Enter World of Warcraft with Dark Skills

Chapter 266 The One Who Loves You and the One You Love

Chapter 266 The One Who Loves You and the One You Love

The battle at the observatory had already begun, as Brann Bronzebeard had approached the control console with Has Stonebrew, Archdruid Fandral and others.

Fandral Staghelm is a learned druid who has read many ancient books of the night elves. He is racking his brains to crack the code above.

At this time, Brian Bronzebeard was already anxious because he heard Algalon say that he would issue an order to destroy the planet. How could this be possible! That was the lives of countless creatures, and he had not yet completed his archaeological work! His dream was to surpass the five heroes of the Dark Portal and become the greatest archaeologist of the Alliance.

He hasn't even been to Draenor for archaeological research yet!
"In the end, you still have to rely on the old hands of an old dwarf like me."

As he spoke, he started pressing keys randomly on the platform.

Fandral was furious. There were dozens of buttons, and if the wrong one was pressed, thousands of people would die.

"If you don't understand, don't press it randomly."


The console was opened! Fandral stared at Brian in amazement.

"That's good. Once the boss defeats it, this place will be ours."

"You...how did you do it? You also know the Titan rune language?"

“I pressed it randomly!”

This is impossible. You have pressed the button more than ten times. Who can guess more than ten digits of the password in a row?

"Really? That shameless old man Locke's diary had an eight-digit password, and I got it right the first time."

"What's your secret?"

"Go alone for a six."

If you don't want to talk, forget it. It would be a shame if you don't go dig up Sargeras's grave with this skill.

Algalon believed that mortals had violated the rules and had arbitrarily changed the procedures set by the Titans, and must be punished.

To punish Brian, he had to defeat his boss first. So he launched a quantum attack on Tyran Fording. Tyran Fording, whose basic attributes exploded, responded in time.

Assimilation strike versus quantum strike.

The power of quantum strike is much higher than that of assimilation strike, because assimilation strike adds 200% of the damage caused by the opponent to Tailan.

That is, if no one offends me, I will not offend anyone. If someone offends me, I will offend him twice as much.

Unaware of what was going on, Algalon was entangled in a ray of holy light on his left hand. He felt that his speed had slowed down. But the ray of holy light had no substance yet and could not be dispelled. It was the holy light force of Tyran that had invaded his body.

It shuttled through the starry sky and came behind Tyran Fording. But when its two swords fell, the human disappeared. It immediately wanted to summon the living constellation.

"The power of the domain controls the entire space. This is a creature that is beyond the Creator's expectations. It should be destroyed."

Jaina Proudmoore hid behind her husband, and she cast a spell of counterspell at Algalon as he was channeling his spell. She would not stand by and watch.

Her counterattack failed, but it still interfered with the spell, slowing down Algalon's summoning spell by several beats.

The Red Dragon Queen standing behind did not want Tyran to face the Star Saint alone. She revealed her dragon body and breathed a breath of life into Algalon.

Malygos secretly used spell steal to steal Algalon's Star Shield. At the same time, he very insidiously used Arcane Blast in the gap that just appeared after Algalon's phase shift.

After careful calculation, Algalon endured the attack and rationally chose to continue to cast collapsing stars. These constellations would burn their own lives. After they burned out their lives, they would explode. Then, it summoned a large number of interstellar creatures from the endless starry sky.

It saw Taelan Fordring's final blow to Yogg-Saron. It deduced that he was a creature that excelled at using powerful single-target attacks.

Among those terrifying interstellar creatures were the Zerg, the Aetherials, and some creatures that Jaina had never heard of.

Tailan did not make any spellcasting movements, but several consecutive Heaven's Fists appeared in mid-air.

Algalon was shocked. This human paladin actually mastered the ability to cast spells silently!
The interstellar creatures summoned by the Star Saint were electrocuted to death in an instant. Then, with their corpses as the center, a large number of holy light bullets burst out. These holy light bullets spread out like the petals of a chrysanthemum blooming.

Several holy light bullets hit Algalon, and the intense pain made the guardian taste the pain of being hurt by others.

Then it was surprised to find that Taelan Fording summoned a thin holy light to block all the explosion damage. He even directed Jaina to lead a living constellation with her into the black hole that appeared after the collapse star was destroyed.

