Enter World of Warcraft with Dark Skills

Chapter 285: Sovereignty is not negotiable, territory cannot be ceded

Chapter 285: Sovereignty is not negotiable, territory cannot be ceded

Taelan Fordring left, cleanly and neatly, explaining clearly why the orcs left.

it's actually really easy.

First, the orcs were invaders and had committed war crimes. The Alliance did not start a war because Broxigar Saurfang's actions had won glory for the orcs.

Second, the orcs' compatriots are in Draenor, which is the orcs' homeland. They now need the tribe to save them.

Third, all the orcs put together were no match for one man. But the friendship of fighting side by side prevented him from killing him. So he left with authority.

Thrall knew that sovereignty was not negotiable. No one except traitors would use territory as a bargaining chip. The orcs were now facing a life-or-death decision.

If you choose to leave, your reputation will inevitably be damaged.

No one likes to leave their homeland, especially since they just came here from the East Continent. They have suffered countless hardships along the way, including attacks from murlocs and naga, and invasions from giant sea beasts. Building Orgrimmar requires wood, and they fought hard with the night elves in Ashenvale.

In the Demon Slaughter Canyon, Grommash, the great warrior of the Horde, sacrificed himself to free the orcs from the curse of demon blood; in Mount Hyjal, they fought desperately with demons with blood and thunder to protect the world.

Now they finally survived and built a capital in Durotar, and then settled down. But the Alliance jumped out and asked them to leave. The bloodthirsty and violent orcs would definitely not agree and could not understand.

Why can't the Alliance tolerate the existence of orcs? They live in Durotar, how can they affect the Alliance? They are all foreign forces, why do they occupy the Barrens, Mulgore, Gadgetzan, Dustwallow Marsh, and even Silithus? Orcs can only go to Azshara to catch fish?

However, Thrall is not a traditional orc like Garrosh after all. He has a similar way of thinking as humans.

The root of everything is that the orcs are invaders who slaughtered countless humans and native races here. The world will does not recognize them. To this day, the shamans of the tribe cannot smoothly master the power of the four elements. They are also unable to communicate with their ancestors.

Their greatest failure was their failure to win local allies in Kalimdor.

There is another more important factor, that is strength. Orcs who value strength do not have demigods. Broxigar Saurfang, a demigod-level strongman, died on Mount Hyjal, but Tyran Fordring did not die in the Ragnarok battle.

Most of the main generals of the Alliance also survived. For example, Tirion Fordring who guarded the crossroads, Gavinrad who fought everywhere, Sylvanas Windrunner, the fierce and cunning leader of the rangers, and Cairne Bloodhoof, the powerful warrior. Shandris Feathermoon, who was proficient in both magic and martial arts. Recently, they have received support from the Pandaren monks.

In contrast, the Horde is lacking in talent. It can be said that the entire Horde is supported by Saurfang and his family. Moreover, the Kor'kron guards, including Malkorok, all belong to the Blackrock Tribe.

Thrall was able to become the Great Chieftain with the support of the Frostwolf Clan and the Blackrock Clan. If he advocated leaving, he would be regarded as a coward and a traitor by them. At that time, the pro-war generals like Malkorok would definitely launch the Mak'gora to challenge his position.

There is another important reason, that is allies. The orcs' allies include the Darkspear trolls, the Zandalari trolls, and the goblin trade princes. The Naga siren who lives in the deep sea.

It didn't think that among these people, they would all follow it and leave here to go to the uncertain future of Draenor to save the remaining orcs.

You have to know that the Darkspear trolls are the natives of Azeroth. They can surrender. According to the reputation left by the High Lord in the Alliance and the Horde, he will never launch a massacre. The Darkspear trolls can regard themselves as a harmless settlement, living on Darkspear Island and Darkspear Village.

Thrall stood in the position of some chieftains of small clans and thought about it. He felt that they could even choose to join the Alliance as small tribes. After all, the Alliance itself was a multi-ethnic country. As long as they believed in the Titans of Azeroth and Elune, they would be accepted.

It's not the orcs that the Alliance cannot tolerate.

Aren't Tauren and Pandaren also considered another type of orc? Even some harpies who believe in Aviana can rely on the Alliance for their livelihood. What about some small tribes?

What the Alliance cannot tolerate is the powerful Horde!

