Enter World of Warcraft with Dark Skills

Chapter 267: A serious warning is not as good as a heavy blow

Chapter 267: Ten warnings are not as good as one heavy blow

After more than a month of life at sea, Tandre finally landed at Ratchet City with the main force of the Alliance. He skillfully commanded the fleet to land and was the last one to disembark.

The one who came to pick him up was a young tauren, Baine Bloodhoof. Having witnessed the disaster, he mastered the power of the Holy Light and was already a Paladin. He joined the Crusaders and became an apprentice Paladin. Tyran Fordring asked him to take over the position of Paris, who resigned, and become a squire knight.

Even a newly grown tauren is tall and strong compared to humans. In the Alliance, tauren and night elves are the tallest races.

Baine performed a knight's salute, then accepted Tandre's salute.

"Baine, I didn't expect you to become a paladin so quickly!"

“I witnessed the disaster, but I couldn’t do anything.

Many children younger than me died because of this. At that moment, I understood the true meaning of Holy Light. Protecting the weak is what we should do. Then I can use the protection of Holy Light. "

"Great! I hope you can learn Tailan's move soon." As he spoke, he clenched his left hand and imitated Tailan's action of detonating the Force.

Bain smiled innocently:

"That's almost impossible. There are only a few people in the entire alliance who can master the Force. Force strike is the unique ability of the Grand Marshal. It's good enough to be able to master the same Holy Light blessing as him."

"Yeah, after all it doesn't trigger soul weakness."

While looking at the busy scene in Ratchet City, Tandre thought: "By the way, where is Kael'thas? He didn't wait for me and teleported away directly."

Baine pointed to the north of the Golden Road:

“Our capital is under attack, and the Horde is aided by the Zandalari trolls and goblins. The balance of power has shifted.”

"They entered Dustwallow Marsh and set up a temporary outpost there. They also had a dispute with the Sentinels in Ashenvale."

Tandre sighed, "It's such an eventful time."

"Yes, there have been several frictions in recent days. The Naga Siren has begun to harass Gadgetzan again.

The high priest was very distressed, and Queen Calia was in poor condition, so she had to delay time while warning the tribe, and asked Sir Tirion Fordring to guard the crossroads and wait for your return.

King Kael'thas must be attending an emergency meeting."

"What did your teacher say?"

"The teacher has been in meditation for some time. He has gained a lot from the recent battle."

"Alas, this is Queen Galya's character. She must feel very guilty."

After thinking for a while, he continued, "Kael is not having a good time either. The defection of Sylvanas Windrunner has put the high elves in an awkward situation."

Bain and Tandre had met many times, and he knew that he was often slow to react when talking about trivial matters in life, but he was very sensitive to war, ships, sailing, and oranges.

"Why do you say the tribe has become bolder?"

Tandre said without hesitation: "The first is hunger. The tsunami caused by Deathwing has caused many farmlands near the sea to have no harvest. Durotan's food supply should be very tight.

The addition of the goblins has increased their power, and more people have come to eat. They don't have the help of the world tree and the druids."

"The second is that the alliance's own strength was damaged. Tailan did not come forward in time."

"I think they probably guessed that he was injured. After all, he is an ancient god, and such news cannot be blocked."

Bain thought for a while and asked again: "Then what do you think the Grand Marshal will do?"

Hearing this, Tandre became excited:
"Of course we will fight back. The relationship between two countries is determined by interests."

"Ten stern warnings are not as good as one heavy blow!"

"A weak warning will only show them your weakness. Only a severe lesson can show them our determination."

"No one wants to go to war. Many people will die in war. But peace is won through fighting."

Bain nodded. "You are right."

He suddenly raised his hand and pointed at a bird's nest in the distance and said, "Just like that white and red-headed chocobo, I used to play here with Pamela and Emily. I even gave it food a few times at the beginning.

But it was getting more aggressive. When it saw me coming, it snatched the things in my hands.

I tried to scare it several times, but it didn't care. Then I caught it and beat it up. I even roasted its eggs and ate them."

Tandre said with interest: "Well done. What happened to it later?"

Bain said: "It will never dare to steal my things again. It will run away if it sees me."

At the same time, Teldrassil.

Kael'thas did have to attend an emergency meeting. But it was not a general meeting of the Alliance, nor a parliament of the House of Representatives. It was an internal meeting of the high elves.

