Chapter 291 Wall of Sighs
Archimonde saw the bug again. He burned in his perception like a sun. The entire Hellfire Peninsula was covered by his unparalleled domain.

I still underestimated Him, and I overlooked an important thing, that is, the domain of the Force demigod will drastically change the surrounding environment. The higher the level of the demigod's mysticism, the higher His energy level, and the greater the change to the surrounding environment. The longer they stay in an environment, the greater the change to the environment.

Taelan Fording is an unprecedented creature of the Force. His body is like a huge cosmic furnace, which can transform everything in this material universe into power that can be used by him as fuel. He is like a god, and all the Force can be used by him.

Originally, Velen was confused by the appearance of Nuri. These things had already appeared in his prophecy, but this change made him believe in the Naaru's predictive ability a little bit. He began to doubt whether he should believe Illidan's words.

But the moment Archimonde appeared, the eight wings behind Tyran Fording all opened, stretching in the air and flapping gently, each flapping would output more power. Strands of gray and white gauze spread in the air like a girl's hairband, and the Force behind Tyran Fording began to gather, and six magic balls appeared from the middle to both sides one by one.

First it was milky white, then grayish white, then emerald green, pitch black, and finally mysterious purple and dark green. Six magic spheres appeared one by one, floating behind Tyran Fording. These six magic spheres made him look mysterious and noble. The codex hanging diagonally on Tyran Fording's shoulder also lost the vicissitudes of time and revealed its true appearance.

He has completed the transformation into a demigod and gained even greater power. The two opposing forces of the void and the holy light merged into one under the control of the seventh force soul.

Seeing this, Velen was convinced that Illidan had not lied to him, and that there were many kinds of Holy Light, and not all Holy Light was bestowed by the Naaru.

Archimonde said angrily, "Little bug, we meet again! The death of you and your world is coming soon." It felt that Tyran Fording must have stolen the power it wanted, such as the remaining power after the explosion of the world tree, or the power of the ancient gods.

Some people are like this. If they don't get the advantage, they are at a disadvantage. If they can't get it, others can't get it either. If they get it, it's natural. If others get it, it's a heinous crime or just out of luck.

In the wars it had experienced in the past, it had always been the stronger party. But now the power was reversed. Even if it absorbed the power of the Heart of Wrath, it was no stronger than the transformed Tyran Fordring. The powerful codex had become one with that man. Whenever someone cast a spell, it would draw a trace of the opponent's energy and use it to activate the power of the Force Gem, allowing Tyran Fordring's Force strikes to be strengthened accordingly.

It was already a kind of spell ban. Moreover, Tyran Fording himself had already fully mastered the Holy Light Force and the Void Force. This made his offensive methods more abundant.

Taelan Fordring ignored Archimonde's shouting, as he had already guessed his purpose.

The critical moment is coming. It should have just known that it has mastered the void force, but it still doesn't know how it killed Asha'j, nor does it know what it has learned from the battle with Xal'atath.

"Archimonde, you are a traitor! Your teacher, Thal'kiel, must regret accepting you as his apprentice. You are a loser. You have failed twice in Azeroth. Today, you are destined to fail again."

Everyone has a pain point, and some past events that they don't want to be mentioned. It is called "the polluter". But no one has ever called it "the betrayer". It hates failure even more. In the Burning Legion, being killed is not shameful, but failure will be punished and humiliated by destroying the witch's coven.

Archimonde is a powerful demon lord who has destroyed countless worlds and killed countless lives. He has never failed in his expeditions for tens of thousands of years, except for two failures in Azeroth.

The second expedition to Azeroth happened just when Kil'jaeden invaded a powerful world, so Archimonde was responsible for destroying Azeroth. That was the closest he ever came to victory. Unfortunately, at the last moment, he failed to withstand the test of godhood. Tormented by the never-ending soul sound, he had a splitting headache and was eventually killed by the explosion of the elves and the world tree.

Not only did it die, but before it died, the Legion's Grip was broken by a humble elf's self-destruction. Tyran Fordring escaped. That moment made Archimonde and Tyran Fordring feel uneasy.

Today, the two met again, and those unpleasant memories resurfaced. Neither of them was good at speaking, so naturally every word hit the pain point.

The power that demons hold is called fel energy, which represents anger and killing. Therefore, every demon is immersed in rage. As more and more fel energy is absorbed, the demons will become more and more violent. Except for Kil'jaeden, no demon can resist this madness.

