Chapter 256: Saronite
No one else knew what kind of magic potion Jaina had brewed, but Taelan Fording knew.

Those were the stinking gas and strangulation potion he bought from the nephalem hut. They were all the same stuff and basically useless.

The smell of foul gas is unbearable, equivalent to canned herring in Azeroth. It can last for a long time, but can only cause minor natural damage. However, strangulation potion in this world can silence a target for a short time. The person who is hit by it will feel that his neck is strangled and he cannot breathe. Severe cases can even cause coma.

They were not very effective, so Taelan Fordring thought it was a pity to throw them away, so he gave them to Jaina for research.

Later, Deathwing was killed. A goblin who made the source armor for him escaped. He used to be a good friend of Gazlowe, but was captured and sold as a slave to Deathwing.

Its arrival has added a new alchemy school to the Alliance: Goblin Alchemy. They specialize in the research and improvement of catalysts and armor materials. It has created a powerful catalyst that can make many things that are difficult to fuse react.

So Jaina thought about combining the two potions into one. Now it seems that she succeeded!
Watching Kazakus lose consciousness, Taelan Fording knew that the villain must be punished. This was an opportunity to establish prestige and deter crime.

There were already many people outside secretly peeking into the museum. After all, the magic barrier, walls and roof were gone. Everyone could see.

"Janna, you are the winner, execute it!"

Jaina hesitated for a moment. But she reacted immediately. Tolerating evil is harming good.

She didn't think about it any more. She waved the Soul Searcher's Staff in her hand and chanted a low spell.

A huge meteorite fell from the sky. At the same time, Jaina activated Calmness, and the unconscious Kazakus was ignited by a blue flame from his body. Gift of Magic Guardian Malygos: Mana Ignition.

This is a skill similar to Tyran Fording's Order Strike: Blooming Flames. It is a technique that injects one's refined mana into the target's body, and then ignites the energy in the target's body together with the mana.

The powerful blue dragon Arcanagos was burned into the skeleton dragon Nightmare by Medivh using this trick. After obtaining the Ring of the Fallen God and the Staff of the Soul Seeker, Jaina was finally able to use this technique.

The great pain woke Kazakus from his coma. Just as he was about to roar in pain, he was enveloped by a powerful holy light. Then the ice meteorite fell from the sky, creating a sky full of ice dust, which formed a beautiful rainbow under the illumination of the magic crystal lamp.

A high-level legend fell.

A beautiful world appeared with the shadow of a giant tree. As Kazakus had predicted, the Dream Dragon Ysera descended on the city. Soon, the special forces led by Lillian entered Gadgetzan. A large number of contraband potions were confiscated. Many guys of unknown origin were arrested.

Sure enough, few people can resist the mind-reading ability of the King of Dreams.

Except for Jintaisa. It turned into a large group of bats and fled in all directions. As expected, the Dreadlord is everywhere.

After executing Kazakus, Tyran Fordring turned around and said loudly: "The Alliance Supreme Council, Alliance High King Calia Menethil, King Kael'thas Sunstrider, Archdruid Malfurion Stormrage, Chieftain Cairne Bloodhoof, Ironforge Hill King Magni Bronzebeard, and Alliance Chamber of Commerce Chairman Gazlowe jointly declare:
From this day forward, Tanaris is sacred and inviolable to the Alliance of Azeroth."

After a pause, he looked at Liadrin solemnly, and the powerful paladin immediately knelt on one knee.

Taelan Fording said: "The Council and the King appointed High Priestess Liadrin of Ezelena as the Mayor of Gadgetzan!"

Kael'thas Sunstrider, who had been working silently, spoke up:

"General Liadrin, do your best. Punish the evildoers and build a new Gadgetzan. The Alliance will be your strong support."

Liadrin immediately thrust the tip of her sword into the ground:
"I will support the poor, protect the weak, and punish the evil. For the Alliance!"

If the name is not right, the words will not flow. The necessary scenes are indispensable. After the ceremony, an army composed of various races of the Alliance entered Gadgetzan. They will be stationed here for the next three years to cooperate with Liadrin's actions.

Liadrin is now a count. She is not only the mayor of Gadgetzan, but also manages the entire Tanaris.

