Enter World of Warcraft with Dark Skills

Chapter 306: The True Story of Ado

Chapter 306: The True Story of Ado
Blackhorn Grimtotem had no idea how many times he had repelled the demons' attacks. Fortunately, the attacks of Cairne Bloodhoof and Lady Jaina had tied down the main force of the Burning Legion.

The Burning Legion has had bad luck in the past three years. First they lost Anetheron, then they lost several Annihilan lords. This left them lacking generals who understood the Alliance.

Most of Kil'jaeden's best generals were his own compatriots, and even for such an important mission, he did not transfer them away from the Burning Throne of Antorus, which is their home planet Argus.

Because it knows that these are the only people it can trust.

Apart from these people, the only ones it can use are the Nathrezim from Nathreza.

Although the appearance of Taelan Fording disrupted the course of many events, causing the bronze dragons to lose their power to control the flow of time (even though they did nothing most of the time, doing their best to mess with the good guys, and causing a lot of inexplicable bugs.), it is absolutely true that character determines destiny. As long as it is not repeatedly archived and replayed, there will basically be no major changes.

Because of the many changes to the Warcraft Chronicles, many people and events have changed beyond recognition. There are too many things that cannot be explained clearly.

For example, the Nathrezim are the Fangs of Revendreth, the undercover agents of Sire Denathrius, King of the Venthyr.

This is simply not feasible, because many of the Burning Legion's demons are masters of soul science, and they manipulate the power of fel energy. Moreover, the souls of all the legion's people have signed a contract with the twisting void. Those powerful Nathrezim are not mentioned. They have terrifying power and can escape such scrutiny. But what about those weak dreadlords?

The answer is that those so-called spies are only a minority, and some dreadlords don't even know about this.

The dreadlords are Kil'jaeden's minions, but they often follow Archimonde.

In order to invade Azeroth, Kil'jaeden sent Ner'zhul, who was imprisoned in ice, to Azeroth. He did not trust Ner'zhul at all, and he just used this orc who was as cunning as himself. So he sent Varimathras, Mal'Ganis, Balnazzar, and Deserok to Northrend.

That’s not all. It also asked Tichondrius, Anetheron, and Jintessa to lead those dreadlords one after another.

However, things did not go as planned. Anetheron had a good understanding of the situation of the Alliance and decided to find a way to get rid of Tyran Fording first. So he used Zuluhed, who was bent on revenge, to lure Tyran Fording into a trap.

As expected, an accident happened. The Titans and the Old Gods appeared one after another, and finally the Eight Virtues came, took away Anetheron's soul, and refined all of it into fel gems.

One of the seven dreadlords with names disappeared forever. The next one was the arrogant Tichondrius, who guarded the Skull of Gul'dan alone, and was eventually killed in Felwood by the unethical Illidan and Tyran Fordring.

The cunning Jintaisa is still at large, causing a lot of trouble for Taelan Fording. Its position is still unclear.

Mal'Ganis perfectly completed the task of luring Prince Arthas into darkness. In the end, he died in Frostmourne. He has been resurrected with the power of Argus. This time, he also came to the Broken Shore to help Kil'jaeden invade Azeroth.

Balnazzar's whereabouts are still unknown, and neither his body nor his body has been found. Deserok has been confirmed dead, but his soul has not returned to the Twisting Nether, and no one knows who took it away.

Varimathras is still alive, but he has not contacted the Legion in a long time. Kil'jaeden judges that Varimathras, who has flexible moral boundaries, has defected to the out-of-control Lich King or some other powerful being.

These changes left Kil'jaeden without powerful assistants. Now he could only hope that those three guys could complete the task.

Jaraxxus, Tichondrius, and Gul'dan are trying every means to deal with Archmage Khadgar and his group who have entered Stormheim.

The pressure on Blackhorn who was fighting on the front line was very great. His troops were limited in number, but the enemies they faced seemed endless.

Rows of dwarf demons rushed to charge the temporary position of the minotaurs. Black Horn watched the enemy's offensive tactics while checking the situation of his own men. They were already very tired.

His Aura of Domination can enhance the attack and defense of friendly troops, but it cannot increase speed, nor can it restore the vitality of his subordinates like the Death Knight's Unholy Aura.

At this time, an old knight from the former Silver Hand said, "Black Horn, old friend, this is the third time we have worked together."

As he spoke, he used Holy Light Flash to heal Blackhorn's injuries. At the same time, he smashed a little demon to death with a hammer. The little demon was sent back to the twisting void before it could throw a fireball.