The word loser hits the bullseye.

"Little bug, you will regret your rude words in the end."

His body exuded powerful evil energy, which even made some warriors feel a little weak. It raised its giant green hand and extended its index finger, with green energy surrounding its fingertips. Everyone familiar with it knew that this must be a fatal finger of death.

"Burning Legion, attack!" The morale of the demons and orcs affected by Archimonde's wrath was boosted. The strong Eredar general who appeared with Nuri chose to lead the charge!
Nuri knelt on the ground in pain, and soon her expression became distorted, and she joined the attack. It was obvious that she was also controlled by the power of the evil energy.

The target of the young Eredar general's charge was none other than his former compatriots.

The melee between the two sides began, and Archimonde's Finger of Death was launched. He knew that this ordinary magic could not pose much threat to Tyran Fordring. If this seemingly powerful magic could not achieve any effect, then the advantage brought by the wrath of the Atama crystal would be gone.

It also knew that without defeating Tyran Fordring, it would be difficult for the Legion to defeat the armies of the Alliance and the Horde. They were well-equipped, and their recent victories had helped them gain a psychological advantage. Tyran Fordring was a domain hero, and it could influence the outcome of the battle just by standing there. But it had to go out in person.

The Finger of Death struck Tyran Fording with the power of destruction. As it thought, the powerful magic shot onto a mirror that appeared in the void. Compared to the last time, this time the mirror only had cracks, and did not break directly. Under the suppression of Tyran Fording's extremely high level of mysticism, the energy was obediently reflected back.

Archimonde had to send out another wave of fel energy, causing them to collide in the void, and then caused an explosion. The powerful force of the explosion sent several nearby dwarf demons back to the twisting void. It was unknown when these little guys would be resurrected. It was impossible for everyone to be resurrected at the first time. Resurrecting demons would consume Argus's power. And the more powerful the target, the greater the consumption.

Because of Archimonde's death, their strength has been greatly reduced. You have to know that their enemy is not just Azeroth. There are many forces including the Naaru who are their enemies. There are many races with powerful space battleships in those worlds. It's just that Azeroth is too special.

For it, even Sargeras gave up his body and invaded there. Therefore, after Sargeras' soul was hidden, the two demon lords of the Burning Legion have been trying to destroy the planet. This makes people feel that the Burning Legion is plotting against this world every day.

After feeling that this magic attack had no effect, Archimonde took the initiative to invade Tyran Fordring's territory. He chose to fight hand-to-hand! Perhaps he could rely on his strong physical strength to defeat Tyran Fordring. He was not a magic mecha. With the sacred armor given by Sargeras, he would not be killed by a single blow.

Compared to Archimonde, Tyran Fording is more like a boss. Because He has the Fist of Heaven. That kind of powerful group attack will destroy all low-level troops. Once He accumulates enough energy, it is possible to destroy the entire fortress. And He has gained great benefits from the corpse of the old god. Apart from the cracks spreading in the void, Archimonde doesn't know what new tricks He has obtained.

If no one approached Him and disturbed Him, who knows what would have happened.

Taelan Fording looked at Archimonde rushing towards him, clenched his left fist, and struck in the air.

Snap! A trail of shattering spread across the void. Feeling extremely dangerous, Archimonde raised his hand and extracted the life force of a Destroyer, then summoned a shield to block the attack. "Is this what you rely on?"

A dangerous clash between demigods began. Archimonde's delaying plan gave Tyran Fordring enough time to change the environment of Hellfire Peninsula. This small piece of land had been infiltrated by the Holy Light, which allowed Tyran Fordring to move freely here instantly. Every once in a while, Tyran Fordring could move continuously in the void. This made it difficult for Archimonde's brute force to catch him. The strength of both sides seemed evenly matched.

Archimonde used his claws to block a giant sword attack. The red light on Archimonde, who should have had the advantage in strength, disappeared. It should be the violent effect brought by the Atama crystal. This made it suffer a little in this collision.

Taelan Fording drew out his hand and punched the tall demon lord. This punch and a holy light bullet condensed in the air simultaneously bombarded Archimonde. However, the holy light bullet was fired later but arrived first. Archimonde's huge body took a step back.

Taking advantage of the demon leader's brief exhaustion, Tyran Fordring continued to attack. The battlefield of both sides gradually approached Hellfire Citadel. The coalition forces of the Alliance and the Horde also began to advance with the help of the leader's power.

