Enter World of Warcraft with Dark Skills

Chapter 264 Algalon's Last Stand

Chapter 264: Algalon's Last Stand

In the World of Warcraft, there are many bests. If you ask everyone who is the best at killing small trumpets, everyone will answer in unison:
Uncle Hogg!

If someone asks who is the player who kills the most trumpets, everyone will say:

Three-season rice.

In fact, Brother Dao is very friendly to players in the same camp.

If someone asks who is the NPC who has been killed the most times, everyone will say:


This honest level 12 bull lives in Orgrimmar. Among the friendly targets in the city, it is the only neutral creature. With a yellow name, it will be killed by passing players with a skill every day.

It achieved a thousand deaths a day, which perfectly demonstrated the famous scene of "Jacky Cheung shouting: I love Leon Lai at the concert."

But if I ask who is the NPC boss who kills the most people in the Warcraft universe, I guess few people can give the right answer.

Some would say it was Sargeras, whose Burning Crusade killed countless people. Some would say it was the Old Gods, who devoured countless worlds.

But neither is right.

The real answer is: Algalon!
Others kill one by one. At most, they kill in groups. For example, Deathwing killed hundreds of thousands of innocent people. It would be difficult for him to atone for his sins even if he died a hundred times. So he was always hung on the world tree Teldrassil for public display, and his offspring were killed one by one.

But these achievements are nothing compared to Algalon. He kills one planet at a time. Every time he restarts the world, all the creatures on the planet will turn into ashes and start over. Which planet does not have hundreds of billions of lives? Even Draenor, which was tormented by the orcs, has tens of millions of lives.

This is not nonsense. Let's take a look at a conversation between Algalon and us:

"I have witnessed the changes of countless worlds, where the creatures silently endured the baptism of the Creator. They faced the coming of their fate without shedding even a tear. In your brief heartbeat, galaxies disappeared like flowers in splendor. However, my feelings for them are always the same, without pity or ripples of emotion - I cannot feel their existence or disappearance! Trillions of creatures turned into dust. If they could have your tenacious spirit, if they could cherish life like you do..."

It has destroyed countless worlds, and because of its judgment, the lives killed by the Titans are countless.

It believes that those lives have never shed tears and have no attachment to life. Those lives that have disappeared cannot resonate with it.

This is natural, and it is the fault of those lives. There are countless stars in the entire material world, and every minute and every second, families are broken, countries fall apart, races die out, and planets are born and destroyed. It has become accustomed to this.

This shows that Algalon is the creature that kills the most lives in the entire material world. He is the real "butcher."

Ulduar, Stargazer Observatory.

Led by the three guardians, everyone came to the observatory.

Jaina's left arm injury has been treated. She followed Taelan closely. The experience just now made her realize how important it is to have someone to rely on.

The observatory is the highest building in Ulduar. It is not only a place to welcome Titan observers, but also a signal tower to send signals to Titans. So it must be built at the highest point.

Soon, the group arrived in front of a magnificent gate. It was made entirely of snow-white stone and engraved with the great achievements of the Pantheon Titans.

The first painting on the front is Aman'Thul, the father of the gods. He is tall and strong, stretching out a giant hand from the clouds and tearing a terrifying monster into pieces. This is the scene where the Titans killed A'Shaarj.

The murals go on one by one, all of which are scenes of the Titans creating Azeroth.

Thorim and Hodir walked respectfully to the door of the observatory. Then the two giants stood on the left and right, and their four strong arms exerted force together. A rumbling sound was heard, and the door of the observatory was pushed open.

Taelan Fording ignored the three guards standing outside the door. He walked into the magnificent observatory with firm steps and head held high.

At the same time, the scope of the shelter, which became more domineering, slowly shrank, and it firmly locked onto the observatory.

The hot-tempered Thorim was about to remind Tyran Fording that mortals should remain in awe when meeting the Star Saint. That is the messenger of the Creator. It controls the fate of all living beings in the world.

Its words have not yet been spoken.

Snap! A thin layer of ice froze it and the Ice King together.

When they stood at the door, Taelan Fording excluded them from his camp, and the powerful holy ice immediately froze the two guards on the spot.

Even the Titans could not avoid the severe cold from the depths of their souls caused by the Holy Ice. Thorim opened his eyes wide. Half of it was anger. The consistent view of a superior creature towards mortals made it difficult for him to tolerate the other party's attitude. Half of it was fear. Tyran Fordring, who owned the sanctuary covering the entire Ulduar, was the master here.

