Enter World of Warcraft with Dark Skills

Chapter 250: Finally Fulfilled

Chapter 250: Finally Fulfilled

Un'Goro Crater, Fire Feather Mountains.

Taelan Fordring quietly guarded the cave entrance. Magni Bronzebeard was recasting Thunderfury. As heavy knocks came from the simple forging room, the entire volcano began to shake. They once again witnessed the birth of a legendary weapon.

Magni Bronzebeard walked out of the makeshift forge with a strange weapon in his hands.

Its blade is divided into two parts, one long and one short, and from time to time, tiny storms and lightning jump out of the blade. The blade is extremely sharp. This is a good sword.

"I have accomplished my mission!" Magni Bronzebeard's voice was steady and heavy with the iconic dwarf accent.

"Thank you for your hard work, Your Majesty Magni. This time it is all thanks to you! Otherwise, I don't know when this legendary weapon will reappear in the world."

At this time, Vereesa Windrunner said: "Grand Marshal, are we really going to give this sword to that Windseeker Sunderland?"

"Is it credible? I've read a lot of books about ancient history recently. Those elementals were once servants of the Old Gods. They all betrayed before."

She paused and said, "I can feel that this legendary weapon contains an extremely powerful force. If we can hold it, it will definitely help us defeat the enemy and recover our homeland as soon as possible."

Taelan Fordring looked at the elder, and Cairne Bloodhoof shook his head:
"It is not for people like us to break our oath. Our people are watching us. They will follow our example.

As leaders, we cannot break our promises.”

Sylvanas Windrunner followed up, saying, "Once we break our promise, it will be hard for anyone to trust us. Paladin is a noble profession, and doing so would go against your creed."

Taelan Fording picked up the Thunderfury. The powerful power of the Holy Light filled the weapon. A strong holy light appeared between its two blades. Tiny holy lightning and storms danced on the blade.

The weapon seemed even more powerful in the hands of Taelan Fordring.

Sylvanas Windrunner suddenly understood what Taelan Fordring meant.

"It is the people who are truly powerful, not the weapons! Even the most powerful weapons need people to use them in order to be effective."

Taelan Fording said: "Shiva, you are right! Everyone likes powerful weapons. But weapons are not everything."

Taelan Fordring returns Thunderfury to its forger.

"The reason why I went to such great lengths to come to Silithus to revive Sunderland is that I had to do so."

"First of all, the elements cannot be destroyed. Wind Leader Aura Kil is the weakest elemental lord, there is no doubt about that. Not only is it weak, but it is also violent. It is the easiest enemy to deal with, and its cunning is forced out."

"Elements are closely connected to the entire world. They will die and be reborn from the elemental plane. Even if we kill them in their lair, new elements will be born from there.

If we kill them, we will only gain hatred."

"Another reason is that the Burning Legion will not give up. We have to unite all the forces we can to fight them. And in Uldum, we need Sunderland to help us shut down a device. And we also need someone from our own to help us watch over there."

"The most important reason is that Sunderland became blind in order to fight against the enemies of the world. He is a hero. As the guardian knight of Azeroth, I have to give him an explanation. I can't let him bleed first and cry later."

"It would rather sacrifice itself in exchange for its own Aishir. It deserves our trust."

Sylvanas Windrunner has already explained the relationship between weapons and people.

No matter how powerful the weapons are, they cannot replace the role of people. People have already lost their loyalty, and even if they have powerful weapons, they are only a tool for others.

Isn’t this how Chiang Kai-shek got the title of transport captain?

What about Ragnaros with Sulfuras? He is still deserted by his friends. What about Alexandros Mograine with Ashbringer? He is still betrayed by his own son. The undead are still rampant in East Wilder.

Sylvanas Windrunner glanced at Taelan Fordring's waist.

"You don't have Xal'atath with you? I think it's dangerous."

Taelan Fording said: "I asked the World Tree to take care of her. She always likes to fantasize."

Xalatas: "Thank you!"

Three days later.

The Alliance has stabilized the southern front, and the wind elementals and those lingering Twilight Cultists have been forced to retreat back to Tanaris. The Alliance's soldiers are still very powerful.

Taelan Fording summoned Sunderland in the Deep Sand Plains, where yellow sand filled the sky and sandstorms often occurred. Storms were Sunderland's favorite.

