Enter World of Warcraft with Dark Skills

Chapter 289: Everyone’s life is full of suffering, and then they swallow it themselves

Chapter 289: Everyone’s life is full of suffering, and then they swallow it themselves
War is a battle of technology and power. War is an art. But war is essentially the last resort for organizations to deal with resource allocation. The outcome of a war is determined by the combined strength of the two groups. It is also affected by a variety of conditions.

For example, the general's command ability, the people's support, and even unexpected situations.

The war in Hellfire Peninsula is very strange. The Alliance has the strongest combat power here, but they have to travel a long distance, have difficulty in supply, and are at a disadvantage in terms of numbers. They are composed of some orcs who betrayed the Burning Legion, some humans, draenei, some Broken Shaman priests, and short goblins.

The Legion has the advantage in numbers and terrain, but its top combat power is at a disadvantage. If the two sides start a war quickly, the outcome will probably be a loss for both sides. The Legion will pay the price of the death of many high-ranking generals. The Alliance will sacrifice all its low-ranking troops, and Tyran Fordring will become a commander without troops.

By then, Kazzak was afraid that Illidan would seize his power and become the final winner. And Taelan Fording would lose all his subordinates, but he himself could not be killed, and he would become a more terrifying lone wolf. Every life on this planet would become his prey.

So, let's delay it, it's better for everyone. It's better to live in peace until the demon lord Archimonde comes here. Then it won't have any responsibility.

So the Draenor version of the Sit-In War began!

Ozarella was lucky to survive. At that time, she was facing the tall magic mecha. If she waited a few seconds, the kick would come down. Then there would be a bloody battle. It would not stop until the important parts of the magic mecha were destroyed by magic.

But nothing happened. The "angelic" human turned into holy light and appeared directly in the sky a hundred meters high. He thrust his sword into the head of the giant mecha. The mecha "killed" him with one punch.

Then the man fell from midair. He punched the magic mech in the void. A terrifying milky white ball of light pushed the huge mech that was falling towards the Draenei position to the other side.

When her eyes caught up with him, he had already returned to his men.
"Huh!" Zerila breathed a sigh of relief and lived another day.

Since she was born, there has been no day without war. Every day, people die. Every day, there are disputes. Life doesn't even give them a break.

Her parents still missed the magnificent Karabor Temple, but she could only imagine the snack shops in the hidden villages.

They managed to escape the extinction of the orcs, withstood the sneak attack of the arakkoa, and gained the power of the Holy Light. But the Burning Legion came again.

They are much more vicious than the demon hunter Illidan. He would only capture you and make you his soldier. But the Burning Legion will directly corrupt you and kill you!

Death was so close to them. According to the long life span of the Draenei, she was not even an adult yet. From her tender horns, it could be seen that she was a few years younger than Yrel. But she had to take up arms and become a battlefield priest. She hid behind the unsteady Paladin Yrel to help her compatriots make their final struggle.

Her eyes were fixed on Taelan Fordring. He looked just like the angel that had appeared in her dreams. He was not as tall as the draenei male, but much stronger. When he appeared, everyone's eyes followed him.

Her father once told her that he had been to a small world. Because the Draenei had a long lifespan and advanced technology, the people in that world regarded them as gods. But Taelan Fording was more like a god than the Draenei. He had eight wings and a cloak. He was more like the Spirit of Light than those jigsaw puzzle-like Naaru that everyone saw in dreams.

The battle is over.

Zerella watched as the wings behind Tyran Fording drooped. He raised his hand and lifted his mask, revealing a handsome face. Except for the fact that he had no horns, he was indeed a handsome man.

Prophet Velen comforted his people and asked Yrel to stay and take care of them. In fact, there were only a few Draenei who could come here. And there were men, women, old and young. Like Tyran Fordring in the past, he chose to bring all the children with him. These children are the hope of this race.

As the youngest disciple of the prophet, Zerilla got the opportunity to participate in high-level meetings.

Taelan Fordring, his wife, Baine Bloodhoof, Prince Kael'thas, and Shandris Feathermoon were waiting for the arrival of the rest of the group at the bottom of the Dark Portal.

Soon Velen brought his young apprentice to meet Taelan Fordring.

Zerella poked her head out from behind the prophet's large robes and looked at the bigwigs one by one.

The handsome man in the middle is Taelan Fordring, the commander of this battle and the representative of the Azeroth Expedition.

Next to Him stood a woman in a gorgeous robe. She was very young, but had a strand of white hair on her forehead. She was not very beautiful, but cute enough. Because Zerila was a very beautiful little girl.