The sacred ice that freezes everything is something it has never seen before.

It was just about to teach Taelan Fording a lesson, but Taelan Fording looked at it, and a huge pressure came down on it.

Clearly, Taelan Fordring has benefited greatly from the death of Yogg-Saron.

Its mysticism has reached a critical point. It only needs one more opportunity to advance to a higher level. This critical point is blessed by the Blessing Code, allowing him to experience the power of advanced mysticism in advance. That is, all holy light spells are cast silently.

He no longer needs any casting action, Holy Light spells will be generated in the void and attack his enemies. At the same time, his spell hit rate and spell penetration are greatly improved.

Thorim stopped moving awkwardly. The thin layer of ice exploded into ice crystals. Under the setting sun, it reflected a rainbow of colors.

At this moment, Thorim felt a hand pulling his robe. He looked down and saw that it was Mimiron.

Its shape is a bit funny, a bit like a steel version of the Goblin.

"Yog-Saron is dead. And he has just been betrayed." The implication is that Yogg-Saron is dead, you are far from being his opponent, and he is angry. Algalon is the best person to bear this anger.

Yes, Sylvanas Windrunner went with Ip. Taelan Fordring was just silent, and he gave Ip a Heaven's Fist.

But Sylvanas Windrunner was not affected, nor was she attacked by Holy Frozen. Since she left, Taelan Fordring had been looking gloomy.

Thorim thought of himself, and of Sif. He suddenly understood Taelan Fordring.

This is a good guy. If it were me, I would be furious now. I was generous enough not to tear the whole of Ulduar into pieces.

Synesthesia and self-control are the biggest differences between intelligent life and animals. But intelligent life is also an animal, and as long as it is an animal, it cannot avoid joy, anger, sorrow, and happiness. Just like I hate Loken. Even if it is dead, I still can't let go of my anger.

In fact, the biggest anger comes from Xifu's betrayal. A wife's infidelity is the biggest denial of a man's life.

Don't touch a married woman, she is the man's last dignity. Don't touch a married man, he is a woman's last hope in the world.

Unfortunately, the woman named Sylvanas Windrunner betrayed her benefactor, just like Sif betrayed her original oath. This will be an eternal pain in Thorim's heart.

When a family is broken up, everyone will say: the child is innocent. But is the man or woman who was betrayed not innocent? Who will sympathize with them?
Will anyone still laugh at their incompetence?

In fact, so-called maturity means giving up appearance and focusing on the inner qualities. But there is never a shortage of people who expose the emperor's new clothes.

Stellagosa sidled up to her majesty:
"Your Majesty, why don't these three guardians go in? We saved them, shouldn't they help us?"

Malygos said meaningfully: "I saved Deathwing. I also saved Nozdormu. I have saved many people. But when I faced the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse alone, only Tyran Fordring reached out to me."

"Child, not everyone will be grateful. Although they live in Azeroth, they always think of themselves as members of the Pantheon Titans. They will not stand on our side.

We are alive because there is a strong man among us."

"You have to remember that you can drink the wrong wine and eat the wrong food, but you must never make the wrong friends."

For a moment, everyone around felt extremely embarrassed.

Only Taelan Fordring was not embarrassed at all. He turned his attention from Thorim to the observatory.

When they walked into the observatory, the door closed automatically.

Jaina said with a tone of amazement: "It's so beautiful here."

The Observatory is the most gorgeous place in the entire world of Azeroth. It is like a starry sky, magnificent and beautiful. Algalon is also the boss with the most gorgeous skills.

The Big Bang and Return to Heaven are both mind-blowing skills.

The entire observatory has been lit up, and Observer Algalon has summoned a model of the planet of Azeroth. It is a strange creature, its entire body is transparent, and some star-like light spots are connected by some light, forming a strange human shape. It is like a stick figure made of planets. It carries two strange weapons on its back.

It placed one hand on the illusory planet, and it was obvious that it had been here for a while. It might have arrived in Azeroth in some unknown way at the moment of Loken's death. It might even have witnessed the final blows of Tyran Fordring and Yogg-Saron.

But until the battle outside ended and Yip led the insects away, it did not show up. It just watched silently and then made its calculations.

From the model of the planet Azeroth, we can see that except for the eastern continent, Northrend, and the Broken Isles, which are a little gray and black, the rest of Azeroth is full of beautiful scenery. The whole world has shown vitality.

