Enter World of Warcraft with Dark Skills

Chapter 274 The Fulfillment of Ignos' Prophecy

Chapter 274 The Fulfillment of Ignos' Prophecy
Zhu Talan stood in front of the observation window of Naxxramas. It was the first time he observed Pandaria from this angle.

The peaceful Windless Island, the ancient and magnificent Qinglong Temple, the picturesque Morning Fragrance Garden, and the rich and fertile Four Winds Valley are the hometown of the Pandaren, and are the most precious treasures of the Pandaren. They are also the precious heritage left by the ancestors of the Pandaren who sacrificed their lives and shed their blood for future generations.

As Taelan Fording said, nothing lasts forever, and we are only fighting for the day. But the Alliance's philosophy is to keep on going and pass on the torch. Our descendants will continue our path. Now is our struggle, and the future is in their hands.

I hope my choice is correct, and under the protection of the Alliance, the Pandaren can continue to pass on and develop.

Taelan Fording walked up to Zhu Talan and patted his broad shoulders.

"Don't worry! Everything will be fine. Pandaria will always belong to the Pandaren."

Men's friendship is a strange thing. A cigarette, a glass of wine, or a heartwarming word can make them lifelong friends.

After tasting Chen Stormstout's newly brewed Thunder Brew, they were able to talk and laugh. If Pandaria was not in danger, they would definitely spend the whole day drunk.

After tasting the bubbling black liquid made by Jaina, everyone was full of praise.

Taelan Fording named it "Very Cola". This drink can refresh and cure headaches. It can be used as a drink and a potion. At that time, Zhu Talan also said that Chen Stormstout was born in the Valley of the Four Winds in Pandaria, and his family had a brewery. There is a tree there that can bear pink fruits, which are very similar to the fruits that Jaina uses to make wine. You can do this business together in the future.

At the end of the party, Chen Stormstout solemnly took out a bottle of wine from his backpack. He gave it to Taelan Fordring.

Taelan Fording carefully observed the bottle of wine. The style of the bottle was very strange. There was also a message from the winemaker on it:

"Those days of youth in the sun!"

When Tyran Fording saw the yellow words, he immediately knew that this was a bottle of precious Stonehammer Pale Ale. It had a distinctly exotic flavor. This was a rare and fine beer.

Seeing the yellow words, Taelan Fording almost cried. He missed home, his native world. Zhu Talan and Chen comforted him.

Jaina looked at him with suspicion:
Did his dog find another dog without telling him? Or did Yashaarj put too much pressure on him?
Naxxramas was flying rapidly in the air. It soon approached the Vale of Eternal Blossoms.

This sky fortress has undergone tremendous changes compared to when it was first obtained. It is larger than the Dalaran destroyed by Archimonde. It flies faster. There are many magnificent and huge buildings on it. Many spires are shining with magical brilliance.

These are all masterpieces of Mimiron, the "Lord of Creation". It transformed this unique flying fortress in the entire world of Azeroth. It was built by the Titans themselves.

Of course, Mimiron is not here. It went back to Northrend to seek help from Thorim, Hodir, and Freya. It hopes that the four former guardians of Ulduar will continue to fight to protect the Star Soul. Isn't the purpose of their birth to deal with the Old Gods?

Now someone is conspiring to collect the remains of the ancient gods in an attempt to revive the most powerful ancient god, A'Shaarj. They have the responsibility to stand up again and fight the last ancient evil god to the death.

At this moment, the whole of Pandaria shook, and all the sounds disappeared. A column of gray-black gas in the Vale of Splendid Blossoms rushed up into the sky. As the black gas continued to erupt, a feeling of despair spread everywhere.

Taelan Fordring said: "Y'Shaarj is coming back."

They did this at this time on purpose. They were waiting for him to come.

This terrifying silence slowly spread in the air. It eroded everything here. It slowly devoured the courage of all the creatures around.

This is a kind of domain. This is the disaster brought by A'Shaarj. Before it appears, this powerful domain covers a huge area.

Tyran Fording stopped talking, and the holy light quickly enveloped him. Three pairs of holy light wings appeared behind him, and they spread out one by one. Strands of holy light ribbons continued to spread in the void. At the same time, a strange aura spread from his body.

