Chapter 298 Dark Temple
With Archimonde's death, the clouds of fel energy that had accumulated in the sky dissipated, and the sun, which had been dyed green, returned to its original color, and began to radiate light and heat to the world covered with red soil. The rain of fel energy that had been constantly hitting the ground also stopped.

The world of Draenor is like a series of small islands floating in space. The large number of portals opened by Ner'zhul tore the world apart and made it what it is today. The world began to die.

This material universe is made up of the four elements of earth, water, fire and wind. Just like there are five books in the Four Great Classics, there are also five elements that make up the material universe. The fifth is called the soul element. When the soul element combines with the four elements, life is created.

The more soul elements there are in a world, the stronger the ability to control the elements, the stronger the ability to balance the violent elements, and the more stable the life it breeds. Conversely, the fewer soul elements there are, the more violent the life produced.

Draenor's soul element is much less than Azeroth's, so the life it produces is very violent and bloodthirsty. Even its elemental lords are called elemental wrath.

Whether it was orcs, ogres, or the "spore" creatures of the past, even the creations of the Titan Aggramar degenerated into Gruul, and became aggressive and aggressive.

This characteristic shapes the world of Draenor. It begins and ends every day in conflict.

Hellfire Citadel was quickly crushed by the coalition forces. There was no mercy in this war between different civilizations, and the demons would never surrender. The demon commanders were eager to die sooner, because those terrible Illidari were coming.

They began hunting high-ranking demons with the help of powerful allies. Once their essence was drained, they could not return to the Twisting Nether to be resurrected.

King Saurfang's next job is to lead the elite of the tribe to hunt down these fleeing demons.

The Alliance chose to reach Honor Hold. They will all evacuate here and return to Azeroth. The soldiers who went on the expedition to Draenor were young and energetic warriors when they came, but now they are white-haired and scarred veterans. In order to defend their world, they risked death at any time. They came here to fight to protect the world and their compatriots.

Today, their expedition finally came to an end and they were going home.

The troops began a short period of rest, and the generals led by Tyran Fordring began to return to Azeroth.

The scars on Tyran Fording's soul have not healed yet. But his physical strength has become stronger. He has gained new power and a new fel gem from Archimonde. This powerful gem has merged with the original fel gem in the Codex of Origin, making his fel power even stronger.

He can no longer return to Azeroth through the Dark Portal.

He requires a powerful source of energy and several archmages to cast a summoning spell to summon him to Azeroth.

So He could only wait in Draenor, waiting for King Kael'thas to return to Azeroth, and then summon Him back.

Kurtulus Meteorite killed a fleeing succubus on the spot and ended his demonic transformation.

His target was Magtheridon, and Lord Illidan had anticipated that Kil'jaeden would release this reckless demon. But he did not expect that Kil'jaeden's order was to let the demon go to the Black Temple and find a way to find out his background and leave a backup.

Taelan Fordring did send reinforcements as promised, and brought Illidan, who was disguised as Illidan using the artifact Orb of Deception, to a safe place.

But it knew that the matter was not over yet. Because Magtheridon was indeed released, and the hidden mark left by Illidan Stormrage sounded the alarm. The dreadlord did not appear on the battlefield.

Originally, Illidan expected that Kil'jaeden would let Magtheridon consume Taelan Fordring's "Eight Virtues" on his behalf.

He knew that the consequences of the incident were serious. Most of the Illidari's main forces and the Watcher troops had entered Mardum, and the retreat route left by Illidan was hidden behind the portal. That return route was the hope of all the Illidari to return home. It was also the way they would return the Key to the Realms.

If the Key to the Realms cannot be delivered to Azeroth, all their efforts will be in vain.

Without demons, hunters are meaningless!
Without the Key of the Realms, there would be no way to kill the fallen Titan Argus, and all the efforts of everyone would be in vain. Grand Marshal Taelan Fordring's personal risk would be meaningless.

Taelan Fordring came to Draenor, and sending the orcs back was only one of his purposes. His main purpose was to cooperate with Illidan to complete his mission. Kurtulus Falling Ember, who had to play the role of Illidan, was one of the few people who knew about it. He and Alena Starseeker had to cooperate with Illidan to play this role well.

In the original World of Warcraft, there is a huge loophole. Faced with an endless number of demons, how did the Illidari, whose number is worrying, obtain the Key to the Realms?
Illidan's character in the campaign is contradictory.

And why did he want to seize the Key to the Realms? Where did he get so many people?
More importantly, why would the Alliance and the Horde listen to his advice? He killed Zera, the Mother of Light. Why would Turalyon forgive him?

Are the Alliance and the Horde capable of entering Argus? All these questions were evaded by the so-called Chosen One's reasons. But it didn't work here.

