Enter World of Warcraft with Dark Skills

Chapter 253 The Kings Will Rise Again

Chapter 253 The Kings Will Rise Again

As the battle progresses, the secrets of several major forces in Gadgetzan are gradually revealed.

Tang Hangu, the leader of the Dirty Hands Gang, who looks the most vicious, is the Little White Rabbit. The rest are all actors who are not well-known.

The great philanthropist Aya Blackpaw is a summoner, and he is the real leader of the Jade Lotus Gang. Everyone has been deceived, and the powerful White Eyes Knight is just a bodyguard. This family is small in number, but they hold a terrible power. That is the Jade Golem.

The pharmacist Kazakus hides more secrets. Not only does he use potions to strengthen himself, he also uses terrible magic. And his usual crazy image is gone. He is also an actor.

Marin Noggenfogg was watching the three major forces in battle at his leisure. There was a different light flashing in his little eyes. He certainly didn't want to let the "Dirty Hands Gang" and the "Dark Gold Cult" annex the "Jade Lotus Gang" and then everyone would live in peace.

After all, two fists are no match for four hands. No matter how powerful Aya Blackpaw and White Eyes are, they can hardly resist the numerous desperate criminals of the Dirty Hand Gang and the powerful magic of Kazakus.

Soon Aya Blackpaw was alone and had to retreat to the museum, with White Eyes covering her retreat.

Kazakus looked at Aya Blackpaw, who was now a commander without troops, and laughed triumphantly. The frightened Tang Hangu regained some confidence, thinking that two fists could not defeat four hands, and a hero could not defeat a large number of people.

As the battle progressed, the advantage in numbers began to show, and groups of desperate criminals cooperated with each other to surround and kill the White-Eyed Hero.

At this time, the White Eyed Warrior was exhausted. It was still able to hold on, and it was completely supported by an unknown force. Of course, the Green Jade Golem also helped a lot. Now it has become as tall as Tang Hangu. Once some things become very big, they will look hideous and terrifying.

A jackal musketeer shot the White Eyes hero in the left eye. It let out a scream. Tang Hangu certainly would not miss this opportunity. He commanded his minions to rush forward and began to pour fire on it.

At this time, as a master, Kazakus can solve the problem with just one Pyroblast.

Boom! With a loud bang! A huge meteorite fell from the sky.

The White Eyes warrior was turned into ashes. At the same time, a huge meteorite crater appeared on the ground. It not only killed the White Eyes, but also turned the so-called immortal Jade Golem and hundreds of Dirty Hands into ashes.

Don Hangu's two heads and four eyes were all staring at Kazakus.

"I'll kill you, Kazakus, you bastard!"

"Can't you let me speak first!"

Tang Hangu was furious. He had spent a lot of money to recruit his men, but hundreds of them died in a flash. These people were the foundation for him to dominate Gadgetzan and then the entire Tanaris.

It is not a good man or a believer, Tang Han Gu gave an order.

Then he turned his gun and fired at Kazakus. It was time to launch his plan. He had to fight. Aya Blackpaw was no longer a threat. Now his enemy was Kazakus. It just happened that he hadn't left him. And he was the one who started the trouble.

If I kill it now, no one will blame me.

However, as Kazakus's mana shield blocked Han's continuous shooting, Gu found that their firepower was wrong.

"What are you all doing!?"

"Ah, ah!" Two consecutive screams came out of Han Hegu's mouth.

The pain made Han drop the gun in his hand, while Gu looked down at the tip of the sword sticking out of his chest in a daze:
"Traitor! This time I finally let you speak first."

Its huge, strong body began to collapse, and it looked up at the sky. The twin moons of Azeroth hung high in the sky.

The blue child emits a cool moonlight, and is high above us like a cold goddess.

Han tried hard to open his eyes and look at the owner of the knife, but there was no trace of guilt on the goblin's ugly and twisted face.

It looked straight at Kazakus: "Great Prince! I have completed the mission!"

Gu struggled to say something. It opened its mouth, and streams of black blood flowed out of it. His men stared at Kazakus, like a group of ducks with their necks pinched.

Kazakus seemed to have a conscience. Perhaps he wanted to make his partner feel better. Or perhaps he wanted to put an end to his perfect plan.