How did he know?
It was about to launch a phase shock on time. Tyran Fording did not take the safe approach as usual. Instead, he chose the most direct and violent way. The shadow of the World Tree appeared in his sea of ​​consciousness. The holy light on his body continued to burst out.

Three Taelan Fordring appeared before Algalon's eyes. They released Assimilation Strike, Order Strike·Time Slow, and Order Strike·Flame Blossom at the same time.

After Algalon frantically withstood three powerful attacks, his entire body was entangled by strands of holy light. After four force strikes, those ribbon-like holy lights suddenly materialized and imprisoned Algalon in mid-air.

The ribbons of holy light floating in the air blended in with the magnificent environment of the entire observatory. Algalon's special form made everything look strangely beautiful.

Everyone thought that Tyran Fording was about to start the execution. He did not move, allowing Algalon to struggle hard. Algalon's body was full of the Force controlled by Tyran Fording. No matter how hard he struggled, it was useless.

After a while, Algalon suddenly became excited:
"No, no! Why no response?"

Taelan Fording said: "Weakling, have you experienced the feeling of having your fate controlled and your hopes shattered? Can you still feel nothing?"

"Your creators are dead, they have all been destroyed, and there is no one to help you complete the massacre. You can say goodbye to this world. You can start your repentance!"

"No, I am not wrong! The Titans are the Creators. They created you, and if you go against the path they set, they have the power to destroy you and start over."

Taelan Fording shook his head: "The Titans are like parents, and we are like children. But even parents have no right to kill their own children.

Life should be free from the day it gains wisdom. Unless it commits a heinous crime and arbitrarily deprives others of their freedom and life. Just like those minions of the void and the ancient gods, those guys should be reset. "

"I already know what disaster you are talking about! The biggest cockroach is about to be resurrected under the conspiracy of some shameless guys.

But you can’t burn down the whole house because there’s a cockroach in it. You just have to stomp the cockroach to death.”

The fact that Algalon was killed by his creator shattered his pride. He stopped struggling, and Taelan knew that he was about to make another speech about life and the universe.

He raised his left hand and clenched it tightly. Algalon's body began to twist and struggle violently, and he loosened his hand. Algalon's body exploded violently. The Force of Order and Holy Light rioted at the same time.

Taelan Fording disappeared on the spot, and when he reappeared, he was already behind Algalon. He punched its star-lit head, turning it into a rain of light, and crushed the brightest point of light that remained.

There will be no more observers. The reason why Algalon was made to feel weak and desperate at such a critical moment was partly for revenge for the billions of worlds that were destroyed, and partly to confirm the status of the Pantheon Titan. The reason why he dared to do this was because the wind elemental lord Sunderland had sent a message that the furnace was closed. After dismantling it, it was sealed in the underground of Uldum.

"Janna, locate Teldrassil and start teleporting. Ip and those bugs must have gone to Mulgore. Their target must be the remains of the Old God in the museum."

Stellagosa interjected, "Why not just teleport to Thunder Bluff?"

Taelan Fording said: "Yip is a master of portals. It will definitely send people to target Thunder Bluff. I don't think it will stay in Thunder Bluff. It will leave soon, but those bugs will definitely stay and cause trouble.

I hope the high priest can stop them in time."

"Janna, the elders and I have left. The rest will be handled by Her Majesty the Queen and Kyle. You must lead everyone back to the Barrens safely. A stronger enemy will appear soon.

Get ready, everyone! "

Janna raised her staff and began to chant. Ysera summoned the Emerald Dream to help her locate Teldrassil. Now the Emerald Dream nodes in the Hinterlands, Ashenvale, and Feralas are all unusable due to the spread of the nightmare.

Fortunately, they have Teldrassil. Blessed by the Titans and the Aspects, it cannot be corrupted or blocked.

Three days passed in the blink of an eye.

As expected, Ip did not stay in Thunder Bluff, only some bugs remained. They were quickly destroyed by the High Priestess Tyrande Whisperwind who summoned a meteor shower with the power of the Azerite gem. But even so, Thunder Bluff suffered great losses.

This is the capital of the alliance. Many important government agencies are located here, and many people have sacrificed their lives here.