Taelan Fordring would not watch Illidan and his limited number of Illidari charge into Argus. He had to find a way to divert Kil'jaeden and Archimonde, who Illidan could not deal with. With these two powerful demon lords, no one could get the Key of the Realms.

Taelan Fordring knew that the dreadlords were everywhere. And that powerful Nathrezim had been hiding in the human world. Maybe she had been watching him. She was very special, and her behavior was strange. Until now, it was still unclear who she was loyal to.

Taelan Fording thought that Il'gynoth's prophecy of being loyal to only one person was referring to Jin Tessa. She could be the emperor's man, or the warden's man, or even more likely...

In short, she is very dangerous. So Taelan Fordring needs a reason to lure the two lords of the Burning Legion away.

At this time, the orcs came into Tyran Fordring's sight. So there was this expedition to Draenor. Tyran Fordring legitimately invaded the Legion's transit point for attacking Azeroth.

The cunning Kil'jaeden would definitely not give up this opportunity. And Taelan Fordring happened to know a secret.

That was about Drak'thul. In the Broken Isles, it helped him seal the island. But Taelan Fordring knew that Drak'thul would never give up so easily. Its revenge would not stop at scattering the souls of those orcs. It probably wanted to kill Gul'dan once and for all.

If you want to kill Gul'dan completely, you have to resurrect him first. Revenge for his son has driven Drak'thul crazy. He is capable of anything. He must know that Gul'dan and Kil'jaeden signed a contract. As long as the contract exists, Gul'dan's soul must be in the Twisting Nether.

But it is easy to resurrect Gul'dan, but it is difficult to kill him. He is a demigod warlock. Drak'thul must know some secret that can help him fulfill his long-cherished wish.

There are also two special corpses buried in the Broken Isles, namely the corpse of Sargeras and part of the corpse of Anther.

Although it was only an incarnation, it was of great significance to Sargeras, who had lost his body. Kil'jaeden would never give it up.

As soon as Gul'dan is resurrected, he will definitely open the portal and summon Kil'jaeden to invade Azeroth.

The reason why it was Kil'jaeden and not Archimonde was, of course, because of Archimonde's failure at Mount Hyjal. Many people began to question his leadership, and some even began to doubt his strength.

So Tyran Fordring took the opportunity to open the Dark Portal. Sure enough, the Burning Legion should have released Gul'dan's soul and resurrected it under the call of Drak'thul. So they began to act, and Archimonde was sent to deal with him.

They should have made a perfect plan. That is to feign defeat, lure Tyran Fording's troops away from the Dark Portal, and then the three starships' cannons will attack the Dark Portal from behind. As long as the connection between Tyran Fording and Azeroth is cut off, Kil'jaeden can complete the task of destroying Azeroth.

Sure enough, three warships suddenly appeared in the sky above Hellfire Peninsula. They only needed to fly for a few minutes to complete their assigned tasks.

However, Kil'jaeden had anticipated everything, except for his colleague's abnormal desire for power. He aimed the weapons on the warship at Tyran Fordring himself. He hoped to kill his great enemy with one strike. But who knew that Tyran Fordring had already learned the "Wall of Sighs". The warship failed to achieve its intended goal.

The battle reached a fever pitch. Kil'jaeden no longer hesitated, and decisively ordered the resurrected Gul'dan to open the portal. Not only did he want to destroy the entire Azeroth, but he also wanted to take back the incarnation of Sargeras. There was no place better than the Broken Isles, which had the magic network nodes.

As expected, the two battlefields started fighting at the same time, and the Burning Legion had no choice but to start recruiting troops. Not only did the two demon lords leave the demon's lair. Seeing that Tyran Fordring had been attracted by Archimonde, Kil'jaeden did not hesitate and mobilized all the forces he could.

Kil'jaeden successfully invaded Azeroth, and Archimonde also began to act. That was to desperately delay Tyran Fordring. Illidan's sharp mind saw the demon's plan. He knew that the time was ripe. Mardum was empty, and the opportunity to execute the plan had come. There was no better time than this.

Kurtrus Falling Cinder immediately told Taelan Fordring about this situation. The Grand Marshal did not disappoint the Illidari who fought desperately. He immediately approved Kurtrus Falling Cinder's plan. He brought a team back to the Black Temple to help some of the Naga troops guarding here deal with Magtheridon who disappeared on the battlefield.

Sure enough, although Archimonde was reckless, he was not a fool. Magtheridon, who had regained his freedom, led an army of demons to attack the Black Temple.

This is Illidan's lair, and many of his secrets are buried here. This is why Illidan is unwilling to return this place to Velen. He can let Velen be his ally. Because he knows that Velen urgently needs to find a new ally for his people. The Alliance led by Taelan Fordring is his best target.