She must be His wife, her face was filled with a happy smile. He must love His wife very much, because she was wearing a very precious ring on her left ring finger. Surrounded by a powerful magical gem.

Zerila thought that the demigod must listen to his wife in private, because she noticed that the demigod was carrying a mooncloth bag sewn with poor stitches.

On the other side of Tyran Fordring stood a burly orc, wearing black plate armor and carrying a huge warhammer on his back, with tiny lightning flashing from the hammer from time to time.

Orcs, humans, and Draenei all have deep hatred for each other. But there is no bloodthirsty and violent light in this orc's eyes. Except for the green skin and two fangs, it actually has a similar expression and behavior to Tyran Fordring.

Behind the orc stood two guards holding weapons. One of the orcs was not very old, but had white hair. He was burly and had a serious face. But he was not on guard at all. He stood to the right of Taelan Fording, and the distance between them was very close. Obviously, the hatred of race did not devour their friendship.

This orc won the respect of the demigod. And it stood very forward. Zerila was a sensitive girl. She found that this orc should be one of the commanders of this military operation. She saw fatigue, regret and sympathy in the orc's eyes. It was completely different from those crazy evil orcs.

On the other side of the middle-aged orc stood a young orc. What was strange was that the person he worshipped was not his own leader, nor the orc on the other side who looked very similar to him, but Taelan Fordring.

She was smart and immediately figured out the reason. Orcs were a martial race and they worshipped powerful forces. She heard from her father that orcs respected the chieftain of the Warsong Clan, Grommash Hellscream, because he could hunt Gronn alone!
The Fel Mech was a monster as powerful as Gruul the Dragon Slayer. Tyran Fordring killed it cleanly in front of everyone and turned the situation on the battlefield around. This move must have won the respect of all the orcs.

Behind Tyran Fording stood a tall and honest Tauren Paladin, who was filled with the same holy light as Tyran Fording. He should be the successor chosen by Tyran Fording.

Next to Taelan Fording's wife was a slender woman with a longbow on her back, followed by a snow-white leopard. Zerella looked at the lady's night saber leopard curiously. At this time, a cooing sound came from the void. A translucent eagle landed on her shoulder.

She leaned close to Taelan Fordring and whispered a few words.

Taelan Fording said: "Let us go and meet him!"

But before Tyran Fording and his companions stepped down from the Dark Portal altar, a knight came over quickly.

Through the raised visor, one could see that the knight had a weathered face. He was wearing a military uniform and had taken off his helmet. His hair was already very thin. He raised his hand and performed a salute of the Knights of the Silver Hand.

This was the most appropriate etiquette he knew to show to the marshal who had accomplished great achievements.

"Hello, Marshal!"

"Welcome to Draenor, it's great to have you here!

I salute you on behalf of the Sons of Lothar!"

He sincerely shook Taelan Fordring's hand and said, "For countless days and nights in Draenor, I have been thinking about the day when I can return to Stromgarde."

"May your holy light illuminate the path of the son of Lothar!" Tyran Fordring also shook the calloused hand of the visitor: "General Danath Trollbane! This is one of the reasons why we are here.

Our Titan is calling her children home!"

Actually, Danath Trollbane is Tyran Fordring's predecessor. But this is a world of swords and magic! The strong naturally have advantages. And demigods are even more noble. Also, this is a military camp. Tyran Fordring is his superior. Tyran Fordring is the Grand Marshal appointed by the current Supreme King of the Alliance, Calia Menethil. In theory, all the armies of the member countries are his subordinates.

Zerila observed every leader here curiously.

The prophet Velen turned his head and whispered to Zerila, "Child, observe carefully and learn well. These people will be your superiors, friends, and colleagues in the future.

You have to learn how they handle things and integrate into the league as quickly as possible."

Zerila nodded seriously...

The meeting was very successful. The Alliance and the Horde reached a consensus, which was to destroy the Burning Legion led by Kazzak. It would be best if his master Archimonde could be destroyed as well.

Finally, King Kael'thas reported the intelligence obtained by the Mage Corps through magic detection. To the east of the platform where Kil'jaeden's throne was located, there was a large magic forging camp. There were continuously producing magic mechas. The entire Hellfire Peninsula was in time and space chaos. Many portals were working. This showed that a force was constantly sending troops to this world.

After the meeting, Thrall called out to Taelan Fordring:

"Grand Marshal, I have no malicious suspicion, but I always feel that you have other motives. In my impression, you have always been a paladin with a sense of honor. You can kill an orc warrior, but you will never hurt any child, even if it is an orc.

