Enter World of Warcraft with Dark Skills

Chapter 307: Death of Gul'dan

Chapter 307: Death of Gul'dan

dark temple
Shahras put her hands in front of her eyes. The demon scales on the back of her hands fell off completely, revealing her delicate skin. The pointed nails became thin and soft. The green evil energy flowing in the tiny magic patterns disappeared and was replaced by holy light.

The originally hard skin became soft and tough, and the palms became more flexible. It seems that I will need to equip two long swords in the future. The extra four arms have become magic and will only be summoned when needed.

There was no mirror here, so she couldn't see any changes in herself, but she felt that her mind was clearer. She wouldn't be easily angered like before. She knew that this was one of her biggest gains. After losing the evil energy, she was no longer controlled by rage, and she could think about things calmly again.

She was filled with the power of Holy Light. This power was different from what she had known before. It could be used flexibly like the power of elements. And she knew clearly that it was hers and would not leave her. Except for the fact that it repelled the evil energy like the Holy Light of the Naaru, everything else was completely different.

The original curse has subsided. Those guys can no longer torture themselves with fel energy.

She was just about to say something.

Taelan Fordring's form began to fade into insubstantiality. The Azerite crystals were calling him.

Kurtulus Falling Cinder immediately saluted Taelan Fordring. Then he said to Matron Shahraz: "We must hold this place until Lord Illidan returns. Fortunately, the fierce battle is over. It is safe here."

Shahras had adapted to her body and was beginning to regain her original shape. This was a sign that her energy was completely under her control.

"Boy, it's not that simple. The main force of the Burning Legion was defeated. But the Nathrezim are not all dead."

Kurtrus Meteorite was a little confused: "Aren't the Nathrezim just the running dogs of the Legion? Their master is dead, shouldn't they run away?"

"You don't understand the Legion at all. In fact, the creation of the Burning Legion was all thanks to the Nazrezim. It was they who accelerated Sargeras' corruption.

Their purpose is still unknown, especially those high-ranking Nathrezim. It is still unclear who they are loyal to, but it is definitely not Sargeras and Kil'jaeden.

Sargeras is a Titan who is influenced by the Force itself. It was law before, and it went too far at that time. Then it was fel energy, which made it furious. In fact, he is just a tool that someone is looking for. "

"Why didn't you tell the Grand Marshal about this?"

Shahras smiled and said, "He already knows! His holy light may seem peaceful, but it is even more powerful. There is something amazing in his body, and that thing has helped him understand me.

You don't understand what the Lightforge is! He knows everything about me through the Holy Light. He is much more powerful than you think."

She said this without showing any anger. She was very calm.

"How can a person who can devour the ancient gods be not powerful? He himself doesn't even have a sense of defense, so why should I believe that he can protect me?"

"Get to work! Who is playing tricks on whom? I can already feel it. He is almost perfect. After gathering all six elements of the Force, He will take the final step.

It's a pity that no one knows how to obtain the life force and life gem. Unless..."

She didn't say anything else, perhaps because she didn't know, or perhaps because she didn't want to say it.

Kurtrus Falling Cinder didn't care what the Grand Marshal would do. He wouldn't harm him anyway. As a demon hunter, he was already halfway to success. With the help of the Grand Marshal, he hunted down Kazzak. Most of the latter's soul energy was taken away by him. Only less than half of its soul escaped, which was just right! Any more would have backfired. Now Kazzak's soul has become incomplete. It can never be restored to its original state.

In fact, every demon hunter is a container, a container that seals demons. The sealed demons can never get their souls back, unless someone kills the demon hunter who took their power, then they have a chance to recover. This is the original intention of Illidan to create this profession, to gain powerful power and enslave a powerful demon.

"A new hunt is about to begin. My hunt will not stop until all demons are dead."

Matron Shahras curled her lips. She looked back at the succubi who followed her. They had also changed. Just like when Grommash Hellscream killed Manaros, he cut off the curse on the orcs. They had also been redeemed.

"Sisters, a new task has begun. Let us take good care of this place first. Then we will wait for the day to take revenge on those traitors."

In fact, she was only half right. Some Nathrezim were very busy recently. Not only were they active in Azeroth, but some of them had gone to the Burning Throne of Antorus. They were there to help someone. To help that person complete an almost impossible task.

