Enter World of Warcraft with Dark Skills

Chapter 252: Either join the Dirty Hands Gang or get out of Gadgetzan

Chapter 252: Either join the Dirty Hands Gang or get out of Gadgetzan

Tang Hangu is a two-headed ogre, and the weirdest two-headed ogre.

Generally speaking, the name of a two-headed ogre is a combination of the names of its two heads. For example, Gu Gar, one of its heads is called Gu and the other is called Gar. Tang Han Gu is different. It also has two heads. One head is called Han. It likes to wear a hat and is a notorious criminal expert. The other head is called Gu. It is easy to recognize because it has a horn on its head. It has average intelligence, but it is ruthless when it comes to beating people.

And Don is just a title they give themselves, just like the well-known Don Quixote, who should actually be called Mr. Quixote.

There is another special thing, most two-headed ogres have three eyes. Even their leader Gu Jiaer is no exception. But Tang Hangu has four eyes.

These special features make all the two-headed ogres believe that it can do great things.

They think so too.

Cho'gall and his Twilight Hammer clan managed to escape from the Broken Isles. In order to answer the call of the God of Twilight, they came to Tanaris, which is covered with yellow sand.

It was bad luck that Cho'gall encountered the half-orc assassin Garona just after he settled down in the desert city of Gadgetzan. It was not a big problem for a whole clan to deal with an assassin. But Garona was not a pure orc, she was a hybrid of draenei and orc. The people she hated most were Gul'dan and his servants.

As far as Tang Hangu knew, this damned traitor had colluded with a dragon commander named Tyran Fording. Just as they had gained a foothold, this powerful legend came with an entire dragon army to kill them.

In a battle in the Deep Sand Desert, the God of Death used an incredible cavalry tactic to wipe out the essence of an entire clan.

The dragon cavalry under his command advanced like the wind, taking away a layer of flesh and blood with each charge. By the time you assembled your army and prepared to counterattack, he had already rushed into the desert and disappeared. Soon the second charge came from the flank. The continuous penetration made the ogres a mess.

Tang Hangu tried to use his strong body to stop Taelan Fording, then surround him and eliminate his men bit by bit.

But after the two sides collided, it found that size had nothing to do with strength. It and its two subordinates were all knocked down by a heavy blow.

Tirion Fordring's family skill of group knockdown is really terrifying.

Then the little guy stabbed it with a sword, which not only caused it to lose too much blood and pass out, but also caused it to lose a sharp horn.

When it woke up again, it was three days later. The Twilight Hammer clan fell apart, and its leader Cho'gall was defeated by a Heaven's Fist.

Han persuaded Gu to throw away his melee weapons and use guns instead. He could not let any enemy get close to him, and he had to shoot his enemies into sieves from a distance.

Chieftain Gul'gall has fled. It is hard for him to return. Garona's pursuit will not stop.

Tang Hangu gathered the remaining ogres and brought them to Gadgetzan.

Gadgetzan is a neutral goblin city where everyone can live. As long as you have money, you can buy everything here.

Whether you are the Alliance or the Horde, they only care about money.

After arriving in Gadgetzan, Tang Hangu quickly teamed up with a goblin technician, and they began their entrepreneurial journey.

If we talk about ogres starting a business, what can they do? Of course, they would do what they do best, which is to set up a security company.

The cunning goblins gave advice, and at first they fought on the streets of Gadgetzan. Relying on the strong bodies of the ogres and some extraordinary abilities, they made a name for themselves.

Later, Tang Hangu Security Company was established. All merchants who paid dues to them would be protected by Tang Hangu. Although they were barbaric, they were very loyal. As long as you paid dues, they would protect you. At the beginning, they would often fight and bleed, but later they would gradually get better.

Tang Hangu robbed caravans in the wild during the day and collected membership fees at night. Soon he made his first fortune, and the security company transformed into the "Dirty Hands Gang". At this time, he began to become famous, and he also saw the upper circles of Gadgetzan.

Including Tang Hangu, there are four major forces in Gadgetzan:

Gadgetzan city government led by Mayor Marin Noggenfogger.

Tang Hangu’s “Dirty Hands Gang”;
The "Yulian Gang" of the White-Eyed Hero;
Kazakus' "Dark Gold Cult".

Mayor Marin Noggenfogg was originally a merchant who came to Tanaris to collect glands. An unexpected experiment led to a major discovery.