The shelter opened up. It covered a huge area, and it also began to slowly assimilate the surrounding space. At the same time, the purifying aura also spread out, and some illusory stars appeared and disappeared in the air. Together with the shelter, it offset the terrifying aura.


A massive explosion occurred in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms, shattering rocks, broken wood, kobolds, goblins, and mantids were all blown into the sky.

Among them, there is one target that is the biggest, it is a strange mantis demon, it is very powerful. But it can only be helpless in this explosion.

The great queen Shakzara! It reverently put on the 'wedding dress' and saw the idol's gorgeous appearance.

The huge explosion not only destroyed the entire continent of Jinxiu Valley, but also generated endless gray-white energy, which swept across the entire Jinxiu Valley and turned it into a barren land. It polluted all the creatures in Jinxiu Valley.

A figure like a huge mountain appeared in Jinxiu Valley.

It has seven heads, each as big as N'Zoth. Each head has a large, tightly closed eye and countless small eyes. Countless appendages and claws surround it. On its mountain-like body grow countless round mouths, which contain countless sharp teeth. Tentacles extending from some holes are constantly waving in the air.

The body is covered with pustules and bulges, and from time to time the pustules burst and leak out a dark and foul-smelling liquid. These things pollute the entire world. Once the liquid catches a living thing, it will devour it and give birth to an "Enlaki", or an ugly Zerg creature.

It was constantly creating armies. Its corruption was constantly spreading across the sky and the earth. The surrounding farmland, hills, and rivers gradually lost their original colors and turned into a grayish white void. Before it was resurrected, it had already drained a lot of life force from this continent. Now it wanted to devour the entire world to satisfy its desires, while emitting an evil aura that took away the courage and hope of all living beings.

"Unleash your hatred and vent your anger!"

The seven black sheep, the most powerful ancient gods, have once again come to the land of Azeroth.

Taelan Fordring looked at Y'Shaarj, who was returning at an accelerated speed, and thought of the prophecy made by I'gynoth that year:

"Three lanterns will go out, and the remaining two will... the road, ... one eye... will open,..."

The three lanterns refer to N'Zoth, Yogg-Saron, and C'Thun. They went out, completely dead. What remained was the then dead Y'Shaarj and Xal'atath, who only had one claw left. The seventh eye will open.

The number seven has a special meaning, and Yashaarj happens to have seven heads. It represents the seven negative emotions of fear, anger, pride, confusion, madness, hatred, and doubt. It is similar to the seven deadly sins, which all come from the creatures' thinking about life and the fear of the surrounding environment.

According to the original plot, Aman'Thul, the father of the gods, pulled this most powerful ancient god out of the earth. It was directly destroyed. Before it died, it exhaled a breath, which enveloped Pandaria and created countless disasters. These evil spirits are called the evil spirit of fear, the evil spirit of anger, the evil spirit of pride, the evil spirit of confusion, the evil spirit of madness, the evil spirit of hatred, and the evil spirit of doubt.

Six of them were sealed by Shaohao Huangdi. Only the most powerful Pride escaped. It also became the last fighting demon. You can overcome all negative emotions, you have endless beauties, treasures, you control the world, but can you not be proud and complacent? This is a temptation that all intelligent life cannot resist.

Now it seems that the complete prophecy of Ignos should be as follows:

Three lanterns will go out, the remaining two will fight for the only right path, and the last eye will open! The seven-eyed goat will return soon..."

As for what happened next, there is no way to infer. At that time, Ignos was about to die and was unable to leave a complete prophecy.

What is the only right path? Perhaps no one will ever know.

Taelan Fording touched the Xal'atath Sacred Blade at his waist. The eye on it was spinning wildly. It must have sensed something special.

"Great Master, I feel my power being taken away. My Eye of True Sight has been devoured by Y'Shaarj. It is assimilating the power of all the remains of the Old Gods."

"The enemy is right before our eyes, the opportunity for revenge has come!"

“Great, let’s get started!

Janna, prepare to land and attack. We don't have much time. Y'Shaarj will soon devour all the remains of the Old Gods. By then, it will become the most powerful creature on Azeroth. Even our Titans will be powerless against it.

I will be the first to go down and open up a landing point for everyone."