They are going to equip a mysterious machine near the Burning Throne. It is so similar to the device under the Frozen Throne. It seems to be able to channel energy.

Soon the temple fell into silence, and the surrounding magic crystals also fell into darkness. Velen and the orcs left here. But the Broken led by Akama would not agree. This place was lost from its hands. It wanted to take it back.

Nobundo led some of the Broken to Azeroth to find the future. Akama would not stay there. Why should such a good world belong to the orcs? The Alliance doesn't need it now, but someone will need it sooner or later. After it controls Zangarmarsh, it will come here. This is the settlement built by the Draenei. It is the holy place in their hearts.

Broken Isles.

Taelan Fording had been here before. In another world, he had come here many times through a screen. Now he was there in person. He was here in person.

He raised his head. A huge bomb exploded above his head. Taelan Fording silently complained:
"Kil'jaeden, there's no need to make such a big scene to welcome me!"

He took off the Crazy Dark Blade and swung it hard at the evil energy bomb in the air.

Nothingness strikes and breaks.

The powerful Force was immediately detonated, and He disappeared from the spot. When He appeared again, He had come to the side of Blackhorn Terrortotem. He raised his left hand, and a faint barrier of holy light appeared above the heads of His subordinates.

Boom! With a loud noise, the entire battlefield fell silent.

The fel warships also stopped firing.

The sky was like a piece of broken glass, cracks spread, and then shattered with a snap.

Ado Melnikov felt like he was dead. He had fought for humanity his whole life, but few people respected his efforts.

Those high-ranking guys enjoy the happiness they fought for, but they don't even look at them. They eat delicious food, enjoy leisure and ease, and never think about how these come. In their cognition, all this is natural and everything can be bought with money. Once the sky falls, just kneel down in another direction.

A dynasty of a hundred years, a noble family of a thousand years. They have always been sure of this. But now, the undead only like corpses. The devil only likes souls and blood.

In the past, he could not read and did not understand so many principles. He only knew how to work, eat, fight, and then complain about why troubles always found him instead of those Agamands.

Later he discovered that suffering could be transferred from those people to himself. He was the one who served in the army for Codice. Just as the subjects had to follow the nobles to fight, they also had to follow their king to fight. No wonder he had endless troubles.

It was not until the new alliance was established, the upward channel was opened, and the nobles lost the privilege of transferring suffering that he had a good life. He had to thank Grand Marshal Taelan Fording and his wife. They made him live like a human being!
Now everything is coming to an end. It's a pity that the Grand Marshal had too little time to establish the new alliance. He has only lived a few years of life. Fortunately, his wife, son and grandson don't have to be like him. They can live with dignity.

He could also go to see his comrades with peace of mind. He could tell them that the life they wanted had been realized. He no longer had to be tortured by guilt.

That kind of guilt, like a cup of brewed bitter wine, becomes stronger and stronger as it ages. Especially when he has nothing to do, when he is not fighting. Once he is idle, inexplicable sadness will come to him. Sometimes it even makes him cry.

The leader of the Silver Hand, Taelan Fordring, has finally arrived. There is hope for this war.

He raised his hand and shattered the sky, destroying the source of the explosion. But he was a little too late. The evil energy that had already been released could not be completely wiped out. The bomb was a little too big. The mysticism he knew told him that such a thing did not exist. There were no crazy goblins among the demons.

Maybe it was imported from the Void? The guy named Rafaam once had a dispute with the explorer Prince Bronzebeard. It was also the Grand Marshal who "persuaded" it. It felt that it was a big loss for not digging up the grave. So it did business with the Grand Marshal and sold him an incredibly powerful mana bomb at a high price.

It is said that this thing will kill both the bomb's enemy and its owner. The creator did not consider the user's life or death at all.

The fel radiation left by that fel bomb is enough to send everyone here to see the holy light.

Black Horn punched Ado who closed his eyes:
"It's time to get to work! This is not the place for you to play dead!"

Ardo did not listen to Blackhorn's complaints. He was a paladin. He silently sensed the state of Grand Marshal Taelan Fording.

