Enter World of Warcraft with Dark Skills

Chapter 304: Breaking into Stormheim

Chapter 304: Breaking into Stormheim
Khadgar looked at the new generation of Alliance warriors wearing neat armor and felt deeply moved. Although Tyran Fordring's ideas did not align with his, he was indeed an accomplished Alliance commander.


He is the third Grand Marshal of the Alliance after Sir Anduin Lothar and Turalyon. Sir Lothar and Turalyon are both nobles from Stormwind. But Taelan Fordring is a native of Lordaeron. From taking over his father's mantle and becoming the High Lord of Hearthglen to becoming the Grand Marshal of the Alliance, it marks the transfer of the human flag from Stormwind to Lordaeron.

This is a new generation. He has learned about the main deeds of Taelan Fording from his adjutant.

He is the guardian of the Titans of Azeroth, a noble high-level demigod of the Force, the Grand Marshal of the Alliance, the founder of the Alliance of Azeroth, and the high-ranking archbishop of the Crusaders. He has been fighting for the future of mankind for more than a decade.

He conquered Zul'Matha and expanded the territory of Lordaeron.

He went on an expedition to Grim Batol, saved the Red Dragon Queen, brought new dragon allies to humans, and opened up the Sador Bridge.

He defeated the fallen prince Arthas, saved Sylvanas Windrunner, and preserved the last bloodline for the high elves. After that, the high elves have always been the backbone of the Alliance. Their joining brought the Alliance a complete system of mage training and a lot of magical knowledge that humans have never mastered.

He led the Battle of Mount Hyjal, killed Azgalor and Mephistos, the high-ranking generals of the Burning Legion, defeated Archimonde, and protected the world.

He led the remnants of Lordaeron and the remnants of the high elves to take root in the Barrens. He also found new allies for the Alliance, the tauren, night elves, and pandaren, and led them to establish a new parliamentary state.

The next three years were the most glorious three years for the Alliance. Under his leadership, the Alliance successively destroyed the Ancient God C'Thun, the Thousand-bearded Demon N'Zoth, Yogg-Saron and Y'Shaarj, as well as Xal'atath, and drove all the minions of the void out of Azeroth.

He is the most powerful human in Azeroth's history of tens of thousands of years. He is also the most qualified person after Thoradin to take up Strom'kar Warbreaker.

Thinking of this, he felt a little depressed. Time flies like flowing water, and the old is replaced by the new. It's time for an old guy like him to retire.

I hope this time will go as smoothly as the expedition to Draenor!

Good luck seemed to have really favored this great wizard. Khadgar's team landed in Stormfjord smoothly. The terrain here was complex, and the coastline was dotted with islands. It was really difficult to fortify. The number of troops required was simply an astronomical number.

After landing, they need to find a powerful magic network node.

The demon army began to appear. The battle gradually escalated. The Alliance's Tauren Elite Guard was the main force of this team. Under the leadership of Blackhorn Terrortotem, they defeated the demon vanguard with a single charge. Then they collided head-on with a group of powerful demon guards.

Blackhorn knew that this mission was very dangerous. He was the only Tauren who could lead the team. Cairne Bloodhoof was commanding the battle on the front battlefield, Baine Bloodhoof was in Draenor, and Hamuil Runetotem was a druid who needed to coordinate the mobilization of various races at the Alliance headquarters. He also belonged to the Cenarion Circle. Now the main force of the Council followed Lady Jaina.

So this risky operation fell on me.

Soon, an area with powerful magic network nodes came into their sight. Black Horn took a look at the ruins in front of him.

"Storm Fjord is not suitable for landing. It is surrounded by mountains. The Grand Marshal once said that in military tactics, such a place full of valleys and mountains is called a dead zone."

"You shouldn't enter here without detailed intelligence."

Modera said: "The journey was so smooth, with only a small group of demons blocking our way. This means that there are fewer demons here. They are not that smart."

Blackhorn Grimtotem was originally thinking about something with his head down. After hearing what Modera said, he suddenly raised his head. His eyes were full of anger:

"Stupid woman, what do you know? In order for us to break in here smoothly, Commander Mallan ordered the Tauren Chieftain Cairne Bloodhoof to lead the Alliance's Tauren Elite Guard and the Hand of Tyran Fordring Paladin Corps to assault the Broken Tidal Flats. In this kind of frontal landing operation, the casualty rate of the first batch of landing soldiers will exceed 50%."

