Enter World of Warcraft with Dark Skills

Chapter 254 The Forgotten King and Kazakushan

Chapter 254 The Forgotten King and Kazakushan

The whole museum came alive, it changed color, it was the real Jade Golem. The Jade Golems of the "Jade Lotus Gang" all originated from it.

Aya Blackhand extracted part of the soul and power of the Forgotten King Kuhn and activated the golems. The power of the Immortal King allowed them to recover and become stronger.

Of course, these golems are not invincible. Kazakushan's meteorite spell just killed many of them. Their endurance is limited. If the damage exceeds the limit that the golem material can bear, they will really die.

Both sides have shown their cards. The battle is bound to end. And both sides have confidence in themselves.

One of them is a Titan creation, the ancient kings, and the other is a powerful dragon, the mysterious existence of the Black Dragon Legion.

Among those present, Marin Noggenfogg was the most helpless. It also had its secrets, but its secret was the most shameful. That was the Noggenfogg potion. This potion came from the Hakkari priests. It had conditions for getting it. It had to contribute to the resurrection of the Loahaka they worshipped.

This Hakkar is not the faceless dog king of the Burning Legion. It is the evil god "Soul Flayer" Hakkar who exists in another world. In essence, there is no difference between Noggenfogger potion and the Dark Gold Cola of the Dark Gold Cult. It's just that the trolls are best at voodoo magic rather than alchemy.

Among the leaders present, Noggenfogg was not only the weakest, but also the most shameful. The background it relied on was the goblin race, and all it did was betray the goblins. If Kezan had not been sent into the sea by Deathwing, the goblins would have joined two different groups, the Alliance and the Horde. It would have been exposed long ago.

Now it can only wait and wait for both sides to suffer losses.

In the past, Silithus was a lawless area, and neither the night elves nor the Sandfury trolls had any control over Gadgetzan.

The only local force, the bronze dragons, have been playing dead. They think that everyone's efforts are meaningless. As long as it does not violate the time flow they see, it doesn't matter what you do. Even if you spread evil cults and try to summon evil gods and destroy lives, they are indifferent. And recently they escaped without a trace.

The Sword of Damocles hanging over Gadgetzan is the Alliance. From the day that Tyran Fordring won the Ragnarok War and killed C'Thun, it established its legitimate position. This is the righteous cause, and this is what the people want.

When the black dragon king Deathwing launched the Cataclysm, his subordinates attacked the Alliance. It was at that time that the goblins of Gadgetzan saw the real Alliance army.

Especially the heavily armored Tauren Elite Guards. The sight of them charging under the leadership of Blackhorn Grimtotem and Hamuil Runetotem was truly shocking.

Under the command of their leader, the Tauren simultaneously smashed the totem poles behind them to the ground. The overlapping shock waves instantly turned the insects and trolls into powder.

The Blackhorn's War Tramples are a nightmare to low-level troops. Armed with the Alliance's powerful forged armor, this war race finally showed its true strength.

The four major forces all knew that they were powerless to resist the powerful Alliance of Lordaeron. That's why they raced to integrate the power of Gadgetzan to gain the qualification to fight against the Alliance. If they could complete the integration before Tyran Fordring and the Old Gods decided the winner, they would at least have a chance to negotiate. If not, they would only have the option of escaping.

It can be said that this is their last chance. Kazakushan opened his huge mouth and blew a mysterious breath towards the Forgotten King Kun. The latter raised his left hand to block the damage of the breath. At the same time, he swung his right hand and punched Kazakushan.

The two behemoths completely ignored the casualties of the people around them. The heavy blow of the Forgotten King Kuhn instantly smashed several Dark Gold Cult followers into history. And Kazakushan was not to be outdone. The next second, its meteorite spell fell on Kuhn's head, and the scattered flame stones turned the few remaining elites of the "Jade Lotus Gang" into ashes.

Aya Blackpaw fed all of its energy back to Kuhn, and urged it to speed up its attack. It had to be a quick battle.

This place is not far from the Thousand Needles, and the few remaining pieces of land there are garrisons of the Alliance.

The night elves' sentinels and the high elves' rangers often appear in the deserts of Tanaris.

The Cataclysm launched by Deathwing flooded the Shimmering Flats. It also brought seawater into the north of Tanaris. Steamwheedle Port had been destroyed, and the seawater was not far from Gadgetzan. The Alliance's navy was very powerful and threatened the city at any time.

