Chapter 284: Varok Saurfang

Durotar is a coastal continent that is hot all year round. From a distance, it looks like a dazzling blood red. This land is vast and boundless, covered with red soil and puddles. The sea breeze from the Endless Sea brings it plenty of moisture, causing heavy rains from time to time; the scorching sun scorches the earth, causing the precious water sources to dry up quickly.

All of this has created a harsh living environment here. However, in the eyes of the orcs, especially those like Varok Saurfang, this place is very similar to their hometown Draenor.

Yes, Varok Saurfang is a Blackrock orc. He was born in Gorgrond. He is a Blackrock orc warrior. He drank the blood of Manarroth alongside Grommash Hellscream and fought for the Horde.

He was a veteran warrior who had fought in every war since the tribe was founded. He had never been defeated until the second war.

In Gorgrond, he fought against the Gronn. In Shadowmoon Valley, he fought against the Draenei. In Elwynn Forest, he fought against the humans. Until Mount Hyjal, he fought against the Burning Legion. If you don't look at the position, he is the most powerful commander in the whole of Azeroth. He served as Orgrim's lieutenant, and he was the commander of the entire tribe.

In the original novel, he served as the supreme commander of the Kalimdor coalition. Under his leadership, the tribe was the most powerful force in Kalimdor. At that time, humans did not have a decent military leader.

Today, it and its son, Dranosh Saurfang, led an elite group of Kor'kron guards to greet someone.

Titan Guardian of Azeroth, Grand Marshal of the Alliance, Archbishop of the Crusaders, and demigod Taelan Fordring.

He has a host of other names. Today, He came to visit Orgrimmar alone. But it was not He who was uneasy. It was Overlord Saurfang who was uneasy.

In the world of swords and magic, strength is everything. People in this world are born to worship the strong. If a strong person values ​​glory, he will be respected even more.

Dranosh Saurfang looked at his heavy-faced father:
"Father. He's alone. Why should he let us leave here?"

"In order to take root here, we endured hunger and fought against ferocious beasts, swarms of fishmen, and poisonous scorpions."

"My uncle also died in battle in order to survive here."

Varok Saurfang looked at his son and said seriously:
"He could have killed us all! We are invaders who destroyed our own world. We came here and killed millions. Every one of us has blood on our hands. Now it's time to atone for our sins."

Dranosh looked at his father in surprise. His father was a strong warrior, a perfect and efficient killing machine, who never backed down in battle and never showed mercy:
"Father, do you regret it?"

High King Saurfang exhaled a breath of hot air from his nostrils:
"No! I will never regret it. For the future of the orcs, even if my hands are covered in blood, I will never regret it.

We worship power. But power is the hardest thing to control! "

"We have to thank our great chief! It brings us glory!"

At this time, the sound of horse hooves came from afar. The knight in front was riding a horse that seemed to be surrounded by stars. On the horse was a tall and strong human, wearing judgment armor and no helmet. He had a handsome face.

The warhorse raised a cloud of red dust, but not a drop of it fell on Him. Apparently, some strange power pushed away everything around.

Behind him closely followed a tall young figure, riding a huge kodo beast with a pair of beautiful horns on his head and an exquisite shield behind him. Holy light surrounded him. It was obvious that he particularly admired his superior. Moreover, they had a close relationship, and his every move was in perfect coordination with the figure in front of him.

Dranosh looked strangely at the human walking in front.

"Why has he become weaker? He doesn't seem to be as powerful as he was on Mount Hyjal.

Is He injured?"

Overlord Saurfang shook his head and said:
"You don't understand at all. When you have the same power as me, you will know how powerful He is.

He has completed his transformation and surpassed the level of a demigod."

As the team approached quickly, every orc warrior became alert. The pressure was too great.

The team stopped, the leader jumped off his horse, and the well-equipped knights immediately followed suit.

Only then did the orcs realize that this was a cavalry composed of multiple races, including pointy-eared night elves and even high elves.

At this time, a transparent owl landed on the shoulder of the female knight who was following the young minotaur.

It was obvious that this team not only had good coordination and uniform equipment, but also had strict rules and regulations. Although they had the upper hand, they did not neglect anything. The long-eared night elf woman was a powerful sentinel, and her owl had completed the reconnaissance.

This team did not follow the honorable demigod. They stopped where they were. Soon they set up camp under the command of a slender human woman and the night elf woman who summoned the owl. They did not make any sound during the whole process.

King Saurfang was a brilliant commander. He immediately saw that the Alliance had completed its integration. There was a tacit understanding between the various races. They developed a professional system and equipment style that was unique to this planet.