It received an ancient recipe from the Akali trolls. The blue powder made according to this recipe will produce some unknown changes as long as it is mixed with dew. This potion will turn people into other races or a troll skeleton as long as they drink it. Most importantly, it will make people excited.

Marin Noggenfogger called this potion Noggenfogger Potion. This potion is very popular in the lawless land of Gadgetzan. It attracts many outlaws to come to Gadgetzan to sell this contraband.

From then on, Marin Noggenfog soared to the sky, and a lot of money went into his pocket. As for the harm of this potion to creatures, it had nothing to do with him. When there is a lot of money, it becomes capital, and naturally he will want something else.

Noggenfogger soon became the mayor. He wanted to make Gadgetzan a powerful city-state like Kezan. He himself dreamed of becoming a trade prince, a powerful tycoon, like Gallywix. To do this, he had to hide all the evils of Gadgetzan.

"White Eyes" is a panda who ostensibly opened a museum. He held a panda girl with special talents, Aya Blackpaw, the last heir of the Blackpaw family. She is a well-known philanthropist. White Eyes became her protector, and through her, he became a wealthy man and controlled a lot of industries. Of course, some people claim that Aya Blackpaw can communicate with the Forgotten King Kuhn and summon a powerful Jade Golem.

If White Eyes is the most powerful of the four clan leaders, then Kazakus is the most mysterious of the four clans. He is a mysterious troll. He made his first fortune by selling a kind of dark gold cola. The whole of Gadgetzan likes this cola.

But some people claim that Kazakus is a dragon with ulterior motives. Not only does it sell dangerous alchemical potions, but the cola sold by its church can also corrupt people's will and make them slaves of the dragon.

Tang Hangu shared the entire Gadgetzan with them. In order to strengthen its own strength, it bought the First Bank of Gadgetzan. And recruited all the criminals who did all kinds of evil. Their slogan is:

"Either join the Dirty Hands or get out of Gadgetzan."

Their goal is to control the entire Gadgetzan. As for the ordinary people living at the bottom, their lives are getting harder and harder. After all, they only had to pay a tax before, but now they have to be skinned alive by them. The reason why they are unwilling to leave is for safety.

The world is full of dangers, and they have no way to survive away from the city.

In fact, in the world of Azeroth, each power is regional. Due to organizational structure issues, the areas that these powers can actually control are very limited.

Take Stormwind in the original novel for example. Their king is called the "High King". In fact, that is just for his own amusement. What he really controls is Stormwind, Northshire, and some cities and towns in Elwynn Forest. The rest of the forest is ruled by gnolls, beasts, trolls, even murlocs, and the Defias Brotherhood.

Later it also lost the Wild West.

Now the most powerful force in the entire Azeroth is the Alliance of Azeroth, which is mainly established by humans in Lordaeron.

They completely controlled the Barrens, Mulgore, Silithus, Ashenvale, most of the Stonetalon Mountains, Kul Tiras, Khaz Modan, and Dun Morogh. These areas were their territories. All hostile forces in their territory were wiped out.

In this era, Calia Menethil is the real Supreme King. However, they practice a parliamentary system, and the House of Representatives, which represents the interests of the majority of the people, is the real decision-making body. This alliance not only has a powerful army and a large area of ​​control. Most importantly, they have the protection of a demigod.

A dragon king was hung on the world tree because of his stubbornness. The ancient gods just sent out a few small insects, but they were stabbed to death in their nest.

This is why the closed night elves and the dryads who never interact with the outside world like to live in Teldrassil and Crossroads.

Because it’s safe!

Even if you sleepwalk in the Barrens at night, the most you will get is a few pecks from a chocobo. If you were anywhere else, you would either become food or a spellcasting material.

Tang Hangu had great ambitions, and the goblin ruler gave him an idea.

Among the four major forces, Mayor Marin Noggenfogg has accumulated the most resentment. The harsh environment in Gadgetzan is closely related to its inaction and profit from it. But it is an official after all, with the support of the entire goblin race, and nothing can be done about it for the time being.

The Dark Gold Cult has the worst reputation. They are known to sell dangerous volcanic potions. The ultimate weapon in the street battles of Gadgetzan is this volcanic potion. The Dark Gold Cult's potion is responsible for at least seven out of every ten arson cases. The negative news about their leader Kazakus can no longer be suppressed.

