Enter World of Warcraft with Dark Skills

Chapter 290 Weiren, I want to prove to you that I am the right one!

Chapter 290 Weiren, I want to prove to you that I am the right one!
All peace between organizations is the result of struggle and compromise.

We can’t just fight, or we’ll end up in an endless war. We can’t just compromise, or we’ll end up in the abyss of destruction.

Sometimes, it is useless to protest. It is the instinct of every intelligent life to push for more.

Just like coaxing a child, if you reject him, he will cry, not because he wants to cry. That is his temptation. If you give in, he will cry even harder next time. So making a request -> rejection -> crying -> satisfaction -> more excessive demands will become an endless cycle. All the barbarity of scoundrels is the result of retreating. If he cries, you give him a big bag and he will stop immediately.

This was the war between Tyran Fordring and Kazzak. It wanted to delay Tyran Fordring, but it had to pay a price. Every tentative attack by the Burning Legion would be met with a strong blow from Tyran Fordring. After a few days, it had suffered heavy casualties. This forced it to calm down. And its great leader stopped in Oshu'gun.

It is said that it has found the power to defeat Tyran Fording: the angry heart of the Atama crystal! It will stay there to devour the power of the crystal and the big stone. And Kazzak's mission is to hold Tyran Fording back no matter what the cost.

The setting sun was like blood, and the day's battle was about to end. King Saurfang fulfilled his promise. The orcs were at the forefront, and they built the first line of defense. Shandris and Malan commanded the soldiers of the Alliance to cooperate with the strong Frostwolf Clan warriors to hold the position. The reckless demons left piles of corpses.

Taking advantage of the demon army's retreat, King Saurfang and Tyran Fordring organized a counterattack. The elite Tauren warriors and the Kor'kron guards of the Warsong clan, led by several paladins, broke up the enemy's formation. With the help of Tyran Fordring's aura, they successfully annihilated the rearguard troops.

With the help of the demigod realm, the quality of the coalition's soldiers is already comparable to that of the demons. Therefore, casualties almost always occur at the moment of transition from offense to defense. The alliance has a strong auxiliary team, and as long as there is a breath left, it can quickly recover its combat effectiveness. It can be said that whoever wins the opportunity to clean up the battlefield will greatly reduce casualties.

In a blink of an eye, three days passed and the demon army had lost the initiative. They retreated completely to Hellfire Citadel.

This made Kazzak tremble with fear, because he knew that Tyran Fordring had the ability to destroy Hellfire Citadel in one fell swoop. The reason why he didn't do it was to save his strength to deal with the demon leader Archimonde. Fortunately, the Alliance had lost the initiative, and its master was about to completely control his anger. Archimonde, who polluted the Atama crystal, became even more powerful.

When it arrives, it will be time for us to counterattack. And the unstable factor Illidan Stormrage seems to have become a homebody. Shahras spread the news. He gets drunk every day and no longer cares about his subordinates. He also finds several Draenei women to chat and relieve his boredom. He is completely decadent. Even the demons look down on him for such behavior.

The biggest loss in the past few days was a mysterious army using poison darts, which killed and captured Kazzak's craftsmen, making it impossible for it to manufacture magic mechas.

But this is not Blue Star, and it is impossible to sit still forever. On this day, a tall figure appeared on the Hellfire Peninsula. Archimonde, who felt that the time was right, finally came.

It silently calculated the time. His allies should have entered the world of Azeroth. Soon that world would turn into a sea of ​​fire. Without the blessing of the Titans, Taelan Fordring would be exposed.

After thinking for a while, it told itself that it was not that boy who possessed godhood, but that he had colluded with the Titans of Azeroth. It was the weak world soul that helped him.

The Legion originally had many spies in Azeroth, but they have been hit hard recently, and the Legion spies left in Lordaeron and Northrend have returned to the Twisting Nether to wait for resurrection. Those who have not returned are unable to pass on messages.

This is why they suspected that the strange anti-Titan array in Azeroth was still working. After all, the Black Dragon King was dead and the Bronze Dragon King was corrupted. The array should be paralyzed. Of course, they didn't know that Chromie had replaced Nozdormu and became the new Bronze Dragon King. Not only did she take on Nozdormu's mission to protect Azeroth, she also used her own abilities to warn of crises and keep an eye on some dangerous guys.

