Enter World of Warcraft with Dark Skills

Chapter 305: Fel Energy Bomb

Chapter 305: Fel Energy Bomb

On the second floor, a team of mages led by Archmage Pamela Redpath sat in seats in the shape of a hexagram. On the table in front of these special seats was a shining Azerite crystal.

They are the energy core of the entire aerial fortress. The six great wizards control the entire fortress through these crystals.

The fortress is located right between Suramar City and the Broken Coast, blocking the traffic of the demon army. This giant fortress has been transformed by Mimiron into a fully functional aerial city with all kinds of facilities.

There is even a forge inside it, where weapons can be forged. In the middle of the fortress grows a huge tree of life, which uses light energy and the energy of Azerite crystals to maintain the ecological cycle of the entire fortress, providing recycled water and air for the tens of thousands of people living inside.

This fortress that combines creatures and magic creations can maximize the combat effectiveness of the Alliance warriors. When Freya and Mimiron guided the Alliance scientists and craftsmen to complete the transformation of Naxxramas, Fandral Staghelm believed that this was the future of the Alliance. After a period of development, Azeroth will have its own space fleet.

Recently, the technologically advanced Draenei have joined the Alliance, and they will surely bring new knowledge and power to the Alliance.

Lady Jaina sat quietly in the lounge. The purpose of her trip was to obtain the sword of the upper elves, Sarameni. In fact, Sindra's scholar Ledros had already told everyone what he knew about the sword.

The holy sword Sarameni is composed of the ruby-inlaid 'Shadow Reaver' Elemane and the sapphire-inlaid 'Shadow Tearer' Sarathor. These two powerful swords of the upper elves were forged by a pair of twin brothers.

It is unknown what materials these two one-handed weapons are made of. But legends about them have always existed. The most desirable one is that these two swords can be combined into one. To become a sacred artifact: Sarameni. Once these two shadow swords are combined, the extreme darkness will give birth to the sun, and they will become a holy light sword.

Tens of thousands of years passed, and the sword never appeared. Until today, Gul'dan once again completely raised the entire city of Suramar from the barrier created by the Eye of Aman'thul. The power of the two swords attracted everyone's attention.

After hearing this legend, the Broken Shaman Nobundo believed that the two swords must have been forged by the ancient night elves using the core fragments of the Naaru.

As soon as he expressed this idea, he was surrounded by questioning looks.

Nobundo said softly: "This involves a period of Draenei history. That is the legend of the Entropy Demon.

You have heard of A'dal. He is a powerful naaru. He is the embodiment of the Light, and he is made entirely of materialized Light. You could say he is a living being, or you could say he is simply the essence of the Light's energy."

"Since it is energy, it will eventually run out. When the Naaru's energy cannot be regenerated due to a large amount of consumption in a short period of time, they will transform into an all-devouring 'entropy demon'. We have personally witnessed a Naaru lose his Holy Light and transform into an Entropy Demon. You can regard this transformation as the death of a Naaru. As for whether it will become a Naaru again if it is replenished with enough Holy Light, I don't know."

"These two swords possess powerful shadow power, but when they are close together, they emit energy similar to holy light. This should be the principle of extremes. The holy light they emit together is very similar to the holy light of Grand Marshal Taelan Fording. This is why I suggested that you come here.

Its energy is special, and demons cannot use it. The holy light they emit together can severely damage demons. Separated, they are just solid epic weapons. So demons will not take them. But they will definitely stop us from doing so. "

"I believe this sword was made for our Grand Marshal. If we can unite them, it will surely aid us in our fight against Kil'jaeden."

In fact, the reason why Jaina came here was not just to find the sword. She had a secret hidden in her body. Since she had this secret, she gained a special power. That is to devour energy.

Taelan Fording had been constantly replenishing her with the Light, and now that 'He' was craving the pure Shadow energy that Salamani carried.

She had to have it!
Facing the actions of Khadgar, Modera and the nobles, many people chose to remain silent. In the past, she would have been very angry and incomprehensible. She would have tried to persuade them and make them change their stance.

But not now. She has understood that the adult world only screens, not educates. Because with age comes not only knowledge, but also stubbornness. The new generation has begun to grow up, and it is only a matter of time before they are completely replaced. Instead of breaking up now, let them fend for themselves.