He also heard that the Alliance had retired the weak troops of various races. For example, the archers encountered in the Battle of Ashenvale had been replaced by dwarven musketeers. And these valuable ranged troops turned to riding powerful beasts and became air forces.

The fragile melee units of the High Elves have been replaced by Tauren Elite Guards and Human Paladins.

Overlord Saurfang sighed: "There is no place for us on this continent. The Warchief was born at the wrong time. In another era, he would have become a great leader."

The young leader walked towards Overlord Saurfang with a peaceful smile.

At this moment, an accident suddenly happened.

A tall orc walked out from the team:

"I, Malkorok, wish to challenge the Grand Marshal of the Alliance."

High Overlord Saurfang raised his hand to stop it:
"Grand Marshal, please forgive me. It has just returned to the Horde. It has stayed in Blackrock Mountain for too long. Stop, Malkorok!"

During this time, the tribe was not idle. Thrall was an amazing leader. Under such difficult circumstances, he still won allies for the tribe. In addition to the Zandalari trolls, there were also several trade princes of the goblins. He even sent people to contact some orcs who escaped from Blackrock Mountain and brought them under his command.

Malkorok was the first Blackrock Orc general to support Thrall. He didn't know much about Tyran Fordring. He first heard the name from the Blackhand brothers. He was a traditional orc and didn't believe that a human could be so powerful.

The most powerful human it encountered was Sir Lothar, but even he was killed by Orgrim Doomhammer in Blackrock Mountain.

But it is not a Blackhand brother without a sense of honor. If it wants to fight Tyran Fordring, then it will fight openly! In this respect, it is the same as Saurfang. They are both straightforward orcs. You can be deceitful on the battlefield, but you must not use some dirty tricks like Gul'dan in a duel.

It is not only an upright villain, but also a loyal person.

So today it's going to give the tribe a try.

It jumped high, let out a piercing war cry in mid-air, and chopped down heavily with the sword in its hand.

It was too late for Saurfang to stop Malkorok. He could only watch helplessly as his loyal compatriot met his end.

But this is a warrior's way to die.

Taelan Fordring looked at the strong Malkorok challenging him. He immediately drew the blessed sword of Flamefury Lifebinder from his back.

The giant sword was immediately ignited by a gray-white magical light.

Void Strike: Shattered.

With a snap, power burst out. The sword in Malkorok's hand was chopped into pieces in an instant. It finally knew the power of a demigod. It didn't even use any holy light magic.

Malkorok was a rather single orc. He knew that he would be cut in two the next moment. But Taelan Fordring's greatsword stopped in front of his head.

Obviously, Taelan Fording didn't want to kill it. He had witnessed too many deaths. Some enemies couldn't be spared. Sometimes they couldn't be dealt with rudely. Killing was not a good way to solve the problem. Especially now.

Taelan Fordring retracted his greatsword and extended a hand to Overlord Saurfang who had come to stop Malkorok: "Hello! Overlord of the Horde! I have known you for a long time!"

"I'm finally able to have a good chat with you today. I'm so happy!"

In another time and space, King Saurfang was a character loved by both Alliance and Horde players. He participated in every war of the Horde.

He was the supreme commander of the Kalimdor Alliance during the Battle of Ahn'Qiraj. He faced all dangerous enemies head-on. His loyalty to the Horde is obvious to all. His tenacity is admirable. He is a warrior with a sense of honor.

At the same time, he is also an admirable old father. The arrival of Tyran Fordring has made him less famous. But at least he will not lose his son. His request in Northrend moved countless people.

The king looked at Tyran Fording in surprise, and then he also stretched out his right hand.

The two big hands clasped tightly together. The king was grateful to Taelan Fordring for not killing Malkorok. Taelan Fordring was paying tribute to the king in his mind.

Time flies, and Tyran Fording has been in this world for nearly twenty years. These twenty years of fighting life have made him a mature warrior.

However, the original ideal has not faded. He has won, lost, fought, and struggled. That is enough.

The two of them stared at each other for a while:
"You are old." White hair has grown on King Saurfang's forehead. It shouldn't have white hair.

"Yes, I am old. When I first saw you, you were just a child. At that time, you were full of vigor and vitality, galloping on the battlefield.

At that time, I wanted to kill you immediately.

Seeing you now, you have become a veteran. "

Taelan Fording said: "This is true for you and me. I believe the last thing we want to face is..."

Saurfang looked into Taelan Fordring's sincere eyes and they both said:

"Sign the death notice."

Perhaps it was the action just now that made both sides let down their guard, or perhaps it was Tyran Fording's attitude that made them feel respected. After all, the other party was a strong man.

Taelan Fording continued: "My purpose for coming here this time is very simple.

