Enter World of Warcraft with Dark Skills

Chapter 258: Ulduar Love Story

Chapter 258: Ulduar Love Story

The biting cold winds of Northrend assault this suffering land day and night.

Beneath this snow-covered land, there is a hidden place. It is called Ulduar, and it is the largest laboratory left by the Pantheon Titans in Azeroth.

Unlike Uldum and Uldaman, this place also hides the guardians left by the Pantheon for this world.

This magnificent building is divided into five areas: the city wall area, the lobby area, the guardian temple area, the prison area, and the starry sky observation room.

It is both a laboratory and a large prison. The prison area is later known as the Mouth of Madness. In the prison is a powerful ancient god, Yogg-Saron, the Thousand Maws.

In order to guard it and study the most perfect creature in the eyes of the Titans, the Pantheon arranged nine guardians here.

The first is the Supreme Guardian Ra-den, a warrior created in the image of Aman'thul, the father of the gods. He can manipulate the power of lightning. (He is the earliest Titan Guardian to appear in Hearthstone. He is so powerful that you need to sacrifice Mogu followers to summon him. 10 mana 20-20 body, at the end of the round, it will cause 20 damage to all enemies.)
It was a wise guardian. When the war ended, it said goodbye to the other guardians and went south alone to protect Uldum and guard the Heart of Y'Shaarj.

The second one is the chief administrator Odin, who also received the blessing of Amansur, the father of the gods. In the battle with the old gods, he rushed to the front and fought bravely. So he became the administrator and had the right to summon Algalon.

He was arrogant and self-willed. He parted ways with his colleagues because he opposed the Five-Colored Dragon King becoming the Guardian Dragon. He also persecuted his adopted daughter Hela and forced her to change her life form. In the end, Hela was used by Loken and trapped the tyrant for tens of thousands of years.

The third is Thorim, who was blessed by the Titan Golganneth and was called "Storm King."

The fourth is Freya, who is blessed by the Titan of Life Ionar and is called the King of Life.

The fifth is Hodir, who was also blessed by Golganneth and possessed the power of ice. His companions called him the "Ice King."

The sixth is Mimiron, blessed by the Titan Norgannon, known as the King of Creation. All Titan buildings in Azeroth were invented by it. It is also the ancestor of the mechanical dwarves.

The seventh is Tyr, who was blessed by Aggramar and was called the Lord of Order. He fought for the protection of Azeroth all his life. The Iron Vekul, the ancestor of mankind, was his follower, and the name of the Knights of the Silver Hand came from him.

The eighth is Archadas, who is blessed by Khaz'goroth and controls the power of the earth. He is called the King of the Earth.

The last one is Loken, who is known as the King of Wisdom. It is hard to describe his character. The fate of the Titan Guardians has changed because of him.

It is stationed in the Lightning Halls of Ulduar. It is held in high regard by the Titans, and Yogg-Saron's prison is beneath its palace. He is the true guardian of the Old Gods.

However, all the tragedies started from it.

The War of the Old Gods ended, and the Titans left behind the Watchers and left Azeroth. They will continue their journey and spread the power of order in the multiverse.

After experiencing the trauma of continuous wars, Azeroth finally calmed down. All creatures and the world were able to recuperate.

In the blink of an eye, countless years passed. Ulduar stood quietly on the land of Northrend. The wind and snow began to slowly bury this magnificent palace.

Time is a blunt knife, but it can cut the hardest things. Time is a good medicine for healing, but it can also brew bitter wine of deadly poison.

The magnificent palace, the powerful guards, and the evil prisoners with ulterior motives are brewing a storm.

Even the creations of the Titans have emotions. They have their own joys, sorrows, anger, and happiness, but their emotions are hidden under their powerful bodies. The Titans' power and the duties they give to the Guardians bind them.

A corner of the big prison.

"Sif, has Thorim mentioned anything about the Creator recently?"

"No, what's wrong? Aren't you the administrator of Ulduar? Didn't you receive a response?"

"How is that possible? I'm just asking."

"It has begun to doubt itself, and it has been in a very low mood recently. We should meet less often!"

Some time ago, Loken, who was sitting on the Lightning Throne with one hand on his chin, was suddenly struck by a strange memory. It seemed as if it had experienced the birth and death of the universe. A large amount of memories impacted its mind.