After this incident, they lost not their interests but their reputation. If they lost their influence, they could be dealt with in any way they wanted. Leadership comes from reputation and strength. By that time, the nobles who had nothing left would probably find it difficult to command even their own private soldiers. Moreover, the Alliance's army had always been under the control of Tyran Fording.

He infused the army with military spirit through victory after victory.

She was also disappointed by the performance of those councillors. She finally understood what Taelan Fording meant when he said that the wealthy were weak. They had too many things they didn't want to lose. At the same time, it was hard for them to forget the tacit rules among the nobles. No matter who was king, they were all nobles. No king would completely eliminate all the nobles.

But they don't know that if you change the king, the nobles may still be nobles, but if you become a demon, you may not have wings.

She teleported away all her supporters, letting them do their thing! But the warriors who followed them would probably never come back.

She had a feeling that this operation was very dangerous, and that Salamani would be the key to this battle. Perhaps what Nobundo said was true, and the two swords were forged from the core of the Naaru who had become the 'Demon of Entropy'. Wasn't this sword tailor-made for Taelan Fordring?
As for Tyran Fording's personal safety, as long as she came here and broke through Alexander's blockade, Tyran Fording would be out of danger at any time. That was a secret between them!
Neither the Burning Legion nor Alexander needed these two swords, but they would not let her get them easily. That was perfect. Let her and Alexander have a fight. And she didn't believe that all the Nightborne had turned to the Burning Legion.

You know, all the Nightborne are what they are today because the Burning Legion destroyed their homes. They have been hiding behind the barrier and have been imprisoned for 10,000 years. How could they listen to the people who caused their misfortune?

What happened next really confirmed her guess. Naxxramas's full-strength cannon blasted through the city wall. A riot broke out in the city. Fires burned, and demons began to flee from inside. Alexander, who originally wanted to fight a big battle with the Alliance, gave up the attack and instead used arcane cannons and fortifications to defend.

Looking at the chaotic city of Suramar, the Alliance general Maarlan, who was in remote command, immediately ordered Cairne Bloodhoof to speed up the advance, and the goblin and dwarf engineering teams to speed up the construction of beach fortifications.

All new fortifications of the Alliance would be equipped with magic circles. The emerging magic circle science gave these fortifications the ability to resist magic. Therefore, Kil'jaeden did not dare to mobilize too many troops to help the Archmage Alexander.

His actions were not going smoothly. The power of Sargeras's avatar was not much greater than Kil'jaeden himself. But its essence was extremely high, which made it take a very long time. However, it did not dare and was unwilling to stop its actions to destroy the Alliance's army.

After learning of Archimonde's death, it has made clear its own strength. It is no match for Tyran Fordring. It is just a little bit worse. Especially since Tyran Fordring defeated Archimonde but did not return to Azeroth directly, this is already telling.

He, like himself, needed a powerful energy source to summon him to this world. But what he didn't expect was that the Alliance actually chose the most dangerous way. That is to go deep into Storm Fjord where the enemy situation is unknown, and use the energy source here to summon him back. Now it is also in a dilemma. Stopping and destroying the Alliance's troops is the best choice, but that will consume a lot of its own strength.

The current Alliance is not what it used to be. It has four powerful dragon kings and four guardians in good condition. Moreover, these guardians cooperate with the Alliance and have learned to cooperate with mortal races. They are no less capable than when they led the Titan creations to fight.

And now Kil'jaeden has discovered something is wrong. He feels that this is not Taelan Fordring's style. The orcs' return to Draenor is not his main purpose. He was too impulsive. He should not have mobilized the garrison of Mardum, nor should he and Archimonde attack the current Azeroth.

Because it knew that the tiny races in Azeroth were particularly good at infighting, and the best way was to let the dreadlords find a way to provoke infighting among them and weaken their power. Now it stepped in. Although its body entered Azeroth, it found itself rejected by the entire environment. That should be that the Titan of Azeroth had its own consciousness. He wanted to expel himself.

