Chapter 249 To Asher
Demitrien carefully took the letter that Taelan Fording handed to him. His trembling fingers slid across the crooked handwriting on the envelope, and he read softly:
"To Asher."

It gently pulled the letter out of the envelope. The letter paper was made of a special material. It had begun to turn yellow. It had a special sense of vicissitudes of time. It began to read:
Dear Asher, daughter of Adolin
The weather has been bad recently. There is neither a fierce typhoon nor a howling gale, but even a gentle breeze would be nice!
Now there was only rain, and water everywhere. That was Neptulon's favorite.

But I have something to be proud of every day! No matter how hard the battle is, as long as I think of that thing, I will be in a good mood. Speaking of which, I don't know how jealous of me Gadon is.

That thing is: every morning when I open my eyes, the first person who breaks into my world is you.

You will prepare breakfast for me and tidy up my armor. You will handle the chores that I have no idea how to do. You will pray for me and let me return safely from the battlefield.

Speaking of fighting, there is a new news recently. A mysterious force has invaded our world. They keep plundering our world's resources. I have to defeat it. I am an elemental general, and I have the obligation to fight for my world.

Before I leave, I have something to say to you. That is:

"I love you!

Just as the elements love essences;

Just as all things love the sun.

I can not live without you,

Even for a second."

Wait till I come back. I have a gift for you.

————Windseeker Sunderland
Demetrion paused. The content of the letter was very short. Sunderland was a very direct person. Then he opened the second piece of letter. The handwriting on this piece of letter was very sloppy, and there were two sentences very close to each other.

Demetion continued reading:

"I'm sorry, but I can't go back! I have a long expedition to go on. It will be hard for me to come back to see you.

I hope you can find happiness in the future.

Forgive me! Aishil. I can't give you the happiness you want.

- Sunderland

Demetrien carefully returned the letter to Taelan Fording, feeling very excited and scared.

What excited it was that it had been tens of thousands of years. It saw the prince's relics again. What frightened it was the short human standing in front of it. If it was just looking at the size, Demitian would be able to kill a dozen with one punch when he returned to his elemental form.

But the strength or weakness of a creature has little to do with its size. It knows that the one in front of it is a great being that can be called "Him".

This is a powerful demigod of the Force. His small body contains the power to destroy the world. Other people's holy light is like flowing air, while his holy light is like blood. With each circulation, his body will produce new holy light. The surrounding environment is constantly charging him.

It was not without information sources. It knew that the arrogant Ragnaros had bowed his head. Because it was stubborn, the demigod had taken away its essence.

Even more tragically, it had sworn an oath. It had heard of the prince's curse before his death. As a result, the unfortunate Firelord first became a slave of the Old Gods. Then, he was used by N'Zoth as cannon fodder to attract Tyran Fordring's army.

Then came the greater tragedy, when its flame essence was taken away by Tyran Fording, and it was no longer the Lord of Fire. It became a pawn used by the demigod to control the new Lord of Fire.

What's even more tragic is that it lost its fire, and it became a creature of holy light living in the land of fire. It really can't hurt others anymore.

Of course, Demitrien didn't know that because of the brutal rule in the past, many fire elements were plotting to deal with Ragnaros. The new Fire Lord had already taken away Savras and gave Shadowstrike, also known as the Dung Fork, to his old boss.

All this made it extremely depressed. It had never thought that those fire elements would dare to betray it.

Taelan Fording said to Demetrien: "I know you have the means to awaken your prince."

"I want to have a good talk with it."

Sylvanas Windrunner had been listening carefully to Demitrin's story about Thunderaar the Windseeker.

She felt that the life of the Wind Prince Sunderland was full of disasters. With a brave and straightforward character, he should not retreat in front of love, he should face it bravely. If he had said it directly at the beginning, at least he would not have left so many regrets.

Facing its beloved, it retreated once, and this time it retreated forever.

How come this person is so similar to Taelan Fordring? They are both representatives of their respective factions. They are both powerful, and they both fight for this world. They both have suffered many setbacks.

