Enter World of Warcraft with Dark Skills

Chapter 312 Illidan: This is a reliable brother

Chapter 312 Illidan: This is a reliable brother
Mardum was shrouded in fel flames and the smoke of explosives. Illidan and his Illidari, as well as some of the Watchers and the Spider Queen's demon army, were fighting desperately for the ownership of the Keystone.

The orcs of Draenor are hunting down and eliminating the demons left behind by Archimonde day and night.

In the Black Temple, the Naga, Illidari and some succubi, led by Shahras and Kurtulus Meteor, fought a desperate battle with a group of demons.

In Suramar, Archmage Elisande was also troubled by the Nightborne who were rebelling against her. Lady Jaina's aerial fortress Naxxramas was also constantly putting pressure on her. Not only did she give up support for the Broken Coast, she also allowed Brann Bronzebeard's expedition to dig wildly near Suramar. The sword would soon fall into his hands.

In the ruins of Aggramar's Treasury, Blackhorn and Hodor, with a group of elite Tauren warriors and paladins, continued to fight for ownership of the place with the demons led by Tichondrius. Both sides received support. Because of the help of the powerful aura, Tichondrius failed to gain an advantage and instead invested a large number of troops.

The most intense battle here was at the Broken Coast, where the main force of the Alliance launched a strong attack. Demons died here every minute and every second. The powerful aura increased the combat effectiveness of the Alliance warriors exponentially. But due to the geographical disadvantage, they also paid a price.

The situation did not improve until the Dwarven Treasure Guards landed with heavy weapons. The fel artillery positions were attacked by the Dwarven artillery units and the gnome remote-controlled drones.

Especially the drones, which made those powerful demon artillery suffer a lot. It can be said that they were fighting with their lives against the steel of the alliance.

For a moment, Kil'jaeden even thought of giving up the plan to devour the avatar of Sargeras. His plan was extremely risky because this action was not approved by Sargeras.

In fact, the Dark Titan had not responded to the Legion's call for a long time. It seemed that it had other plans. In order to resurrect the dead demon lord, the Burning Legion extracted a lot of the power of the Destroyer. This made the Destroyer wake up early.

Sargeras could have devoured the titan and restored his physical form. But it did not move. So Kil'jaeden thought that something was wrong with Sargeras. It might not come back for a long time. So it made a new plan, which was to devour the incarnation. Sargeras had promised victory to the eredar. He promised to let them understand the ultimate of the material universe.

Unfortunately, it failed to fulfill its promise, and the victory of the Burning Crusade is far away. The ultimate of the universe has always been unclear, and endless knowledge is nothing but the rage of the evil energy. This power makes them powerful but also tortured. The benefits of joining the Legion are endless expeditions, killing, and anger. Turning new worlds into seas of fire.

Poverty is not tragic, you can still fight for a happy life. Falling behind is not tragic, you can still study hard. The saddest thing is to lose the goal of life and live in the torment of killing, anger and evil energy all day long.

Fel energy allows its user to harm everyone, ignoring armor types and causing terrible damage to everyone. But the price of using it is endless killing, constantly taking away vitality and making people out of control.

Kil'jaeden deserved Sargeras's kindness, but he broke his promise. How many Eredar died? This time he paid his debt. It's just that the energy essence of Sargeras's avatar is too high. It is also accompanied by the voice of all things, just like Archimonde can't stand the whispers of the creatures of Azeroth. If you want to devour Sargeras's avatar, it must pass this test.

In addition to this bad news, it also has two good news. That is, in order to enter this Azeroth protected by a strange magic circle. Sargeras's incarnation has very little power, only slightly stronger than Kil'jaeden. The other good news is that Tyran Fording faces the same problem as it.

He stayed in Stormheim and never showed up. It was really the right time, right place, and right people.

Over tens of thousands of years, it had accumulated a large amount of evil power. But it had never been able to take that step. It could not cross the power level of a demigod. It could not reach the power level of someone it could not fight against. Even Archimonde, who was ahead of it in terms of power accumulation, could not take that step.

It thought that Sargeras must have deceived it and didn't tell it the true secret of becoming a god. In the endless battles, it obtained many secrets. And Archimonde devoured countless energy sources. But they couldn't take that step. Later, it heard a legend from the Nathrezim.

Only creatures who have mastered the relative force have divinity and can become gods!

It was very regretful for this, because it was originally a person who mastered the power of order. As long as it mastered the evil power, it would be considered mastering the relative force. Only in this way could it break free from the assimilation of the force and become a god.

