Enter World of Warcraft with Dark Skills

Chapter 287 The Road to Home

Chapter 287 The way home
Ten years later, Taelan Fordring visited the Dark Portal again.

This magnificent and huge door is the beginning of the disaster for the entire world of Azeroth. It is also the origin of all stories.

Decades had passed, but the sword-holding statues on both sides of the gate were still as good as new, as if they had not been affected by the passage of time. Right above was a giant snake, an image that Taelan Fording seemed to have seen in his dreams.

If Taelan Fordring was asked what this snake resembled, the only thing he could think of was Jörmungandr, the Serpent of Midgard.

Today, as the Grand Marshal of the Alliance, he will open the door again, solve this evil once and for all, and then find a way to restore the vitality of this land.

He turned to look at his wife.

Jaina understood what he meant immediately.

The Azerite gem "Rising Sun" evolved from Dawn tore a rift from the void. Then it began to revolve around Jaina. Every rotation would provide new power to the archmage.

Jaina raised the Soul Seeker staff high in the air. A purple arcane glow began to shine.

Several mages who came out of the portal began to input magical power into the forming magic circle.

Then an enormous city quietly slid out of the void bit by bit!
Jaina Proudmoore's personal car, independent magic tower, Naxxramas!
A massive Azerite gemstone is set into its pinnacle, pulsing with light in the same rhythm as the "rising sun" that surrounds Jaina.

Soon, the Azerite gemstone inserted in the ground was surrounded by beams of teleportation, and a large number of warriors were teleported from Naxxramas to the ground.

Tall and mighty Tauren in heavy armor; Human Paladin in plate armor; Griffin with snow-white feathers and strong Dwarf riders; Sentinel riding Night Blade Panther; High Elf Mage holding a staff; Pandaren Monk wearing a bamboo hat. These troops are not numerous, but each of them is an elite.

The portal on the side never stopped. More and more orcs came, men, women, old and young. Next came the trolls, and finally a group of naga and goblins. They were numerous, but except for the orcs directly commanded by Saurfang, they were all in a mess.

At this moment, a beam of light flashed, and a tall high elf wizard walked towards Taelan Fordring.

"Grand Marshal, can we begin?"

Three orbs representing arcane, ice, and fire burned quietly above his head. He was Kael'thas Sunstrider, the principal of the Alliance Mage Academy, the king of the high elves, and the leader of the expeditionary mage corps.

Taelan Fording whispered, "Let's get started, Kyle. Be safe!"

At this time, a red-haired human male came up behind him, with a strand of red hair standing stubbornly in the morning sun: "The Book of Medivh is here. It's absolutely safe!"

It's not the critical moment yet, and Taelan Fording still doesn't trust Rhonin. This guy is just like Brian Bronzebeard, he is only reliable at the critical moment.

Normally, they would use Pyroblast to open doors and transform into King of the Hill to touch electric switches. Moreover, Ronin often took Taelan to do some dangerous experiments. He even dragged his friends to experiment with Chaos Teleport. This made Jaina very unhappy.

It is worth mentioning that his anti-gravity experiment was a great success after referring to Taelan's new spell, Holy Light Grip. Naxxramas is about to get a new upgrade, it will become larger and faster.

The Alliance was now stronger than ever, and the two teams of archmages quickly approached the Dark Portal. Taelan Fordring waved his hand, and the Book of Medivh floated in the air. Kael'thas and Rhonin took the lead in studying the powerful array buried in the Dark Portal.

"The technology used in this interstellar portal is very strange." Roning's brows quickly frowned.

Kael'thas also discovered the secret of the energy flow inside: "It has been modified by humans. These magic arrays are very ancient. It is very stable and powerful. It can even communicate between the other world and this world."

Ronin said: "This is not a problem for me. I am studying a spell based on Azerite crystals. I call it Elemental Decomposition."

"If this magic research succeeds, I can dismantle this interstellar portal."

Taelan Fording said: "Well, let's get started! Open this portal. As for dismantling it, it's easy. The Titan's Grip will crush it in just a second."

The Titan's Grip is very powerful, but it consumes too much energy. If Star Soul hadn't lent him the energy last time, he would not have been able to recover until now.

The two great wizards stopped talking. They each led a team of wizards to start breaking the magic circle. Simply opening the portal was easy. But what they needed was to completely control the portal. To put it bluntly, it was to install a remote control and a lock for the portal.

Thrall in the distance looked at those gorgeously equipped magic masters with envy. There was a little girl among them. She looked less than 20 years old. But she was the backbone of the group. There was an Azerite crystal on her forehead, and she looked childish.

Pamela Redpath, the youngest Grand Mage in the Alliance. She saw the sacrifices of her compatriots and her father's struggle during the Scourge invasion, which awakened her talent and made her a mage apprentice. After studying for a period of time, she advanced at lightning speed and finally became a Grand Mage a few months ago.

Her talent lies in her mastery of energy level calculations, and her specialty is the magic circle which is currently the most sought after magic circle among wizards.

