Enter World of Warcraft with Dark Skills

Chapter 273 Sylvanas, you should thank me!

Chapter 273 Sylvanas, you should thank me!
Zhu Talan is the representative of the panda people on the continent of Pandaria. He is the leader of the panda people. He bravely resisted the invasion of Pandaria by external forces.

However, in the World of Warcraft, it was beaten repeatedly. When it was possessed by the evil spirit, it was defeated by the great lords. In the battle of the Vale of Eternal Blossoms, it was defeated by the "brainless roar". It left people with the impression that it was defeated repeatedly.

However, this is not the case. In fact, he is the hero of Pandaria.

First of all, he is loyal to his duty and has no selfish motives. He leads the Shadow-Pan faction, which is entrusted by Emperor Shaohao, and fights for the protection of Pandaria all his life. Pandaren advocate peace and freedom, and the Shadow-Pan faction he leads is the only well-organized armed force on Pandaria.

Secondly, he fought bravely and never backed down. Facing the crazy attacks of the mantis demon and the restless mogu, he fought back.

"There is no such thing as a peaceful life. It's just that someone is carrying the burden for you. Life is never easy." It is because of Zhu Talan's loyalty to his duties that the other pandas can live a peaceful and comfortable idyllic life.

Thirdly, he was the only person in Pandaria who recognized the nature of the war between the Alliance and the Horde. It was the entry of the Horde and the Alliance into Pandaria that triggered a series of crises.

The Horde resurrected Lei Shen, and "Brainy Howl" used the Heart of Y'Shaarj to pollute the Vale of Eternal Blossoms. The Alliance was also not idle. To Pandaria, they were all invaders, and they were all "thieves" who came to Pandaria to plunder real gold and silver.

If the most unsuccessful character in Mists of Pandaria is "Brainless Shout", then Zhu Talan and Lorewalker Zhou Zhuo are the most successful characters.

He is flesh and blood, loyal to his duty, and his actions are what a monk should be like.

Chen Stormstout heard Taelan Fordring asking about Lorewalker Zhou Zhuo. He quickly replied, "The master has finished his journey and has returned to Pandaria."

What Tyran Fording likes most in Pandaria is to listen to the stories told by the travellers, especially the story about power. He really wants to ask Master Zhou Zhuo to sit down, drink a cup of tea, and tell him the adventure stories of these years.

Of course, he didn't want to see Zhou Zhuo in the current Pandaria. He and Brian Bronzebeard were both "monster-opening maniacs." Pressing buttons randomly was their talent, and running away after causing trouble was their daily routine.

Taelan Fording heard the blame from Zhu Talan's words. It was the two traitors of the Alliance who caused the disaster in Pandaria. Although he wanted to live in harmony with the pandas and have a good drink with Zhu Talan. And he wanted to eat hometown food for a long time. But he was the commander of the Alliance first.

"The Alliance is committed to protecting the world of Azeroth and has its own clear goals.

Geoshaper Ip is not a general of the Alliance, and the Kobolds are not a member of the Alliance."

"Sylvanas Windrunner was a victim of a curse cast on a mogu gold coin by the geoshaper Yip."

He looked at Chen Stormstout. "That gold coin was given to Sylvanas Windrunner by Chen."

Chen Stormstout already knew this:
"My friend, I am sorry. I had no idea that the coin contained such a secret."

Taelan Fording nodded in agreement with Chen's words: "I believe you."

"Yesterday, news came from Dark Coast that the Sword of Domination was pulled out. The Abyss Slitherer Sogoth has resurrected. The Alliance needs to destroy it first."

Zhu Talan learned from Chen that Tyran Fording had a good impression of the Pandaren. And Chen also helped the Alliance fight against the Centaurs and Harpies in the Stoneclaw Mountains.

Today, it seems that this demigod is not overbearing and will not look down on those who are less powerful than him. But like himself, he is a person who can distinguish between public and private. He will not put his personal preferences above the interests of the alliance.

This tree house had a huge window, which he now discovered was formed by energy. He could sense that the entire Teldrassil was protected by a strange magical barrier.

Through this huge French window, Zhu Talan looked at the scenery outside for a while. The blue sky, the giant trees that reached into the clouds, the tree houses that blended into nature, the busy pedestrians, the leisurely old people, the children who were studying hard. The tall Baine Bloodhoof found a seat near the door and sat down straight.

"Grand Marshal, how can the alliance remain strong? How can the various races coexist for a long time?"

Taelan Fording said seriously:

"The Alliance is a multi-racial nation of equality, mutual assistance and complementarity. We share a common belief, the Titans of Azeroth! As long as the Titans of the planet exist, we will be stronger."

He said with a bit of sadness: "As long as I am here, I will protect this country. When I am gone, I believe our next generation will take on this burden." He glanced at Bane who was sitting upright.

