Chapter 286 The Human World

Bonnie Haistan, a soldier of Nethergarde. To be more precise, he is a quartermaster and a part-time bartender. He is responsible for supplying drinks and food to Nethergarde.

However, he himself had not seen wine for a long time. All he could distribute was some food shipped from Khaz Modan and some game he hunted.

This place was polluted by the fel magic of the orc warlocks, and many animals had mutated. They had become poisonous. At the beginning, greedy warriors often secretly caught small animals and roasted them for food. For this reason, several people went to see the Holy Light. Now, the greedy ones are gone, and the remaining ones are either lucky or disciplined.

Soon after Varian Wrynn returned to Stormwind with Lordaeron's support and became king, a new Countess cut off support to Nethergarde Keep, and no new soldiers were added.

Bonnie Hestan is a native of Lordaeron, and he is proud of it. His family is a small farmer who has made a living by farming for generations.

His father, old Hestan, had three children, and he was the youngest. Generally speaking, parents like the youngest. But Hestan's family is an exception. Hestan's eldest brother is calm and steady, and old Hestan is most satisfied with him. He is also very methodical. His second sister is shrewd and knows how to fight for benefits for herself when she was very young. Whenever there is something delicious, old Hestan will leave it to his only daughter.

As for Bonnie Hestan, he was stubborn and had a strong sense of justice. The person he admired most was the great knight of the Alliance, Taelan Fording. His family lived in Felstone Manor. As Taelan Fording's fiefdom expanded, his hometown became part of Taelan Fording's fiefdom.

His admiration for Tyran Fording began when Tyran Fording killed the "Gentleman". That big wild boar killed his childhood playmate, Little Lyanna. It was Tyran Fording who killed the cunning wild boar to avenge his little friend.

Later, his family won a turning point. Taelan Fording implemented a civilian education plan, and all the direct subjects of Hearthglen had the opportunity to become apprentices of Hearthglen Cathedral. They could receive three years of free education there. With the help of the power of the church, this plan was passed.

It was this school that provided the first batch of backbone forces for Tyran Fording, and many members of the Azelena Crusaders came from this church school.

In fact, Bonnie Heistan and old Heistan are the same person, and the stubborn character of the youngest son is most like him. At that time, the people of Hearthglen enjoyed the best hidden welfare in all of Lordaeron. Their children had three options:

The first is to continue further study after receiving free education. In the future, you may become a scholar or a professional. For example, if you are found to have a talent for magic, you can become a wizard or a priest. At the worst, you can become an official of Hearthglen.

The second is to join the army. The Alliance has been at war, and there is a shortage of soldiers in various regions. After a period of training, they will take up arms and become ordinary warriors. This path is the most dangerous and the easiest. As long as you are not afraid of death, you can become a warrior. Of course, you will become a statistic. Hearthglen is better, they will receive longer training. The family can also get more pensions.

Of course, the locals prefer to join the private armed forces of the Tyran Fording family directly, but this team has a limited number of people and higher requirements.

Another way is for the son to follow in his father's footsteps. For example, Helen and Paris, if they were not Tyran Fording, they would have inherited their parents' professions. Paris would most likely learn from his father and become a shoemaker in the future. Helen would probably first work as a servant in a noble or wealthy family to earn money for the family. When she gets older, she will find a suitable family to marry.

Since Tyran Fording took over his father's title, he stipulated that all the people of Hearthglen have the opportunity to receive three years of free education. During this period, they do not need to pay tuition, but only need to help maintain the school and participate in some voluntary labor.

This policy changed the fate of many people.

Bonnie Hestan's eldest brother studied hard, quickly distinguished himself, and was given the opportunity to pursue further studies, which made Bonnie Hestan proud of him.

Hurt often comes from comparison, and this hurt Bonnie a lot.

Then there is his second sister. This girl was very talented in studying, but unfortunately her fate was not very good.

After Tyran Fording won the Battle of Grim Batol, he was collectively ostracized by the nobles and had to turn to the backstage. This made many people lose the opportunity to study. The Alliance opened up the land passage of the Sador Bridge, which made them need more civilians and soldiers.

In order to allow his eldest son, who had excellent academic performance, to continue his studies and eventually have a good future in the capital of Lordaeron, old Hestan decided to let his second daughter and youngest son drop out of school to increase the family income and support the "huge" expenses.

In fact, Bonnie Hestan's mother had already persuaded old Hestan. The capital of Lordaeron was no better than Hearthglen. At least here they would not starve to death, nor would they be oppressed by the nobles. Taelan Fordring would protect his subjects. Let the eldest son graduate early and work as a clerk in the apothecary store of Lady Jaina, who was already known as the mistress of Hearthglen.

But she could not change her husband's decision. He planned to let their daughter work as a servant in a rich family or let their youngest son join the army.

