Enter World of Warcraft with Dark Skills

Chapter 311 Death of Spider King

Chapter 311 Death of Spider King
The mysterious ornament triggered a holy storm. The holy light that filled the sky tore apart the evil energy that had covered the sky of Mardum for endless years.

The beautiful starlight from outside the planet shone in. This was a dead star region without the sun. Marton was floating in this dead starry sky like a corpse.

After being ruled by the fel for so long, Mardum finally saw the light of day today. But this world has nothing but demons. They have no hope for light. The fel flames and holy light collided and disappeared in the sky, and terrible lightning broke out from time to time.

In fact, Illidan is more like a demigod than Tyran Fordring. Facing any situation, he can make the most efficient and ruthless decision. He did not even look at the Illidari fighting among the demons, and triggered the power in the accessories.

Jace Darkweaver had already followed Maiev Shadowsong's orders to retreat. The opportunity to escape was given to him and his men, not because Illidan preferred it, but because he was just right for the task. His talent was fast casting. He could cast many fel spells in succession, forming a powerful offensive. This gave him a strong breakthrough ability.

Maiev Shadowsong is an experienced rogue. She doesn't have Illidan's ruthlessness. But she is a watcher who values ​​her mission more than her life. There are few people she admires. Almost all young women in the entire Alliance are jealous of Lady Jaina because she married the best.

Only Maiev Shadowsong was not jealous. She thought Taelan Fordring was not mature enough, more like a young boy who had just entered this dark forest-like world. He was passionate, noble, and ambitious. He had his own principles and he had many friends.

But he was too idealistic. For example, those nobles who were hypocritically flattering him. Although he never bowed to them and would not show mercy in dealing with them, he believed their promises too easily. These shameless guys had no bottom line just like the group of people like Savis back then. Sooner or later, they would seize the opportunity to bite him back.

If it were her, she would have killed them all. Anyway, He held supreme power. No one dared to resist Him. Even the entire Kaldorei together were no match for Him alone. But he never considered getting rid of them.

He never failed to keep His promises. Even His opponents believed in His promises.

Now seeing Illidan and his subordinates going on an expedition to Mardum just for His promise, she began to admire that human.

If he wasn't such a person, how could these demon hunters believe in him? Who would work for him?
His kindness is only for his own people. Some people may think that he is not philanthropic enough. But what is wrong with him being loyal to his own race and his comrades?
She looked back at Illidan, who mercilessly triggered the Holy Light Storm. She felt that he wanted to prove something. Perhaps he still couldn't forget the expectations of the sages when he was born.

He was born with light in his eyes! All the night elves thought that such a child would become a great hero. But later he became blind. And he lost to his brother in the battle for his love.

Today he came here at such a risk, just to prove that he is better than his brother! He is also a great hero.

Men are very strange animals. Maiev Shadowsong envied men. Because her mentor told her:

"Only men have love. They choose the girl they love. They will do things for the girl they love that others think they can't do.

Most women have no love, they often love whoever treats them well. They are more emotional than men and will make many irrational sacrifices under impulse.

Unfortunately, due to lack of rationality, they find it difficult to stick to their choices. They often succumb to material things, power, and beautiful promises. "

Just like Illidan now, he did what Malfurion couldn't do. This holy storm was enough to kill everyone here, including the Illidari. They were also users of fel energy, and Illidan could give up everything to destroy the Burning Legion.

Perhaps the only thing he couldn't let go of was the girl he once loved. He had always treasured that little yellow flower.

She also had to complete her mission. Now she felt that there was no difference between men and women. They all had to face many choices.

"Sana, follow me. Get to the designated area as quickly as possible. Kurtrus will open the portal in time."

Unlike Illidan, he trusted Shahraz.

Men are like this, they are extremely defensive. Unless you can gain their true trust, once this trust is established, it will last until a fatal betrayal.

Women are different. They are very easy to accept the views and opinions of outsiders. Maybe a few greetings, a cup of hot water, and a little care can change their attitudes and even ruin their marriages. But it is difficult to make them trust you. The closer they are to you, the less likely they are to compromise.

Therefore, most of the harm men suffer comes from people they love and trust deeply.

Most of the harm that women suffer comes from strangers, and girls are not just extroverted for show.