It is called the King of Wisdom, and he has a high status. But he is the weakest Titan Watcher. Because this is the rule of order. No one can have both wisdom and power. The opposite of it is Thorim, the King of Storms. He has the most powerful power among all the Watchers, but correspondingly, he is just a warrior who obeys orders and lacks a wise mind.

But the strange thing is that it, which is not very smart, has a mate, Sif, a not very smart woman. They are a perfect match.

After receiving the information, Loken made a careful analysis and came to a shocking conclusion: the Pantheon was destroyed.

The Titans are the most powerful creatures in the material world. The one who can destroy the Pantheon must be a Titan in the Pantheon. The only one who has this ability is the Protector Sargeras. It must have betrayed its own camp.

Endless fear and emptiness filled Loken's heart. On the surface, he was the king of wisdom, but in reality, he was just a jailer. A weak man with great power. Now that he had lost the protection of the Titans' power, he was left without support.

So it fell into a cycle: lonely because of fear, and afraid because of loneliness. It has a smart mind, so it is easier to imagine. So it began to doubt everything. It needs someone to talk to.

But who could he talk to? The guards were also confused. Sif, who was as weak as him, became his only choice.

So they began to confide in each other, and gradually they could talk about everything.

A woman like Xifu can endure pain, but cannot endure idleness. You must find something for her to do, and you cannot stop for a moment. Otherwise, she will bring you endless trouble. Do you know what profession has the highest rate of cheating among women? Full-time housewife! If you don't believe me, go and look at Japan.

Men can indulge in leisure, but cannot tolerate possessiveness.

As social creatures, men and women cannot stand loneliness. And Titan Watchers are both lonely and idle.

Thus, all causes and effects begin with idle chats. All causes and conditions arise from desires.

If you have a girlfriend who likes chatting with the opposite sex, please leave her. That kind of personality is doomed to a lifetime of tragedy, hurting others and yourself.

The conversations became more frequent, the meetings became more frequent. They finally crossed the line. They began to date in private.

After losing contact with the Creator, everyone fell into confusion, but Sif thought she had found true love.

However, Loken didn't think that way. He thought about more. The humiliation of being driven away by Thorim every time made his mentality gradually twisted.

It wanted both great power and a caring spouse. Its possessiveness made it want more. It could not lose Sif.

Some women always ask, they have obviously chosen their partners very carefully, why do they only find scumbags?

In fact, it is because women admire strong men, and their mate selection criteria are to have both. But where in the world are there people who have both? The only one who can meet these conditions at the same time is a liar. So, as you wish, the liar came.

Loken thought of everything. The runaway Odin was easy to deal with. He was arrogant and self-willed. He only needed to find his adopted daughter Hela and seal him. Then he asked Sif to stir up a conflict between the not-so-smart Thorim and Hodir.

When they get into a war, my chance will come. That is Yogg-Saron, and I am its jailer. As long as I use some of its power, I can take advantage of their war, trick them into Ulduar, and then let Yogg-Saron corrupt them.

I can destroy them one by one with justification. Finally, I can activate my authority and destroy Yogg-Saron. Then the whole world will be mine. Naturally, Sif will also be mine.

Its plan went smoothly. The arrogant Odin was sealed by Hela and could never come out. Loken thought everything was his plan, but he forgot one thing. He was a jailer. He knew that the Pantheon was destroyed. Wouldn't Yogg-Saron, who was more powerful than him and proficient in spiritual magic, not know?
The moment the Pantheon Titan was destroyed, Yogg-Saron felt the power that sealed it fluctuate. The changes in the Watchers were too great. It knew that its chance had come.

Where in Ulduar is the least crowded and most suitable place for a tryst? That's right, it's near the prison area. No matter how lonely it is, no one likes to listen to Yogg-Saron's endless whispers.

Yogg-Saron discovered Loken's secret, so while spreading the curse, he exerted all his spiritual power on the pair of wild mandarin ducks.

The most powerful thing about Yogg-Saron's mind control is that it can slowly control you without you realizing it.

Loneliness, solitude, and his own desires weakened Loken's spirit. He began to degenerate, and he made plans under the influence of Yogg-Saron.

Odin was sealed. The most powerful one left was Thorim. So during a date, Loken, who was already controlled by Yogg-Saron, proposed to announce his love affair with Sif. They wanted to be together forever.