King Saurfang commanded the Kor'kron Guards to charge while observing the situation on the battlefield. He felt something was wrong. The fel orcs were in disarray, but the main demon force, the demon guards, were still in formation. The ranged troops commanded by Shandris Feathermoon and the mage group commanded by Kael'thas had already left the Dark Portal.

This won't work. There is a big taboo in war, that is, winning the game without caring about the family. Once the connection with the Dark Portal is lost, these tens of thousands of people will become isolated troops, without the support of Azeroth, without food and water, these high-level strong men will be fine. At worst, they can break through and go to Nagrand or Honor Hold. But those ordinary warriors, orc civilians, and Draenei cubs may be wiped out by the demons.

It felt that Tyran Fordring was a little too enthusiastic, which was not a mistake that a commander like him who had experienced big scenes should make. Although defeating a giant of the Legion was indeed a rare honor, his reputation was already great enough, and this pursuit should belong to young people like Baine Bloodhoof and Dranosh.

Veterans like them should proceed steadily and cautiously.

"Marlan, hold on, Paladin troops. There are children and women behind us. Slow down your advance."

Then it asked the orc laborers and a group of goblins driving machinery to find high ground to build temporary fortifications. It was important to protect the roads that were convenient for retreat.

Perhaps because it was a bystander, it felt even more uneasy.

"Dranosh, Raynor!"

But it was too late, the two young men had already rushed into the demon army with a mixed force.

Both of them were impatient people, and it was difficult for them to control themselves when their blood was boiling. Dranosh wielded his battle axe and had killed several demon wizards in succession. It still had vision. It knew to kill the caster first, but its target was Rakeesh!

It cooperated with Raynor and soon forced Rakeesh to retreat. Raynor, who had been holding his breath, had made great progress during this period. He had become a high-level paladin. Paladins and fierce warriors like Little Saurfang were a perfect match. And behind them there was a group of sentinels who could use viper stings.

Taking advantage of the moment when Raynor's Hammer of Justice briefly controlled the tall demon, Dranosh mercilessly unleashed a fatal blow. This attack did not kill Rakeesh, but it deprived him of the opportunity to recover.

The hatred between demons and orcs is much deeper than that between demons and humans. In the eyes of the new tribe orcs, humans and orcs are all toys of demons. They treat these two races as fools, let them kill each other, make them lose their glory and self-esteem, and want to destroy their world.

Little Saurfang is the same person as his father. His mother died in the war started by the demons. His mother had kept him hidden in Nagrand to prevent him from being contaminated by the demons. It was Grommash Hellscream who brought him from Nagrand to Azeroth. In Azeroth, the biggest enemy he faced was the demons of Mount Hyjal. He watched those guys slaughter his compatriots with his own eyes.

Raynor kicked Rakeesh down. Saurfang immediately jumped high and executed him. This was a good opportunity to kill this bloody demon.

Just as the general of the Legion was about to be beheaded, a snow-white Draenei woman suddenly rushed over and stood in front of Dranosh. She opened her arms and blocked the demon behind her like a hen protecting her chicks.

Her eyes were full of struggle, but she kept her mouth tightly shut and refused to shout out.

Viren couldn't help himself any longer:
"Stop! Don't kill her!"

Dranosh's childhood experience made him particularly respect his mother. He twisted his body in midair. The axe hit the ground, and red soil and gravel flew everywhere. It was not easy to control the force of a full-strength execution. This made him lose his balance.

A red light flashed in Rakeesh's eyes. He mercilessly knocked his mother away and stabbed Dranosh who was lying on the ground with his sword.

Taelan Fording happened to see this scene. Could it be that after returning to Draenor, Dranosh still couldn't escape the fate of being killed?
He knocked Archimonde back with one punch, and then used the power of the void on Rakeesh.

Archimonde looked at Taelan Fordring with his back exposed, and a green light emanated from his hands.

The sky suddenly shook, and three huge demon warships appeared in the sky.

They were right at the edge of Tyran Fordring's territory, and three huge hell turrets were aiming at Tyran Fordring at the same time!

"Foolish boy! Your death is coming!"

A Nazrezim in the demon group shook his head:

"What an idiot! Why didn't you aim for the Dark Portal?"

Facing three powerful fel energy shells, Taelan Fording whispered:
"Wall of Sighs!"

(End of this chapter)

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