The leader of the Alliance's scouts betrayed her country, her race, and her friends. This was a very serious matter, and it put the entire High Elves in an awkward position.

The meeting was held in King Kael'thas's magic tower. Archmage Rommath, who was the advisor and the person in charge of the new magic barrier, had already been waiting for their king in the conference hall with the remaining archmages.

After everyone was seated, Romans was the first to speak:

“Your Majesty, I have to apologize to everyone for this.

It was my fault.”

Everyone looked at him in surprise.

Romance has always been tough and rude, but as he grows older, his temper has become much softer.

He spoke in a hoarse voice, "A few months ago, Sylvanas Windrunner asked me some questions. She also drew a picture."

Kael'thas pressed his forehead tiredly: "Drawing?"

Solanlian interjected, "I have never heard that General Sylvanas Windrunner can paint."

Vereesa Windrunner accompanied Archmage Rhonin in Naxxramas and did not return. Rangers have always been self-contained, so everyone turned their attention to Halduron Brightwing.

Romance said, "I'm sure she can't draw. Because her drawings are terrible. You can tell at a glance that she doesn't know how to draw."

"But she knows magic, and learning magic requires drawing lines and three-dimensional shapes. So her paintings are all accumulations of standard shapes. She drew an ancient god."

"She said she saw it by accident. Now it seems that she lied. Her fall has been going on for nearly a year."

King Kael'thas then said, "Does this mean she is controlled by the Old God?"

Halduron Brightwing interjected, "I am certain that the general has never learned to paint. She spends most of her time working. She has always worked diligently for the Alliance."

"If there is anything wrong, it's that she started to be alone after she came back from collecting materials for brewing with the panda man. Some people say that she was affected by that terrible cave. She also asked the traitor to tell fortunes for her."

King Kael'thas saw with his own eyes that Ip used his powerful force to open the portal and summon a large number of insects. It betrayed the Alliance and stole the Brain of Yogg-Saron.

"I think her downfall began with divination. Her downfall is closely related to that kobold."

Rommath has been serving as Tyran Fordring's chief of staff. The long life span of the high elves has allowed him to learn a lot and accumulate sufficient experience.

"She said she had a nightmare. She wrote down what she saw in the dream on a piece of paper. She said she would give it to the Grand Marshal."

At this time, a high-level lawbreaker said: "Now it seems that she didn't. She was led into the abyss step by step by that traitor. I don't know whether it was magic or she was willing."

"She has gained new power. The Grand Marshal said it is the life force. As long as there is an opportunity, she will become a demigod."

Solanlian felt that if she continued to guess like this, she would never know the truth:

"The Grand Marshal didn't issue a warrant for her arrest. Maybe he already knows the reason."

Kael'thas said: "He must be very sad. Sylvanas Windrunner is the high elf he admires most. He personally rescued her from Frostmourne. In the end, she stabbed all of us. Betrayal is always unbearable."

Halduron said: "This world is full of malice, and the orcs have begun to stir up disputes again. We have lost the leader of our reconnaissance force. General Shandris Feathermoon is likely to take over the command work in the future, and she will work with Malan. We need a suitable person to take over the vacancy left by Sylvanas Windrunner."

Kael'thas didn't want to think too much anymore. Cutting the Gordian knot was the best option. The Alliance couldn't do without the reconnaissance troops for a day. "Transfer Vereesa here and let her take over her sister's position. General Halduron, I will suggest that you and her take charge of the scout force together. Block the news about Sylvanas and don't let ordinary high elves know the details."

Someone else said, "We still don't know the purpose of that traitor taking away all the remains of the ancient gods. Is he going to revive them all?"

Romance said: "This is impossible, even if the Grand Marshal did not use the Eight Virtues to destroy their souls. The energy required to revive them is incalculable. No one except the Titans can provide so much energy."

He has been studying magic barriers recently and has seen some results.

"The only good news is that Teldrassil's magic barrier has been completed. It will soon expand to the crossroads. And then it will cover all our territories step by step." He told everyone the good news, trying to ease the tense atmosphere.

"The energy required for this barrier is an astronomical figure. The World Tree provides this energy instead of the Well of Eternity. Ip and the others don't have this ability. It is very difficult for them to steal the power of the awakened Titans. Unless they drain the vitality of an entire continent."

At this point, he suddenly stopped talking, and Kael'thas spoke for him: "We are reluctant to extract the vitality of Kalimdor, because this is our home. They are invaders, just like the orcs. They can use fel energy without scruples and turn the Black Swamp into a cursed land. And we have to use demon essence to train demon hunters, and we can only experiment in magic barriers."