The shadow of the World Tree appeared. Sunderland, who was several dozen meters tall, appeared in front of everyone.

In fact, all elemental creatures have a bad reputation in the world of Azeroth. Because they either serve as slaves of the strong, or become traitors and are criticized. Moreover, they have a bad temper and often attack the creatures around them.

Everyone was surprised when they first saw Sunderland's huge size. It was as tall as the Fire King.

After seeing the crowd, Sunderland did not rush up to attack them like the other elements.

"Thank you, mortals, for saving me. I can see this world again. It has changed so much!"

Sunderland is very familiar with this place. He once forged his own weapons in the Un'Goro Crater. The lair of the wind element is near Uldum.

Tyran Fording said: "Sunderland, we have fulfilled our promise to you."

Magni Bronzebeard took out the blessed sword of Thunderfury Windseeker and threw it high into the sky.

Sunderland reached out and caught the Thunder Fury that had accompanied him for countless years. A violent storm appeared in the middle of the blade.

Although it was far less powerful than when Tyran Fording held it, it seemed so harmonious, a gentle breeze was generated from the Wind Seeker Sword, and it swirled around Sunderland.

The Wind-Kissed Fairy finally returned to her lover.

After ten thousand years of waiting, they finally met again.

After ten thousand years of anticipation, they finally got what they wanted.

Sunderland tried hard to control his emotions: "I want to return to the throne of the God of Wind. I want to ask the Wind Leader, Aura Kil, why he chose to betray our world."

“If I were certain of its fall, I would defeat it, bind it.

I will keep my promise.”

It turned into a gust of wind and left the Deep Sand Plain with its only old subordinate, Demitin.

Although Sunderland was a brave warrior, he was not a completely reckless man. Especially after experiencing the betrayal of Baron Geddon and the betrayal of the Fire Demon King, he knew that when faced with a big event, he should first calm himself down completely and then make a decision after careful consideration.

It would never go to the battlefield unprepared again. What it had to do now was to restore its strength first. Then it could return to the throne of the God of Wind. Only then could it have an equal dialogue with Aura Kil. Otherwise, without power, how could it confirm whether Aura Kil was still sane. Taelan Fording watched Sunderland leave. He turned back and glanced at Ronin.

"Let's go home! Get ready to teleport."

Taelan Fording is not worried about Sunderland at the moment.

Because he is also a Hearthstone fan, Orla's Ark is the legendary with the most entries among all cards. It has four special effects: Divine Shield, Taunt, Charge, and Windfury. It is hard not to attract attention.

It is the weakest elemental lord. When it was first designed, it only had three health and three attacks for 8 mana. It exists simply to cooperate with the shaman's professional characteristic, the Flametongue Totem.

Its cunning and changeable character was completely forced out by the war of survival, which was not its nature. It had a bad temper and was defeated many times. It took its people to hide from place to place, and finally formed an alliance with Ragnaros.

The first alliance defeated Neptulon, and Thunderlan grew up. Before it could catch its breath, Ragnaros used a conspiracy to kill the hope of the wind element.

This incident made it crazy. But it had no power, and Ragnaros was determined to rule the sky with fire. It was defeated again, and the wind element began to flee everywhere.

Then came the war with the ancient gods, and it soon became a slave to the ancient gods. It turned to believe in the ancient gods who possessed infinite power.

This period of time distorted its mind, and it began to learn to sow discord everywhere. Then came the War of Domination.

Even though it broke the sky and brought disaster, it was still easily defeated by the Titan Guardian Lei. From then on, the only thing on its mind was revenge.

Ola Kil was cunning, but his nature was restless and irritable, and once Sunderland came into conflict with him, his true nature would be revealed.

The lords of the Wind God Council will definitely not interfere in the fight between them. It is their inevitable choice to exchange for a strong and rational lord with stable allies and return to their own world will.

Then it will be a battle between Sunderland and Orla Kil.

The Alliance didn't need to get involved and make enemies with the wind element. The Alliance soldiers were already very tired from the continuous fighting. This time they just had to wait for the flowers to bloom.