Thrall stood there for a long time. He thought that the orcs had gotten rid of the blood of demons and were no longer bloodthirsty and warlike. Why would Taelan Fordring, a demigod, do this?

At this time, King Saurfang suddenly said: "Great Chief, go back! We need to discuss when to leave here."

Sal was surprised: "You agree to leave here?"

"We do not belong here, Warchief," said Saurfang. "We are invaders here, with blood on our hands. This land does not accept us.

We can't live in tree houses like humans, or change our nocturnal lifestyle to the sun like night elves. We can't farm in Mulgore or believe in the Holy Light and go to the battlefield like tauren.

They are essentially the same kind of people, born from the same Titan, Ezelena. They have become one, working together and developing a civilization unique to this planet."

"And we belong to Draenor! Our compatriots are there. Our ancestors are there. Even if some places are no longer suitable for survival. At least Zangarmarsh can still give us a place to stay."

It seemed sentimental: "I still remember the red soil of Gorgrond, the endless grasslands of Nagrand. And the beef soup cooked by my grandmother!"

"I don't eat pork anymore. Whenever I think of them being raised in Azeroth, I feel it's hard to swallow. I often wake up in the middle of the night. I always dream of the scene where I killed a dwarf couple in Stormwind. My hands are stained with their blood. I know there must be only one child in that room. But I just don't dare to stay."

To Thrall's surprise, Malkorok nodded and said, "Yes, Taelan Fordring is right. We still have compatriots in Draenor who need to be saved. That is the final redemption for the crimes we have committed over the years.

The Burning Legion is trying to invade Azeroth through Draenor again. It's time for us to do something for this world and our home.

They are the enemy of all of us. The Alliance only wants to defeat us, but they want to enslave us and destroy us. At least Taelan Fordring will not kill the old, the weak, the women and the children.

He didn’t kill me.”

Thrall then realized that Malkorok and Taelan Fordring had fought. He suddenly understood some of Taelan Fordring's strange actions. A man as powerful as him didn't need to demonstrate. He should be eager for the Horde to start a war, and then the army would advance by land and sea to defeat the Horde in one fell swoop.

"I'm not a true orc, so I can't understand their worship of power and pursuit of glory. On the contrary, people like Taelan Fordring, who are powerful, respectful, and compassionate, are more understandable and worshipped by traditional orcs."

"He has great power, the power to kill and give life, but he doesn't care. He is the most powerful being on the planet, but he can discuss life with Dranosh. He can ignore me, but he says I am his idol. I also know that he can give up his life for his love. He told me without reservation that he loves his family more than the world.

He is more like a glorious orc than we were before!"

Thrall was a little gloomy. He had not yet completely become a real orc, thinking in their way and understanding what they were thinking.

Saurfang patted Thrall on the shoulder and said, "Don't be discouraged, Warchief! You are no worse than him. You are just staying in a world that does not belong to you. Your future is in Draenor. That is your world.

Let's go! I believe that Taelan Fording will help us leave here. As for our allies, we must make it clear to them. We will not abandon any of those who are willing to go with us, and we will let those who do not want to go with us leave on their own. "

Thrall said excitedly: "You are right! I understand. Instead of fighting a meaningless death battle here, it is better to return home and save our compatriots first.

Is my grandmother Gaiaan really still alive? I always feel like she has other purposes. "

High Overlord Saurfang said: “That is not important, Warchief. We just need to complete our migration. We know that there is nothing we can do to stop Him.”

Sal nodded and said, "Yes. Let's do as we decided just now. Let's go home!"

Orgrimmar Valley of Wisdom.

All the leaders of the tribe gathered together.

Thrall has informed everyone of his decision. All the orcs in the tribe have agreed to this decision. The desire to return home is universal. If it weren't for the pressure of life, no one would be willing to leave their hometown.

Dranosh heard Taelan Fordring say something that made a lot of sense: People become worthless when they leave their hometown.

They are all outsiders in Kalimdor who want to gain a foothold here. You either have to be powerful or make contributions to this world. Just like Tyran Fordring can become the guardian of the Titans, relying on his contribution to the prosperity of this world. He rescued the Red Dragon Queen, defeated the invasion of the Burning Legion, and killed all the Old Gods.