He is not well. Although the endless holy light is piercing the sky and illuminating the entire Broken Isles. The powerful aura of fanaticism makes the soldiers of the Alliance seem to be under the spell of bloodlust. An ordinary attack can produce an effect comparable to a heroic strike.

But his power is a little out of control. In the past, his holy light would gently surround those around him. But now, staying by his side makes people feel like being burned. I hope that he has been promoted again, and the sudden increase in power makes it difficult for him to adapt. It is not that his soul is damaged, which reduces his control.

The "Wall of Sighs" summoned by Taelan Fording blocked the explosion of the fel bomb, but his control over his power declined. The sequelae of the damaged soul were much more serious than he had imagined.

So He chose to protect His brothers first. The forced teleportation had already consumed a lot of His strength. The Force strike He had just released consumed a huge amount of attack. And this was His best choice to eliminate this explosion.

This made the Archmage Modera in the temporary fortress face the explosion directly. The powerful fel energy instantly wiped her and some of her allies out of this world.

Taelan Fording did not look back at those people. He stretched out his left hand towards Gul'dan who was lying on the ground.

At this moment, Gul'dan had completely lost his arrogance. His mitre was taken away by the shockwave of the explosion. All six spikes on his mighty spiked armor were broken. Only one of his demon wings was left, and it was torn and full of cracks. He looked at everything in front of him in pain.

All gone! The demon army it controlled was wiped out. If it wanted to make a comeback, it would have to create a death knight. Stuff the orc souls into the corpses. Or kill more creatures and use the plundered vitality to summon new demons.

In fact, it thinks too much! It has no future!

As Tyran Fordring raised his left hand, Gul'dan involuntarily flew towards this extremely terrifying demigod. He originally thought that I was also a demigod warlock, and we were all demigods, so we should have a fierce battle.

When the time came, it realized that there were many kinds of demigods. The power it bestowed could not be compared with the power that truly belonged to an individual.

The powerful force of the Holy Light and the Void not only pulled it over, but also imprisoned its entire body's energy. Tyran Fording, who was also attacked by the fel bomb, was much more powerful than it. Not only was he still able to move, he also protected most of his men.

Tyran Fording grabbed Gul'dan with his Divine Grip and threw it to the ground without even looking at it. He took the blessed sword of Flamefury Lifebinder from behind and nailed it to the ground with one blow. Then he raised his left hand and aimed at the demon warship in the sky.

In an instant, the sky lost its color, and countless holy light bullets, illuminated by the mysterious blue child, smashed towards the huge battleship from several different angles.

The spaceship began to catch fire, but just as the attack of the holy light lightning ended, a burst of holy light bombs exploded inside the warship. Then came the words of King Jaraxxus:
: I am Jaraxxus, of the Eredar...Ah! ...

Taelan Fordring thought the king of the Eredar looked so handsome when he fell. He clenched his hand, which was supposed to fall, and tapped lightly into the air!
Snap! Snap! The void split open into several holes, and the center was exactly the king of the Eredar.

Its body was instantly torn apart by the power of the void. Then, meteorites rained down from the sky. They were supposed to follow the holy lightning and hit the wreckage of the warship, but under the control of Tyran Fordring's superb mysticism, they changed direction and all smashed down towards King Jaraxxus!
The dazzling holy light faded, leaving only the still-burning wreckage of the warship and Gul'dan nailed to the ground.

"Very good, you are very strong, you win today. I will come back!"

Unfortunately, it wasn't Gray Wolf. A night elf wearing a mysterious mask emerged from the shadows. Taelan Fordring raised his hand, and the greatsword was pulled out by itself and returned to his back.

The woman raised a strange moon blade. Gul'dan looked horrified:

"Watcher?" A layer of extremely solid green crystal imprisoned it. Even its soul could not return to the twisting void. The watcher saluted to Taelan Fordring. She cast a spell that no one knew about, and Gul'dan was moved into a special void prison.

It heard the last words of its life:

"When Argus dies, have your sister execute it herself!"

"Blackhorn, call for reinforcements to defend this place. I am going to enter the Aggramar Vault. Something is calling me here!"

He looked up at the blue child in the sky. The moonlight was like water, gentle and restful.

(End of this chapter)

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