She suddenly thought of Jaina Proudmoore. He seemed completely different from Sunderland. But I didn't hear that he avoided this relationship.

They were also secretly in love, and soon after they confirmed their relationship, he publicly walked out with her, dispelling those ugly rumors.

Maybe their similarity is love at first sight?
Demetrien did not dare to refuse Taelan Fording, and soon with the help of the great wizard Rhonin, a summoning circle was established.

Taelan Fordring placed the combined Skull of the Windseeker at the core.

The low sound of Demitian chanting a spell could be heard all around.

A force with lightning began to generate in the magic circle. The imprisoned head of the wind seeker floated up, shattered into powder, and then carried away by the wind of Silithus.

At this moment, a giant tree grew out of the void like a mirage, and the Emerald Dream suddenly descended. Everything in the magic circle was covered by endless fog, and the fog made the people around unable to see anything. They only heard the roar of lightning and the roar of hurricanes in the void.

After a while, the chaotic sounds ended, the fog dissipated, and the desert wind of Silithus once again blew sand on everyone's cloaks.

Taelan Fording was still standing there alone. Demitrian followed him carefully.

Taelan Fording said: "Okay, mission accomplished. Let's set off, and our next stop is Un'Goro Crater."

Sylvanas Windrunner looked at Tyran Fordring in confusion, but she knew that Tyran Fordring never lied. She mobilized her own life force. She immediately felt the new life mark.

It is true that a new creature once came here, but it is no longer here.

Taelan Fording looked at Sylvanas, Vereesa and others who were puzzled and said:
"It went to the Emerald Dream, and it cannot come out yet. We need to go to Un'Goro Crater and find Firefeather Mountain. We need to use the underground fire there to reforge Thunderlan's sword Thunderfury."

A new journey begins.

They crossed the desert of Silithus again and arrived at Cenarion Hold. They would rest here for a few days. No one could endure such a long and arduous journey.

People need to know when to relax and work hard. If they are too tense, they will easily lose control.

The temperature difference between day and night in the desert is very large. After the hot day, the blue boy rose into the sky. The temperature also dropped.

Sylvanas Windrunner, who couldn't sleep, and her sister walked out of the room. They stood on the top of a sentry post.

Sylvanas spoke a few words to the sentinel on duty. She saluted and then tactfully walked away. The Alliance sentinels had strict rules, and even a general could not let a sentinel leave his post without permission.

Vereesa looked at a sea buckthorn forest under the moonlight and said, "This place has really changed. In just a few months, the sea buckthorn has taken root and sprouted. I believe it won't be long before an oasis appears in this desert."

Sylvanas Windrunner felt it silently: "Yes, Silithus is reviving. The power of the entire Azeroth is reviving. The Star Soul has escaped the plunder of the two Old Gods, and its power will gradually grow stronger." "The life of the entire world will become stronger. The number of powerful people it can carry will also increase."

Vereesa did not respond, but changed the subject.

"Why do we have to go to Fire Feather Mountain? Why does Thunderfury·Blessed Sword of Windseeker need to be reforged?"

Sylvanas whispered:

"It was Baron Geddon who had the Molten Forge destroy the Thunderfury."

"Is it jealousy?"

"Yes, Baron Geddon couldn't stand the Wind Kiss Elves and Sunderland's sword together. It was the destructible Sword of the Wind Seeker." Sylvanas continued:
"But it could not destroy the love of the Wind-Kissed Elf. Her blessing became the Wind-Kissed Blade and merged into the Imprisoned Skull of the Wind-Seeker.

Geddon was reluctant to destroy the treasure. So he hid the Thunderfury in Magmadar's lair."

Vereesa continued, "And the new Firelord gave it to Highlord Taelan Fordring?"

“Yes, it gave the two halves of the broken sword to Tailan.

Demitrian fused the Windseeker's Bound Head together and took out the Windkissed Blade."

"We went to Un'Goro Crater to recast Thunderfury. We need to find the most powerful earth fire there. And Fire Feather Mountain is the place where the leader Aura Kil found the sword for Sunderland.