In addition, the five guardians have resumed their duties, especially the Earth King Archaedas, who has assumed the responsibility of Neltharion, making the incomplete array effective again. Without Loken's interference, the guardians are unprecedentedly united.

Originally, they were able to learn some information through the Emerald Nightmare. For example, they already knew that Tyran Fordring's power had greatly increased, and he had killed Yogg-Saron with the evil weapon called Xal'atath, and was preparing to expedition to Pandaria.

But later Xavius ​​was killed by Ysera in the Emerald Dream. He died in the spirit world and could not return to the Twisting Nether, which is the territory of the Star Soul.

It should be noted here that Xavius ​​is a satyr demon. He belongs to the Burning Legion, but later he joined the Old Gods. Double-dealing is the instinct of all "decent people".

At that time, Archimonde judged that Tyran Fordring wanted to gather the power of the four ancient gods and then devour them to make himself the king of Azeroth. And he also privately guessed that Tyran Fordring would help them complete the task of destroying Azeroth.

But Kil'jaeden denied his guess. The wise general of the Burning Legion believed that Tyran Fordring wanted to eliminate the influence of the Old Gods on Azeroth and wake up the Titans. This is a good thing! Because the Void is the mortal enemy of the Burning Legion.

The reason why Sargeras formed the demon army and launched the Burning Crusade was that he was afraid that the void would devour the star souls and turn them into void titans. Now that they know that Azeroth is no longer polluted by the minions of the void, the Old Gods, they should change their goals.

But Kil'jaeden didn't think so. He knew from his subordinate Jintesha that Azeroth was special, and its star soul was born with the ability to control all the force. It was from the blessing of the star soul that Tyran Fordring gained the abnormal ability of force strike. He could control all the force at will.

He even obtained a divine artifact from those stupid lizards, the "Origin Code". It was the first animated object in the material world. Once all six force gems were collected, it would become extremely powerful. It was rumored that it could allow the soul of the owner it recognized to reside in its pages.

The Origin Code is a divine artifact left over from ancient times. The Star Soul guided a little lizard to find it. But the stupid little lizard failed to discover the secret of the book. It used it as a notebook to automatically record magic. Later, it took Taelan as an apprentice and gave the book to Taelan Fording as a gift.

Jinteisa had been keeping an eye on Tyran Fordring since she came to Azeroth. That human had a terrifying aura. It protected him at all times, preventing all assassins from getting close to him. That aura would create a realm like a small world, and all enemies that entered that realm would be repelled. And as that human grew, its range of influence became larger.

Jin Tessa's intelligence showed that the book was the source of Tyran Fording's strength. It was after he obtained this artifact that he gradually grew to where he is today.

Before the Third War, Kil'jaeden sent Jinteisa to personally take charge of killing Tyran Fordring. But she failed. It was this book that contacted the Star-Soul, and under the continuous interference of the Old Gods and the Star-Soul, Tyran Fordring escaped. It was also from that time that Tyran Fordring learned the Force Strike.

Later, Jintaisa planned to use the evil sword Xal'atath to assassinate Taelan Fordring, but the stupid Dar'kan Drathir messed everything up. Not only did Taelan Fordring not die, but he also used a strange power to temporarily control Xal'atath and used it to kill the three old gods one by one.

And some poor fellow in the Legion had fallen victim to it.

After hearing this information, Kil'jaeden decided to continue the Burning Crusade and destroy Azeroth. He wanted to completely corrupt the Origin Codex and gain incomparably powerful power. That book should help him become a god!
It wants to show Velen that it has become a god! The path it has chosen is the right one! Sargeras is invincible. It alone destroyed all the incompetent Titans, including the arrogant father of the gods. Now it has also become a god. It can become the master of the entire universe, and it can let its compatriots rule the entire universe.

It wants to prove to Velen! I am the right one! The Holy Light is all false, it can't save you. And believing in the Holy Light has become his weakness.

The Holy Light made him weak and bound him by rules and regulations. Once his thoughts deviated from the creed of the Holy Light, the Holy Light would leave him. What was the use of such an uncontrollable power?
Just as now, Talgas came to him for power and magical knowledge, and gave him both Nuri and Rakeesh.