At that time, Prince Arthas took a group of men to support Tyran Fording. But the Grim Batol region was too large, and not only did they have to control the fortress, they also needed to replenish troops in many places.

Old Hestan began to think that it might be a better choice for his youngest son to join the army. The king would give a considerable amount of compensation to serve in the kingdom's army. This money, plus the family's savings, was enough for his eldest son to go to Lordaeron for further studies.

Unexpectedly, Bonnie Haistan's sister was a very opinionated person. She "eloped" with a bard the day before her father found her a job! She never came back.

It's okay to say that old Haistan didn't like his youngest son, but he absolutely loved his daughter. He didn't care about anything else, even the crops. He only took a little money, got a pass and went to find his daughter.

Azeroth is not a blue planet. For ordinary people, walking away is enough to solve 99% of the troubles. The remaining 1% is Malygos's wish. But no one would ask a magic king to perform a wish for a willful girl.

So his sister disappeared and his mother fell ill. Bonnie Hestan thought his father should give up and stay at home to farm. He knew his sister too well. She would not come back. She would not give up her life's happiness for her brother's matter.

But the next day, his father came back with a dark face. His face was even a little distorted. He handed him a document.

His enlistment application. If it weren't for Taelan Fording's compulsory education, he would never have known what it was.

He was recommended to join the Alliance Army. The base was in Watchtower, far away in the southern continent. It was a wilderness. It couldn't be said that there was no grass, but it was still poisonous. No one wanted to serve there. Only families with no money or power, or families who couldn't afford to eat, would send their children to serve there.

When Bonnie Haistan saw the word Nethergarde, his mind was in a mess. He knew Paris, the paladin, who was a good guy. Apart from having many girlfriends, he was fine. He only drank with friends, and once he drank too much, he would talk without restraint. Fortunately, he never drank with people he didn't know well. Otherwise, his superiors would have to kick him out.

He learned from him that the death rate of the garrison in Nethergarde was ten times higher than that in the Battle of Grim Batol. In addition to the harsh natural environment, there were also four major enemies.

Orcs, Draenei, Air, Demons.

The Dark Portal was closed, but some powerful creatures could still open it temporarily with the help of some powerful artifacts. For example, Ner'zhul and Talon Gorefiend. In order to seize the artifact, Talon Gorefiend entered Azeroth through the Dark Portal. That attack killed half of the soldiers in Nethergarde. Later, Grom Hellscream's team also attacked here. They were just exploring the way, and when they saw that the Dark Portal was not open, they retreated. But this attack still took away hundreds of lives.

To be precise, those Draenei should be called Broken. They have become very scary. Their sturdy bodies, exposed teeth, and ferocious temperaments are intimidating.

The air is due to fel magic. Gul'dan, as the first warlock among the orcs, brought fel energy to Azeroth. The air near the Dark Portal is filled with the breath of fel magic. These things have turned this place into a barren land.

Not to mention the demons, all creatures in Azeroth are afraid of demons, and they have always wanted to destroy Azeroth.

The Dark Portal caused the Alliance to suffer heavy casualties. At that time, Tyran Fordring proposed to rebuild Nethergarde and asked for the help of druids, even that Balborian Winterrunner, to repair the damage to nature here as soon as possible.

As a result, the nobles didn't care about these things at all. They were busy dividing the benefits brought by Tyran Fording. This matter soon came to nothing with Tyran Fording's retirement.

Old Hestan was already insane. After losing his daughter, he felt that his world had fallen and he couldn't live anymore. He thought about it all night and finally made up his mind. He still had a younger son. He looked down on his younger son. He didn't study hard. He would rather stare at cow dung than read a page of a book. He was extremely disappointed in him. He felt that he should have some brains and shouldn't think about being a hero all day. Can you be a hero? Why don't you study hard and farm. Make some contributions to the family. When the eldest son becomes successful, maybe he can help him. This will also make him stand up straight.

So the next day, he signed the document agreeing to his son's enlistment and took it home.

Soon, Boni Haistan exchanged it for fifty gold coins. This way, the tuition for the eldest son was settled, and the place for the youngest son to go was also settled.

Soon, Bonnie Haistan packed a small bag. There were only five copper coins and a piece of dry bread in the bag. The only valuable thing was a hardcover diary. It was given to him by Paris. He could read and write. Although it was not much, it was considered a cultured person in this era.

Generally speaking, the lives of people in Hearthglen are much better than those in other places. At least they can read. In other places, this is very rare. They can use this to find a decent job.

Bonnie Hestan became an administrator and bartender precisely because he could write and keep accounts.

He never returned home after he left Hearthglen. He mailed all his allowance home so that his mother could live better.