It pulled out a bottle of Dark Gold Coke from its pocket.

The beautiful glass bottle shone scarlet in the red light. The liquid flowing inside seemed to be sucking people's souls into it:

"What a great invention! Isn't it, Master Raz!"

Space began to distort, light and shadows changed, and a strange humanoid figure wrapped in a shroud appeared, with chains emitting a terrifying red light floating around it.

"Of course, the great Godly Spirit is omnipotent! Karesh's technology is unmatched."

It turns out that it has colluded with alien monsters!

Han died first, and Gu could live for a few seconds longer.

Kazakus had a smug smile on his face:
"Gadgetzan belongs to the great Dark Gold Cult!"

It ignored Gu who was dying.

After all, the world belongs to the great race, not to you inferior races, especially those degenerate Titan creations.

One day, I will invade Teldrassil and burn that damned world tree! The great Kazakus will become a true god, not a guy who uses low-level holy light power. "

"And that hateful little woman! I will definitely catch her."

"The potion she prepared tastes as bad as swill. Why can it be sold for 1 gold coin more expensive than mine?"

Gu ignored the frantic Kazakus, and his vision began to blur. He was going to die.

Today's moon is big and white! It looks just like Madam Guoya's breasts. It's so bright outside Gadgetzan! What is that? Life in Nagrand is the life that ogres should live!
The clouds in my hometown are whiter and the sky is bluer. Why did I go to Azeroth to kill people and set fire to things?
"Gu is dead! I was the one who said it first this time!"

Sooner or later, you will pay for what you have done. If you embark on this path, don't expect to leave alive.

Kazakus turned around and glanced at Marin Noggenfogg who was standing there in a state of shock.
"Mr. Marin Noggenfogger, Gadgetzan belongs to the Dark Gold Cult!" A pair of huge dragon wings seemed to spread behind Kazakus, covering the entire sky of Gadgetzan.

"Always...yes!" Marin Noggenfogg stuttered.

None of these guys are easy to deal with. Fortunately, as a high-level race, they never drink those low-level creatures.

It's better for goblins to stick to tradition! Foreign things are poison wrapped in honey. These dark gold cola will slowly corrode your will and make you its slave.

Could it be that the rumors outside are true? Kazakus is a crazy dragon. How dare he collude with the Void Spirits? What kind of deal do they have?
There is no time for Mr. Mayor to think about this, now is Mr. Kazakus' time.

Kazakus pulled at the collar of his robe. He was not only a gang leader, but also a prince! He would be the king of the underground world of Gadgetzan in the future!
Holy Light idiots, poor little women. You wait. I'll hang your heads in Gadgetzan, too. It's time to go to the museum and receive the wealth of Aya Blackpaw.

The Black Palm family is an ancient noble family on the mysterious continent of Pandaria. They are not only nobles, but also big businessmen. Their business is spread all over Pandaria. Their partners include not only Pandaren, but also Jinyu people and even Mantis. Their family motto is:
"Everything is business, everything is a transaction! Merchants have no borders!"

Two werewolf minions pushed open the broken door of the museum from the left and right.

However, there is another door behind the door. Double insurance? Why didn’t I notice it when I visited before?

As expected of an ancient noble, his background is unmatched by others. But after today, everything will be his. The next target is Madam Guo Ya. Controlling that socialite is equivalent to controlling another auction house.

By using their caravans, you can definitely sell your dark gold drinks to Teldrassil.

Their food control is too strict. If it weren't for a group of druids who were always giving orders about imported goods, my business would have spread all over Kalimdor.

In fact, it is not the fault of the night elf druids. The top leaders of the Alliance, from the demigod Tyran Fordring and his wife Jaina, Prince Kael'thas, Chieftain Cairne Bloodhoof, to Malfurion, are all fans of tea. And their dwarven wine industry is also very developed.

They had no interest in dark gold drinks.

While outlining the future development direction, he chatted with Master Raz. Kazakus likes to talk a lot in his territory.

As a leader, he doesn't think about the daily necessities, but the big things, the things of making money. His brain is never idle, and he doesn't care about anything else.

A door is no problem for Mr. Kazakus.

It decided to show off its skills in front of Marin Noggenfogg and Master Raz.