Nuri is Viren's wife and Rakesh is Viren's son.

Now Rakeesh is the commander of the legion. His hands are covered in blood and he has become a capable general of the legion.

Kil'jaeden was determined that Azeroth must be destroyed, whether it would fall into the void or not. It needed the Codex of Origin, and Archimonde needed the energy of the World Tree. Although it has been proven that simply accumulating energy cannot lead to promotion, the stronger the energy, the closer to God.

If you can't become a god, then destroy all those who can become gods.

And it's a demon, it can't die. Its soul is bound to the twisting void. If it really dies in battle, it will definitely be the first to be resurrected.

When Tyran Fordring entered Outland, Kil'jaeden immediately made a plan. That was to hold him back. He would go to Azeroth himself to complete the task of destroying that world. Then he would be able to absorb the power of the World Tree. He would also be able to complete a complete transformation with the help of that special world.

With infinite power, it can return to Outland, kill Taelan Fordring, and seize the artifact Codex of Origin.

I believe that by that time, my good compatriots will have found a way to help it consume the terrible eight virtues!

As for how it entered Azeroth, it received good news that its good subordinate Jintaisha helped one of its chess pieces to complete its resurrection. That chess piece was an orc with a disgusting name: Gul'dan!

This view is shared by humans, orcs, and even demons.

Because it is a big traitor!

Everyone has someone who likes you. If you are a good person, someone likes you. If you are an evil person, as long as your evil is pure, there are also dark-minded people who like you. But there is only one kind of person that no one likes.

That's a traitor! Gul'dan is a big traitor. He is an orc who betrayed his compatriots and gave them to the Legion. He is a member of the Legion and bound his soul to the Twisting Nether. He abandoned the mission assigned to him by the Legion and ran to dig the grave of the fallen Titan, making the Legion's plan fail. He is also a traitor to the Legion.

But the traitor has his uses, and now he has been resurrected with the help of Jinteisa. He has a new mission. Summon himself to Azeroth.

A violent fel storm gathered in the sky of Hellfire Peninsula, and it collided violently with Tyran Fording's sanctuary. The battle between the holy light lightning and the fel storm in the air continued to spread. At this time, if anyone dared to intervene in the battle between the two true demigods, they would be burned to ashes in an instant by the holy light and fel fire.

At this time, a childish voice asked: "Is this a battle between demigods?"

Yrel glanced at Zerella and said, "Not all demigods are this powerful. Taelan Fordring and Archimonde are both outstanding demigods."

"Remember, stay within the confines of the shelter. Don't let those crack-like things touch you."

"Those cracks look like broken glass from a snack bar." Obviously, the best place in Zerilla's mind, who had not been able to reach the Exodar, was the only shop in the hideout.

"That is the manifestation of the Void Force. Grand Marshal Taelan Fording has mastered the Void Force. His Void Force can shatter a piece of space. It is very dangerous, and most magic arrays cannot resist its damage."

This is what the prophet told her. Today, the prophet Velen was very uneasy. He didn't even pray to the Holy Light. Yrel suspected that he had predicted something again. In fact, he hadn't predicted anything for a long time. He also told himself that he was no longer a prophet.

He did not mention the prophecy, but gave her his Holy Mark, which had a nice name: Brilliant Dust. At the same time, he gave her the Soul Song Gem that he had been hiding secretly, so that she could give it to Taelan Fording at the critical moment.

She didn't know what the critical moment was, nor did she know why the prophet did this. But she knew that something that no one wanted to see would happen today.

Taelan Fordring was focused on the realm war with Archimonde. He always focused on doing one thing well. The chess piece had been placed, so there was no regret. Now all he had to do was to defeat the demon lord head-on and collect the debt owed to Kelly Duck and Malorne the White Stag.

However, the war in the realm has not stopped, and Archimonde did not show up directly. Instead, a beautiful Draenei woman and a young General Amanre were sent out.

Velen could no longer recognize the young Eredar, but he would never forget that woman.

That's his wife Noori!

Jaina Proudmoore noticed the look in Prophet Velen's eyes, and she knew that a tragedy was about to happen. That look was the same as the one Taelan Fordring gave her!

(End of this chapter)

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