It was Sargeras who deceived him. He made him give up the power of order. Now it is difficult for him to balance order and fel energy. Now, devouring the incarnation of Sargeras has become his last chance. He has reacted and tactically succeeded.

Its real body descended on Azeroth, and the Alliance's army was divided into two. Although they lost the help of Archimonde, they also kept Tyran Fordring in Draenor.

Although he was called back, he was injured! In this kind of high-end battle, the final battle is the victory of the highest combat power. The rest of the people can only influence the entire battle situation by affecting the highest combat power.

But strategically it lost because Archimonde died. They were effectively being mobilized by the enemy.

Fortunately, Tyran Fordring was now consuming that ugly holy light to heal his wounds. I started consuming it before it did. As long as I completed the transformation, I could defeat Tyran Fordring and devour the newborn Titan in the heart of Azeroth. But at that time, I could get rid of this flawed body and completely become a god.

What it fears most is that Tyran Fording has a deeper conspiracy behind him. Its weakness now is reinforcements. Tyran Fording has the support of local Titans and local forces, but it does not.

And it was not sure if there were any strange artifacts in this world that could harm its soul. It also had a hidden worry, but it would not think about it. Because countless years had passed, and no one had ever done that.

It has always been the Burning Legion that attacks other people's lairs, but no one wants to steal their lairs.

But all tactical conversions are indeed common means on the battlefield. Why can't they be used on you? When people get old, they have vision and judgment, and they are more stable, but they lose their drive and execution. This is inevitable. Nothing can be perfect.

Never does not mean never.

However, there were many troubles and the killing continued, but time passed by minute by minute, and several days passed in a flash. Kil'jaeden finally began to adapt to the invasion of endless whispers.

It began to wake up a little, and wisdom began to return to its already smart brain.

It discovered that the battlefield had changed, that is, the endless force of the legion was like a stream whose source had been cut off, and it could no longer supply the force.

It quickly shifted its attention from Taelan Fordring to the portal.

"These damn craftsmen, why don't they repair the fel cannon? Why are there so few demons coming out of the portal?

Is the life of the Legion too comfortable? Can't even locate the stars properly? "

When I think of positioning, I think of Marton. Positioning is the business of Matron Tyranna! It controls the lifeline of the Legion's teleportation. The Key to All Realms!
Until now, we haven't seen many Illidari on the Alliance's front lines. Illidan, who loves to show off and sell everything for power, has not yet reached the Broken Isles!

Where did it go? Archimonde was killed because his forces were limited. There weren't many elite soldiers. But isn't this a chance for Illidan to show off and prove himself?

This terrible thought came into its mind. Could it be that Illidan had raided Mardum? Could it be that he had stolen the Azerite Keystone? How could there be such a daring person? Even if Archimonde and I were not there, many troops there had been transferred away. But there were always troops passing by there. Wasn't it afraid of death?
After a life-and-death battle, the one-way portal finally opened. Evil Song was killed by Shahras's holy light. She finally got rid of the control of the dreadlord and was able to control her own body. The endless war made her fragile spirit have no peace for a moment.

The Watchers, an ancient organization of the Night Elves, were born after the invasion of the Burning Legion. In order to hunt down the dark creatures that invaded the world of Azeroth, some priestesses gave up their priesthood and mastered the power of the shadow.

They practiced both magic and martial arts, using shadow magic to hide themselves and using shadow moon blades to kill enemies in close combat. They gave up the gorgeous and thin priest armor and put on full-body leather armor.

Maiev Shadowsong has always been their leader. Until Taelan Fordring formed a new alliance. Maiev undertook the task of helping Illidan occupy Outland and destroy the Burning Legion. She sent her sister Sira Moonwarden to help Taelan Fordring build a new Watcher Fortress.

They and the high elves' lawbreakers formed an intelligence agency that was both external and internal. They began to live up to their name and became the true watchers of the alliance.

They watch for the dawn and the future of the Alliance. However, the missions they are responsible for are often as dangerous as those of Lillian Voss's secret service. And they are all women. In order to protect these female warriors, they, like the tree elves led by Lunala, all gave up leather armor and replaced it with light and enchanted metal armor. At that time, they did not understand it, thinking that this was the embodiment of male aesthetics, the pursuit of a sense of security in bulky and heavy things.

Because Tyran Fordring also equipped the mage army with armor. It was not until this long war with the Burning Legion that they realized that these heavy armors designed by the dwarves were more effective than beautiful.

The portal opened, and so did the door to the Dark Temple.

Illidan unceremoniously told Maiev Shadowsong to go first, as that place might not be a safe place. She was the best choice as she could fight and run.