A few years passed in a flash. Bad news came one after another. The great lord he admired, Taelan Fording, was besieged and killed. His mother also passed away. From then on, he never wrote to his family again.

After the fall of Lordaeron, Lady Jaina Proudmoore led the people of Hearthglen to the expedition to Kalimdor. Then Stormwind stopped sending new soldiers, and then stopped sending food and military funds. This place has become a complete abandonment. I don't know how his brother is doing. Is his father okay?

No one cares about this place anymore. It's as if they no longer exist. The Dark Portal is such a dangerous place, but no one cares about them anymore. But they can't leave here, they are soldiers. Once the Dark Portal opens again, there will be a new catastrophe.

Now their only source of survival supplies is the supplies brought by the dwarves of Khaz Modan and a small amount of military support.

The leaders of Nethergarde are now General Lodenson and Archmage Saslanan. Soldiers have been sacrificed one after another. Bonnie Hestan has now become the third most important person here. Lodenson is responsible for managing the entire fortress. The Archmage is responsible for spell support and commanding the few mages. He is also responsible for monitoring the energy fluctuations of the Dark Portal. Bonnie Hestan is responsible for logistics.

Among these people, Bonnie Hestan looks the oldest. He is obviously younger than Paris, but he has wrinkles on his face even though he is in his twenties. He worries about what to eat next every day. One day he will cook himself for everyone to eat.

General Lordsen once said:
"If I hadn't personally received the commission from Grand Marshal Taelan Fording, I would have let you run away. What's the point of guarding this place where no one cares?

Isn't it to keep an eye on the orcs and the demons? We are staying here just to let our compatriots live safely, even though they no longer care about us. "

The Archmage complained about the damned Wrynn family. He was also thinking about how to grow some plants as vegetables. Unfortunately, the results were not ideal. There was only one kind of grass that was edible, but it was not poisonous enough to kill people. One bite would make people vomit out the food they had eaten the previous night.

In the end, what kept them going was the news of Grand Marshal Tyran Fordring's victory and some of the supplies and funds he asked the dwarf king Magni Bronzebeard to send.

Taelan Fordring first led his army to successfully retreat and sailed to Kalimdor.

Soon through the goblin merchants, they learned that the Grand Marshal had defeated the Burning Legion at Mount Hyjal.

Later, the new alliance was established. Bonnie and his two colleagues agreed that they should be managed by the new alliance. As for Stormwind City, let the Wrynn family, who often "owed wages", go to hell!
The sun rose as usual today.

Bonnie suddenly felt the atmosphere at the front line boiling.

"Bonnie, come on! Come and see!"

"What are you yelling about so early in the morning? Even in a thousand years, nothing will be different. Every day is the same. No matter how much you yell, you won't get four dishes!" Bonnie replied in dissatisfaction. But he still opened the door.

"The dwarven brothers from Khaz Modan have sent food again?"

Lordsen was as happy as a child. He handed the roll of paper in his hand to Bonny Hestan.

The scroll was stamped with a seal, the arms of House Taelan Fordring. He knew his lord's arms. It was designed by Lady Jaina herself.

He excitedly opened the scroll of orders, and then said in a trembling voice: "The Grand Marshal has issued an order. The portal will be opened soon, and the elite crusaders of the Alliance will soon set out on an expedition to Draenor!"

"The Grand Marshal is finally here! We are no longer homeless children. We no longer have to wander around like those Broken Ones!"

At this time, Archmage Saslanan inserted a golden crystal into a selected magic network node.

Both Rodsen and Bonnie knew this thing, it was called Azerite Crystal. After several years of development, Azerite Crystal replaced magic gems and various energy supply devices and became the standard equipment for Alliance warriors.

According to the great wizard, it can actually cure "demon addiction".

As the crystal emitted purple light, a huge portal opened!
The first person to come out was a minotaur with two huge horns on his head.

Baine Bloodhoof replaced Paris and became Taelan Fordring's student and adjutant. Bonnie once lamented that lust was his downfall.

Next came a handsome and strong man, who was none other than the Alliance hero, Tyran Fordring.

Following them were Lady Jaina Proudmoore, Archmage Dusatus and others.

The most surprising thing was that the people who came out later were all green-skinned orcs.

Soon, Maerlan, the commander of the coalition forces, briefed them on the situation.

Bonnie Hestan pulled out a hardcover notebook, fumbled in his pocket for a moment, then pulled out a pen and turned to the latest page.

After the Alliance killed Y'Shaarj, it was written: "A year later, the Alliance returned to Nethergarde. I finally met my lord, Taelan Fordring.

I feel that I am no longer alone. I have lived in this cruel and ruthless world, and after experiencing so many ups and downs, it finally brought me new hope and final salvation. "

These ten years of perseverance are worth it! ”

(End of this chapter)

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