In order to determine the outcome in advance, they all used their special skills.

The hands of the Forgotten King Kun turned green jade, and he smashed down Kazakushan with all his strength.

This black dragon must have some powerful magic item. Time distortion appeared around it. It was like the time dragon was controlling the speed of time. Many light balls appeared in front of it. They combined with each other. Mr. Kazakushan refined another bottle of alchemy potion on the spot.

It threw the potion, and time returned to normal. Then the potion emitted a strong light. It collided with the fist of the Forgotten King Kuhn. The collision caused a huge explosion.

The people around had to close their eyes, and the smart guys even covered their ears.

The violent explosion collapsed the museum's wall, and the secrets of Aya Blackpaw and Kazakushan finally appeared under the moonlight.

Kazakushan relied on his powerful dragon body and hard dragon scales to withstand the explosion. One of its wings drooped down. Apparently, it had used its wings to block the damage just now.

The Forgotten King Kuhn was finally defeated, and both of his hands were injured. One of his arms was shattered by the explosion, and the other hand was also injured.

Kazakushan felt that the Forgotten King should not be so weak. Perhaps it lost too much power to summon the Jade Golem. It was a brutal gangster, so it would not think too much about those things. Whatever the reason, it was right to kill it first.

It pounced on it and started close combat. In all cases, close combat is the most effective means of attack. The Forgotten King, who lost one hand, was no match for the black dragon.

Kazakushan laughed cruelly and triumphantly. He launched a frantic biting and clawing attack. The powerful Forgotten King was torn into pieces of jade like a spliced ​​doll. Even so, he was still worried that these pieces would be resurrected with the help of the Jade Amulet. A meteorite fell from the sky again.

Kazakushan's low and hoarse voice came from the void:
"It's all over. From today on, Gadgetzan belongs to the Dark Gold Cult! It's the world of Kazakushan!"

"No one can resist the great power of the Black Dragon Legion."

Following Kazakushan's solemn declaration, the few remaining followers under him also revealed their true identities. They were all black dragons. There was no need to hide now. The destruction of the wall barrier had exposed the secrets here.

In order to make the villains in this city obey, it must demonstrate its powerful strength.

After a while of light and shadow, Kazakus appeared again, still the elegant gentleman. He pulled his collared robe. The dragon people around him also turned into the standard-dressed Dark Gold Cult members again.

A new killing started, and the performance of the dragon's breath potion began. This time, even Marin Noggenfogg's people were no exception. At the same time, the retreat plan had to be implemented.

Take what can be taken from this city. Burn the rest. It needs a new lair to continue to develop its power. Maybe I can go to Dustwallow Marsh and find the young black dragon princess. Maybe I can seek temporary protection there.

The most urgent task is to kill Aya Blackpaw and Malin Noggenfogg.

Aya Blackpaw was already seriously injured. It did not regret extracting the power of the Forgotten King. For the great cause of the great master, any sacrifice was worth it.

"If you let me go, I will help you. All my wealth will be yours! You can also get help from my master. For example, engineering tanks and sophisticated mechanical creations." She said sincerely while taking out a mechanical sheep from her pocket.

Kazakus certainly wouldn't listen to her nonsense. Such women's sweet talk is meaningless. What they are best at is talking nonsense and then asking some stupid questions like "I fell into the river with your mother".

The great Kazakus would tell her without hesitation: "I saved my mother." Then let her get lost. You want to spend my money, live in my house, and lay someone else's eggs. No way! My last name is not Chen.

Of course, except for good girls like Jaina Proudmoore.

Seeing Kazakus indifferent, Aya Blackpaw twisted her face and said: "The great master will save me! When its whispers resound throughout Azeroth, it will be the time for the Jade Lotus Gang to return."

Kazakus suddenly thought of the powerful demigod named Taelan Fording. He had a signature move: clenching his left hand, watching the enemy being strangled by a mysterious force, and then letting go, boom! Everything was gone.

It also raised its right hand, and a ball of light appeared in the void, and they combined into a ball of strangely colored things. Then it let go of its hand handsomely, boom!

There is absolutely no feeling of strangling fate by the throat. I will just add some suffocating powder next time.