Soon, Tryndamere's towering figure appeared in the eyes of several people. There were few battles in this expedition, and all the fatigue came from the difficult journey. From the Barrens, to the Un'Goro Crater, to the windy and sandy Silithus, and then to the Firefeather Mountains.

At Firefeather Mountain, they also visited Lyra, the "Sun Fragment" who could rival the Elemental Lords. Then they rushed to Tanaris without stopping. After such a long journey, even as a demigod, Taelan Fordring felt like he was about to fall apart. What about his companions?
Tyran Fording said: "The mission is over. Everyone, take some time to rest. The Alliance also needs to recuperate."

Cairne Bloodhoof said goodbye to everyone politely, and Tyran Fordring waved his hand to everyone before disappearing into thin air. This place is close enough to home.

He raised his hand and input his holy light into the magic door lock.


The door opened.

"Jenna! I'm back."

However there was no response.

By the way, Janna is still in Kul Tiras. She probably hasn't finished dealing with things there yet. Queen Azshara gave Lady Ashvane a precious gift. It made her the only naga who is not a naga.

Jaina needs to help Lady Catherine and the Admiral in Kul Tiras to deal with the Baroness who has ambition and hatred in her heart. He believes that Jaina, who has mastered powerful arcane power, will do a good job. Even though she has lost her saintly heart, she is still a strong woman with persistence.

She will also handle her relationship with her father well.

The power of habit is really terrible. His dependence on her has penetrated into every aspect of his life. He has become accustomed to the days with her.

His father, Tirion Fordring, did not live in Teldrassil. He had been in the military all his life. The military camp was his home, so he lived in Crossroads for a long time. It was good that he and his mother could finally live together.

Taelan Fording changed his shoes and then looked at Xal'atath who was surrounded by green light.

It is still there, and it cannot escape Ezelena's control for now. Perhaps this is also a kind of protection for her.

He opened the cloakroom and removed the Judgment Armor like peeling off skin. This armor had been with him for more than ten years. It was the longest-lasting magic item besides the amulet and the small warhammer. It had also lost its original luster, and the surface was uneven and scarred. It was time to take it for repair.

It just so happens that His Majesty Magni Bronzebeard is here. I don't need to bother my teacher this time. I don't know what he is doing now. Is he drinking and bragging with his friends, or is he patrolling the territory?

He quickly took a shower and then lazily buried himself in the large custom-made sofa. Kyle liked to do this the most. He said this was his most relaxing place, where he could empty his mind and not worry about his back.

As soon as his body touched the sofa, Taelan Fording felt like he was back in that rented house. The surrounding environment was ethereal and quiet. Groups of elves surrounded the branches of the World Tree. They floated in the air like ribbons. The faint light they emitted covered the furniture in the house with a veil.

All that's missing is a computer.

"Why am I here? Who am I? What am I fighting for?"

Endless fatigue came in waves. The negative emotions and fatigue accumulated over the past month combined to make him feel too tired.

This is all your own fault!

He suddenly wanted to give up and take Janna to find a remote island. Wouldn't it be nice to fish, drink tea, and plant flowers every day? Darnassus Island is a good choice.

There, he could be neighbors with little Kelly. He could visit him every day, give him a bouquet of flowers, water the sun grass, and help him repair his house. He didn't owe anyone anything in this world. Except him.

Adults often collapse in an instant. The last straw that breaks the camel's back is often the last straw.

Maybe it seems insignificant in the eyes of others, but in fact it is the grievances or misunderstandings that have accumulated in your heart for a long time.

He is a demigod.

The elders can place their hopes on him, hoping that he will become more powerful, protect the people of the alliance, and let them live a good life.

Kael'thas can pin his future on him, hoping that he will treat everyone equally and lead the high elves to retake their homeland.

He is a husband.

Jaina could place her lifelong happiness on him, expecting him to shoulder the burden of the family and protect the family and future children.

He is a general.

Sylvanas Windrunner can place her revenge on him, hoping that he will kill the Lich King Ner'zhul on the Frozen Throne.

The only thing he couldn't be was himself.

He cannot stop, he has to keep improving. The soul-searching brought by the eight virtues will not stop for a moment. He may not be who he is yet.

Each of us is forced to move forward by life, and we try to live the way others want us to live. But as time goes by, we are no longer ourselves.

(End of this chapter)

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