Enter World of Warcraft with Dark Skills

Chapter 265 Darkmoon Circus and Wishing Coins

Chapter 265 Darkmoon Circus and Wishing Coins

Ms. Marcia Chase folded a white shirt and put it in her closet.

She looked around the room, then went to the wine pantry and moved a glass from the left side of the precious bottle of rum to its right side.

This makes it symmetrical.

She looked at this place with nostalgia. She was about to leave. Ever since Dalaran was destroyed by Archimonde's evil magic, she began to live a wandering life. First, she followed Lady Jaina Proudmoore to South Sea Town, and then drifted on the sea for several months.

It wasn't until a year later that she came to Mulgore.

Today, she is leaving here again and starting her last journey.

To be honest, she was tired of this kind of life, but her faith forced her to persevere.

"Fortunately, I have completed the master's plan. There is only one last thing left."

She whispered: "Paris, thank you for your care. I'm leaving. We are not suitable."

"If only you were like Taelan Fordring. Unfortunately, your high moral standards do not include being loyal to your partner."

Maybe because of his bad name, the great lord once made a joke. He said it was a good thing that Helen was his sister. He once told an epic story called "The Trojan Horse".

The story begins when a prince named Paris kidnapped a king's wife. In order to get his wife back, the angry king led a large army to attack the country of the prince who was a part-time shepherd.

Because of the equal strength and internal strife, the king's army and the soldiers guarding the city were in a stalemate. Finally, a man with superb strategy made a wooden horse and hid the soldiers in it.

When the soldiers guarding the city found that the enemy had retreated, they carried the wooden horse into the city as a trophy. When the people in the city relaxed their vigilance due to the celebration, the soldiers in the wooden horse climbed out and opened the city gate.

The shepherd boy's country was destroyed, and his deceived wife left him and returned to her husband.

Of course, Chase didn't quite believe the story, which sounded more like a bard's play than an epic poem, and she agreed with Jaina Proudmoore on this point.

They all liked another story, which was a story about a war between three countries. It was very complicated, but the sense of reality and epic was much stronger than that of the Trojan Horse. It was just too long. I couldn't finish it.

That is Lady Jaina's own story.

I really envy her for having a strong and loyal partner. She made many mistakes, but she did the right thing in sticking to her marriage, which benefited her for the rest of her life.

But she had to thank herself.

If not for a great being who predicted that her tragic story with the poor prince would lead to an unacceptable outcome.

She was too lazy to look at the wishing well in Dalaran for so many years!
The two children thought that their meeting and falling in love were accidental. In fact, it was all arranged by others long ago.

If the master hadn't been watching over Nozdormu, how could Tyran Fordring have the chance to turn into a cat and be picked up by Jaina? Without the help of her master, she would probably be living alone in Theramore!

The wishing well symbolizes their fate. Everyone who makes a wish there can hardly escape the cage of fate. The lucky coins that both of them picked up symbolize that they have escaped the shackles of their predetermined fate. They freed each other.

But neither the master nor Ms. Chase expected that Tyran Fording would soar to fame because of this. Now he has become a greater disaster.

But no one can escape the master's plan. It is estimated that they are now fighting the Old Gods in Northrend, or fighting for the lives of all creatures in the world with the powerful Star Saint.

This is the fate of heroes.

Look at Mulgore, if compared with Lordaeron or the corrupt Stormwind City, it is as clean as a saint. But it does not prevent idle people like me from enjoying the fruits of their struggle with peace of mind and continuing to enjoy their lives.

It really proves the saying that if the front is tight, the back will be tight. If it weren't for that genius overlord who introduced a multi-racial parliamentary system, it would have become the same as Lordaeron sooner or later.

He used the old-fashioned night elves to review and approve funds, the smart goblins to make money, and the humans who were good at making friends to negotiate. He also let the loyal and strong dwarves look after the cash and materials, and the sensitive and magic-savvy high elves became the chief prosecutor. This combination allowed the organization to continue in a healthy way.

This system also brought trouble to me. I just used a hint to make Prince Arthas lose the chance to save the beauty. Now I have to spend a long time to deceive a playboy, so that I can find a chance to get close to the Supreme King.

She no longer thought about those things, time was running out. The power of the great wizard who changed her fate had far surpassed her original self.