Ten great wizards worked together to crack it, and even the Dark Portal could not stop their energy invasion. If they wanted, they could even create another guardian.

Soon, the hollow door of the Dark Portal was ignited by star-like energy, and a constantly rotating energy stream appeared in the middle.

Boom! The starry sky quickly disappeared, and the Dark Portal connected Azeroth and Draenor. It turned into a mirror, reflecting the scene on the other side.

The connection between the two worlds caused the entire Dark Portal to shake. At this moment, five dragons suddenly appeared in the void. A blue dragon was surrounded by glittering focusing rainbows.

"Really? You are still too young. You can't do anything well."

He mobilized his power. Soon the shaking ended and the Dark Portal opened.

Another world opened its arms to them.

After the Blue Dragon King Malygos finished speaking, a vicissitudes of life voice continued: "In the end, it is these old hands that will save us.

I'm about to find that guy's grave. I'm even ready to dance. You had to call me here."

Jaina glared at Brian Bronzebeard. He had no choice but to shut up. He is the capitalist, you can't afford to offend him! You can't afford to offend him!

Taelan Fordring declared loudly:
"A new expedition has begun! We must once and for all sever the Burning Legion's hand from reaching into Draenor.

Soldiers of the Alliance, attack! "

Baine Bloodhoof summoned the Holy Light and rushed into the Dark Portal first. He knew that his father had gone to Kul Tiras, where a more difficult battle was waiting for him. Not only him, but all the dragons would rush to Kul Tiras.

The purpose of this war was to escort the orcs out of the country and bring back the expeditionary soldiers. But Baine knew that the truth was far more than that. His mentor had more goals.

Saurfang is a warrior with a sense of honor. Although humans cannot be considered their allies, a temporary alliance is not a reason for the orcs to be cowards.

He chose to let Thrall take over his command mission. He chose to follow Taelan Fordring and lead the charge!

He raised his battle axe and uttered a battle cry, "For the horde!"

The fearless orc warriors responded immediately and shouted: "Lok'Tar Ogar!"

Dranosh Saurfang quickly followed in his father's footsteps:
"Wolf Riders, charge! For the tribe!"

This was the first time the Alliance and the Horde had cooperated. This coalition had more orcs, while the Alliance had only a small number of elites. They had a common goal. The orcs wanted to go home. The Alliance wanted to bring back their compatriots and end the decades of darkness.

Thrall looked at the world of Azeroth with nostalgia. He was different from other orcs. He was born in Azeroth and grew up in Azeroth. He was an Azeroth orc. But his final destination was Draenor, the homeland of orcs!
Here, under the purifying light of Taelan Fording, the influence of the evil energy has temporarily subsided, and the environment here has become comfortable.

Sal is wise, and the education he received in his childhood made him understand:
Although the good garden is nice, it is not a place to stay for long. It is time to say goodbye to Azeroth. It is good that the Alliance did not start a war to destroy them.

Goodbye Azeroth! Forever.

It suppressed its reluctance to leave and commanded its troops to enter the Dark Portal one by one.

When the last orc in the group walked through the Dark Portal,
The blue dragon king led the way into Naxxramas, and the red dragon queen Alexstrasza quickly led the remaining dragons into the fortress. The entire fortress was shrouded in purple arcane light and green dream power, and then disappeared.

In an instant, the busy Watchtower fell silent, and the evil energy that had been expelled began to grow again. General Lodenson sighed, "Bonnie followed his lord and left. He probably won't come back."

The archmage said, "We will be transferred to new posts soon. It is the Grand Marshal who sympathizes with our difficulties. I can also go and see the new Silvermoon City and study the latest Azerite energy." He paused.

"It's great that the prince is still alive!"

“I hope my comrades return safely, and may the Grand Marshal be invincible!
Brothers, return to the fortress and stand guard for the last time."

Draenor, Path of the Damned.

The ground was glaring red soil, the sky was red demonic clouds; the red-skinned orcs and demons were attacking between heaven and earth. There was a road in the middle with white spots. The surroundings were all rugged ground and rough gravel.

A young and beautiful Draenei woman raised a warhammer and blew up the head of a hellhound that had two disgusting tentacles erected to absorb energy. Then she nimbly dodged a battle axe that was chopped over. At the same time, she raised her left hand and cast an exorcism spell to knock down the corpse summoned by the orc warlock.

The dual attributes of the undead and the demon caused the corpse to suffer double damage from the exorcism. It struggled and fell to the ground. The huge corpse temporarily blocked the attacks of several evil orc warriors.

A childish voice asked, "Yrel, will the redeemer predicted by the prophet really come to save us?"

Several legion portals in the distance began to summon demons, and the red-skinned orcs temporarily stopped attacking and began to gather their troops. The next attack would be like a landslide or tsunami. Even if he came, could he defeat so many demons?

"Zerila, I don't know. I only know that in order to find the savior, the prophet rejected the invitation of Naru'adal, and he didn't even believe Akama's words."