The Jade Lotus Gang has the best reputation. Aya Blackpaw is a famous philanthropist who often distributes free tickets. Of course, the restaurant inside is not free.

The strategy of the goblins is to unite the "Dark Gold Cult" and fight against the "Jade Lotus Gang". Once the "Jade Lotus Gang" is eliminated, wouldn't it be easy to capture the Dark Gold Cult, which has a very bad reputation? Once the "Dirty Hands Gang" unifies the entire underground world, then Gadgetzan will be the world of the "Dirty Hands Gang".

It's Tang Hangu who is the king of Gadgetzan.

The negotiations went smoothly, and Kazakus accepted Tang Hangu's suggestion. It thought so too!

Tang Hangu didn't understand the essence of the three-way game at all, and he didn't understand Kazakus and Aya Blackpaw at all. They were all hidden heroes.

The battle between these three talents has begun!

Their brutal fight began when Tyran Fordring wrote the letter to Jaina and lasted until Tyran Fordring's expedition to Ny'alotha.

Gadgetzan is like a cancer in the desert. The four major gangs are like poisonous insects, scheming against each other in their own little worlds and fighting endlessly. The four major gangs continue to grow and develop, and they have taken the largest share of the city. But they do not produce anything. The only ones who really suffer are ordinary people at the bottom.

Now they not only have to endure the heavy taxes and management fees from the city hall, but also have to endure the losses caused by the firefights among themselves.

The ordinary people of Gadgetzan have worked for decades, and the entire city has developed for decades, but they are still poorly clothed and barely make ends meet.

However, the four major gangs are all wealthy and powerful.

Today, we have been at the Dark Portal for twenty-four years, and the Feast of Winter Veil is approaching.

The plan of Don Hangu and Kazakus is finally coming true. The White Eyes Warrior is finally backed into a corner.

The annex building of the Ancient Museum was on fire. It was surrounded by three major forces. The volcanic potion was thrown into the high wall of the museum. Soon the door opened.

The White Eyes Warrior appeared in a heavy suit of armor. Behind him followed a cute Panda girl. She should be the last heir of the Blackpaw family: Aya Blackpaw. Behind her followed a tall golem.

The golem was tall and mighty, with a jade-like sheen on its body. It must be the Jade Golem.

The "Jade Lotus Gang" has always suffered very few casualties in battle because they have the help of the Jade Golem.

The "White Eyed Hero" walked up to the leaders of the three major forces.

"You spend all your time thinking about your own infighting. Can't you open your eyes and look at the world?"

"Gadgetzan is in great trouble. You don't even know it."

Han said in a muffled voice: "Even if disaster strikes, we must first eliminate you, so that we can concentrate our forces to deal with those foreign enemies."

Kazakus laughed sinisterly: "Don't exaggerate. We are just an insignificant corner of the world. The real big guys have important things to consider. How can they care about us!"

"I am the one who will become the king of the world! It failed and was hung on Nordrassil. I am the one who can take its place. This is my starting point." Kazakus would certainly not tell this to anyone.

It has its own plan for today.

Don Hangu and Marin Norgenfog also have plans of their own.

They all have their own purpose.

No one cared about the long-term thinking of the "White Eyes Hero". They only thought about the present, destroying the "Yulian Gang" and then sharing its remnants. Then they killed the few guys around them.

The battle begins.

Tang Hangu was shocked. It turned out that he was the fool. These guys were hiding very deeply.

Aya Blackpaw is the most powerful person in the Jade Lotus Gang. His golem is actually immortal! It can be resurrected continuously. And the more it is resurrected, the more powerful it becomes.

The White-Eyed Knight is not the leader of the Jade Lotus Gang at all, Aya Blackpaw is.

Kazakus's fighting power was unexpectedly strong. He was the strongest person among all the people present.

It turns out that the list he wrote was in reverse order, the more powerful the person, the lower the ranking.

Everyone is an actor, it just depends on who has better acting skills. However, the more jaw-dropping thing is yet to come. Because the person standing in the clouds is also coming.

It is difficult for people to be killed by their peers, but they are mostly killed by cross-border enemies, such as cameras killed by mobile phones.

The cross-border person was watching the performance of the four people with great interest from the outside.

"Death, shameless villain!"

(End of this chapter)

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