Just like Archimonde didn't dare to let Illidan deal with Tyran Fordring, he was afraid that Illidan would simply surrender to his fellow countrymen. Illidan couldn't completely trust Velen. The Key of the Realms would only be safest if it was delivered to Tyran Fordring.

The team led by Kurtulus Meteorite entered Shadowmoon Valley very quickly.

The Black Temple was right in front of him. This was Illidan's lair and the second home of the Illidari. Kurtrus Falling Cinder was very familiar with this place.

When it got here, it found that the atmosphere was not right. There were only a few Naga warriors patrolling the periphery. But it was quiet inside. Something must have happened. Maybe there was a traitor. Because there were many demons in Illidan's army.

Especially those Destruction Guards and Destroyers. They are the main races of the Burning Legion. Now without Illidan's powerful force to suppress them, with Magtheridon as their old master, it is easy for them to rebel.

Sure enough, when Kurtrus Meteorite entered the hall, he saw the corpses of Naga warriors, but not any demon corpses.

There were no succubus corpses either. There were quite a few succubus in Illidan's army.

Kurtrus Meteorite suddenly thought of someone, that is Shahras. She was sent to the Black Temple by Archimonde. On the surface, she was to assist Illidan in managing the Black Temple, but in fact, everyone knew that she was a surveillance. But what is puzzling is that Illidan accepted her and let her take up an important position.

Some people said that Illidan was attracted by Shahraz's beauty and that this demon was Illidan's new favorite. But Kurtulus Ashfall knew that this was completely nonsense. Illidan was not that kind of person at all.

He has always loved an impossible person, and he can't get rid of the memories of his youth. In his spare time, he always looks at the little yellow flower.

It must be Shahraz who betrayed Illidan. Demons cannot be trusted at all.

He led the team into the secret hall quickly. As expected, the magic lamp was on inside. The bloated body of the Abyss Lord sat on the throne in the center of the hall, and the shameless Madam Shahras was beside it.

The strange thing is that no one is searching for the secrets here, they seem to be waiting for something.

Kurtulus Cinderfall did not know what they were waiting for, but it could not wait.

He quickly transformed and rushed in. A green fel flame shot out from his eyes.


A group of low-level demons were instantly reduced to ashes. This unique magic was incredibly powerful. It was almost impossible for low-level demons to resist its power. Illidan used it to kill Zera, the Mother of Light.

However, the demons who had lost many lives did not panic, nor did they launch a frantic attack. Instead, they hid to the sides.

Magtheridon, sitting on the throne, laughed happily.

"Kurtrus Falling Ash, stop pretending. Do you think I don't know you're fake?"

Kurtrus Meteorite looked at Madam Shahras angrily:

"Traitor, Lord Illidan trusted you so much. Yet you betrayed him! You swore an oath to serve him."

Kurtrus Emberfall removed the disguise of the Orb of Deception. Now that the traitor had told the truth, there was no point in pretending. And they were surrounded.

He had some idea of ​​why Magtheridon hadn't attacked him immediately. Shahras didn't know the exact location of the hidden place. But he knew it was a trap set for him. Someone must have leaked his whereabouts.

Sure enough, a Naga Siren came out from behind:

"Are you wondering why your whereabouts are known?"

"Vashj, even you have betrayed the Lord? Aren't you in Zangarmarsh?"

"He banished me to that godforsaken place to collect water. Is this the future he promised me? He told me that he would restore my original appearance and let me return to my hometown.

But I got nothing, I could only go to Panya Reservoir to pump water!"

There was no point in saying anything now. This was his last battle!

"Warriors of the Alliance, fight to the death!" The warriors around him immediately raised their weapons, and the demon hunters quickly completed their demon transformation.

A bloody battle began. Different troops began to fight. But as soon as the battle started, Kurtrus Meteorite felt something was wrong. The Naga warriors were not doing their best, and the demon army with a numerical advantage and the succubus army of Mistress Shahras surrounded him.

The battle began, Kurtrus Meteor wielded his blade, beheading Magtheridon's demon guards one after another. The powerful demon sat motionless on the throne, with Shahras standing behind it.

But the two of them soon couldn't sit still anymore, because Vashj's Naga troops suddenly turned against them, and they launched a merciless attack on the demons from behind.

Kurtrus Emberfall immediately understood Vashj's plan. She returned to the Black Temple, but she found herself alone and no match for the demons. So she pretended to surrender to the demons.

But why would the devil believe her?

Just as he was thinking about Vashj's true intentions, Magtheridon suddenly let out a whine.

"Ah! Shahras! You traitor!"

It turned out to be her! The reason why Vashj's Naga could be trusted was actually because of her!

A sharp, strange-shaped long sword pierced Magtheridon's body through the gap in his armor. The poor demon lord finally knew why he was captured silently by Illidan.

It wasn't some watcher, it was Shahras who betrayed it!

(End of this chapter)

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