The mountain where the Pool of Foresight stood collapsed in half. Ip dug it down and left with the remains of the old god. All that was left for Taelan Fordring was a pile of rubble and a half-collapsed mountaintop.

Taelan Fording's face showed no emotion. He was very calm.

Jaina knew he was furious: "Don't be angry, dear. It will be fine. Although the loss of supplies is very large, not many people died."

The Alliance's population was mostly concentrated in Crossroads and Teldrassil, and many people who came from there went directly to the circus camp at the foot of the mountain. Only the children living in Thunder Bluff had the most missing.

Seeing that Tyran Fording was still silent, Jaina felt a little sad. Tyran Fording came back to his senses and patted Jaina on the back.

He had read the letter left by Ms. Chase.

He felt as if he had just been examined and criticized. He felt a chill on his back, and the eight virtues tortured his soul.

A life whose destiny is manipulated by others is tragic, and those who manipulate the destiny of others are the most hateful.

It was not until today that he knew why he met Jaina near Arthas's base and why he met the dragon general there.

It turns out that there has always been a dark hand behind his life. What would have happened to him if he hadn't been with Janna? He didn't know. But many stories wouldn't have happened. The biggest possibility is that he would have been with Caria. In that case, the fate of Lordaeron might have been rewritten. Of course, it is more likely that he would have become the commander of the Scarlet Crusade. He would have become a colleague with the stubborn and boring Bridget. He would be stationed in Mardenhold waiting for the story of "love and family" to happen. He couldn't kill his colleagues to upgrade himself, but of course, some people could do it.

The person behind the scenes could actually keep an eye on Nozdormu, so he must be one of the few. Judging from the tone of Chase's letter, it should be the "Jailer", or more likely the "Emperor" with the longest name.

But Tyran Fording knew that the Jailer was not that powerful yet. The Great Emperor was unfathomable. On the surface, the Great Emperor was at the first level and the Jailer was at the second level, but Tyran Fording knew that the Great Emperor was at the atmosphere.

This cunning emperor could have created the sinister and treacherous Nathrezim, so he couldn't be such a simple person. He couldn't be the Jailer's scapegoat either. His purpose should be very simple, that is, to take advantage of the Jailer's predicament to help him eliminate Anser's hidden dangers.

As long as he died, Anser would disappear forever in the long river of history.

The white moonlight shone through the window onto Taelan Fording. This was the blue boy. It was as gentle as a wife and smiled at Taelan.

Jaina stood up, took two glasses from the wine cabinet, and poured half a glass of rum into each.

She never let him drink too much, although alcohol couldn't harm the demigod's body, it was not a good habit.

Taelan Fordring took the wine glass and watched Jaina lean over and kiss him on the cheek, then blushed and moved her head away.

A wife who still blushes when kissed after being married for more than ten years must have a happy marriage.

Taelan Fording suddenly figured it out.

Isn't this great? In this life, if you have someone who loves you, what else can you ask for?

The progress of living things is driven by desires. There are only two results: failure or success.

Failure is when desire burns you to death. Success is when you know when to stop before desire burns you to death.

As Taelan Fording thought about it, a letter on the table next to him was wiped away bit by bit from top to bottom by the holy light that appeared from the void.

Jana will not see this letter, and he will not think about it anymore. This is his best life.

Healthy parents, mother-in-law, strong father-in-law, and a wife who loves him. He is just a traveler in a different world, what else can he ask for? This is good enough.

Thank you! The Emperor? The Warden? Or...

That person understands human nature very well, and he sees the world as a chessboard. He is a master of strategy.

The question he needs to face now is where is Yipu?

Where it wants to execute its plans.

Great, you won. But I didn't lose either.

Xal'atath has become stronger.

Taelan Fordring stood up and embraced his wife.

"My dear, it's nothing. I won't take Sylvanas Windrunner's affairs to heart. Everyone has their own choices. As long as you are by my side, that's all."

He went into the bedroom.

The Codex of Origin floated up, flipping the pages quickly. It soon reached the end, and a new chapter appeared out of thin air.

A giant hand of holy light stretched down from the sky!

With a bang, the book closed. It turned over, with the magic circle facing upwards. A gem was inserted into the socket representing the void force, but unfortunately it was missing a corner.

(End of this chapter)

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