Naxxramas nimbly dodged the attack of two giant tentacles and came to the mountain-like body of Azar.

A magnificent holy light descended from the sky. Taelan Fording completed the assimilation of space, and he turned into holy light and teleported from Naxxramas to the ground.

There are two types of enemies. The first type is the despicable enemy, who not only makes you hate them, such as traitors, but also makes you feel that they have low character. The other type is the enemy who deserves respect.

For example, Korven the Prime, Kil'ruk the Wind-Reaver. The Wind-Reaver was indeed the first to step forward. It fulfilled its own promise. It would be the first to face Taelan Fordring. Face a powerful demigod.

Just now, it had seen that the demigod's domain had broken through the realm of reincarnation, allowing a city-like flying fortress to approach its master. Even now, the energies of the two beings who could be called "Him" were still clashing in the void. They annihilated each other. From time to time, destructive energy storms erupted.

It was because their domains canceled each other out that the troops of both sides had a chance to fight. Otherwise, just dealing with the repulse, the entanglement of holy light, whispers, and illusions would greatly reduce their combat effectiveness.

Even so, the two heroes were the first to rush over.

Korven the Supreme attacked head-on, while Kil'ruk the Wind-Reaver launched a surprise attack from mid-air. They coordinated with each other and tried to take the opportunity to delay time.

However, the gap between individuals of the same rank becomes greater as they approach higher ranks.

For example, Malorne and his son Cenarius, both demigods of the wilderness, Malorne could fight Archimonde head-on, but Cenarius was a weakling who was killed by the mortal Grommash Hellscream.

There was also the turtle demigod Tortolla and the wolf god Goldrinn. The turtle demigod held off the demon army until the war was over and the demons retreated. The demigod was not hurt at all and even almost fell asleep. Goldrinn, however, was exhausted and fell down, unable to fight anymore.

The Wind Reaver swooped down like lightning and slashed the air. The tall human male turned into holy light and disappeared. This was within its expectations. Many people already knew that Taelan Fording could teleport four times in a short period of time.

But no one told it that the four movements of Tyran Fording were at the speed of light, which was completely different from the movement method used by Sylvanas Windrunner.

She just passed through a layer of air barrier. But Taelan Fording could not only pass through the obstacle, but also launch an attack at the same time.

He swung the crazy dark blade that turned milky white and struck the back of the Wind Reaver's head in mid-air.

Korven knew that it really couldn't even block an axe! In front of Taelan Fordring, who was about to complete his physical transformation, the powerful Wind Reaver was not much stronger than an ordinary mantid.

It didn't care about tactics, it was too late to attack and rescue. It stretched out its weapon to block Taelan Fordring's axe head-on.

But suddenly a sharp whistle sounded behind him, and a series of milky white light bullets bombarded it continuously. It was knocked away!

He can actually control the Force in the air directly and cast holy light magic without any guidance. This is a silent spell. His magic has become untraceable. If you want to use your ability to stop him from casting magic, you have to guess.

These small bolts of light are incredibly powerful. The synergy provided by the Nephalem skill tree makes Holy Light Bolts do more damage than the pure lightning damage of Fist of Heaven.

In the time it takes a Grand Mage to fire one Frostbolt, he can fire five Holy Light Bullets, each with a higher base attack power than the Frostbolt. You don't even know where his Holy Light Bullets are coming from.

Moreover, he practices both magic and martial arts. If you get close to him, he will chop you with an axe. If you are far away, he will blast you with magic. Once the basic attributes of this hexagonal warrior accumulate to a certain level, it will become a monster.

And Taelan Fordring also carries the powerful Violet Eye, which allows him to continuously restore his magic points when casting spells.

Fortunately, the powerful assimilation attack did not kill Kil'ruk the Wind-Reaver.

The Supreme Korvan took a breath, finally surviving the first round of attacks. It used its life to buy a second for the reincarnation.

But he heard the sound of breaking air. He was just surprised that the Wind Reaver could withstand a Force attack without any damage. But now he suddenly realized.

It was not unscathed. It was the one that attacked me just now.

It rebelled, it converted to the Light.

Sylvanas Windrunner was right. She really couldn't block even one attack.

(End of this chapter)

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