"Pray, Zerilla. If He doesn't come, we will all die here. The Draenei will either perish completely or become the Eredar and slaughter innocent people on other planets."

"May the Holy Light bless you!"

Zerilla raised her young face and looked at the newly adult Yrel and said, "I heard that Nobundo is back? What is he doing here?"

Yrel is the best paladin among the new generation of Draenei, and she can get in touch with more important people. This is not comparable to Zerella, who has just become a priest.

"Yes, Nobundo is back. He is not here to find us, he is here to find his oracle. That is the one the prophet mentioned!"

Zerella recognized the accent: "He? Not him?"

"Yes, Him! A male who is close to God."

This is what the strange demon told the prophet. He had deposited a treasure with the prophet and asked him to bring it to Him.

Yrel didn't know why the prophet agreed to his request. He was a demon, but he called himself a demon hunter in private, and many people from Azeroth supported him. He always attacked the Draenei fiercely, took away their territory, and took them as prisoners. He corrupted his compatriots and made them work for him.

Now the army of the Burning Legion came, and he seemed to have lost his leadership. He had not appeared for a long time. Later, a woman hiding in the shadows delivered something, and she also took away several tribesmen. Then the prophet rejected the invitation of the Naaru and led them along the cursed road to the bottom of the Dark Portal.

This is a cursed road, a painful road for the Draenei, and a road of blood and tears. It is made of the white bones of the Draenei.

Back then, the evil orc demigod warlock Gul'dan corrupted all orcs and started a war with the Draenei.

In the end, the orcs defeated the draenei and reduced their city to ashes. Here, Gul'dan used fel magic to extract the vitality of all the draenei captives and opened the Dark Portal, allowing the orcs to enter Azeroth. This was the origin of the first war between humans and beasts.

Soon, red dust flew, and a new round of demon attacks began, this time with three times the force of the last time. Yrel's keen battlefield intuition told her that the final battle had begun.

Zerilla said in a childish voice, "It's the prophet! The prophet Velen is here!"

Sure enough, the prophet came with a staff and robes. He should have felt that the time for the decisive battle had come.

The fate of the draenei depends on this attack. Hopefully it's not too late.

There was no fairness or justice on the battlefield. There was only victory and defeat. Soon the red waves crashed into the blue sandbank. Shouts of killing, curses, angry war cries, and the devil's laughter filled the battlefield.

As soon as the demons launched their attack, the ground began to shake, and a huge doomsday mecha stepped forward from a distance. It was several hundred meters tall, and with every step it took, death was one step closer to the Draenei.

This was just the beginning. A tall dreadlord also showed its true form. In this world without the protection of the Star Soul, they can use their own power unscrupulously. The demon commander of Hellfire Peninsula has arrived. It is an old friend of Tyran Fordring. It is Kazzak. It has been resurrected first and has been re-injected with powerful evil power by the demon lord.

Now the lives of the Draenei were counted by the footsteps of the Doomsday Mechs. At this moment, the entire Hellfire Peninsula shook. The Dark Portal, which had been silent until now, began to glow.

First, the eyes of the sword-wielding guard knights on both sides emitted a purple arcane glow, and then the entire gate was filled with energy. The scene of the land of Azeroth appeared on the Hellfire Peninsula.

The first person to appear was a tall figure of a Minotaur Paladin wearing plate armor and with huge horns on his head. Then came a whole team of Paladins and Minotaur Elite Guards. Behind them was an Orc warrior holding a giant axe.

Soon, the paladins and tall tauren warriors stood in two rows. They knelt on one knee in unison and thrust their weapons into the ground with both hands.

A major earthquake occurred throughout the Hellfire Peninsula, and the Dark Portal was shaking violently, as if it was under some kind of pressure. Zerila was really worried that it would explode.

Then the scarlet sky was torn apart, and the long-lost warm sunlight fell. The Hellfire Peninsula was surrounded by a sound like a broken mirror. Many floating islands began to break into pieces, and rocks flew everywhere.

Zerila was surprised and asked, "Is the Dark Portal going to explode?"

Yrel whispered, "No, it is an energy body that the Dark Portal cannot withstand that is about to pass through here. A great being is about to come. He is coming!"

"Really? You are still too young and can't do anything right." A reproachful voice sounded. The entire space stopped shattering.

Then a human who looked very short to the tall Draenei appeared in the Dark Portal. He was wearing a suit of judgment armor with eight wings behind him. A hooded cloak made of holy light power covered his face.

Taelan Fordring is here!

The blue halo under his feet flashed and disappeared. Snap! All the demons and orcs on the entire Hellfire Peninsula were instantly frozen by the ice layer reflecting blue light. Even the tall Doomsday Mech was no exception.

At the same time, Shadowmoon Valley, Dark Temple.

A rough female voice said, "The time has come!"

A man with wings on his back had green magical light in his eyes.

"He's here! The main force of the demons has also set out! Our chance has come! I just don't know how many of them will be able to come back!"

"Illidari, Watchers, go!"

(End of this chapter)

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