"Take Baine, for example. He will soon become a powerful paladin, the new guardian of Azeroth.

We draw strength from both the glory of our ancestors and the blessings of the Titans. I believe they will soon become independent."

"As for eternity, that does not exist. Ten thousand years is too long, and the struggle is just a matter of days."

Behind him, a shadow of a giant tree appeared. Zhu Talan felt that it looked very much like Teldrassil, but also a little different. Each of its branches seemed to carry a world. Holy light was projected from a fruit on the giant tree, and the scene of the universe and the starry sky appeared in front of everyone.

A large number of light points gathered at a collapse point, and all the light points flocked to that point until it ignited. It became a sun that emitted bright light. The remaining light points gathered around it and became planets that revolved around the central sun.

Time flies by like flowing water, and the star goes through birth, power, and decay in an instant, until it finally expands into a red giant star, which swallows the surrounding planets one by one, and then explodes. It collapses into a terrifying black hole.

“Even the seemingly eternal sun has its birth and death, let alone mortals.

Every life has its own pursuits and responsibilities. My responsibility is to expand the territory for the alliance as much as possible and win a peaceful life for future generations. As for the future, we believe that our descendants will find a way.

They will also protect this land where we have lived for generations just like we have done, and will never let any enemy take it away.

The alliance's philosophy is to pass on the torch and continue to thrive."

Zhu Talan was shocked by the power of the demigod and stunned by the birth and death of stars in the universe.

Zhu Talan knew that it was time for the Pandaren to make a choice. There was no such thing as being alone. Every race living in Azeroth had to contribute to their own world. Only in this way could they win the protection of their allies.

He stood up, saluted seriously to Taelan Fording and said, "I am applying to join the Alliance on behalf of the Pandaren of the Shado-Pan. We Pandaren will keep our promise and fight for the Alliance."

Taelan Fordring immediately stood up and saluted at the same time as Zhu Talan using the monk's etiquette.

"On behalf of the Alliance, I accept the pandaren of Pandaria's Shado-Pan as part of the Alliance family."

"In three days, High Priestess Tyrande Whisperwind and King Kael'thas will lead a team to Darkshore to destroy Thorgoth.

I will go to Pandaria myself and confront Y'Shaarj."

Chen Stormstout stood and bowed. "My friend, I admire your bravery. I will face Y'Shaarj with you. Just as I did the first time."

Taelan Fording stretched out his right hand and shook Chen Kuanda's right hand:

"Yes, just like before."

Chen turned around and carried the barrel: "My friend, let's have a drink together."

Zhu Talan also stood up. After a while, the curse on his body dissipated and his difficult-to-treat injuries began to heal.

Chen patted his shoulder and looked at Lady Jaina Proudmoore:
"I brewed a new wine. You can try a glass too."

Jaina doesn’t like alcohol, but she is an alchemist: “What a coincidence, I recently made a refreshing drink, and I want to invite everyone to try it!”

Taelan Fording said helplessly: "Okay, Janna, I'll try it."

Baine Bloodhoof was secretly glad that his teacher had forgotten about him. He tried to lower his head and bend his waist to reduce his presence. Taelan Fording said, "Baine, you come too!"


Three days later, Kael'thas once again put on a set of mage armor and began a new journey.

The Alliance has unified military uniforms, flags, and equipment. Even the high elves who love luxurious styles and the mysterious night elves have to wear uniform armor.

Their flashy patterns were replaced by practical magic circuits, and many rough men sighed that they would never see the elves' long, white legs again.

In the eyes of the alliance leaders, the life and death of the warriors is the focus. You can wear gorgeous clothes when you are on vacation. Didn't you see that even the tree elves who never wear armor are equipped with full leather armor?

After a small mixed team of dragon eagles and hippogryphs left, Tyran Fordring and all the Alliance generals returned to Teldrassil. They will concentrate their forces to wipe out the entire Pandaria.

Naxxramas, a huge floating city, will carry these people to Pandaria.

Tirion Fordring raised his hand and patted his son's shoulder:

"Don't worry! I will defend the Crossroads Fortress. No one can break through the Knights' defense.

You have far surpassed me, so do a good job!

Come back safely. Son, I am proud of you! "

This is an airstrike. Naxxramas will fly directly to the Vale of Eternal Blossoms. Then they will drop their forces in batches.

The dragons will all enter the Emerald Dream under the leadership of the Red Dragon Queen Alexstrasza and the Blue Dragon King Malygos. It's time to settle accounts with Xavius, and the demon hunters of the Illidari are already thirsty.

Taelan Fordring will lead Chen Stormstout, Zhu Taran, Cairne Bloodhoof, and Shandris Feathermoon to directly raid the Fountain of Youth.