There are several very troublesome generals in the Alliance, such as the woman who has mastered the life force, the little girl who drives Naxxramas, and Khadgar. Malfurion, who had fought against the Burning Legion many times, has become an insignificant existence. What is more suspicious is that he left here.

Kil'jaeden had a bad guess that those weak wilderness demigods had a close relationship with the druids, and the current Alliance must have inherited their relationship with the wilderness demigods.

It saw a group of harpies wearing new armor flying around Naxxramas! This means that the hateful big crow may still be alive. They are actually mixed with the Alliance. The demigods with descendants are likely to be resurrected.

The big crow's combat power is not strong. But it has a terrifying auxiliary ability: Activating Energy, which can reduce the energy consumption of its comrades. The effect is limited in a short-term battle, but once the battle time becomes longer, this ability will become particularly terrifying.

And Avina is alive, who knows if the old deer will also be awakened. Archimonde defeated the old deer, but he said that the deer was very powerful and he killed it when it was weak.

The emergence of the new Bronze Dragon King has made the magic array of Azeroth more effective. If a group of wilderness demigods are added, it will be even more difficult to deal with.

If he expended too much energy on these guys, once Taelan Fordring returned, he would soon follow in Archimonde's footsteps.

To make matters worse, its consciousness swept across the entire battlefield. The Legion had many more soldiers than the Alliance, and the strength of ordinary soldiers was also stronger than that of the Alliance. But the next moment it saw Tichondrius, the once powerful dreadlord, fighting fiercely with Khadgar.

Demon Hunter!

Tichondrius's soul was damaged by Illidan and has not yet fully recovered. By the way, where did Illidan go? Why didn't he see it? He only saw a night elf woman transformed into a demon and invaded Suramar!

From time to time, powerful green light shot out from her eyes, and the eyes were stunned! Groups of dwarf demons were turned into ashes by this terrifying beam of light. Her magic attacks were too frequent! After all, a demon hunter is a warrior class, where does she get so much fel energy? Even if she enslaved a high-level demon, she would still consume energy to control the demon.

There's something wrong with those harpies! Maybe Avina is hiding among his offspring!

The Legion's soldiers are endless, and it doesn't worry about the strength of the army! But where is Illidan? Didn't he escape back to the Alliance? With his flamboyant personality, he will definitely go on a killing spree! But he didn't come.

At this time, a succubus ran in.

"Lord Kil'jaeden, something terrible has happened. Overlord Kazzak has sent me news."

The battle in Outland is over. Kazzak has died, and the bad news coming now must be outdated. It really doesn't want to know about this.

"The troops attacking your throne are indeed from the Illidari. They are numerous, and there are also some Watchers. The traitor Illidan has long been in collusion with Taelan Fordring."

Kil'jaeden was not angry but happy: "Illidan attacked the throne?"

"That's not Illidan, someone lost the artifact, the Orb of Deception!"

It must be the work of some worthless dreadlord!

...He really didn't come, so where did he go? His financial sponsor was facing endless enemies, so why didn't he come to help? It has been lurking for such a long time, it wouldn't just send a few men to burn my throne!

A terrible thought came into its mind:

"Illidan is always bold. Will he go to Argus?"

Kil'jaeden is not Archimonde. Archimonde is good at fighting, and his entire focus is on gaining power. Kil'jaeden has always been a leader. He has been in charge of the Eredar for tens of thousands of years, and has led the Burning Legion for countless years. What has he not seen?
It was just that the Legion's continuous victories had made it ignore something, and now the continuous failures made it unacceptable. More importantly, all the civilizations it had encountered were aimed at repelling the Legion. No one had ever thought of actively luring them in and then digging out their roots!
All tactics conversion home?

Indeed, if the home change is successful, Taelan Fordring will go on a killing spree and devour Argus, whose power has been drained away, and become a god himself!

When they succeed, they will definitely come back to kill me. These demons will definitely betray me and follow the new master of the twisting void!
The more it thinks, the more evil it becomes. Things must not develop in this direction!

"Order Jaraxxus to detonate the fel bomb as soon as Taelan Fordring arrives in Azeroth! I want them all dead!"

"But there are many of our people there, including Tichondrius and..."

"Don't mind them! Follow that order!"

(End of this chapter)

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