland knew that he couldn't lose the battle tomorrow, and the opponent was very powerful, so he was not sure. He buried what he wanted to say in his heart: Let's wait for me to come back. If I don't come back, then...

It quietly took back the letter it had written and prepared to turn around and leave.

Asher called him, she drew out the sword from Sunderland's waist, kissed it gently with her warm red lips, and then she blushed and returned the sword to her prince.

Everyone thought that Aisir was a wind element without any power, and that she could only take care of people and help with healing. But she actually had a secret.

She is called the Wind Kiss Fairy, and this name is not random. People can have wrong names, but they can never have wrong titles. Her kiss can bring great power to a living being.

This ability can only be used once in a lifetime, and after using it, she will be weak for a long time. She decided to give it to the prince of her dreams.

She had always secretly liked it, because it was it that saved her, and it had always been very good to her.

He understood her, and she understood him. So facing the uncertain fate of life and death, he couldn't say those three words. She also couldn't tell it to leave its compatriots and not participate in the war.

However, the years will not turn back, time will not flow back. Some people, if you miss them, you will miss them for a lifetime.

Sunderland left to face his fate. Asher stayed at home waiting for her prince to return. However, she did not wait for the prince to return with honor, but waited for the messenger of Baron Geddon.

"Aichel, Sunderland has been defeated. It is dying. It wants you to go and see it..."

All of a sudden, it seemed as if all the strength in Aisir's body was drained away.

“This is impossible, I clearly blessed Thunder’s Wrath.

This is impossible... What enemy hurt him?"

She stumbled and followed the fire demon, but what was waiting for her was not her Sunderland, but the powerful Fire Demon King.

The combination of wind and fire elements finally defeated the Tidehunter Neptulon. The Fire Demon King had long wanted to find an opportunity to get rid of the wind element, but he was always afraid of the unparalleled power of the Wind Prince Sunderland.

Now it was a godsend, Sunderland actually came out to deal with those outsiders. And its eyes were injured, and it was almost blind.

Sunderland, who was recovering from his injuries, received a message from his good friend Gadon. Asher was looking for him everywhere, and she wanted to meet him. Sunderland didn't dare to meet Asher, so he wrote a letter to Asher. He gave the letter to the fire demon.

This is a letter that will never be delivered. It was thrown away by Garden.

Sunderland could never have expected that tens of thousands of years later, a lucky little girl would find this letter from the treasure house of the fire demon who had become the King of Fire.

The messenger was Executus. It was he who put the letter into his treasure house. Then Jaina found it. She also recognized the words to Asher.

Later, Sunderland was tricked by Geddon into the Firelands. He was greeted by Savras, who was unprepared. The already blind prince was hit in the back of the head by the artifact Savras, the Hand of Ragnaros, the Firelord.

He endured the pain, pulled out the Thunder Fury, and prepared to fight the treacherous Fire Demon King. But as soon as he turned around, he was hit hard in the back. Gar's heavy fist and Geddon's sharp claws pierced into his back.

"why are you?"

Gadon's face was distorted. "Aishel is mine! How did you get her?"

Sunderland was shocked by the words of his former friend:

"She and I grew up together. You are betraying me!"

The Fire Lord's artifact, Savras, smashed down again. Sunderland's body began to break, and wind blades blew out, forming a wind wall. A large amount of lightning shot out from under Sunderland's feet, forming an electric net.

A bolt of lightning fell from the sky and struck Ragnaros. Sparks appeared all over his body, and with a bang, he exploded.

"Lightning rod?"

Lightning kept striking from the sky. Although Sunderland had been seriously injured, it was very powerful and not easy to deal with. Ragnaros suddenly said, "Asher is in my hands. I can kill her at any time!"

The Thunder Fury in Sunderland's hands has changed, and the power of lightning and storm has been perfectly integrated together.

It should now be called "Thunderfury: Blessed Blade of the Windseeker."

The wind-kissed blades blessed by the wind-kissed elves released a violent storm. They trapped Ragnaros in an instant.

Sunderland knew that he was no match for Ragnaros as he was seriously injured, but fortunately he had the weapon blessed by Asher to help him.

He needed a hostage. He turned and rushed towards Geddon. He was ready to capture him. He wanted to threaten the Firelord with his life. At least Geddon was more important than Asher.

Thunderfury tied up Geddon with just one strike.

Sunderland grabbed Gadon's neck and said, "Let her go!"

At this time, Ragnaros allowed Execustus to control Asher.

Aishel, blindfolded, was pulled over.