What brings you to Draenor with so many elite troops?"

Taelan Fording knew that he needed the orcs' sincere help now. But Thrall himself was not an orc in the traditional sense. He was one of the victims of Gul'dan's old tribe.

Taelan Fording raised his hand and summoned a holy light barrier, isolating the sound and all magical detection.

"Thrall! We have no personal hatred! You have not harmed humans. The blood feud between orcs and humans is a conspiracy. All the bloody killings are because of the Burning Legion and an organization that hides its head and tail. They let us kill each other.

And you orcs are the cannon fodder and executioners they have chosen.

I came here just to get a key!"

Taelan Fordring said sincerely: "Demons cannot be killed. As you can see, Kazzak is still alive. Just a few years after the Battle of Mount Hyjal, it's back again!
Archimonde was clearly killed by the World Tree, but he still came here."

Thrall had heard something about this: "Yes, I heard from Teacher Drek'Thar that demons will not die unless something takes away their souls.

This is so unfair! Our warriors only have one life. Why should they be immortal? You should have kept the sword."

Taelan Fording knew it was talking about Xal'atath, the soul-devouring one: "No, it's even more dangerous. But I discovered a secret."

Thrall stared at Tyran Fordring. He was a smart orc, and he knew that Tyran Fordring was a trustworthy person, but he could distinguish between friends and enemies, and would never harm the interests of the Alliance for selfish reasons. He had to confirm whether what he said was true or false.

It is a shaman. When it came to Draenor, it felt that its elemental power was restored. This world naturally recognized it, and its professional skills originally included foresight.

"When we slew Y'Shaarj, the dragons invaded the Emerald Dream. There they slew the first Satyr to ever walk Azeroth. From the depths of his mind, we learned the secret of the demon's resurrection.

All the demons of the Legion are bound to the Twisting Nether. Once they die, their souls will return to the Twisting Nether, where a Titan named Argus will resurrect them. Only demons killed in the Twisting Nether will truly die.

Only by killing Argus can we completely destroy them. Otherwise, we will never win."

"You actually want to kill a Titan?" Thrall said in surprise. "The orcs have gone through too much suffering and have borne too much sin. These sufferings have made it impossible for us to live in Azeroth with peace of mind. These sins have made Varok unable to sleep or eat. Now we actually want to kill a Titan? How many warriors will die?..."

Taelan Fordring stared into Thrall's eyes and said, "If the orcs had not been obsessed with power, how could they have ended up like this?"

"Whose life is not full of suffering, and then swallow it by oneself?"

"This is true for orcs and humans alike.

Just as the orcs' disaster came from Gul'dan and Ner'zhul, humans' disaster came from Kel'Thuzad and Medivh.

The demons have been plotting against our world. Azeroth, Draenor, which one doesn't have countless lives? As long as we are alive, they will not stop. "

Thrall knew that what Taelan Fordring said was right. If these demons were not completely dead, the orcs would never be able to live freely in Nagrand, let alone travel to Zangarmarsh. Their descendants would never have peace.

"Okay, you're right! But what's the point of us stalling here? Shouldn't we just destroy them directly? And then find a way to go to Argus?"

"No, we have to eliminate their main generals bit by bit here, not those little demons. There is a price to pay for resurrecting those big guys. They will definitely mobilize more troops here.

And I know they have the same idea! They want to invade Azeroth through the Dark Portal.

And when I came here, Azeroth was empty. They had other ideas. Kazzak did not rush up to slaughter these Draenei, but held on..."

Taelan Fording did not reveal his true purpose. That was that the demons had made another plan. Because he sensed an old friend: Archimonde.

Knowing that Prophet Velen is here, it should be Kil'jaeden who came to kill him! It is madly jealous of Prophet Velen, it should have come with Archimonde!
But it didn't come!
This was a kind and old voice saying, "The demons should want to take this opportunity to sneak attack the world of Azeroth! My old friend Kil'jaeden wants to devour Azeroth first, so that you will lose the help of the Titans, and then use the starships and the endless demon army to kill us all."

Velen is the only one here who knows the true purpose of Taelan Fording! This is also the reason why he led his people here.

Kil'jaeden wanted to reach the end of Origin, and he believed that no one could resist the power of Sargeras.

Archimonde wanted power.

What Taelan Fordring wants is the rise of the Titans of Azeroth.

What Thrall wants is to win redemption for the orcs and regain the glory of their ancestors.

And all he wanted was to go home! If he wanted to go home, he had to have a home. Argus had been destroyed, and only Azeroth could give him a new home!
(End of this chapter)

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