(I am not making this up. If you don’t believe me, you can observe your girlfriend or your mother. They are easily deceived into investing, managing money, and buying cosmetics. This kind of sales pitch is basically ineffective for men. Of course, most people who are deceived into pyramid schemes are greedy.

If you try to persuade them, they will get mad at you. They would rather believe a liar than you.)
Maiev Shadowsong didn't trust Matron Shahras at all, so she left a watcher to watch over the demon and let her help Meteorite open the portal.

Just as Illidan said, when they besieged the Fel Hammer, only the mobilized demons were attacking the Illidari, but the Key to the Realms was stolen.

Some portals vibrated and made sounds of space breaking. Without this key, some demon warships lost their coordinates and were forced to wander in the boundless universe.

The demons knew something was wrong! Touching the Sargerite Keystone was equivalent to touching the demons' gate key. It was not until this time that Maiev realized that this key did not only provide a coordinate. It could actually guide the demon's soul back to the Twisting Nether, or simply guide them to Argus to wait for resurrection.

Now that they have lost it, they have lost their way home. They cannot return to the Twisting Nether to be resurrected by Argus. So what is the point of them joining the Burning Legion?

All the demons on the continent were out, and they rushed towards the Illidari without hesitation. Looking at their crazy appearance, they would not stop until they tore them into pieces.

Maiev Shadowsong's fighting ability may not have reached the level of a high-level legend. But her ability to hide and escape is simply god-level. She flashed across a ruined city wall. However, a group of skinny summoners surrounded her. They had already sensed these aliens.

These guys quickly summoned several waves of low-level demons. If they were not stopped, a large group of demons would soon surround them. It was very easy for them to summon demons here.

Maiev Shadowsong shook her cape, and a swishing sound was heard. A fan-shaped flying knife was thrown out. The group of summoners immediately screamed. Several guys were pierced in the throat by the darts. Then their bodies turned green and they soon lost their lives.

After sending out the knife fan, Maiev did not dare to stop, and rushed towards a demon in front of her like a warrior. Jace Darkweaver, who followed closely behind her, had fel energy in his eyes, and a green ray swept across, burning the little demon in front to ashes.

Sana showed up and followed Maiev. She specialized in dealing with high-level targets, and she shot a demon officer with a dart. It was an Eredar. There were a few fleshy whiskers on its chin. There was a pair of wings behind its back. Its lower limbs were curved and had hooves. The dart hit its throat. The poison dyed its entire body green.

It let out a painful wail. But it didn't deserve pity, as they had killed countless creatures. But they had never sympathized with those creatures. However, there were too many demons, and Maiev Shadowsong sent the Key of the Realms into the independent space she had summoned. This cut off its connection with the demon portal. This caused many demons that were heading to Azeroth to temporarily stop teleporting, and they also joined the ranks of those besieging Maiev.

Being surrounded in such a place would mean death. Thousands of demons would tear them to pieces.

From time to time, demon hunters from the Illidari fell, and some watcher sisters also fell under the claws of demons.

These people are the treasures of the Alliance, and are the best choices for the Command to carry out secret missions. Now they keep dying.

Fortunately, at this time, an extremely powerful force descended from the sky. With a bang, an endless holy light burst out. A large number of demons were turned into ashes. Several tall and strong figures rushed out from the holy light explosion.

Then the Spider Queen's angry roar came from afar:

"I will avenge you, my dear!"

"Illidan, you can't escape from my spider web!"

The only one that the Spider Queen Tyranna could call dear was the Spider King Volras. It seemed that Illidan took advantage of the opportunity created by the Holy Light Bullet attack on Tyranna and the others to kill this powerful Spider King.

Illidan mocked without hesitation: "I have extracted half of its soul. Even if it is resurrected, it may forget you.

If you have the guts, let’s duel.”

He kept on chattering, angering the Spider Queen, as he approached Maiev.

"Go, woman, and don't look back. The Keystone is ours."

At this time, the holy light began to dissipate. Maiev Shadowsong looked at the completely destroyed Fel Hammer. The combined power of the holy light and the bombs created countless corpses. She was impressed by the powerful strength of a true demigod, and admired Illidan's boldness and cruelty.

The Illidari around him were also hurt by the Holy Light, and some of them were burned black by the Holy Light, but no one complained. They just followed the team silently, killing the demons that caught up with them along the way.

