Enter World of Warcraft with Dark Skills

Chapter 257 3 Tarot Cards: Past, Present, Future

Chapter 257 Three Tarot Cards: Past, Present, and Future
Looking at the exhausted Fandral Staghelm, Tyran Fordring was a little worried that he would die from overwork. He didn't become a fire druid, but died from farming. This was a bit unreasonable.

"Archdruid, you need to take care of yourself. Restoration spells are not a substitute for sleep."

Fandral Staghelm shook his head. "It's almost over. In two days, the food ration will be completed. If it weren't for Teldrassil's protection, a quarter of our people would have gone hungry this year."

Although Deathwing's catastrophe was hasty and not as devastating as in the original book, it still destroyed Kezan and Thousand Needles, and Tyran Fordring believed that Durotan must have felt bad too.

All coastal areas are affected. The inflow of seawater will destroy fertile farmland and cause salinization of the land in the flooded areas.

Taelan Fordring changed the subject: "We have enough food thanks to the efforts of the Archdruid and the Cenarion Circle.

The Horde may also be experiencing a food crisis. We need to strengthen the defenses of the Crossroads. Naxxramas will also stop there.

Halduron, Paris, you are transferred to the Crossroads and cooperate with my father to protect the Crossroads Fortress. "

The Horde fears the power of the Alliance. But that's when there's food.

People can endure being bullied, being cheated, and being hurt, but no one can endure hunger! In the face of hunger, all beings are equal.

"Archdruid, let's continue with our previous topic."

Fandral Staghelm continued: "In order to control the spread of Saronite, I cut down six branches of Nordrassil. At that time, a total of five world trees were planted, and the largest one was Andrassil. It grows in a world covered with ice and snow."

"The spread of saronite was indeed contained by the World Tree. But then Andrassil's roots grew deep into the earth. They touched Yogg-Saron's prison. It was corrupted. We had to cut it down."

"The Ice Crown has fallen. We call it Vordrassil. Vordrassil means "Broken Crown" in Elvish."

"I received some bad news a few days ago. The Sharadrassil planted in the Broken Isles was also corrupted."

No wonder the Archdruid is so exhausted. All the hard work he put in back then was in vain.
Taelan Fording said: "Don't worry, we still have Teldrassil."

"Yes, we still have Teldrassil, which is our last world tree. We have no branches left, and we cannot lose it again. Without it, the environment in the Barrens will deteriorate, and the food in Mulgore will not be able to feed the entire Alliance."

In fact, the truth is more serious than what the Archdruid said. Nordrassil is not only related to the climate of the Barrens, but also to the new enchantment of the High Elves. They are all built on the magic network node with Teldrassil as the core.

Once they lose Teldrassil, the energy required to operate their magic barrier will not be met. Teldrassil's roots have penetrated deep into the earth and connected to the Titans. It is actually a new Well of Eternity. It echoes the Azerite gems that appeared in Mulgore. It can just cover the entire Alliance territory.

If that happens, they will have to wait for Nordrassil to sprout again, but the time it will take is unpredictable.

Jaina was very curious. She asked Malfurion, who was sitting next to her, "Teacher, don't the night elves have many trees of life? Can they grow into world trees?"

"Child, the Tree of Life is not a tree. They are a type of Treeman, the native inhabitants of Azeroth. The Night Elves have a symbiotic relationship with them. After tens of thousands of years of war, there are very few Trees of Life left.

The mentor's eyes shone with nostalgia: "The most powerful tree of life is in Hyjal. It can be called the Tree of Eternity. Taran, you have seen it."

"Yes, mentor." Taelan Fording touched his codex and said, "Little Kelly was able to enter my codex with the help of its power. In the end, the child saved mine with her own life."

Malfurion continued, "In ancient times, Her Majesty Alexstrasza was a proto-dragon. She lived in an oak forest. Later, they had a war with the dragon father Galakrond. A fire burned the forest to ashes. When she returned with her five brothers and sisters, she only picked up an acorn.

Later it became the Life-Binder, and she blessed the acorn with her life force. Then she planted it in the Well of Eternity. It became a towering tree. That is Nordrassil. Only when its branches are blessed can they grow into the World Tree. "

"Okay, let's talk about this mechanical chicken!"

King Kael'thas's magical attainments had improved again. He wound up the mechanical chicken with his own magic hands, and it immediately began to move around on the conference table. As it moved, it made pecking movements and made clucking sounds.

"What a masterpiece! It actually has two energy supply systems." Kael'thas observed the mechanical chicken carefully.

"The designer considered that the user is likely to be a child, so he added a clockwork drive."