Before the demons could surround her, the Watcher flashed over the hilltop, then rushed into the dead woods on the mountain with several consecutive charges. This time she did not hesitate, and did not even look at Sana, her closest subordinate and old friend.

The keystone can bring long-term peace and tranquility to the alliance. Their descendants will not be threatened by demon invasion every day. For this, they would rather sacrifice their lives. No one is more important than this broken stone.

The demons behind her had gone mad, and some even rushed down the steep hillside. They were smashed into pieces, and some of the huge demons were blocked by the hard dead trees. They even began to gnaw at the unknown hard wood with their claws and mouths.

Illidan narrowed his eyes and saw Maiev approaching the portal. He immediately activated his eye shock and smashed several footholds behind Maiev. Maiev didn't bother with him and rushed into the portal with a shadow raid.

The watchers behind him and some of the Illidari followed in immediately. They had to protect the keystone in the woman's hand.

Soon, only Kayn Sunfury and Ori Tuss were left, both trusted apprentices of Illidan.

Illidan roared, "Illidari, retreat. All of you!"

Kane Sun said angrily: "Lord Illidan, please go, I will finish it, wait a moment. My demon transformation is not over yet. If Sana can't kill the demon and escape. I will destroy the portal.

This passage to Draenor must not be left untouched. The Dark Portal there is a scourge that leads all the way to our world."

Illidan glanced at his lieutenant and said, "Boy! You are not qualified. This is my destiny. All my tasks have been completed.

My loved ones are gone, and my friends are mostly dead. Now I have completed an epic expedition and achieved unprecedented feats. No more biased people mention me.

Illidan Stormrage has done many wrong things, but he is the destroyer of the Burning Legion. He doesn't owe anyone anything."

“I’m not that noble, but I’ve proven myself that I’m better than them all.

You have much work to do, there are many demons in Azeroth, and your hunt has just begun.

And I have completed the hunt."

At this moment, a large number of demons attacked again. Olitus launched a double-edged attack, killing a hellhound in the front. Then he used an eye to repel the remaining demons and walked into the portal.

Kane Sunfury stopped arguing. He knew that his teacher had always been very conceited. In pursuit of power and great achievements, he would never listen to others. This time he finally defeated his brother. Even the Grand Marshal would recognize him. After years of enduring humiliation, he finally succeeded. He was also tired.

He saluted Illidan and entered the portal. The green sky of Mardum disappeared before his eyes. This nightmare was finally over. All that remained was to recover the Azerite crystal and destroy the portal.

Suddenly, a slender woman was thrown in. It was Maiev's lieutenant, Sana. She finally killed her opponent, an eredar warlock, and then jumped down from the cliff.

Illidan grabbed her by the collar and threw her into the portal.

Tyranna looked at Illidan who had destroyed the portal:

"Illidan, traitor. Your end has come. I never thought that at your age, you would be so naive as to actually cover the retreat for your subordinates.

Now the portal is closed and you can't leave. Die!"

"Come on, even if I die in this void, I want you demons to be buried with me!"

Illidan ignored the pain from overdrawing his body. He once again used all his strength and rushed towards Tyranna!
Even if I can't live, I'll take you with me. One less trouble is one less.

"I'll give you a chance to kill me alone!"

A frantic fight between the two men began, and they even began to trade injuries.

As expected, Tyranna was no match for Illidan. She decided not to use martial ethics. There was no morality to talk about with demons. A group of demons rushed forward and surrounded Illidan. However, Illidan was an expert in group fights.

He knew that he couldn't think about all the enemies at this time, and the most cost-effective thing was to catch one and beat him to death.

Tyranna was just the right person. Illidan's back was completely sold to a Destruction Guard. His eye shot hit Tyranna, and the Spider Queen was injured.

It's time to kill her. Double jump, plus Demonic Avatar! The continuous charge makes it impossible for Tyranna to hide. As long as Illidan, who uses Demonic Avatar, falls from a high place, he will use the Warglaive of Azzinoth to cut her throat.

Tyranna was also a ruthless person. If I die, you can't escape. She yelled at her subordinates to kill Illidan while she struggled with all her might.

The demon incarnation hit the ground heavily, and the surrounding demons were all shaken by the fel energy shock. Illidan used his war blade to cut Tyranna's throat without hesitation.

The demons that had recovered from the attack also attacked Illidan's back.

Seeing that both men were about to die, an ornament on Illidan's neck suddenly emitted an arcane light, enveloping him, and he began to become illusory.

'Azerite Recall!'

"These days, there are very few reliable brothers. I happen to have one.

Tailana, I'll kill you next time!"

(End of this chapter)

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