Not only did she obtain a set of magical props that made others envious and jealous, she also mastered the extremely powerful art of teleportation.

As long as she gets permission, she will arrive in Mulgore with the demigod in a few minutes.

She left all her money and some other things, locked the door, and went into the palace.

She is going to deliver the invitation to the Darkmoon Faire to the High King of the Alliance.

Through Paris's connections, she became an employee of the alliance, responsible for communicating and negotiating with some social groups on behalf of the king.

Wearing a special badge, she walked into the office of the Alliance Supreme King without any obstruction. But she knew that she could not do whatever she wanted with her extraordinary power. There were at least four invisible thieves in this room.

Fortunately, the master's plan was flawless. The most terrifying assassin was taken to Northrend, and now she may be fighting a life-and-death battle with a hero.

She could kill Lillian easily, and Lillian, who held the divine artifact, the holy sword, could also kill herself easily.

This is the power of an assassin. Like Algalon, she is an assassin, and a dual-wielding assassin. Among these people, only Lillian is special. She is like a dagger thief holding two swords. Her backstab and throat slashing are extremely terrifying. Her invisibility is even more like a ghost.

Fortunately, she won't meet her.

Led by an officer, she respectfully placed an invitation letter on the large desk.

This invitation was specially made. On the cover, in ornate handwriting, it read:

The Darkmoon Faire cordially invites Her Majesty Calia Menethil, High King of the Alliance, to attend.

Below this line of beautiful handwriting is a picture of the main entrance of the Darkmoon Circus. The only difference from usual is that there is a rabbit with red eyes printed on the main entrance.

It was a Darkmoon Rabbit.

Calia Menethil has been a little distracted lately. She has been worried about the army heading to Northrend. That army is made up of the elite of the Alliance, and if something unexpected happens, the entire Alliance will be wiped out.

Yesterday she had written a letter to Tyrande Whisperwind, the high priest of the night elves. She asked the high priest to pray to the moon goddess Elune. She expected the goddess to give her an oracle. But there has been no response yet.

The officer was a priest of Ezelena. She carefully checked the invitation letter. Apart from the eye on the circus gate, which was a little uncomfortable, there was nothing suspicious about it. There was no magic or curse on the letter. Well, the rabbit's eyes were a little red!
Jia Liya took the invitation and looked at it carefully. The Darkmoon Faire has always been a favorite of children, and even the active Jaina likes it. It's a pity that it only has one event a year. This time they decided to hold the event in Thunder Bluff in Mulgore. It is said that it will hold an event every year in the future.

Galia has a good memory:
"I remember Tailan said that this event won't start until the Feast of Winter Veil?"


Ms. Chase had expected the Queen to ask this question.

"Yes, Your Majesty. Silas Darkmoon, the leader of the Darkmoon Circus, has selected two locations for the event, one is Thunder Bluff and the other is Goldshire."

"The event was changed from once a year to twice a year. So this event was brought forward."

After waiting for a while, Ms. Chase said, "The High Lord went on an expedition to Northrend and took away many elite troops.

We are seriously short of guards right now. We have not yet secured security for this event. Your Majesty, you must think of a solution."

Calia was also scratching her head. Magni Bronzebeard, King Kael'thas and Cairne Bloodhoof all participated in the expedition, and High Tinker Mekkatorque had been stationed in Ironforge for many years. Now the only ones in the Alliance who could come forward to solve the problem were herself and Tyrande Whisperwind.

But the night elf druids followed Tyran Fordring to the war. Shandris was also serving as a commander on the front line. The remaining sentinels were pitifully few. Tyrande herself was also overwhelmed by a pile of financial approval documents. She didn't have the time to deal with such things.

She suddenly paused. She saw the rabbit, the rabbit with red eyes. She remembered that Master Yip had summoned this kind of rabbit before. It was called the Dark Moon Rabbit. It was an extremely powerful animal. She was also responsible for feeding them.

She felt her mind was a little dazed.

"Let's get some people from the museum! There are only horrible things in there anyway, no one will go there."

Chase nodded and said, "As you command, my Lord!"

Taelan Fordring had come to see the Queen before he left. He must have checked the Queen for curses and magic. No curse could escape its purifying aura.