The Fire Demon King laughed wantonly: "Hahahaha! Put down your weapon, Sunderland. Otherwise I will really kill her. As for Gadon, you count to three and we will attack together!"

Sunderland knew that the Fire Demon King was a man who would do anything to achieve his goal. He really didn't care about Gadon's life.

With a clang, the sharp blade of Thunderfury·Blessed Sword of Windseeker pierced into the ground.

"Let her go. Let her leave here. She has no power. She can't threaten you!"

"If you betray your promise again, I curse you to become a pawn in the hands of others. You can't hurt anyone again. Everyone will betray you."

Ragnaros didn't take his oath seriously. I am the Firelord, the king of the Firelands, and no one can use me as a pawn. I can kill anyone I want. I will never die, and even if I do die, I can return to the Firelands and start over.

What a naive fool. Promises are worthless.

Savolas hit Sunderland in the head.

It died. It died because of the betrayal of its comrades and the betrayal of its allies.

Virtue is the most important thing at all times. People can choose their enemies at will, but they must choose their friends carefully.

Seeing the Fire Demon King rushing over to absorb Sunderland's essence, Gadon stepped forward. He wanted to pull the Wind-kissed Elf Asher to his side.

She had woken up, she heard Sunderland's screams. She felt the breath of her lover. It was the breath of the Wind Kissed Blade. It was her breath.

"Sunderland! Are you there?"

She struggled violently.

Looking at Geddon's expression, Ragnaros raised Savras and brought down his hammer.

Asher died without a sound. Her spirit refused to enter the unjust otherworld. She wanted to stay with Sunderland. She was wrapped around the hilt of the Windseeker.

A line of words appeared on the hilt that only the wind element could understand:
If we meet again, I will say those three words first: I love you! Sunderland, my prince.


Gadon stared at his lord in amazement. Why? Why did you kill her?

"Didn't you promise me?"

Ragnaros's complacent and slightly crazy voice came from the void:

"From today on, you are the Baron, Baron Geddon, and you are the leader of the fire element.

While I am gone, you will command all fire elementals and lesser fire demons."

A burst of ecstasy hit Geddon. The new baron looked at Ragnaros in astonishment. He became the leader of the fire elementals?

Under one man, above all fires!

Ragnaros absorbed the essence of Thunderaan and became extremely powerful.

"Let the whole world tremble under my flames!"

Sunderland's power is too great. Once he returns to the throne of the God of Wind, he will also return from the hurricane.

Elemental creatures have a similar characteristic to demons. They can only be completely killed in their own world. Otherwise, they will slowly return to their original world. Their souls are not under the control of those guys who dare not show their heads.

Ragnaros didn't dare to go to the Throne of Wind to fight Thunderlan. Even in the Fire Land, it had to rely on sneak attacks to kill it. Its power was no less than that of an elemental lord. And it was so young. It would continue to grow.

Ragnaros grabbed Sunderland's body, which was about to dissipate. "Snap." It twisted Sunderland's head off.

With a bang, Sunderland's body turned into a hurricane and dissipated, leaving only the skull.

Executus, who was blown aside by the storm, looked at his master silently. It was just a fire demon, a low-level fire element, and Ragnaros would not even look at it.

It wanted to leave, it felt that it was not worthy of knowing what was going on here. The place where it fell was too good. It was out of the sight of its master, and it had accomplished its mission. It was immersed in the endless joy of victory, and it was dreaming of defeating all the elements and ruling the world.

At this moment, a letter floated down in front of Exotus.

Wasn't this the letter from Sunderland to Asher? Executus grasped the letter with trembling claws. No one paid any attention to it.

It saw Ragnaros swing its Sulfuras again and smash it hard into Thunderaan's skull.

They're all dead! Why do this?

Ragnaros did not feel guilty for his betrayal and sneak attack. Instead, he was very proud of the success of his plan. The traitors were Geddon and Garr. What does it have to do with him, the Fire Lord?
It handed the two halves of the skull to Gal and Baron Geddon.

"Each of you holds half. Keep it safe. You can absorb the remaining essence inside. Become stronger as soon as possible!

We are about to rule the world! Whoever is stronger between the two of you will be the leader of the fire element."

Gar and Baron Geddon looked at each other and fell silent. But their desire and greed for power urged them to take over the 'Bound Skull of the Wind Seeker'.

"We are ready. Our goal is the Throne of the Wind God. The good days of the arrogant and weak Aura Kil are over!"

"Let the fire purify everything!"

(End of this chapter)

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