Enter World of Warcraft with Dark Skills

Chapter 297: Forgetting History is Betrayal

Chapter 297: Forgetting History is Betrayal
A scorching wind blew across the dry Hellfire Peninsula. The fel clouds in the sky slowly dissipated.

The ground was in a mess. A huge magic mech crashed into the ground. A huge axe was deeply embedded in its head. Its body was covered with burning flames and ice chips that had not yet melted.

Thrall ordered his men to gather the wounded tribal warriors behind a hill, where the only shade would provide them with some comfort.

Emily, the Alliance priest, summoned a holy ball of light, which continuously shed holy light and healed several wounded soldiers nearby.

A particularly young orc smiled at Emily innocently. Its skin was brown.

The mental age of the high elves is generally younger than their actual age, and their lifespan is very long. After being nourished by Teldrassil, the lifespan of all races in the Alliance has been extended.

"Why isn't your skin green?" Emily asked curiously.

"My father was born in the snowy Alterac. And I was born in Durotar." It was still a child, but the war came and everyone had to take up arms.

"Ever since the chieftain of the Warsong clan, Grommash Hellscream, severed the curse of demon blood in our veins, orcs no longer have a bloodthirsty and violent past. That's why I was born with brown skin."

"My father told me that our skin was brown in the past. Our ancestors explored the Tanaan Forest and ran the grasslands of Nagrand."

It seemed to long for such a life. There was hope in its eyes. But soon, the light in its eyes dimmed:

"But I prefer the red soil of Durotar. It should be raining there at this time, right? The monsoon brings heavy rain from the Great Sea. The whole land is thriving.

We raise pigs and grow crops in Orgrimmar. We can also go fishing in the Wrathwater River and pick up shells at the beach.

But the generalissimo won’t allow us to live there.”

In its heart, Taelan Fordring is a powerful and legendary hero; a respectable warrior, the kind of warrior that the entire tribe admires and yearns for; he is powerful, compassionate, and he has saved the world many times.

When Dranosh was chatting with them, he once said that the Grand Marshal had scars all over his body, but they were all on his chest. There was not a single scar on his back. Facing all the battles, He never fled.

In order to save his lover, he used the divine intervention that a paladin could only use once in his lifetime. He fought for the rights of the poor and broke with the old cannibalistic nobles. He believed that if he lived in a tribe, he would be more popular.

"We have to leave. Durotar is my home in my heart."

It saw Emily's unhappy expression.

Changing the subject, he said, "I admire Him very much! I hope that one day, I can also master the Holy Light and fight for my own people." He patted his chest lightly, and frowned in pain.
"Although my skin color is not very good-looking, Rokara has always envied me. She said that orcs should be like this. Green is brought to us by the Burning Legion, which is a shame.

They're playing us all for fools."

"I just can't understand why the Grand Marshal must let the orcs leave Azeroth. We have clearly escaped the control of the demons."

Emily's face looked a little better, and she began to wonder deep in her heart why the Overlord wanted to exclude all orcs from the alliance?
He formed the current alliance. He could accept the harpy tribes that believed in Aviana, and he could allow the descendants of Agamaggan who were not contaminated by the magic of the dead to stay in Razorfen. At the crossroads, a few dragons flying in the sky would not cause any movement. She also knew that the draenei with hooves, horns and tails would also join the alliance.

She believed that there would soon be a Draenei garrison commander in Teldrassil.

The way Lady Jaina looked at the little Draenei girl, Zerilla, was very similar to the way Lady Kalandra looked at herself. It felt weird.

But there is no room for orcs, even if they are no longer crazy and bloodthirsty.

The sunlight from the sky was suddenly blocked by something. Emily looked up and immediately saw a tall minotaur. The high elf was just like a child in front of him.

His armor was covered in scars, and he carried a massive shield on his back, and in his hands was a weapon that looked more like a blade than a sword: Quel'Serrar, the sword of the Highborne.

This sword has a great history. It was one of the spoils of King Kael'thas at Dire Maul. He gave it to Taelan Fordring's apprentice.

The man who came was Baine Bloodhoof, the next Tauren Chieftain. His father had intended to retire and pass on the responsibility of chieftainship to him.

He wore a helmet but did not take off his visor. This habit was exactly the same as his teacher's. He summoned a milky white holy light and healed the young orc who fell to the ground.

"Emily, have you forgotten what the teacher said?"

Emily looked at Bain's serious face.

It said seriously:
"To forget history is to betray."