Blackhorn panted and said, "The fourth time, you didn't count the time against Deathwing's servants."

He took a breath and said, "You shouldn't have come this time. You are about to retire and transfer to the logistics department. You should go see your newborn grandson."

The old knight suddenly rushed forward a few steps and pulled back a young minotaur, who was almost pulled into the group of demons by a succubus whip.

"Be careful, kid. You won't be so lucky next time."

The young Minotaur warrior said politely, "Thank you, Knight Commander Ado!" A childish face could be vaguely seen from the gap in his plate helmet.

"Brothers of Holy Light, no need to say thank you! Live well! Good days are coming!
When this battle is over, we can go home. I miss my grandson."

Ado Melnikov is an old paladin from Lordaeron, and he has been through every war since the Battle of Zul'Matha.

He fought trolls in the jungle and orcs in the mountains of Grim Batol. He was wounded and returned to his hometown. All he got was a few gold coins and a certificate of discharge.

He returned home with the money he had worked so hard for over the past few years. There were only his wife and son in his home. His mother had died. Years of hard work had caused all kinds of problems in their bodies. They looked fine at ordinary times, but if the disease broke out, they would die soon.

People die, but life goes on. He is a hardworking man. While farming for the Agamand family, he also goes hunting in the dangerous mountains to supplement his family income. As for why he went to the dangerous mountains? Aren't there many forests near Lordaeron?

Because those forests belonged to the Agamand family, they stipulated that the forests in their territory belonged to them, and they had to pay taxes for cutting wood for burning. This was called the woodcutting tax. This nice name was thought up by Caudric Agamand and Devlin Agamand.

Moreover, this tax must be collected in advance. That is, the woodcutting tax for next year is collected this year. And there is a discount for paying both years at the same time. It is said that this was thought up by the financial genius Kodick Agamand for his brother. He borrowed from Lady Jaina Proudmoore's potion pre-order promotion.

It is said that this idea was thought up by Sir Tyran Fording for his wife Lady Jaina to practice alchemy. Because most of the raw materials needed to refine the potion are very precious. Even if the lady has a good father who is an admiral and a legendary man, those materials are very difficult to collect.

The method of ordering the refining potion provided the lady with sufficient practice materials. It was equivalent to using other people's materials to practice her own skills. She could also receive a considerable commission.

Kodick thought this method was profitable, because the taxes collected in advance could be kept in his own hands, and it would be a considerable profit to lend them out. His brother had a strange theory, that is, the people should not have money in their hands. It is best to keep them at a level that is just enough to be hungry, but not starving to death. Because those peasants have no time to think about anything else in order to fill their stomachs. They cannot be allowed to have spare money. Once they have surplus food, they have time to think about the future. If they have too many ideas, it will be difficult to deal with.

So he expanded his brother's method, established a charity fund, and sent people to the countryside to implement a compulsory tax reduction policy. Whoever had savings, his money would be taken away and all counted as prepaid taxes. He was determined to let all his subjects enjoy the tax preferential policies.

Once the tax is collected, he will transfer these little cuties to a charity fund, and all investments can be made with this charity fund. This way, it will be tax-free.

People are saying that the "reckless" Devlin Agamand followed the advice of his brother Cordick Agamand and implemented this tax reduction measure for the peasants.

This is a win-win for both the public and private sectors. The charity fund has money for charity, and DeFlin has money to pay the king's taxes. The peasants also enjoy tax cuts.

It is said that a retired soldier named Ado Melnikov has been paying taxes to the Dark Portal for a hundred years. A cultured expert, Mr. Kel'Thuzad, has calculated that Ado will never have to pay woodcutting taxes again in his lifetime.

Ado Melnikov had always lived a hard life. His wife had given birth to a son for him, and he persevered in order to keep the little boy alive.

In fact, Hodor's life was not easy. He often had nightmares, dreaming of his fellow soldiers who died in battle. They took up swords, served as soldiers and ate food, fighting against those trolls and orcs. His comrades died one by one. One old soldier blocked a blow from an ogre warrior for him. The man died on the spot.

He always wondered, why wasn't I the one who died? Why was life always against me? Every morning when he woke up, the first thing he thought about was whether there was any food left in the rice jar, whether his wife who got up early was sick, and whether his son would be hungry.

Then he dragged his exhausted body into the mountains and fought with wild beasts. At night, he dragged his even more exhausted body back. He didn't know when his miserable life would end, but he didn't dare to stop.

He was considered a capable man in the countryside. The people of the Agamand family didn't dare to bully him. He had a very beautiful wife.