"At the same time, Lady Jaina's Naxxramas has flown to Suramar City. She wants to contain Elisande in Suramar City. She also wants to threaten the Broken Coast guarded by Gul'dan."

“This military adventure consumed a lot of the alliance’s resources.

I am the chieftain of the Grimtotem, and I am here so that Grand Marshal Taelan Fordring can safely descend upon Azeroth. So that he does not have to face the demon lords of the Burning Legion alone again. "

"He has already done this once at Mount Hyjal. This kind of thing should not be repeated on one person!"

Modera wanted to say, "He is a demigod. He has great power. If you stay, you will only cause trouble for him. Demigods are lonely and powerful. They don't need the burden of companions."

A high elf wizard came over and grabbed Blackhorn.

"Black Horn, stop talking. Let them be heroes! Our responsibility is to solve problems for our next generation. I'm going to start. To summon a high-level demigod like the Grand Marshal, the amount of energy required is unimaginable. Fortunately, there is a power of holy light buried underground here. I hope we can use it to speed up the progress."

Broken Shore, Cairne Bloodhoof has completed the landing with the help of King Kael'thas's magical army.

What he was worried about now was not the next battle, because the Alliance was well-equipped. There were many paladins in the frontline hero group. The Tauren Soul Walker, with the help of the Life Guardian Freya, connected all the powerful warriors together.

The damage they suffer individually will be shared by each member. This reduces the pressure on the healing team. They can use a lot of recovery spells. There is no need to rush to use high-level healing spells, which will not only waste a lot of mana, but also cause the instantaneous damage to be too high, or if they are hit by a fatal blow, there will be no time to treat them.

He was worried about Blackhorn's invasion force. Not only was Blackhorn taking too much risk, but Tyran Fordring was also taking too much risk. Perhaps the Key of the Realms was very important, but was it really necessary for a demigod to risk his life like that?

But he also knew that the Burning Legion would never stop. It was fine now, but it would be a problem someday, when these old guys died. This huge threat would have to be faced by young people like Baine and Pamela. But the battle on the front was very fierce. This time the Burning Legion was out in full force. They even transferred the troops that Mardum used to see the Key to the Realms. Kil'jaeden was not the reckless Archimonde. He would not face the siege alone.

The warships outside the star system kept attacking the magic circle, attracting the power of the four-color dragons. At the same time, they also delayed Thorim and his men. Now everyone is back to the same starting line.

Taelan Fordring was stuck in Draenor and couldn't come over for the time being. The Guardians couldn't join the battle either. The Alliance could only rely on themselves.

Kil'jaeden was convinced that as long as he devoured the power of the avatar, he would be able to find the path to godhood. By that time, he would be able to calmly deal with the belated arrival of Taelan Fordring.

Although Archimonde's sacrifice was a pity, this good compatriot had consumed the threat of the Eight Virtues for him. At least he had a way out. Even if he died, he could return to Argus and revive. Now that the Legion had completely lost Archimonde, he had become the most important demon lord. He would definitely be the first to revive. There was nothing to worry about.

What we need to do now is to slow down the alliance! Advance arrangements are essential. It has to speed up and complete the swallowing.

"Gul'dan, the Alliance army suddenly attacked the Broken Shore regardless of casualties. They must have a conspiracy. And I just sensed that a powerful magical creature has invaded our territory."

Gul'dan has no way out. The Burning Legion can only survive if it successfully conquers this world and destroys all living things in this world. Otherwise, the orcs will not forgive it. Humans will not forgive it either. If it returns to the Twisting Nether, the demons will not forgive it either.

He did not die fighting for the Legion. He was killed by an out-of-control demon because he betrayed the Legion, deserted the battlefield, and went out to sea to find the godhood of Sargeras.

And Gul'dan already knew something about this world. Drak'thul had met Taelan Fording before.

But reality played a joke on this ambitious demigod warlock. At first, he only knew that Tyran Fording was a paladin who could kill the servants of the Old Gods.