"Do you remember Thassarian Dawnseeker? How did he die?"

"Do you remember how Sylvanas Windrunner was saved by the teacher?"

"The Lich King, Ner'zhul, is an orc. There has never been a war between us Tauren and orcs, but many warriors were killed by the undead in Mount Hyjal. Their leader was the former orc chieftain."

"The former chieftain of the tribe almost captured the capital of the high elves. How many high elves did they hurt? There must be your relatives among them."

"And the humans, in Stormwind, they killed millions.

Let's not talk about the distant past. Just a few years ago, they went on a killing spree in Ashenvale to obtain wood, and the night elf demigod Cenarius was killed by Grom Hellscream of the Warsong Clan. "

"If we forgive the orcs and share this world with them, will the dead souls agree?"

"We have not experienced that bloody past. We have not seen what the orcs did in Stormwind City. We have not heard the cries of the dead souls over Lordaeron. We have not faced the horrific mind control and undead plague of the Lich King Ner'zhul."

"But the Grand Marshal led the Battle of Grim Batol, and he fought the orcs many times. He saw firsthand how they tortured the Life-Binders. He also saw the devastation of the Kul Tiran fleet.

He has no reason to forgive. If he chooses to forgive, what will the night elves think? Will they forgive the orcs who invaded their land and killed their demigods? "

"What does the Red Dragon Queen think? To whom can she confide the pain she has experienced? How can she vent the grievances she has suffered?"

"Do good people deserve to be hurt? Can you tell her that you are a good person and just bear with it?"

It pointed at the ground and said, "This road is called the Cursed Road. Countless Draenei were killed by orcs here. I don't want the Golden Road in the Barrens to be called the Cursed Road one day."

In fact, there have always been two voices in the Alliance about how to treat orcs.

One side believes that blood debts must be paid with blood. While the Alliance has an absolute advantage, all orcs should be slaughtered to eliminate future troubles. These people are represented by King Kael'thas. There is also an unexpected but reasonable person who supports him, that is Fandral Staghelm.

The Archdruid believed that orcs were inherently bloodthirsty, which was the prerequisite for them to commit crimes.

One side believes that the orcs have changed, cut off their relationship with the demons, and are no longer bloodthirsty and violent. They should be allowed to live in Durotar. These people are represented by the goblin Gazlowe. Goblins are relatively few in the Alliance, and they hope that the Alliance will be more gentle and tolerant. This will be beneficial to their development. There are also some people in the Cenarion Circle who don't like killing. They believe that protecting nature is the top priority. Wars and killings should be minimized. The Alliance is a united country after all. When all races fight against the enemy together, they are united. But when it comes to the interests of all races, disputes are inevitable. Some time ago, those who hoped to coexist peacefully with the orcs gained a strong supporter. That was the apprentice of the former Guardian Medivh, the Archmage Khadgar.

He doesn't fully understand the current situation of Azeroth. He is more concerned about the Burning Legion. He believes that the Alliance and the Horde should unite so that they have a chance to defeat the Burning Legion.

There are quite a few people who hold a neutral attitude. For example, Lady Jaina holds a neutral attitude because she does not want her husband to slaughter orcs. A nickname of butcher will seriously affect the positive image of the Fording family. But she has no objection to others carrying out the execution. Because of the Storm Altar incident, she has no good feelings towards orcs.

The Tauren tend to be neutral, but they support Tyran Fording's decision. They have no hatred for the orcs, but they yearn for peace. After learning about the history of the orcs, they feel that it is more in line with their nature to be with the races of the Alliance.

After Baine Bloodhoof became Tyran Fordring's apprentice, he was deeply influenced by Tyran Fordring and accepted Tyran's ideas.

The interests of the country and the people are above everything else, and the interests of the Titans of Azeroth are above everything else.

History cannot be forgotten. Forgetting history is tantamount to betrayal!

We have no right to forgive the millions of compatriots who died. Otherwise, how can their souls rest in peace?

The hatred of past generations cannot be erased by changing the name. The old Horde is the Horde, and the new Horde is still the Horde. Just like the current Alliance of Lordaeron, it created a few massacres, killed all the ogres, draenei, arakkoa, and orcs, and then changed its name to the Alliance of Azeroth. Can it write off those massacres?

The young orcs knew that the history told by Baine Bloodhoof was true, but they had different positions.

"Under the leadership of Warchief Thrall, the orcs have now regained their former glory. We have begun to follow the ways of our ancestors. Peace is also our pursuit."