It was because the orcs participated in the battle of Mount Hyjal that they were able to gain a foothold in Durotar. That's why Tyran Fordring didn't start a war against the orcs. Now that Tyran Fordring has completed his expedition and reduced all the Old Gods to ashes in one fell swoop, the Alliance is free, and the orcs have become their next target.

Vol'jin sat in his seat and fell into thought. In fact, when he was on Sen'jin Island, his father Sen'jin once said that he was deceived. That person used a scale-like thing to induce his father to find the oracle, and then let the Darkspear clan join the tribe led by Thrall.

Thrall is indeed an excellent leader, but whether he is excellent or not is not determined by himself, but by comparison. The person he needs to be compared with is Taelan Fordring.

The most powerful demigod in the entire world of Azeroth. The Archbishop of the Church of Azeroth. The leader of the multi-racial alliance and the Grand Marshal of the coalition forces of all races in Kalimdor. He created a multi-racial nation with humans, high elves, night elves, tauren, and dwarves as its core, and led it to defeat the Burning Legion and the Old Gods.

Under his leadership, the Alliance expanded its territory, successively occupying the Barrens, the main transportation hub of Kalimdor, and Mulgore, and later annexed Silithus and Gadgetzan.

Recently, they even made friends with the blue dragons and gained a foothold in the snow-covered Winterspring.

The tribe's territory was gradually eroded by them, and finally Tyran Fordring completed his expedition and finally took action against the tribe.

A new and powerful civilization is about to be born! It is a magical civilization that is more powerful and has a wider territory than the Troll Empire of the past. It has the unique characteristics of the Titans of Azeroth: a brand new republican system, combined arms, magic arrays, magic legions, standard armor, and a lifestyle that blends with nature.


But the orcs saved them after all. In politics, the worst taboo is to sit on the fence. It is better to be on the wrong side than not to be on the same side.

"The Darkspear clan will always remember what happened on Sen'jin Island. I will lead my tribe to chase after the chieftain!

We will begin preparations as soon as possible. Together, we will meet the challenges of Draenor."

Thrall nodded with satisfaction. The Darkspear trolls had always been his strong supporters.

"Wojin, my brother. Thank you for your support!"

The representative of the Zandalari trolls is a witch doctor. It has no right to decide the affairs of the Zandalari trolls, it is only responsible for communicating information.

But it knows that it is difficult for them to gain a foothold in Azeroth because they are the mortal enemy of Kul Tiras. Moreover, the Zandalari trolls are considered the natives of Azeroth, and they are different from the Darkspear trolls who have been displaced.

Moreover, there is a lot of infighting within them. The reformists represented by Zul hope to form an alliance with the powerful Alliance, seek development in Teldrassil, and rely on the Alliance's powerful military force to completely resolve the threat of G'huun.

King Rastakhan, who adheres to tradition, believes that Jaina of Kul Tiras is the wife of Tyran Fordring, and he cannot handle the relationship between Kul Tiras and Zandalar fairly. His daughter, Princess Talanji, supports her father. But privately, she believes that Tyran Fordring is a demigod who never engages in genocide except for the harming old gods. Why can't Zandalar join the Alliance? Her father must have been bewitched by Bwonsamdi.

Princess Talanji has always been a staunch believer in Rezan. As death approaches, her father begins to waver and begins to connect with the god of death.

She even revealed during a drunken encounter that Bwonsamdi himself was too scared to face Taelan Fordring.

Interestingly, Bwonsamdi did not dare to show up, and Rezan made it clear that as a demigod of the wilderness, he was no match for the Guardian Knights of Azeroth.

"The Zandalari need to hold a meeting to decide."

Thrall agreed with its suggestion and watched the Zandalari troll representatives walk out of the Valley of Wisdom.

Gallywix, the representative of the goblins, stated on the spot that as long as the Horde gave it the project of building a city in Draenor, it would go to Draenor with the Horde.

No matter when, making money is the most important thing. It didn't make much money by choosing to join the tribe. It felt that it was not as powerful as Gazlowe, the second chief engineer of the Alliance, in its own race. The latter personally fought in the battle of Pandaria and defeated a hero with a brand new Azerite armored robot, vindicating the goblin race.

It wants to become the biggest contractor in Draenor!
(End of this chapter)

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