For the human race, He was considered very powerful. At least Lothar, Turalyon, Antonidas and others were far inferior to Him. And He only had about the same strength as himself.

At the beginning, the old shaman of the tribe said it well, Gul'dan does have a special talent. The wording is very accurate. Talent, not the virtue in the original cg.

Gul'dan has no outstanding qualities, but he has a crazy energy that others don't have, and an extraordinary talent for fel magic. Wilfred Whizbang was also learning to summon demons, but he couldn't even control the summoned Jaraxxus, but Gul'dan was able to open a portal, send the entire orc tribe to Azeroth, and summon a large number of demons for his use.

But as the war progressed, Gul'dan learned about the demigod's deeds from some captives by extracting their memories. He really wanted to abandon the task at hand. Azeroth was too dangerous. He wanted to try his luck in other worlds. Moreover, the demigod possessed a special ability called "Eight Virtues", which could take away the soul of the target.

Gul'dan didn't know what the eight virtues were. He didn't have any virtues. He didn't care about paying any price for power. Except for the soul. He thought he still had a lot to do. He wanted to become a god. Then he could control the Burning Legion. Then all the demons would be his slaves. The whole world would crawl at his feet. No one could oppose him anymore, and no one could call him a waste, and no one dared to call him a cripple.

Unfortunately, Tyran Fording is too powerful. As people grow up, they will inevitably encounter strong enemies. The kind of enemies you have in your life will determine your pattern and level.

As Cairne Bloodhoof told Taelan Fordring:
“You have to choose your friends carefully. A true friend will help you grow and tell you whether you are doing the right thing or the wrong thing.

But you should choose your enemies carefully, because they are the ones who know you best. Their level represents your level, and their pattern represents your pattern.

If you want to understand a person, you should first look at his friends. If his friends are all ungrateful and full of lies, then you should stay away from him. Because even if he is a good person, he accidentally goes astray. That means he doesn't know how to judge people and is not a smart person.

If his friends are all good people, how bad can he be?

After looking at his friends, look at his enemies. If he is always at odds with Gallywix, he must be a businessman. You just need to be careful not to let him make too much money. If his enemy is Liadrin, then you have to be careful, because he must be both evil and powerful. "

People don't need to actively look for friends, but they must be extremely cautious when choosing enemies, because if the enemy you choose is too powerful, your journey may end there.

Taelan Fordring was not a suitable enemy, at least not for Gul'dan. He was a bit out of his league. A guy who could easily kill the Dragon King was in danger of dying at any time if he became his enemy. And Kil'jaeden did not fulfill his promise. He did not give him the power of Sargeras' avatar. Instead, he chose to take it for himself.

It was exactly the same as last time. It was really incomparable to someone like Tyran Fordring. He really let Draxul go when he promised to. Even though its reckless behavior attracted an Old God servant, Tyran Fordring helped it kill the "lobster" and did not vent his anger on Draxul.

In fact, Gul'dan should thank Taelan Fording for his tolerance and trustworthiness. Otherwise, he would not be able to be resurrected.

Gul'dan said humbly, "Yes, Lord Kil'jaeden. A little girl has stolen a fortress from one of your former servants. But she is nothing to be feared."

"We don't need to worry about the frontal battlefield. That little calf can't attack this catacombs. Their key figure is not here. And we have the advantage in numbers."

"The most dangerous place is Stormheim.
An old friend of ours. He led a team of elite soldiers deep into the fjord, and now they have stopped near an ancient ruin, where there is the most powerful magic network node in the entire Broken Isles.

I suspect they are searching for a source of energy to summon Taelan Fordring."

Tichondrius, who had been at war, took over the conversation:

"Their leader is called Khadgar. He has sabotaged our plans many times. We must take the initiative and destroy them." The Nathrezim are the most well-informed group.

Kil'jaeden originally wanted to go to Stormheim to deal with the man called Khadgar himself. However, he was attacked both on the front battlefield and in the rear, and the fortress was unexpectedly powerful. This made him think more.

"Tichondrius, Gul'dan, both of you go out together. We must destroy that annoying mage. Even if it means using the backup plan we have in reserve."

(End of this chapter)

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