Chromie, who had been inactive recently, tapped the long table with his staff, attracting everyone's attention:

"This must be the creation of Mimiron, the Titan Guardian."

"But why he would use Saronite is suspicious."

Chromie said, "Everyone already knows about the Guardian Dragon. Now let me tell you about the Titan Guardian."

Titan actually means giant. And Titan Guardians are the leaders of the Titans' creations. They are also the Titans blessed by the Titans themselves.

There are nine Titan Guardians in total, namely: Archedas, the Lord of Earth, Loken, the Lord of Wisdom, Thorim, the Lord of Storms, Hodir, the Lord of Ice, Mimiron, the Lord of Creation, Freya, the Lord of Life, Tyr, the Lord of Order, Raden, the Great Guardian, and Odin, the Chief Administrator.

Stellagosa interjected in a sweet voice, “Grandfather called them Titan Watchers.”

Sylvanas Windrunner was surprised and asked: "Watchers? Jailors? Then who are the prisoners?"

There is a world of difference between the two words. A guardian and a keeper are completely different. The former is a protector, while the latter is a jailer.

Cairne Bloodhoof immediately wanted to change the subject. He had lived for hundreds of years, and he felt that this statement would likely cause these young people to be disgusted with the Guardians. He knew human nature too well.

But it's too late.

Taelan Fording said: "Of course the prisoners are us.

Since you are prisoners and jailers, we will not be polite to you. "

In fact, Taelan Fording had already made up his mind.

In the present, the Alliance needs to eliminate Yogg-Saron, who keeps stealing the power of Azeroth, seriously affecting the revival of the Titans and the evolution of the Emerald Dream.

And the Zerg Emperor of Ahn'Qiraj is missing, and they took away a large number of Qiraji Zergs. The remnants of the Twilight Hammer have been lingering, and these people may surrender to Yogg-Saron. Now it involves the new continent of Pandaria. What if they land on Pandaria, dig out the heart of Y'Shaarj, and then use it to strengthen Yogg-Saron. That would be a new disaster.

I have to go back and ask Xal'atath who is accompanying Master Raz to see how she reacts to Yogg-Saron's escape.

Of course, Taelan would not bring Xal'atath the Holy Blade to the meeting in Naxxramas. So it was sent to meet the Titans again. She begged me for a long time. But I was unmoved. This time it was very serious. In order to escape the Titans' teachings, she even used words to instigate the relationship between Jaina and herself.

After obtaining the fragment of N'Zoth's Void Gem, the gem was half complete. As long as Yogg-Saron was killed, the remaining half of the gem would be obtained. Once the gem was complete, he would be able to use the most powerful Void Strike.

Once he mastered the void force that was opposed to the holy light, he could verify his original guess: by mastering the opposite force, he could balance the influence of the force.

Therefore, for both public and private reasons, he had to go on an expedition to Northrend. Moreover, his mysticism was about to be promoted to a higher level. Once promoted to a higher level, with the help of the Blessed Codex, he would be able to break free of all shackles and fully exert the power of the Nephalem bloodline.

No one has it as good as me. Tyran Fording guessed that the stone in his consciousness was not simple. With every bit of world power it gained, it became more complete, and the so-called system became more silent. Now it rarely spoke.

It could be the World Stone itself. And he was almost done digesting the legacy of the Sun God that he had obtained. As long as he followed the procedures and proceeded bit by bit, he would be able to smoothly receive all of Anser's power.

At that time, it will be time to change the world. All ancient enemies and hostile forces will be uprooted one by one until the Titans awaken. Then Argus and Sargeras will be completely liquidated.

Taelan Fording turned to look at Jaina beside him and said, "Janna, is there any news from Brother Brian?"

"Prince Brann Bronzebeard has gone to Ulduar to conduct archaeological research. We will soon get news from there."

"Very good, then let's take a break. The training of the Alliance troops cannot stop. More sweat in peacetime, less blood in war."

"Marlan, you will be responsible for the recent training of new recruits. I will let Renault Mograine help you.

In addition, I recruited General Jarod Shadowsong and asked him to garrison Feralas. Then I asked General Shandris Feathermoon to come to the Crossroads to help me form an expeditionary force.

Kayle, I have to ask you to take my teacher to Eldre'Thalas. As a branch of the high elves, Sindra has been separated from his compatriots for too long. "

Malfurion said: "We can't rush this matter. King Kael'thas should go first, which can be regarded as a courtesy before force. I will visit them with the High Lord in a while."

Kael'thas, however, expressed optimism about his trip to Feralas.

"No one understands the pain of losing magic better than the high elves. Once they know that our world tree and Azerite gems can satisfy everyone's thirst for power, they will return to the Alliance."