Because of the death of the Spider King, Tyranna went crazy and hunted down the Illidari. Totalan Fordring killed Archimonde and transferred Kil'jaeden's blessing, and the Destruction Guard Legion here was sent to Azeroth.

There were many demons, and they all rushed over like crazy to take back the keystone. However, these guys had no unified leadership, and their combat effectiveness was uneven. In the end, it gave Illidan a chance.

The preset location was reached. Several watchers who were guarding here emerged from the shadows. They skillfully inserted six small crystals into the apex of the hexagram magic circle and then activated the magic circle.

This teleportation array can safely send them back to the Black Temple. There, Illidan will let them make a choice. Stay in Draenor or return to the world of Azeroth. After all, demon hunters use the power of fel energy. It is difficult for them to return to their original lives.

Not every Illidari is Alena Starseeker. She belongs to the Illidari and even more to Naxxramas. She and her sister are both members of the Hand of Taelan Fordring. One works for the Bronzebeard Expeditionary Team under the Jennah Apothecary Company. The other works in the Security Department of Naxxramas. She is the first demon hunter in the Alliance.

The rest will make their own choices in the Black Temple. Choose their own future path. Jace Darkweaver once said that having choices is happiness. Even if Archimonde and Kil'jaeden are dragged to Azeroth by the Grand Marshal, how many demons will they have to face? They may not be a big deal for the Grand Marshal with a powerful aura. But for the Illidari who are still mortals, they are still hard to resist.

The circle was activated, but Draenor was slow to respond.

Maiev Shadowsong decisively disappeared. She hid on the back of a hill. The portal was just across the hill. This was the most dangerous place, but also the safest place. The shadow of the mountain would strengthen her talent. Night elf women were blessed by the moon goddess Elune, and they could be strengthened by the shadow at night, which greatly improved their stealth ability.

Maiev Shadowsong is the best among them. She belongs to half Moonlight and half Shadow. Her Shadowmeld ability will be superimposed with the Rogue's Stealth ability when she is stationary. This is also the reason why she can follow Illidan into the Mistress's Lair.

She is indeed capable of killing any enemy below the level of a demigod in a one-on-one fight. And in the battles with orcs, demons, and ogres in Draenor, she saw too many of her fellow sisters and brothers die. She realized a special ability. She can transform her anger into a physical entity and let it fight for her.

She couldn't attack now, she was waiting for the portal to open. Those demons would definitely surround this place. The mountain that blocked her now would soon become a help for her escape. Her Blink and Shadow Dash were ready. Once she finished blinking, the mountain would help her block the flying Doom Guards. Their spell crippling posed the greatest threat to her.

The portal was still not opening, and Maiev suspected that Shahras had betrayed them.

But that was not the case. The one who betrayed was not Shahraz, but Cordana Felsong, who was left behind by Maiev Shadowsong to watch over Shahraz.

She is a Warden under Maiev Shadowsinger. She is mainly responsible for contacting Archmage Khadgar. Unfortunately, due to the appearance of Taelan Fordring, her mission ended early.

Archmage Khadgar refused to accept the orders of Taelan Fordring. He still wanted to cooperate with the Naaru who occupied Shattrath and unite all races including the orcs to fight against the Burning Legion.

So Maiev Shadowsong recalled Cordana Felsong and sent her to watch over the surrendered demon Shahlas. What she didn't know was that she encountered a disaster in her last action.

This star of disaster was the walking nightmare, the Dreadlord Jintessa. So it followed her all the time. Fortunately, she was on a mission outside at the time and did not return to the Black Temple. And Maiev wanted her to stay and watch over the restless demons and naga.

There was still a problem with the last letter. She was marked.

The underground cave of the Black Temple has become a battlefield. Jinteisa's goal is not to make Illidan's mission fail, she wants more of Illidan's men to die.

She knew that Tyran Fording and Illidan were both people who liked to prove themselves, and they would sacrifice a lot to achieve their goals, including their own lives. Especially Illidan, he had lost his loved ones, his relatives, and now his comrades, so his life was only about his career, and now his great cause had been completed.

Maybe he will choose to sacrifice himself and put a perfect end to his life.

He is useless when he is alive, but very useful when he is dead!
(End of this chapter)

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