News has come from Draenor that the Burning Crusade has begun again. A demon army is about to conquer all of Draenor. Your compatriots who remain there are about to face annihilation.

And I hope the orcs leave Azeroth and return to your own world.

I will speak to your High Chief myself."

Overlord Saurfang and Taelan Fording walked side by side, chatting as they walked. They had a lot in common and could have been close friends. But their positions determined that they could only be enemies. They would never forget their duties as warriors.

Taelan Fordring activated the Vitality Aura. The entire team began to accelerate towards Orgrimmar. The red earth continents on both sides quickly retreated, and the sun was high in the sky. When the wind died down, a rugged and majestic city appeared in front of the group.

A group of people stood in front of the city gate, led by a tall green-skinned orc. He was wearing black plate armor and carrying a huge magic hammer on his back. Silver lightning flashed from the hammer from time to time.

It is Thrall, the current chieftain of the tribe. It is a man named Blackmoore, who cultivated a mortal enemy for his compatriots. This officer of Lordaeron is a talent. He was able to climb to a high position in peacetime because of his shrewd character when he was young. But his ambition ruined him. He cultivated an orc and wanted him to help him lead the orc army and overthrow Lordaeron to realize his ambition.

His forceful pursuit of unrealistic things led to his complete failure and ultimately death at the hands of his "pet".

Soon, Taelan Fording came to the legendary chieftain. If it had been arranged by the bronze dragon Anachronos, it would have killed Deathwing and become the "World Shaman", a descendant of an invader who saved the world.

Tyran Fordring actually likes the rough and wild style of Orgrimmar. The red fortress-style buildings and the rumbling sound of war drums make people excited.

Seeing it reminds people of the battlefield where blood was shed.

The two leaders looked at each other:

"Welcome to Orgrimmar!"

"This place is called Durotar. I named it after my father. And this city is called Orgrimmar, after the former chieftain of the Horde, Orgrim Doomhammer."

"We set out from the Eastern Kingdoms and experienced countless hardships and dangers, and endured hunger and starvation before we got here."

Taelan Fordring looked up at Thrall sternly. Strictly speaking, he was not an orc, and his way of thinking was more like that of a human. This meant that he would not speak in the same way as King Saurfang, who admitted his mistakes and faced his own heart.

Just now, Dranosh Saurfang asked him directly if he was injured. What happened to the sword that shattered Malkorok? He also asked about his battle with the Old Gods.

"Ten thousand years ago, the great human leader, Emperor Thoradin, led our ancestors to live in Arathi Highlands.

Three thousand years ago, General Lordain led the Lordaeron people to fight in the East Wilder. It was at that time that the last bloodline of Thoradin came to Elwynn Forest. They established a glorious human kingdom there. "

"Twenty years ago, the orcs came and destroyed it! Millions of civilians died in the orcs' massacre.

The Sadol Bridge was filled with smoke.

Arathi was flooded with blood.

Lordaeron trembles under the iron hoof of Orgrimmar.

Orcs are invaders! You, who covet power, were seduced by demons and killed countless Draenei. Every green-skinned orc carries original sin in his veins.

Those are the millions of souls of Stormwind. Those are the cries of Lordaeron."

"We lived peacefully in this land. It was your former chieftain who became the Lich King and destroyed our kingdom.

And here, Durotar, was the territory of the night elves tens of thousands of years ago. It was you who brought the flames of war to Ashenvale."

"As the commander-in-chief of the alliance, I cannot just sit there and do nothing. It is my responsibility to bring permanent peace to the people of the alliance."

"I am here today to tell the orcs: your compatriots in Draenor will be enslaved and slaughtered by the Burning Legion. This includes Grommash Hellscream's son, Garrosh Hellscream. And your grandmother, Lady Gaiaan."

"It's time for the orcs to return to their own world. It's time to return the land of Azeroth to the creatures of Azeroth!"

"I did not use force because of what Broxigar Saurfang has done for this world."

"The Dark Portal is about to open. I will go there to pick up the Alliance soldiers. Orcs can return to Draenor with me. There are not only your compatriots there, but also your homeland. You should do something for it!"

"And the Burning Legion is the enemy of all living beings. Show me the power and glory of the orcs!"

Eight wings of holy light spread out in the void, and Taelan Fordring raised his right hand and struck a mountain in the distance hard.

Suddenly, cracks like broken glass appeared on the mountain. They spread across the void. It was as if the void had been shattered. With a loud bang, the mountain was razed to the ground.

In front of Thrall, a beam of holy light shot up into the sky. Taelan Fordring disappeared.

"I await the tribe's decision."

(End of this chapter)

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