But he forgot one thing, that is psychological suggestion. As long as a thought is planted in the target's sea of ​​consciousness, once it sees a certain preset thing, she will be temporarily controlled.

There was a team of powerful guards in the museum. Only by luring them away could she calmly obtain the relics of the ancient god. In this way, her mission would be completely completed and she would be free.

Watching the queen sign the order, Marcia Chase bowed respectfully and then stood up to leave. She looked at the fair and beautiful queen and thought about her life. It's not easy to live. It's not easy to be a good king. Everyone in the alliance was looking at her.

You have repaid the favor.

She left the palace again and looked at the majestic Thunder Cliff, which also shocked her. Unfortunately, she didn't know how many people would survive in the end.

Walking to the southern end of the mountaintop city, she looked down. The Dark Moon Circus' camp had been completed. The huge Ferris wheel had begun to turn, just like life, with ups and downs. When it stopped, it was time to leave.

Farther away was a large lake, and on the other side of the lake was a small town with a simple and natural style. Although it was called a small town, it had a large population, and there lived Tauren who loved nature and peace. It was more like a huge village. The great lord liked to come here to visit the archdruid Hamuil Runetotem. They often fished in the lake and camped by the lake. I had been there several times with Paris.

It's time to find an inn to stay in. The Darkmoon Faire's publicity team will enter Thunder Bluff tomorrow morning.

the next day.

The elevator in Thunder Bluff was crowded. Some people in strange costumes began to line up to board the elevator.

The entire alliance emphasizes equality and freedom, and no one has privileges. Children of non-member races have to bear more fees to enroll. They have to pay an extra 10,000 gold coins in tuition.

In the words of the great lord, I have money, why not spend it on my own people?
The leader of this team is a dwarf, his name is Silas Darkmoon, and his bodyguard is a tall ogre, his name is Burrs.

The team continued to move forward, and everything was normal. Many children followed the propaganda team and ran and jumped.

The three older children stood aside and did not join the revelry. Emily straightened her clothes and said, "I feel uncomfortable here. Let's go to Taurajo!

We can also hunt along the way, just like traveling."

Pamela didn't want to leave. She had just received a VIP invitation to the Darkmoon Faire. She wanted to follow the team around Thunder Bluff. But past experience told her that once Emily was uncomfortable with something, you'd better listen to her.

Bain said in a muffled voice, "Well, since no one has any objections, let's go. The tents are ready."

The elevator going down was very easy. There were not many people there. As the elevator went down, Bain said, "We have to hurry. There is a bonfire party in Shiniu Village today. We should go early to get a good seat."

"it is good!"

Before they left Thunder Bluff, they heard a loud noise from above. Boom! Rubble and broken wood fell from above. Bane's body was quickly wrapped in a layer of energy. He raised his left hand, and a layer of milky white holy light appeared, blocking the falling stones.

"Run to the foot of the mountain." "It's the Pool of Foresight!"

There is a naturally formed cave where the museum is built. It is usually heavily guarded.

Pamela said, "Uncle Gavinrad's Crusaders are stationed there. How could something go wrong there?"

Baine was training at the Temple of Azerite yesterday.

"Last night, the Queen sent General Gavinrad down the mountain to maintain order. There are hardly any people there now."

Emily said, "I have a bad feeling. The museum contains the remains of the ancient gods. If they are stolen, it will be troublesome."

Thunder Bluff was in chaos. There were explosions, fire, and the sound of weapons clashing. There were also screams that pierced people's hearts. Not only in the Pool of Foresight, but also in the central area, violent conflicts broke out. The entire city had become a living hell.

Emily raised her head and looked at the gray-white Pool of Foresight: "The Darkmoon Circus is the servant of the Old Gods. They want to steal the remains of those old gods. But what are those three things for?"

Pamela suddenly remembered that she had played a game of chess, in which she could summon the dragon god after collecting all the treasures. She was a low-level mage and had always been quick-witted.

"They want to gather the cores of all the ancient gods, perhaps to summon a more powerful being."

Bain wanted to ask if he had played too many chess games. How could this be possible? But then he thought: Aren't there five ancient gods? Why have we only seen four? Now that we have gathered all four, will we be able to summon the last one?
At this time, a teasing voice came from afar:

"The wheel of fate has begun to turn, so vent your anger to your heart's content!"

(End of this chapter)

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