Baine Bloodhoof ignored the orc warrior and looked at Emily seriously.

"Today the orcs want peace, but tomorrow a natural disaster occurs and food is scarce. Will they be willing to starve to death? Will you give them your rations?"

"Our fellow countrymen in Ashenvale have taught us with blood that when hunger comes, glory is worthless in the face of food."

"If it weren't for the teacher's powerful strength suppressing the entire world of Azeroth, we would all be puppets of the Old Gods now."

Emily nodded seriously. She also understood why Bain supported the Grand Marshal's decision to forcibly relocate the orcs. This was much better than launching a massacre.

At this moment, with a loud bang, the magic circle of the Eight Virtues disappeared, Archimonde's huge body stood still, the shadow of the World Tree gradually disappeared, and the heart-like World Stone returned to Taelan Fording's body.

Archimonde stared at Velen and Rakeesh, as if he wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't. A gust of wind blew, and he turned into dust and flew away with the wind.

Tens of thousands of years of expedition finally came to an end, and all obsessions were gone with the dust. Archimonde, the third most powerful demon lord of the Burning Legion, fell completely.

Velen was in mixed emotions. Illidan's promises had all been fulfilled. From today on, the Draenei, who had been wandering for countless years, finally found a stable home. They could begin to recuperate.

Archimonde had a very complicated relationship with him, being both an old friend and a mortal enemy. Now that it was completely dead, Velen felt neither the pain of an old friend’s death nor the joy of his enemy’s death.

Especially on this cursed road, it is made of the bones of the Draenei. Gul'dan drained their life force here and opened the Dark Portal. Whenever the wind blows over the Hellfire Peninsula, Velen can hear the wailing of his people from the wind.

The initiators of this disaster were Archimonde and Kil'jaeden. The executioners were the orcs. And the culprits are still wreaking havoc in Azeroth.

So the battle is not over yet, Kil'jaeden has already invaded Azeroth. The war on Draenor can come to an end, and another war is waiting for him. The Alliance is about to return to Azeroth, and he is about to face his lifelong enemy.

Tyran Fording walked towards his men with wounds all over his body, with wings of holy light flapping gently behind him. He won, but he also paid a price.

King Saurfang has already commanded his army to attack Hellfire Citadel. The death of Archimonde has demoralized the Burning Legion and the orcs, and they have even lost the will to resist. No one can resist the power of a demigod.

The purification aura was activated, and everyone's injuries began to heal, including Taelan Fordring himself.

Baine Bloodhoof came over immediately. He knew his teacher, and he knew that he was injured, and not physically. But he was no longer the same person he was a year ago.

He did not run over to support his teacher, but knelt on one knee and saluted Taelan Fording.

The paladins around him consciously lined up in two rows and knelt on one knee, allowing Taelan Fording to walk towards Velen from the middle.

Velen glanced at the tall and strong Bane, then also put his hand on his chest.

"Grand Marshal, congratulations on eliminating a heinous criminal from this universe!"

Then he formally submitted an application to join the Alliance. After Tyran Fordring agreed, King Kael'thas came over and took the document from Velen.

The Alliance is on the right track, but some necessary procedures still need to be followed. This document will be submitted to the Alliance Parliament by Kael'thas, waiting for the parliament to vote and approve it.

Taelan Fordring motioned for Baine Bloodhoof to stand up. At this moment, an ugly monster covered with growths came over. Although it looked ugly, its face was peaceful, and there was no distortion or cruelty in its eyes that was affected by the evil energy.

It also knelt on one knee like Baine Bloodhoof:

“Brother of Holy Light, congratulations on defeating a powerful enemy and returning safely.

Mother Earth will protect you!"

Without hesitation, Taelan Fording reached out to the monster and held its large, growth-filled hand.

"Krokul's brother! Hello!"

Strong holy light surrounded Nobundo, and the growths that appeared due to the curse began to fall off. After a while, an alternative Draenei appeared in front of everyone.

"Nobundo, my brother. The Alliance welcomes you home!"

Nobundo is a shaman whose joining can open up new career paths for the Alliance. From today on, the Alliance also has a formally inherited shaman priest.

Prophet Velen felt that everything was getting better. The Broken One also found a new path.

At this time, a crying voice shouted: "No. My son, you can't do this!"

Velen turned his head just in time to see Rakeesh igniting his own fel energies.

"Father and Mother! I have paid for my sins, and I can finally be with you!"

(End of this chapter)

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