The first thing she had to do was to rebuild the city hall of Gadgetzan and transform this crime city. After gaining a foothold, she had to wipe out the remaining trolls in Zul'Farrak and the ogres wandering in the wild.

Then we need to rebuild a seaport in the east of Gadgetzan.

Liadrin is a formally educated administrator. After receiving military support from Taelan Fordring and an administrative appointment from King Kael'thas, she immediately took action.

Her first order was to build Gadgetzan City Hall, disband the three major gangs, and confiscate illegal gains.

Then there was the punishment of Marin Noggenfogger. He colluded with the Hakkari trolls and sold illegal alchemical potions. He was sentenced to death. She had to thank the great alchemist Kazakus, the mayor of Marin had died of burning and fright.

Then everyone turned to look at Master Raz.

It was a smart ethereal: "I came to Gadgetzan to do business. I have no involvement in anything in Gadgetzan."

Taelan Fording also looked at it: "That's true. You are indeed doing business. But what do you want to do by buying void energy potions?
You are a void spirit who has not yet mastered the Force, but you are collecting the power of the void. What is your purpose?"

Master Raz was panicking. Just now, Taelan Fording had directly executed a dragon. This world was more complicated than any other world he had ever experienced. This demigod was nothing like the holy light users he had met before.

But it is the only one left here. It has not completed its master's task, nor has it found the code that its master mentioned.

"I just used the potion of the Dark Gold Cult to strengthen myself. I didn't do anything to harm you."

"I am also an alchemist master. I can serve you. As long as you keep me safe."

The Alliance has no conflict with the Void Spirits now, so there is no need to kill Raz. More importantly, it only uses alchemy to exchange for strengthening potions, and does not harm lives.

Soon the leaders reached a consensus. Raz was sent to the Emerald Dream. At first, Raz was very happy, after all, he survived. Moreover, the Emerald Dream was constantly changing between illusion and reality, with beautiful mountains and clear waters, and the scenes of the universe and the starry sky became more and more rich and vivid. It was the embodiment of the Titan's dream. It can be said that this place is very similar to the world of the spirit, except for the products of high technology.

However, as soon as it entered the Emerald Dream, it heard the whispers of a child, something far superior to the whispers of the void.

“I thought he would find someone to spy on me, but I didn’t expect he would find God to torture me!

I finally understood why that big eye looked at me with pity. As a colleague, it was so disloyal! She didn’t even remind me. ”

"I might as well provoke him and let him kill me. This young Titan must have been hurt, otherwise its ravings would never exceed those of the Old Gods.

Could it be that the guy with big eyes did it?
Help! "

Three days later, peace has returned to Gadgetzan. All the guards have changed their mental outlook. The people here have also begun to accept their new identities. Gazlowe has also come here to help Liadrin rebuild the auction house and the Gadgetzan branch of the Alliance's central bank.

The three gangs that were once so prosperous are now a thing of the past. It is as if they never existed. In a few years, they may only be the topic of conversation among the elderly.

A few days later, in Naxxramas, the high-ranking generals of the Alliance gathered together. The purpose of their meeting was to discuss the intelligence obtained from the Gadgetzan operation and formulate the Alliance's next course of action.

The difference between the current Alliance of Azeroth and the Alliance in World of Warcraft is that the Alliance under the leadership of Stormwind is always waiting for the enemy to attack, and they are forced to meet the enemy. Every time they take action, they pay a huge price.

The new alliance can always take the initiative and achieve its goals, so that the war can spread to the enemy's territory, thereby reducing damage to itself and preserving more manpower.

As the master of Naxxramas and the military leader of the Alliance, Taelan Fordring was the first to speak.

“Gadgetzan may be a small city, but it is the gathering point of all conspiracies.

The Hakkari trolls want to revive their evil god Hakkar. Marin Noggenfogger is their spokesperson. The Noggenfogger potion is made by them using voodoo magic, which can influence the thoughts of humanoid creatures. "

"The Black Dragon Legion is determined to destroy us. Kazakus also has the ambition to rule the world. But he has no intention of destroying the world."

"The Twilight Hammer clan is still struggling to survive. Tang Hangu has the ambition to unify the Twilight Church and inherit the legacy of Gu Gar. However, it has neither strength nor wisdom.

Also, its acting is terrible. It is no match for those movie kings.”