"They have several options: Northrend, Kul Tiras, the Eastern Continent. Even Quel'Thalas, where there is a powerful ley line node beneath the ruins of the Sunwell."

Solanlian continued: "So Tailan often said, 'Good people need to be cautious, but bad people can be unscrupulous.'"

Lansenaar said: "Compared to this, I am more worried about our situation. We have finally gotten rid of our addiction to magic and found our new home. Even if we retake Quel'Thalas in the future, not many people will return to live there.

We have all changed. We have become accustomed to living in cooperation with other races. Magic can be used safely here, whether it is holy light, arcane, or even nature. There are friends here, and there is also the world tree. This is still the land where our ancestors lived.

There is also the new Silvermoon City and the Alliance Magic School that we built with our own hands.

There are even sisters who married out, and half-blood children. Like me, my only purpose in returning to Quel'Thalas was to go to Deatholme and kill Dar'Khan."

Too much effort has been invested and the sunk costs are too high.

Although smart people know that when considering big things, they should ignore sunk costs and stop losses in time is the best choice. But when the day comes, how many people can make a prompt decision?

Moreover, the new generation has been educated and grown up by the alliance. As long as the alliance does not drive them away, they will not leave.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door of the conference room. A sentry came in, with a snow-white owl on her shoulder and a sealed letter in her hand.

"King Kael'thas, the Grand Marshal of the Alliance has appointed you as the commander in charge of fighting against the orcs who have invaded Ashenvale.

The Grand Marshal said, either don't fight, or fight hard. Teach them a lesson. The homeland security of the alliance cannot be violated.

Renault Mograine will report to you shortly."

After the sentinels left, everyone present breathed a sigh of relief. The Alliance did not vent their anger on others because of the betrayal of a high elf general. Through this action, the Grand Marshal consolidated the status of the high elves and made his position clear. At the same time, he also fulfilled his promise to the Kaldorei.

Kael'thas also cheered up: "Alright, it will all pass, let's get moving. General Halduron, you lead the ranger troops and go first. I need accurate intelligence."

The news of Sylvanas Windrunner's defection is strictly suppressed. The reconstruction of the capital has begun. The Alliance plans to build large portals in various territories.

Rhonin has led a powerful team to the eastern continent. He is going to Karazhan to seize Medivh's technology to build the Dark Portal and to inspect the Dark Portal in the Cursed Land.

The forces in this world are not limited to the Alliance and the Horde. There are many organizations like Ravenholdt Manor and the Syndicate.

Even with the loss of a legend, the Alliance is still the most vibrant organization in the world. Not only does it have a demigod, several powerful leaders, but they recently destroyed three terrible Old Gods, which is an epic achievement. It makes all dark organizations tremble.

It has suffered a little setback, but as long as their demigod survives, it will continue to be strong. And they also have a wild demigod, Cenarius. It will return from the Emerald Dream sooner or later.

Teldrassil, late at night.

Taelan Fordring had fallen asleep.

In the eyes of outsiders, he has been in a low mood recently. Being betrayed is not a pleasant feeling. The lost things are very dangerous.

In fact, he has never been idle. His mysticism has taken a step forward with the death of Yogg-Saron. He has entered a new field. The silent casting of spells has brought earth-shaking changes to his fighting style. After more than ten years of hard work and constant experience of life and death, he finally fully awakened the blood of the Nephalem.

This power cannot be used perfectly, he needs to adapt to it little by little, especially the new magic.

After several days of hard work, he finally made some progress and was able to have a good night's sleep.

He had just fallen asleep when a wave of pain rushed into his mind. It was the Titan of Azeroth, who contacted him again.

A new continent unfolded before him like a painting. This continent was full of birdsong and flowers, and there lived a group of residents he was familiar with - the pandas. They were fleeing in all directions.

The scene changed, and a valley appeared before him. It was shrouded in mist and surrounded by mountains. Taelan Fordring knew this place. This was the Vale of Eternal Blossoms.

The Mantid has appeared in Northrend, which shows that this incident is closely related to Pandaria.

The reason why things turned out like this was the result of the game between all parties and was also part of Taelan Fording's new plan. He was no longer a chess piece, he began to be able to pick up the chess piece and become a chess player.

(End of this chapter)

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