Aya Blackpaw fell, leaving behind only a sturdy mechanical chicken.

"It's your turn next. Mr. Marlin Noggenfogg! You are a respectable man. Aren't you?"

Marin Noggenfogg had actually retreated from the center of the battlefield, ready to flee. As for "respectability", that was not something a goblin should consider.

There are only two things that goblins think about in their lives: first, gold coins, and second, staying alive.

Kazakus seemed disappointed: "Dear Mr. Mayor, since you don't consider decency, I have to help you be decent."

It raised its right hand again. Marin Noggenfogg thought it was going to show off again. It still had a chance. It reached into its underwear pocket and tightly grasped the bottle of "magic essence" in its pocket. It stared at Kazakus. As long as he made the potion, it would drink the bottle of magic essence. Then everyone would be in trouble! I can't beat you, but I can still die together.

However, this time, it did not clench its right hand. It chose Pyroblast and Incinerate.

Marin Noggenfogg was blown away by the pyroblast. The bottle of magic essence that he had not drunk in time rolled to the ground, and the vibrated magic essence showed a strange shadow with spread wings.

Marin Noggenfogg was blown away and set on fire at the same time.

It rolled on the ground with flames all over its body. In fact, goblins are a tough race. It screamed and crawled towards the bottle of sparkling magic essence.

Kazakus shook his head and said, "Goodbye, Mr. Mayor! I will help you with your pharmaceutical business.

As for this, it’s disgusting.”

Kazakus picked up the mojo on the ground and shook it.

Trolls are an ancient lowly race. They are ugly and stupid. They like to believe in some weird things. But their voodoo magic is very strange. It is better to be careful.

It raised the bottle of magic essence, ready to destroy it with a pyroblast. Fire is the first choice to deal with some weird things.

The bottle of magic essence was thrown with great force onto the ground ignited by the meteorite spell.

Kazakus decided to leave here with his dragon subordinates.

"Search! Take away everything valuable!"

But the bottle of magic essence did not fall into the fire.

A handsome and strong young man suddenly appeared in front of it, holding the beautiful crystal bottle in his hand.

He also shook the bottle of magic essence, but no shadow appeared.

The firelight reflected on the young man's armor. He frowned.

At this time, a portal opened, and a cute tree fairy jumped out of it. She took the bottle of magic essence and shook it, and suddenly a phantom of a winged monster appeared.

Taelan Fording...

Then a tall figure walked out of the portal, wearing heavy armor, carrying a totem pole on his back, and with two huge horns on his head, one of which was broken in half. It was the elder Cairne Bloodhoof.

"It doesn't belong in our world. It's afraid of you."

Sylvanas Windrunner, wearing a beautiful new armor, also walked out of the portal.

"You've been waiting to see this?"

Taelan Fordring nodded, and at this time two teams of paladins walked out of the portal, led by Liadrin, the high-ranking general of the Azelena Crusaders.

The last one was Archmage Jaina, who was carrying the Soul Seeker Staff. She had finally returned to her home in Teldrassil after a two-month journey to Kul Tiras. It was she who had opened the portal and teleported everyone directly here from outside the museum.

She came to Taelan Fordring's side:

"I never thought that such a small place like Gadgetzan could be home to such a huge number of talents."

She concluded: “This gentleman from the Dark Gold Cult is a black dragon who knows crappy alchemy.

The leader of the Jade Lotus Gang has been hiding for decades, disguised as a thug. Not only has he manipulated a Titan creation, he has also colluded with the fallen Titan guardian Mimiron. "

Sylvanas Windrunner interrupted, "Mirmiron is just a puppet. I'm afraid it has colluded with the last of the Old Gods, Yogg-Saron."

Jaina frowned and glanced at the long legs.

Sylvanas explained: "It smells like Yogg-Saron. By the way, you don't have the Force, so you can't sense the power of the void."

After all, the elder is experienced: "Okay ladies, this mayor is not simple either."

Jaina didn't pursue the matter any further, but continued, "This mayor is selling illegal potions everywhere. He is trying to summon the evil god."

"It seems that only the deceased Tang Hangu is the real little white rabbit."

Taelan Fording said: "Don Hangu is also a member of the Twilight's Hammer. The sins he bears are no less than those of others."

"Mr. Kazakus, do you want to surrender or give it a try?"

(End of this chapter)

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