Ysera and Alexstrassa were filled with relief. The world had finally passed the most difficult years. The Titans had awakened and were revived. They helped the mortal races and completed the great cause that the Guardians could not. The Old Gods were destroyed. As long as the undead in Northrend and the Eastern Plaguelands were destroyed, the world could live peacefully and wait for the flowers to bloom.

Archdruid Malfurion was not so optimistic. The world of Azeroth had recovered, but that was not the established path of the Titans. The entire Alliance had embarked on another path, a path of pursuing freedom.

The Alliance not only has practitioners of holy light, arcane, and natural energy, but also users of shadow power. In order to resist the Burning Legion, they even raised a group of shadow priests.

Some time ago, he heard that his brother Illidan secretly recruited a group of powerful night elves and other races through the Grand Marshal, and he wanted to train them into demon hunters. They tortured those demons in the confinement room of Naxxramas all day long.

Ilmorthal was the first victim, killed and drained of his demonic essence by a night elf named Alena Starseeker, who enslaved him and quickly became a powerful demon hunter.

Maybe she is hiding in her head now.

As expected, as time passed, the planets in front of Algalon began to change. The Barrens, Mulgore, and Tanaris all turned red one after another.

"I have discovered an irreparable error in my analysis. For the benefit of the greater universe, the planetary sphere must be reshaped. Please do not disturb me."

Alexstrasza was the oldest guardian, and she felt she should have a talk with the Watcher.

"Dear Observer, things are not what you think. For tens of thousands of years, the creatures of Azeroth have been fighting against the Burning Legion, and humans have repelled the orcs, the vanguard of the Burning Legion.

The Alliance defeated the demonic invasion at Mount Hyjal. As you can see, the last of the Old Gods has been destroyed. The Titans of Azeroth will awaken smoothly. "

Algalon's mechanical voice remained unmoved:
"Even if you are a guardian red dragon, you cannot foresee the fate of the entire planet. A greater disaster is coming. For the fate of the entire universe, the reset plan cannot be changed."

"Your so-called success is not the path arranged by the great Titan. You abuse the power of shadow, and some even control the evil energy."

"Your free will is the freedom of individual life, which is not in the interests of the orderly world."

"Back off, little red dragon."

To the dragon queen, this sounded like a rebuke to her for betraying the path set by her Maker. Her efforts were worthless. The freedom she sought was completely different from the freedom that "they" recognized. For the sake of her original promise, she suffered a lot and fought alone. She was hurt, enslaved, her children were killed, and she was separated from her spouse for a long time.

All of this is meaningless! Even selfless people will be angry and ashamed to see their efforts being belittled and worthless. They will also feel a strong sense of frustration.

But she had accepted the power of the Titans after all, and was used to obeying the order set by the Titans. All she could do was to argue with reason. She was the Life Binder, and all the lives of Azeroth were her children.

Every mother is great, except for a few individuals, who will give everything for their children, even their dignity.

Taelan Fording pulled the Red Dragon Queen over, asked her to stand behind him, and healed her wounds.

"She had just been in a big fight. She was covered in scars.

She was betrayed and enslaved. However, when Loken betrayed the Pantheon and caused the remaining guardians to fall apart.

It was she who led her people and shouldered the fate of the entire world.

During the Age of Creation, she led the proto-dragons in battle against Galakrond.

Ten thousand years ago, she led her people to fight against demons.

Thousands of years ago, her people appeared in Silithus to fight against the Qiraji insects.

A few years ago, she led her dwindling dragon army to fight against Archimonde's army.

In the previous year, she fought alone against the Zeratul, and later participated in the defense of Teldrassil and the death battle with Deathwing.

Nine months ago, she plunged deep into the ocean floor, her life breath buying time for all the warriors.

Just now, she stood up again and fought against the controlled Titan Guardians and Faceless Men.

As a warrior, she was at the forefront and bore the greatest damage. She was the true guardian of life and the backbone of Azeroth.

You are an incompetent observer and have no right to accuse her. You should address her as Her Majesty."

"Also, just carry out your mission! Once you send the signal, I'll take you home.

This is your last stop. You observe the world from a detached position and express your high-sounding opinions. But have you ever experienced the lives of those exterminated races?
How do you know they haven't struggled, how do you know they haven't shed tears, how do you know they have no attachment to life?
That is not giving up the fight, that is the inability to fight. That is not the absence of sadness, that is a silent accusation.

Go ahead, Mr. Algalon! You will soon experience the life of a weakling!"

(End of this chapter)

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