Kazakus raised his hands, and several balls of light appeared in the void. They intersected each other in the air. A magic crystal bottle automatically floated out of his magic pocket. The light flowed into the bottle as if controlled by Wuxing's hands. Soon a new bottle of alchemical potion was made!
Mr. Kazakus's alchemy has reached its peak.

It’s a pity that Taelan Fording was not present, otherwise he would definitely give a thumbs up to Kazakus’ temporary card printing behavior.

Kazakus threw the potion he had just refined towards the steel door. With two loud bangs, the door opened!

Kazakus and Raz walked in first, and Marin Noggenfog followed reluctantly. He didn't want to watch Kazakus complete his underworld career. Watching others make a lot of money was more painful than watching himself lose money.

It was as if it saw all the gold in Gadgetzan flying into Kazakus' pocket.

Kazakus didn't look at Mayor Marin Noggenfogg's expression, which was as if his father had died. It was no longer important. It had to thank Taelan Fording, otherwise it would definitely replace it as mayor.

Whoever holds the key to Gadgetzan's vault controls this paradise-like city. Money is power! When money reaches a certain level, its owner will definitely want something else.

The main building of the museum appeared in front of them. Aya Blackpaw was standing there. But she was not panicked or heartbroken.

As a tyrant who had been hiding behind the scenes for decades, this little scene could not make her lose control of herself. As for the death of the White Eyes Hero, that was its duty.

Kazakus frowned. This little guy was too calm. This was not normal.

Master Raz said, "That's amazing. You can continue. I'll wait a while before placing my bet."

The virtual spirits are also businessmen. They are in the business of investment. Others lose money, but they lose their lives. Of course, in Marlin Noggenfog's view, money is life.

Kazakus glanced at Raz with dissatisfaction. You are not only a partner, you are also a member of the Dark Gold Cult. Do you want to be a traitor?
People say there are several kinds of hatred in the world that are irreconcilable, such as the hatred of killing one's father and the hatred of having one's wife stolen from one's wife!

Actually, it is not, because some people can tolerate anything. Ninja Turtles are not uncommon, and there are also many people who advise others to be kind.

But there are two situations where hatred surpasses everything, that is, traitors hate their compatriots. If you don’t believe it, look at those traitors. There is another situation where traitors hate those who betrayed them.

Kazakus shifted his attention awkwardly to Aya Blackpaw.

Master Raz, just wait for me. Waiting is useless, you will just be the next ingredient for alchemy. We are a gang, not just a business.

"Girl, surrender! You have reached the end of your rope. Hand these over. I will let you live."

Aya Blackpaw smiled and said, "Mr. Kazakus, you are not the only one with secrets!"

Suddenly, a series of screams were heard from behind Kazakus.

"Bugs?" "Where do they come from?"

"They are called Mantids, and they are not bugs. They are the great Aqir Zerg!"

A hoarse voice suddenly said: "The heroes of the Klaxxi Council have been waiting here for a long time!"

Aya Blackpaw smiled and said, "You're not the only one with a new plan!"

"I have one too! And you don't think the Jade Golem's immortality is fake!"

At this point, Aya Blackpaw threw a green jade amulet on the ground, and a huge green jade golem appeared in front of everyone.

Master Raz said softly, "The Jade Amulet. It turns out this thing is real. I have to reconsider my partnership!"

As long as the Jade Amulet is there, the Jade Golem will never die.

Kazakus is not Don Hangu: "Your mana is limited. Even if your Jade Golem can be resurrected continuously, do you have that much energy?"

Apparently Aya Blackpaw felt that explaining more would buy the mantids more time.

The door behind Kazakus closed again, and the mantis demons had killed all the Dark Gold Cult members who blocked their way.

"If it weren't for the master's return, you would have been finished long ago."

"It's all right now. This place is closed off. The person standing in the clouds can't sense this place anymore! It's time to put an end to this!"

"Show your true form! Kazakusan!"

Kazakus' body began to deform. A huge black dragon appeared in front of everyone:

"as you wish!"

Aya Blackpaw obviously knew that those heroes would not be a match for Kazakushan.

It jumped onto the platform behind it.

A rumbling sound came from underground.

"The kings will rise again!"

(End of this chapter)

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