It was exchanged for a bit of Ragnaros's essence of fire, which he used to forge the powerful wind sword for the Windseeker in Firefeather Mountain.

We have to wait for someone else when we go there this time."

Vereesa immediately responded: "We are waiting for His Majesty Magni Bronzebeard?"

"Yes, we will go to Firefeather Mountain first to locate Rhonin. Then he will teleport back to Teldrassil and bring His Majesty Magni Bronzebeard here. He is the most powerful forger. Only he can reforge the Windchaser."

Vereesa asked, “Is this the condition for Sunderland to help us?”

Sylvanas Windrunner says:

"Yes, Taelan promised to help it reforge Thunderfury. It promised to defeat the fallen Wind Leader Aura Kil and then lead the wind element. It will help us fight against the enemies of the world at the critical moment."

Sylvanas Windrunner had a strange look on her face:

"Who do you think hit Sunderland's eye?"

"Isn't it about someone who invaded our world?"

"They are the Faceless Ones under Y'Shaarj. The Old Gods and Titan creations are all outsiders.

In fact, from the perspective of the elements, the Titans of the Pantheon are also invaders, but they don't intend to destroy our world.

They want a new Titan on the side of Order. But Azeroth is different. She may be weak, but she can be called He."

Vereesa was surprised and asked, "God? Aren't Titans gods?"

Sylvanas Windrunner said: "Far from it. God has his own force. He can use the force, but he will not be controlled by the force. He has independent thoughts. Once awakened, he will take a different path."

Sylvanas Windrunner suddenly lowered her voice: "You have heard of the Titans of the Pantheon, but have you heard of the natives of their native world?"

Vereesa's eyes widened. "Never. Will the Titans destroy all living things once they are born?"

Sylvanas Windrunner said: "Titans are immortal. Even if they are killed, their souls will be resurrected from their native world. The creatures of the native world are the source of their power."

They will hide their native world. As long as they are not killed in their native world, they will not die completely. But those creatures will also be trapped in that world forever. "

Vereesa said nonchalantly, "What's wrong with that?"

She didn't want to discuss this issue anymore, so she said:

"Did he tell you that?"

Sylvanas said dejectedly, "Mostly. I asked him. The Force is very easy to get out of control, so he told me this. In order to prevent me from losing myself when connecting with the World Tree."

She sighed. “I may be caught up in a terrible conspiracy. My end may be in the South.

It’s a beautiful new world. I really want to see it.”

Vereesa didn't understand what she meant. The only ones who could threaten the current Alliance were the Burning Legion and the Old Gods. And wasn't the last of the Old Gods in the snow-covered Northrend?
And the other enemy, the Lich King, is also in Northrend. Why the south? Who is in the south?
At this time, the blue child who was originally hanging high in the sky hid in the clouds, and the white lady rose high into the sky.

A cool breeze blew by. Vereesa felt a little cold, so she tightened her cloak.

"It's really cold here. It's like summer in the daytime, but it's like late autumn at night."

Sylvanas Windrunner said: "The sea buckthorn berries here are sweeter than those in the Barrens."

"Are they still awake?"

"No, they were drinking. The elders were telling them stories about their youth. A man's world is either adventure or war."

Vereesa curled her lips and said, “That is the world of those few pieces of wood.

I thought my future was full of poetry and distant places. But in the end, there were only arcane arrows and demons. The rest were just bits and pieces.

After three sentences, he will definitely talk about the committee. It's either prices or Karazhan."

"Last time we went to Karazhan, we encountered several Deathclaw dragons. I wanted to tame one, but he killed us all.

Sister, be happy. You also have the hope of becoming a demigod. Then you will never die. Isn't this more important than anything else?"

Sylvanas Windrunner shook her head. Never die? Doesn't that mean you can never be free?

Longevity equals longevity sin. Silly sister, you don't even know what the Force is. Immortality is not a good thing.

The man called Illidan was a true warrior. Ten thousand years in prison could not change his original intention.

People change, and everything can be restored to its original state. But feelings cannot. They are like a spring. Once they are stretched too far, they change shape and can never go back.

(End of this chapter)

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