All marital tragedies are caused by wanting both a way out and excitement. This is greed. If you don’t love each other anymore, divorce! After the divorce, you can do whatever you want. If you want everything, you can’t do it even if you are a god. It’s nothing when you are young. When you lie down on the bed, it’s easy to pull out your tubes.

"Are you crazy? Thorim won't agree! Can you beat it?"

"Sif, I love you. I can't live without you. My heart aches when I think of you living in that cold place.

Leave him! We are the true love. When did it ever care about you?
You didn’t make any mistakes, it’s just that it ignored you.”

"Just leave it. We'll have a happy future."

"No, Loken. We can't do this. We are the Watchers. Thorim has a temper. He will definitely hit you."

Locke felt a surge of blood rushing to his brain, and a voice in the dark told him:

'It was about to lose Sif. Its plans were about to fail.'

'I have to change my plans.'

Did it really want to change the plan? But it couldn't care less.

"Hodir and Thorim are not on good terms. Why don't we do this..."

When Sif heard what Loken said, she felt that the whole world had changed. Is this her true love? It wanted more than just love.

"No, Loken. We have already failed Thorim. We cannot fail any further. This will tear the Titan Watchers apart."

"Let's separate! Never see each other again."

Sif turned away resolutely. Loken was known as the King of Wisdom. He immediately thought that if Sif could betray Thorim, she could betray him. He was no better than Thorim.

If Sif goes back and tells Thorim about this, what awaits her will be Thorim's hammer and the judgment of the Lord of Order.

It knew that Thorim loved his wife very much. He would definitely forgive her. But he would definitely not forgive himself.

Loken chased after him and tried to get Sif. But Sif had already made up her mind to be a good wife. She couldn't let Thorim down again. She couldn't let Thorim and Hodir go to war.

The Titan Watcher still had her duties to perform. She couldn't destroy all of this for her own selfish reasons.

In a hurry, Loken didn't care about so much. He hit Sif hard on the back of the head.

Locke had a good idea, knocking Sif unconscious and then slowly persuading her. But when he got rid of the trance of that moment.

Sif had turned her head to look at it with an expression of disbelief, and then slumped to the ground.

She is dead.

"No! That's impossible. I don't want to kill you!"

"Sif, wake up!"

"Wake up. Stop it!"

At this time, a deep voice said in Locke's mind:

"You killed it! Thorim knew it. It would kill you too. You die. And I'll be free!"

Loken regained consciousness for a moment: "Yogg-Saron, is it you? You did all this! This has nothing to do with me. It's all you."

A deep and terrifying voice said: "No one will believe you! Locke, you have no way out. Only I can save you!"

Loken had lost the ability to think. Fortunately, he had made a "contingency plan." That was to use the power of Yogg-Saron to deal with the watchers who had been living in Ulduar.

"Okay! I promise! What should I do?"

At this moment, the voice changed: "Help me break the seal, and I will let my avatar help you."

"This is impossible!"

"You have no choice. Everything was destined from the moment you fell in love with Sif."

"I will let you possess a vrykul. But don't go too far."

The deal has been made. Everything is set. Loken carried Sif's body and came to the palace of the Frost King Hodir. He had disguised himself. He felt that he could finally settle down. Soon his goal would be achieved. Once he eliminated those watchers, he would become the king of the world.

Thorim soon discovered that Sif had not returned. He searched for her and finally found Sif's body deep in Hodir's territory.

The hot-tempered Thorim was not a thoughtful character, and Hodir was not a wise man. Thorim took out all his anger on Hodir.

A great war broke out between the Storm Giants and the Frost Giants, and the conflict spread across the world.

Loken's greed and Yogg-Saron's cunning finally led the whole world in another direction.

When the four guardians were corrupted by Yogg-Saron one by one, Tyr finally realized that something was wrong, but it was too late. He had no choice but to steal the platinum disc with Archaedas and leave for Uldaman.

It was not until Tyr, who was responsible for the rearguard, died in Tirisfal that Loken was convinced that his crimes had been completely covered up. But at this time, he was no longer able to carry out the subsequent plans. He was completely corrupted and became a slave of Yogg-Saron.

"Give death its true face, and know that your end is not far away."

(End of this chapter)

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