Jaina will lead a mage-based army to deal with the mixed forces of Kobolds and Venture Capital Company under Ip. They are numerous, but have more internal conflicts. Mages are good at dealing with large numbers of low-level troops.

Malfurion is responsible for leading the Alliance's auxiliary troops and priests to provide treatment for everyone.

The Tauren Elite Guards and human knights will assault the Mantid positions head-on.

The Qiraji were dealt with by King Magni Bronzebeard, Harth Stonebrew, Renor Mograine, and the dwarven treasure guards.

Of course, Taelan Fording didn't know yet that Queen Shek'Zara still had a disagreement with the heroes, but this did not affect the result.

Pandaria is a continent that is isolated and far away. Looking down from the sky, you will find that it looks like a giant turtle, looking back mischievously. What's more interesting is that in the map of World of Warcraft, it is looking at Shen-zin Su.

And here, Shen-zin Su certainly didn't stay there. It has already approached the Jade Forest. This is behind the Pandaren. It is the most beautiful and peaceful place in Pandaria.

Tyran Fording looked at Raynor, who was silent and had a sullen face, and said:

"Relax, bro."

Renault gave a standard military salute: "Marshal, I'm fine."

Taelan Fording looked at his stubborn eyes and said, "You are yourself. Be yourself. You don't have to prove anything to others!
This battle is very dangerous, stay alive!"

The Fountain of Youth in Jinxiu Valley.

Chase had been fiddling with her cards. She suddenly stopped and said nervously, "He's here! In the Emerald Forest."

"It's very fast! It's Naxxramas, it's coming." She didn't care about anything else. She began to urge Ip to act.

As soon as she heard the name of Tyran Fordring, Sylvanas Windrunner's face turned very ugly. It was hard to tell whether it was hatred or longing that made her beautiful face a little distorted. She took out the gold coin again, and the gold coin rolled in her flexible and slender hands.

Yip stole a glance at Sylvanas Windrunner. She would lose control of her emotions when she heard that name. This was a loophole in her mind. Every time she heard this name, she had to rely on that medium to suppress her desires.

Yip was more nervous than her. In ancient times, these Force demigods were regarded as gods.

She hurried to the well that was emitting gray gas. Now, what was flowing out of the well was not only gray gas, but also a foul-smelling black substance. Y'Shaarj was the embodiment of the power of the void, and the substance that flowed out of it would produce the Faceless Ones.

The short kobold held up her staff and muttered a difficult spell. Then she threw N'Zoth's tentacles and the Eye of C'Thun into the well. The well immediately changed. Countless tentacles grew out of the void, and the surrounding weeds were all waving in the air.

Sylvanas Windrunner immediately began to retreat. Korven the Prime knew that their creator was about to return.

"A new cycle has begun! A supreme being has returned!"

All the Titan creations and their armies back then were no match for A'Shaarj. Unless the Titans descend, no one can kill him again!

Queen Shakazara looked at the well with crazy eyes.

Its wish is about to come true, its god is resurrected. Soon it will be blessed by the god. She will also become a demigod of the Force, and her god will look after her.

The Supreme Korvan quickly ordered the Mantis to retreat. The Ancient God was huge, and it would become even more powerful after absorbing the remains of the other four Ancient Gods. Its size would also be even larger.

Everyone began to retreat. Yip was casting a spell, but his subordinates began to get confused. The employees of the venture capital company were very smart. They were paid for their work, and now their wages have not been paid yet. Moreover, they all wanted to see the boss of their boss. The big boss had just been resurrected and was in a happy mood. Maybe they would get a bonus.

Now seeing that everyone was retreating, they were all smart people and immediately sensed the approach of danger. The wages and bonuses can be collected later. Save your life first.

But behind them were weak kobolds, all of whom were Yip's diehard fans. They didn't move.

The two sides immediately mixed together. The scene was extremely chaotic.

Ip had no time to care about his men. He kept throwing them into the Brain of Y'Shaarj and the Eye of Xal'atath, chanting spells.

Everything around me was quiet. Not even the wind was blowing.

A gray aura rose into the sky, and the entire Pandaria was shaken by this huge movement.

But Yashaji did not appear.

...Yip suddenly thought of something and threw the bead in his hand in.

"Sylvanas Windrunner, you thank me! This is not a gift, this is poison. If it weren't for that damned Taelan Fordring who hadn't come all this time, and suddenly came so quickly, would it take him so long to understand?"

Sylvanas Windrunner's reward was gone. She did not move, the aura of the gold coin controlling her.

Yip let out a long sigh, his master also had times when he made mistakes.

But then it thought, could it have anticipated this? What if Wind Walker regained control of himself?
Can anyone help me?
Don't take my candle!
(End of this chapter)

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