Because those people knew that although Hodor was honest, he was a veteran soldier, and his fighting skills allowed him to kill more than a dozen people with his bare hands. Lord Taelan Fording taught him very well. He learned real skills. And he loved his wife very much. Once they did something, Hodor would have no worries, and they would all die.

Even so, he was still taxed for the magical dire wolf he had risked his life to kill. At that time, Ado looked at his wife who was trembling with fear while hugging her son. He said nothing and took the tax-free voucher for a hundred years until the Dark Portal.

Ado felt that he had completed his life's mission. He had done his duty to the Agamand family. The idea that the people were the property of the nobles had always existed. Many scholars called this loyalty.

Later, the Scourge came, and Ardor took advantage of the chaos in Lordaeron and fled to Hearthglen with his wife and son. During a defense of Hearthglen, Ardor awakened the Holy Light and became a Paladin. He became powerful, but he still couldn't forget the brother who died for him. He even "forgot" his name. He didn't dare to think about it. He was afraid that he would go crazy.

Since then, he has been at the forefront of every battle. He tried desperately to die, but he could not. The guilt kept tormenting him.

With a loud bang, a fel cannon hit the black horn next to Ado.

The loud noise brought Ardo back from his memories. He watched Blackhorn raise his shield. He knew that the exhausted Blackhorn would have a hard time resisting this attack. And after the bombardment, the demon's attack would come immediately. Blackhorn was needed here.

Blackhorn Grimtotem cannot fall. Ardo knelt on one knee devoutly, calling for the help of the Titan of Azeroth. The strong holy light protected Blackhorn. Ardo, who used the holy light shield, felt that his body was suddenly hollowed out, and waves of dizziness attacked him.

Perhaps it was time. If they could hold out against this wave, the summoning array would be completed. Even if it was not completed, the Archmage should give the order to retreat. This was an elite force, and the Grand Lord would not watch his brothers being annihilated.

But the summoning array made a sound of being overwhelmed. His lord was too powerful. It was just a little short. Ado knew that the combat effectiveness of the troops had reached its limit. Now the entire Broken Islands was boiling. It was obvious that General Maerlan had launched a full-scale assault to cooperate with them.

I don't know how many of my compatriots will die in the more dangerous Broken Tidal Flats. There are well-arranged fel artillery positions there. There is also a demon craftsman in charge. If they land now, the casualties they will suffer are unimaginable. Fortunately, they did not encounter the attack of those purple-skinned night elves. I think Lady Jaina has already dealt with the matter of Suramar City.

The suffocating bombardment finally ended, and the battlefield was filled with the pungent smell of sulfur. Ardo saw Gul'dan from a distance.

The demon army rushed up. The entire ruins had been cut off by several meters by the bombardment, and they no longer had to climb the slope.

The reason he recognized Gul'dan was because of the special robe he wore, with six spikes standing on its back.

It is a warlock, and it has rushed to the front line. This place has become a dead place.

"Niu Niu, you retreat first. Ask Archmage Modera for help. Gul'dan is here."

The young minotaur did not dare to disobey military orders. He got up and stumbled towards the temporary fortifications behind him.

Hodor and Blackhorn looked at each other. Time was running out. Archmage Khadgar was dealing with the dreadlord Tichondrius, and Archmage Modera should have detected Gul'dan's arrival long ago. He was a demigod sorcerer, and his energy was so strong that even a warrior with a head full of muscles could sense it.

How could she not know?
At least the Mavericks can live a little longer.

Gul'dan did not charge forward, but began to cast spells. A large amount of fel fire rained down from the sky, and each of those green fireballs brought a hellfire with it. But Gul'dan did not stop casting spells.

The magical aura in the summoning circle became stronger. His lord was about to descend. The kind and domineering holy light had spread across the entire Broken Isles.

However, Archmage Modera's support did not arrive, Gul'dan finished casting the spell first, and a large and terrifying fel warship slid out of the void. It flew over the summoning circle without stopping.

A arrogant and rude voice sounded: "I am Jaraxxus, King of the Eredar! Be prepared for your end!"

Amid Gul'dan's horrified expression, a huge and terrifying fel bomb was dropped.

A milky white holy light emerged in the center of the magic circle, and a figure with eight light wings floating behind him appeared.

The entire Broken Isles were shaken.

The guardian knight of Azeroth's Titan has finally returned!

Boom! The fel bomb exploded. Ardo closed his eyes.

Goodbye, my world!
(End of this chapter)

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