The term "best actor" was a new one. But everyone understood its meaning as soon as they heard it: the emperor among actors. Jaina was not unfamiliar with this term. Because Taelan Fordring once said that Devlin Agamand was an actor among actors. He used a single play to play his elder brother digging potatoes at the Korrin Crossing, and he himself became the heir.

He even played a trick on Renault and himself, almost killing them.

Last night, Taelan Fording heard a surprising news from Jaina. Renor Mograine came to Ratchet. He escaped from Lordaeron. From him, Jaina knew that Devlin had played another good show.

All the citizens of Tirisfal were turned into sacrifices by it, and it itself was promoted to a lich. It turned out that it also hid the secret that it was a high-level wizard. If it had not received much care and resources since childhood, this would be another Kel'Thuzad.

"The most dangerous is Aya Blackpaw, whose race is involved in a huge secret.

It's a pandaren, a merchant, and more likely a cultist.

According to our old friend Chen Stormstout, the Pandaren live on the back of the giant turtle Shen-zin Su, but their ancestor, Master Liu Lang, lived on a completely unknown continent. "

Malfurion glanced at Tyrande Whisperwind and interrupted, "Pandaria!"

"According to ancient legends, in order to avoid a powerful enemy, they cast a spell to hide their hometown. This allowed them to avoid future disasters."

"And that continent is called Pandaria."

"We don't know about the Blackpaw family."

"Hey! The Black Palm Family is more of a big chamber of commerce than a big family. They have existed since ancient times.

They are Pandaren, but they serve the Mogu Empire and even the Mantid!"

As soon as he heard the voice, Taelan Fording knew that it was the little tree elf Lunala. She was a member of the Spellbreakers. But she was late today.

Taelan Fording had seen several dryads, most of whom were beautiful and gentle.

Lunala is the only exception. If her sisters are soft willow branches and beautiful flowers, then Lunala is the thorn in the forest. She is brave, lively and cute. When in danger, she will fight with all her strength to protect her friends.

The relationship between the alliance leaders is relatively harmonious. But they are very clear about the distinction between public and private. Everyone will abide by the rules.

After Lunala introduced the Blackpaw family, she added: "Hey, I didn't mean to be late. I communicated with the Emerald Dream. My grandfather's soul has awakened."

"The demigod Malorne?"

"Hey! Yes, but it cannot be resurrected yet. The war in the Emerald Dream is getting more intense, and the power of the Old Gods has been invading there. Even with the help of the Great Mother, it is difficult for Her Majesty Ysera to remove the pollution.

He told me to tell everyone: haste makes waste, so be careful. "

Mylinsera said: "Yes, Her Majesty Ysera's true body can only come to Azeroth with the World Tree now. N'Zoth is dead, but the pollution there has not stopped."

At this time, Sylvanas Windrunner said: "Everyone, take a look at this."

Sylvanas' words attracted everyone's attention. As she spoke, she took out a mechanical artifact from her pocket with her gauntleted hands.

It was a mechanical chicken. There were a few scratches on its body. Sylvanas took off her gauntlets.

Taelan Fording stopped her immediately. The illusory starry sky appeared, then quickly disappeared. Taelan Fording activated the Purification Aura.

As expected, a wisp of gray floated out of the mechanical chicken. This is a curse.

Kael'thas observed it carefully, then picked up the chicken with his mage's hand.

Taelan Fordring immediately granted him divine protection. Kael'thas and Taelan Fordring had worked together for more than ten years. He seemed to know he would do that, and Sylvanas Windrunner thought: "He is still so considerate."

“This chicken has a sophisticated structure and is made of special materials. Even after an explosion, it can still be used normally.

I guess it is a Titan creation. Only Titans have the ability to create this kind of thing."

Compared to Keristrasza, Mylinthra is already an ancient dragon. The Emerald Dream node it is currently stationed at is Teldrassil.

She said in a gentle voice, "I recognize this material. It caused a disaster."

At this time, a tired voice said: "Saronite!"

The owner of the tired voice is Fandral Staghelm, who has been busy with the autumn harvest. As the archdruid, he is responsible for the planting and distribution of food in all territories. He has endless things to do every day.

"Only Northrend has Saronite of this quality.

It is the medium through which the Old Gods spread the curse. This time our enemy is Yogg-Saron, the Thousand Maws. "

(End of this chapter)

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