"And my ancestor Dath'Remar Sunstrider has a very high prestige among the high elves."

"Kyle, you need to mobilize more rangers and sentinels. According to Prince Brian Bronzebeard's exploration diary, there are not only high elves there, but also demons, ogres, and even undead."

Sylvanas Windrunner frowned and said, "They are everywhere. These undead are simply haunting Quel'Thalas, Lordaeron, Tarren Mill, Mount Hyjal, Razorfen Downs, and even the ancient Dire Maul."

Taelan Fordring shook his head. "The undead there are not the Scourge. They are the spirits that linger in Dire Maul and refuse to leave."

Next, it is time for Her Majesty Calia Menethil and the kings to deal with internal affairs.

Recently, Jia Liya seems to have gained some weight. I think she has begun to get over the shadow of Lordaeron's fall.

She kept looking at Taelan Fordring, and she felt that he had changed a lot. He had changed from a paladin to a leader.

"On behalf of the people of Lordaeron, I support the Grand Marshal's opinion."

"In addition, we must also start considering retaking Tirisfal and East Wilder. We have lost our homeland for a long time. The humans who recently came to the Barrens brought back news of Lordaeron. Kel'Thuzad has returned to Lordaeron once again, and he has led the Scourge to systematically exterminate humans.

Jandice, please tell the High Lord about the situation in Lordaeron."

"After the death of old General Mograine, General Garithos suffered several defeats. They have retreated to the Hand of Tyr and Hearthglen."

Taelan Fording was silent for a moment. After all, Jia Liya was a noble woman. She could not understand his political ideals.

Now is not the time to solve the problem of Lordaeron. The power of the old nobles is still strong. They even control the remaining power of the Silver Hand. The Scourge is a useful knife. They are the same as the Black Dragon Princess.

But there are some things you can do but cannot say.

Jaina has sensed the recent changes in Tyran Fording. He is becoming more and more like his father. He is becoming cold and ruthless. He is already a qualified leader. The most terrifying thing is that he himself has no feelings at all.

I hope he doesn't treat me like that. I hope this is just the effect of Force assimilation.

But she had to stand up and support his decision. His ideal of establishing a civilian government and getting rid of the shackles of the old aristocracy was not wrong. But as the actual pillar of the alliance, he couldn't say it.

Thinking of this, Jaina reached out and knocked on the table: "Lady Ashvane of Kul Tiras betrayed us. She accepted the power of N'Zoth and was transformed into a naga by Queen Azshara. My father, Daelin Proudmoore, defeated her with the support of the Alliance.

But the situation there is not optimistic, the Tidesages have suffered heavy losses. Reclaiming Lordaeron is different from an elite expedition to Northrend, it requires an extremely large army. Kul Tiras is currently unable to provide help.

And we have a new enemy.”

"The Zandalari have joined the Horde. They are on the verge of war with Kul Tiras. They are also a naval power."

Jaina has really grown up. She has made clear the importance of her position. She is no longer a saint. She has learned that in order to achieve great ideals, some sacrifices are necessary. The only people she should be responsible for are her loved ones.

Taelan Fordring said: "Without the support of Kul Tiras, a naval expedition is not a good idea. Then let Mayor Liadrin speed up the construction of Steamwheedle Port and strive to establish a navy as soon as possible."

"For this expedition to Northrend, we have recruited elite troops, and I have decided to split the troops into two groups.

One team, led by me personally, will destroy all hostile forces in Ulduar, while the other team will attack the Frozen Throne.

Believe me, if the Frozen Throne is attacked, Kel'Thuzad will return to Northrend."

Next comes the details of the expedition, which will have to be handled by Rommath and Demetria in Teldrassil.

The meeting was over and everyone left one by one. In the end, only a short figure was left sitting silently in her seat. She took out a stack of tarot cards, shuffled them skillfully, cut them, and then drew out three cards.

For tarot divination, you can draw 1, 3, 5, 7, or even more. But drawing more cards does not mean accuracy. So generally you will choose to draw 3 cards. They represent the past, present, and future respectively.

Purple light flashed. The second card was revealed, a knight on a white horse, walking forward slowly and steadily, and soon it turned into a black hole, and a black goat appeared inside.

The fortune teller excitedly revealed the third card, which contained a sun.

Both cards belong to the same story, plague.

The sun image disappears, and the card foretells the future. The image disappears, and a holy sun appears.

The fortune teller's hand trembled. He hurriedly put away the three cards.

At this time, the door of the conference room was opened, and a tall man with long legs came in.

"Master, I want divination."

(End of this chapter)

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